Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Michael Jackson and the Jackson Family Revolutionary Network

They Don't Care About US - Prison Version - Click here for this week’s top video clips

Michael had a unique place in life's framework. He was spurred to perfection by an obsessive Father that was sick and tired of poverty. He was quilty as hell of abuse, but, in 'the day' oppression and racial prejudice 'cast' the Black Community at the bottom of the American achievement ladder.

At a tender age, Michael, learned and then inspired his younger siblings that 'talent' was a valuable place in life. Michael 'earned' a magnificent living, as did his family. They provided a 'platform' across the spectrum of 'topics' as well as 'entertainment' and 'enjoyment.'

Michael commanded the use of dance in a novel methodology that imparted to everyone to become part of the 'fun.' Within that talent he also commanded an image that 'peaked' interest to the end of achieving social enlightenment, liberation and justice.

The same became true of Janet. These magnificent entertainers had the backing of a family that understood 'the business' and the community. If one looks at the rise of Michael and Janet, it was on the coattails of other Black entertainers, such as Diana Ross. The Jackson Family are a beautiful example of 'community' that is not replicated anywhere on Earth.

They were as much revolutionaries as the crowds they commanded.

Michael will be missed and his genius gone forever.

What do all these people have in common besides being Republicans?

They are angry.

They are hateful.

They are self-righteous.

They are judgemental.

They are ALL angry with the media as an easy target for their frustration.

They can't control their wealth anymore.

They don't want to pay more in taxes and they want their power back WITHOUT question.

In the case of Hannity, he simply lies where it is convenient so he can maintain his point of view.

In the case of Palin, she cries where she has to pay legal bills that her PAC won't cover.

In the case of King, "What is this guy doing in office?" He analogizes a Pop Singer to the military. It has no validity. King actually goes further and states (with his forked tongue) that 'he believes in American values (where they suit his political purpose), but, invalidates 'The Rule of Law' when it doesn't serve his purpose.

They are hypocrits, plain and simple.

Sarah Palin

Sean Hannity