Monday, August 28, 2017

Harvey is actually in a marginally cooler climate than the Arctic Ocean right now.

Fig. 1.3. Geopotential height (850 mb) (click here) from January-March 2016. The normally continuous tropospheric polar vortex of low heights (purple shading) over the central Arctic was split in two parts in winter 2016, giving rise to southerly winds and extreme record temperatures over the central Arctic.

Kindly note while there were frigid winters of 2016 in the lower latitudes, there were areas that were matching the temperatures in the Arctic Ocean at the same time. There is no movement of heat transfer to the Arctic because there is no physics to take it there.

The red line in the graph to the right is the global temperature. The blue line is the temperature of the Arctic Ocean between 60N latitude and 90N latitude. There is every reason to believe the temperatures, especially the summer. are becoming homogenous.

Harvey is taking on heat, dissipating it throughout its water vapor system and siphoning water vapor off the ITCZ to maintain its velocity. 

The Climate Crisis should have a petroleum industry tax for emergencies globally.

I don't know why the American people have to bailout Texas. The petroleum industry and it's billionaires should be setting up a Texas Trust Fund as I write this.

There is not a major oil company without offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and use the refineries along the Gulf coast. Time to "Ante Up."

They can start with a $20 billion fund!

Patrick S. Tomlinson on Twitter (click here)
Katrina was called a 100 yr Storm.
Sandy was called a 100 yr Storm. Now Harvey is a 500 yr Storm. They were all in the last twelve years.

People get it. However, they are also victims of the petroleum industry when a country's economy is based on capitalism. There needs to be a huge paradigm change. Now. It can start with public transportation. The car industry needs to get electric as soon as possible in a much bigger push.

That dependency on the petroleum industry is all part of a picture that defeats humanity. God doesn't exist in an oil refinery no matter how much anyone prays.

These huge shifts in power require government. It is why Trump's politics focuses on the Obama presidency as well as his base of White Supremacists. But, President Obama pushed the USA into clean alternatives for eight years.

Humanity cannot fall back into the status quo no matter how easy it is. Currently, there is an assault on the Amazon by a President that saw the impeachment of President Delma Roussef. President Michel Temer is feeding his cronies. Roussef backed the efforts to fight the Climate Change. There are power players everywhere trying to return to old paradigms. People have to resist and push back.

The water vapor footprint of Harvey reaches into Michigan.

August 28, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of north and west hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

Below is a picture from a friend who drives a big truck. This picture occurred about the time of the satellite picture to the left. It is fog. Dense fog. Kindly note there is a rear view mirror to illustrate the size of this fog event. It is gigantic. He is so very smart about climate. Cool guy.

The picture is along Interstate 99 in Port Matilda, Pennsylvania. This occurred because of the water vapor distribution from Harvey.

Everything along the path of the Harvey water vapor is getting a big drink of water.

Kindly note the high pressure off California. It is pushing against Harvey as well. That means Harvey is getting plenty of dry air, but, simply continues to reinfuse itself.

Drivers need to be good at what they do. Traffic and people problems where such climate events occur.

Governor's need to pay attention to their states and current climate. It is causing problems.

RT is live streaming (click here) The audio picks up the rain falling.

North Korea's Un has new propaganda. He is stating he will bury the USA underwater if the threat continues.

FOX has had an epiphany in a title that states, "Nuclear tests in North Korea do not mean there will be war." AMAZING. FOX News is removing fear from their news media. They must be involved in a 12 step program.

There was a time in the USA when such events would require resignations and ridicule. Ever since "W"s presidency and the political discovery of 'Quality Improvement Standards' the country has not been the same. Today, the only politicians that are ostracized are those that get caught with their pants down and are Democrats OR is a woman with initials HC.

This is what is going on. It was the best method for the people at the point they were caught in a dynamic they never knew was coming. Everyone is a hero.

...Fortunately, both he and his wife work...on the second year of a 2 year stint....All the people he knows there have lost so much and that's who we are all praying for. My son saved a few elderly womens lives...Thanks again for thinking of us.

This is pure stupidity. The Gulf receives some of the worst storms in history.

Emergency crude oil (click here) is stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in salt caverns. Created deep within the massive salt deposits that underlie most of the Texas and Louisiana coastline, the caverns offer the best security and are the most affordable means of storage, costing up to 10 times less than aboveground tanks and 20 times less than hard rock mines

Storage locations along the Gulf Coast were selected because they provide the most flexible means for connecting to the Nation's commercial oil transport network....
Recovering the dead in Texas and very possibly Louisiana is going to be difficult because of the length of time the bodies will be decomposing. There is also the issue of sediment and mud. If covered in mud they might be intact. At least their bones. But, there is no guarantee there will be recovery. List the missing and eliminate the possibility of deaths of citizens.

The land after 911 in Lower Manhattan was consecrated because of the diffuse nature of the crime. Given the religious nature of Texans local ministers, priests, imams and the like need to consider consecrating lands if the dead are irretrievable.
Donald Trump was NEGOTIATING with Russia for a tower in Moscow before, during and after President Obama instituted sanctions. He broke the law. What is he doing in the White House after being helped by Russia?

I think impeachment includes misdemeanors as well.

July 2017, CO2 level 407.25 ppm.

I am sure "W" is at the ranch by now.

I checked on Harvey yesterday evening and became optimistic the central pressure was 1000 millibars. The optimism has changed today.

29.00 -97.40 08/27/12Z 35 1000 TROPICAL STORM
29.00 -97.00 08/27/18Z 35 1000 TROPICAL STORM
28.80 -96.60 08/28/00Z 35 1000 TROPICAL STORM
28.60 -96.30 08/28/06Z 35 998 TROPICAL STORM

The central pressure has dropped again. It sounds very callous to me to be mentioning the reality of the situation, but, people need to have realistic expectations; this picture is complicated by sea level rise as well.

This is a snapshot on Harvey's permanent record page.

August 28, 2017
UNISYS Enhanced Infrared Satellite - reduced view of storm.

It is a tropical storm with a tail. That tail is a developed water vapor source.

The word "unemployment" comes to mind. People have to begin to recover their incomes at this point.

August 28, 2017
UNISYS Southeast Infrared Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

In the 12 hour loop it is easily noted the reinfusion of water vapor by the "Harvey" system.

What is happening in Louisiana?

Officials need to start encouraging people displaced to think about the immediate future and their income and potential for applying for help. I am assuming FEMA is there, but, there are no homes to assess right now. Texas needs to set up temporary offices for applying for unemployment and food stamps. People are in shock and are just waiting to go home. This is looking like profound infrastructure loss and people need to mobilize their thoughts about a self-sustaining immediate future. There is no chance for temporary second mortgages. 

August 28, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

In the twelve hour loop it is easy to see how the Harvey system extends what seems like 'a straw' to sip through. This is the Gulf of Mexico. The water is hot, the troposphere is hot and Earth is generally hot. This event needs to be documented and discussed in a summit. This is a planet that is very broken.

There is no guarantee this won't occur again. (click here)

Republicans won't care about this fact. They won't learn a thing. Right now they are trying to figure the amount of money they can get out of FEMA and the federal government to work it to their advantage. Ya know. New homes and all kinds of improvements in infrastructure. To a Republican every catastrophe is an opportunity. I am not sure the dead will actually be found either. Disgusting, isn't it? There is only here and now for Republicans. No past, no future. It shows, doesn't it? No regard for human life or the values of average citizens. Everyone will be forgiven by the people because of the extent of the storm's rage. It is a losing battle to try to wake these folks up. Hey, "Texans are tough." I can see the propaganda now, "W" standing at the Houston home driveway saying, "I have to begin somewhere." Great leadership. Great, great leadership. Trump will be chanting, "Build a wall. Build a sea wall." No joke.