Thursday, September 17, 2020

COVID-19 is taking a toll on families.

Speaker Pelosi is right the PEOPLE are hurting in ways not imagined or addressed. I just finished a conversation online with a man who’s sister died from COVID-19. His sister left behind three young children. He said he was an emotional basket case for the past three months. The family she left behind needed financial help and he took a loan out for $30,000 so they could all “be okay,” as he put it.

The man was not a stranger to me.

He said he has never hurt so bad in his life, especially for the children she left behind. 

We are losing a minimum of 1000 Americans a day. The human tragedy goes beyond the number of deaths. The American tragedy is only beginning when realizing the profound loss and financial burden being realized by over 1000 families a day. 

This has to stop for this country. NOW!

This is a national temporary injunction.

September 17, 2020
By Karen Freifeld

A federal judge on Thursday (click here) blocked controversial changes to the United States postal service, saying they were “a politically motivated attack” that had slowed the nation’s mail and likely would slow the delivery of ballots in the upcoming presidential election....

...“The states have demonstrated that the defendants are involved in a politically motivated attack on the efficiency of the postal service,” the judge said after about 2 1/2 hours of arguments that Reuters heard by phone.

“They have also demonstrated that this attack on the postal service is likely to irreparably harm the states’ ability to administer the 2020 general election.”...

I was very interested in the words of the judge. IRREPARABLY stood out. This is an administration that is ruthless and lawless. If that is true of the US Post Office, what does every American think is going on out of the view of the public? 

Inspector Generals are vital to providing a view of the Trump administration and their lawlessness.

This is a clear demonstration of the LAWLESSNESS that Trump endorses. 

Irreparably harmed is what the Trump White House is handing the American people. They do not care about the country, it's people, or most importantly the US Constitution. 

Realizing how lawless this administration has conducted itself, WHO IS THE WATCHDOG TO BE SURE THE USPS IS COMPLYING WITH THIS RULING?

Trump, Bill Barr, and the US Post Master General IGNORE everything and continue to proceed with their lawlessness. The dumping reported in entries online clearly indicates there is nothing they would not do to maintain control of the Executive Branch of the USA government.

DeJoy must instruct the US Postal Service to immediately repair the damage he did. Does anyone have confidence that the lawlessness will stop? 

The state's victory is going to be treated as words on paper. Their work is not over. Where are the reassurances?

Another one.

How many are we up to now? 20. 25. More? Were there more for Harvey Weinstein? Couldn't be much more. The women need to ask New York to prosecute him no different than Harvey Weinstein. No different than Bill Cosby. This behavior with Amy Dorris is EXACTLY the same behavior as with E. Jean Carroll. Exactly the same.

Ms. Dorris states, ..."allegedly “shoved his tongue down my throat” outside the bathroom in his VIP box at the tennis tournament, Dorris alleged to The Guardian, “and his hands were very gropey and all over my butt, my breasts, my back, everything.”

“I was in his grip, and I couldn’t get out of it,” Dorris alleged, saying she “was pushing him off” and told him, “no, please stop,” but “he didn’t care.”...

Exactly, the same assault. The only difference was that Trump's penis made it's way into the vagina of Ms. Carroll. It was actually rape. None of Trump's accusers know each other.

The presidency cannot shield him from that prosecution.

September 17, 2020
By Alison Durkee

Donald Trump and Ivana Trump watch tennis at the US Open in September 1997 in New York City. 

Former model Amy Dorris (click here) alleged that President Donald Trump sexually assaulted her at the U.S. Open in September 1997, she told The Guardian in an interview, becoming the latest in a string of women to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct....

Amy Dorris, left, pictured at the US Open with Donald Trump in 1997

The truth demands "Elle" return Ms. Carroll back to her employ. Elle is allowing a brutally privileged criminal get away with it. 

February 19, 2020
By Neil Vigdor and Ed Shanahan

E. Jean Carroll, (click here) the longtime Elle magazine advice columnist who last year accused Donald J. Trump of raping her before he was elected president, said on Tuesday that she was fired by the publication because of Mr. Trump’s repeated insults against her.

Ms. Carroll, the author of the “Ask E. Jean” column, announced her departure from the magazine on Twitter and blamed it on Mr. Trump, who she said had sexually assaulted her in a dressing room at an upscale New York department store more than 20 years ago.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly denied Ms. Carroll’s accusation.

“Because Trump ridiculed my reputation, laughed at my looks, & dragged me through the mud, after 26 years, ELLE fired me,” Ms. Carroll wrote on Twitter. “I don’t blame Elle. It was the great honor of my life writing ‘Ask E. Jean.’”

Ms. Carroll sued Mr. Trump for defamation in New York State Court in November, saying that Mr. Trump had damaged her reputation and her career when he denied her allegation last June and called her a liar....

Women are quite used to the power of male privilege. Boycott "Elle" magazine until Ms. Carroll is returned to her employment. That is if she wants it.

It is time to put all the sexual assaults of Donald John Trump on a paper called a subpoena to trial. There are many women that have come forward no different than Cosby or Weinstein. This needs to be done and it needs to start now.

Do not allow young people attend Spring Break or any other vacation in Florida!

September 17, 2020
By Marc Freeman

Florida reported Thursday (click here) that another 3,255 people have tested positive for COVID-19, and the state also confirmed another 147 deaths linked to the disease.

The overall coronavirus pandemic totals for the state are 13,247 deaths, including 161 nonresidents, and at least 674,456 cases.

Dr. Redfield is absolutely correct and Donald John Trump is flat out wrong and spewing propaganda.

Donald John Trump DOES NOT HAVE CONTROL of the approval of vaccines, nor the mass distribution.

The FDA is only one agency in a sea of government agencies and private companies that filter information to find the absolute best practices in regard to discovery, producing vaccines for public protections, and finally distribution to administer the vaccine to the public.

AstraZeneca recently placed their vaccine testing on hold only to open up the research again. That is not uncommon, but, that testing is not occurring in the USA. The vaccine trials for AstraZeneca are taking place in the United Kingdom. The USA has absolutely no control over that development. Trump cannot speak to ANY vaccine process from research to distribution except for the few trials in the USA currently under process.

Additionally, the information about AstraZeneca's vaccine trial came from the actual company. It didn't come from Trump or any other entity in the USA. That is a profound deficit in the knowledge Trump has about vaccines. I am fairly certain that communication deficit exists with USA companies as well.

To be clear, research on vaccines is not a quick fix. The research first has to develop a STABLE vaccine. It then has to advance the vaccine through trials. Even if the trials turn out well, there is a question about the quality of the vaccine in mass production. There are also questions about STABLE vaccine distribution and maintaining refrigeration if needed. Some of the new techniques with this vaccine development at work have no sincere record to follow to be sure there are SECURE AND SAFE ways to mass-produce and distribute.


Dr. Redfield's ESTIMATION of the availability of the vaccine reflects a man well prepared to talk to the topic and is connected to the international community to know the latest news. 

Donald John Trump wrongfully is removing the USA from being a member of the WHO. Donald John Trump is endangering American lives by doing so, because, the rest of the world is where the development from research to distribution is happening.

Every American should be grateful for Dr. Redfield and the CDC. It is reassuring to hear Dr. Redfield speak the truth and not the "Propaganda of Trump and the Trump Crisis."

Center for the Science in the Public Interest - Covid-19 e-page (click here)

Some of the vaccines under development (click here) use vaccine models that are not yet approved for human use. Development can start quickly in the initial phase, but new challenges can arise that delay development.

Documenting the safety and efficacy of a new candidate vaccine through human testing is imperative for a vaccine intended for the entire population. The benefit of vaccination should outweigh any potential risk of side effects. For some infections, antibodies produced after vaccination may exacerbate the disease when the vaccinated person is exposed to those infections. This will be closely monitored during testing of the candidate vaccines. It is crucial to show that this risk is not present in the vaccines selected for full development...

...WHO currently estimates that the vaccine production for extensive use can begin at the earliest in 12-18 months, i.e. in autumn 2021. After this, there must be strict prioritization. Prioritized groups are likely to be healthcare personnel and defined risk groups, but consideration will be given based on the status of the outbreak and which geographical areas need the vaccine most at the time.

Norway is in negotiations to participate in a procurement collaboration within the EU to ensure the possibility of buying vaccine doses for the Norwegian population. Meanwhile, Norway is also working to ensure the fair distribution of available vaccine doses to low- and middle-income countries.