Wednesday, October 13, 2021

This video is by "Carbon Brief."

What reason does the rest of the world have to end the climate crisis? Other countries look at their greenhouse gas history and current contributions in comparison to the USA and wonder what is their outcome if the USA does not do it's part?

The United States of America MUST lead in alternative energies (not carbon based so called green energy such as natural gas) and the car industry MUST go electric, without exception!

The ONLY role for coal anywhere in the world is in making diamonds. Coal under pressure that produces diamonds are natural diamonds. Close the lousy mines in South Africa that go down miles in the planet. Build diamond plants there instead. Import coal from every country that has it and make diamonds. Honestly.

Do you know what really is astounding to me? The mechanism to pull CO2 out of the air, is made in Iceland. Excuse me? There is no excuse anymore.

I have to figure out how to put a video on YouTube. Is shows miles and miles and miles of the greenhouse effect. It is definitely here. I took that video a month or so ago. What I observed today has me extremely worried. I watched sections clouds evaporate right before my eyes. Water vapor leaving stratus clouds to higher elevations. After the clouds evaporate, the water vapor heads to the stratosphere. I already discussed what happens when the stratosphere and the troposphere have no reason to be two different atmospheres. They homogenize and there is no more Earth that is inhabitable. 



This is the violence in the USA today. Every survivor of shootings in the USA receives the support of those that care.

The deaths are always felt in this country, but, good is that? We lose people everyday that should still be here. And elected legislators find ways to justify their glance in the opposite direction. When will this stop? Never? And why? Because of profits.

October 13, 2021

By Paige Fry, Tatyana Turner, Tracy Swartz and Stephanie Casanova

She’s a fan of TikTok. (click here) She loves to dance. She is shy and petite and her 15th birthday is coming up next week, according to relatives.

“She” is the 14-year-old girl who was shot outside Phillips Academy High School on Tuesday. The girl’s grandmother, Johneece Cobb, said the family is not comfortable releasing the teen’s name because she is a juvenile."

Wednesday morning as the high school freshman was in an intensive care unit, recovering from two gunshot wounds, her family and about 25 others gathered in front of St. Sabina Church on the South Side to hear an update on the teen’s recovery.

“She made it through surgery last night,” Cobb said. “She’s stabilized, she’s going to make a full recovery and there was no severe damage to her organs.”...

This happens in that region of the world once in a while.

My sincerest sympathies to the Norwegian people. I know the country must be in shock. The number of people killed in violence happens everyday in the USA and by gun usually.

October 12, 2021
By Henrik Pryser Libell

Kongsberg is a beautiful town. They don't deserve this trauma.

Oslo - A man armed with a bow and arrow (click here) went on a rampage in a Norwegian town outside Oslo on Wednesday, killing five people and wounding two others, the authorities said.

The attack took place in Kongsberg, a town of 26,000 people about 50 miles southwest of Oslo. A suspect was reported to be in custody.

“The information we now have, this person carried out these actions alone,” the police chief, Oyvind Aas, told reporters.

The attack began shortly after 6 p.m., when the assailant began making his way through the center of the town. Residents were urged to seek shelter inside. A half-hour later, a suspect was in custody, the police said....

The one trillion climate bill must be passed. That is not an option. The USA has among the greatest HISTORY of greenhouse gases in the troposphere and it has NO POLICY that matters to end the pollution.

There is no choice in this. 


We MUST do this now after decades of neglect. The emergency is dire and real. President Biden has the right idea to bring wind power online offshore ASAP. It has to be done.

Scotland is 100 percent wind power and the country loves it. Scotland has been 100 percent wind for quite some time now.

The Democrats don't package it right.

The Democrats have never learned "the trick" to win over more supporters, not Republicans.

Obama had the right idea when he was packaging money to spend. He would invite the banks in for a conference and then write the Democratic Congress and ask for a "Infrastructure Bank." I know Goldman signed on for it. In other words PRIVATIZE the desired amounts of money needed to bring improvements to the Middle Class and lots of people will come rushing to the Dems side and the Republicans will lose support for their opposition.

There are more and more private social agencies that oversee spending and oversee Foster Care. The Child Tax Credit is a direct threat to the Foster Care agencies because impoverishment is a big issue for taking children away from their parents. Substance abuse is as well, but, Foster Care somewhat thrives on taking the children from the poor and placing them with Upper Middle Class and Middle Class parentless children, perferably Chrisitans.

So, rather than doing a $3.5 trillion soical and environment package, look to see what can be privatized and assign enough of the monies to draw those folks away from the Republicans and into the Democratic camp.


So, raising children out of poverty is a good thing, but, what is going to happen to the privatized Foster Care agencies? There has to be either a role for them that is different and perhaps limiting and/or they have to be assigned unemployment EXCEPT to create a different need for their services other than riping kids out of the arms of their parents.

There is a Yin and Yang to everything. The Dems have to find a way to strike a balance with their traditional priorities.\

Repubicans like Public-Private cooporations. They thrive on it. They like throwing money at private concerns. I think that can always have oversight as another public agency to be sure the monies are being used as they were designed. That was Obama's goal with the infrastructure bank. The public monies for infrastructure would be met equally with private funds to be paid with GUARANTEED payment. Right? The government fills in for lending that goes sour. But, when dealing with cities and states, there isn't really that much risk.

October 12, 2021

Washington - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (click here) could have been speaking for the majority of Democrats in Washington when she said on Tuesday that she was “very disappointed” that President Biden’s domestic agenda will have to be pared down because of opposition from Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.

“If there are fewer dollars to spend, there are choices to be made,” Pelosi said during her weekly press conference at the U.S. Capitol. She promised that the final package would be “transformative” all the same, whatever that package ultimately looks like. The two Senate centrists have said that the president’s proposal to spend $3.5 trillion over 10 years on expanding childcare, health coverage and environmental protections is much too expensive to win their necessary support....