This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Republicans - The Party of Defiance
A good example of the way Republicans turn away from their Legislative responsiblities was illustrated on the Senate floor yesterday but someone that stated he was representing the citizens of Utah.
Not really.
I believe it was Senator Bennett from Utah that stood on the floor of the Senate and made complete example to his defiance of his oath of office.
He did nothing constructive to move the debate forward and to vote on amendments, he simply displayed opinions of constituencies and cronies. The representation of the constituencies were limited to those that one would find listening to Extremist media and support Republican rhetoric.
The Democrats need to be very careful to the kind of 'populous' pressure they are allowing to change the face of reform in health care in this country. It is not appreciated, especially in the face of the fact, the House Bill was so well researched and contemplated and well written.
It is established passage of the House Bill and I would think long and hard before breaching that standard. The House Bill is legislatively sound where it comes to Constitutional values and procedure.
The political speech of the Utah person went like this:
He talked about a forum, a cyber form he held whereby most everyone that participated in the forum was against the health care reform. Here again, this is garnered opinion based on media that have been 'at work' with lies and bashing tactics that never reflect the benefits of reform. So, the populous opinions are so warped by faux media influence there is nearly no validity to it.
However, setting that aside, the choice of this Senator's loyalty is to populous opinion and not the hard facts.
He stated one man wrote to him saying he was leaving AARP because of their support of Health Care Reform. Well, I joined AARP and have subscribed to their insurances since they supported the Health Care Reform. So there. But, the Senator sided with this man and chose to be 'Anti-AARP.' So he was chosing to represent one man's opinion in the face of the facts before him. He did not at all try to reason with this man or state he could not respect his opinion for the dire need in reform needed in this country. He did not state facts, figures or opinions from AARP that would support his position. He decided to be a populous and be loyal to one man's opinion that wrote him.
He then talked about a business in Utah. He stated someone in the company notified him that if Health Care Reform was to pass in the USA they would move their business to another country. They stated to him they were in the USA for patriotic values. That threw up all kinds of warning signs to me, because, Bush legislated 're-patriation' legislation that gave advantages to businesses to come back to the USA and I could not help but wonder if this was one of those businesses and if they weren't just biding their time until they could move out of the USA after their tax advantages and incentives ran out.
But, that said, this business representative told him they did not have the best profit margin they could have because they were in the USA and they would leave if Health Care Reform were legislated. Well, he never attempted to defend the idea of health care reform. He never stated that the profit margin would be effected more if they didn't pass the legislation as the price of the insurance would go even higher and he never stated this business even offered health care to it employees. He simply spoke about the rhetorical end of the conversation and decided he would side with the company.
So, basically, at least one man and one company have federal representation in DC on the Senate floor.
He continued to talk about an MD that called him. Well, right there is a contributor to his campaigns in the MD and the business so where do you think that loyalty is going. The MD is usually considered a small business and he didn't want the health care reform. He thought things were going just fine for now although he thought Medicare and Medicaid has really lousy reimbursement.
So, now the Senator had a man, a small business and a business of some size he represented on the floor of the Senate. I wasn't impressed.
The Democrats are moving this country forward, not backward or allowing it to stangnat in fear of populous opinion. They were burdened in 2008 when a Democratic President took over the Executive Branch with a huge federal deficit caused by the collapse of Bush's economy, but there was a huge deficit before that collapse. They were burdened with two wars, one completely illegal. They were burdened with a negative image on a global scale of the USA for the wrongful war in Iraq. They were burdened with two more countries that are basically unstable and dangerous, one that now demonstrates they have nuclear capacity and one on the brink of it. All that and the promise of change in the USA. Oh, don't let me forget the increasing unemployment rate.
These realities, except for the promise of change, are a direct result of Republican priorities and methodologies that align them falsely with populous and chronically wavering support for one topic or another to steer Republican actions in the federal government. There was little solid basis for the actions of the Bush and Cheney years, but, the Republicans in office went along with it all and forced others to 'see it their way.' The British are currently acting to compile the proof of that reality and hopefully they will take that before the World Courts. Oh, that was one other topic I wanted to address from the House Intelligence Committee.
If I may while I'm thinking about it. There is something about three Navy Seals that acted heroically in Afghanistan when a group of soldiers were on their way to kill or capture an alQaeda member. The story goes like this.
According to a surviving soldier, the only one that did survive the surprise attack by the Taliban, the unit was on their way to a known location of an al Qaeda member that was later killed by helicopter attack with the efforts that included the Navy Seals. But, according to the surviving soldier, the unit was discovered by three Afghan civilians. A family. Man, woman and child. Their directive under General McCrystal, and I think this occurred only shortly or maybe even before he took command, was to not cause issues with Afghan civilians.
The soldiers did not kill those civilians. What occurred was the civilians returned to their village and alerted the Taliban to their impending approach and the Taliban sent 200 armed men to kill the USA soldiers. They did all but for one man that lived to tell the story and alert the base to the actions of the Taliban. A helicopter was sent and in the helicopter were three Navy Seals that carried out the mission and killed the al Qaeda member.
The issue is that the three Navy Seals are now up on charges because the al Qaeda member was a community leader as well and that is in contradiction of International Human Rights Laws somewhere that the USA does not currently subscribe to but is considering under this version of Secretary Gates.
The world body is called the ICC, the International Criminal Court. The intention of the regulations of this particular dynamic is to prevent 'freely elected' officials from being assassinated by any military action.
Oops, I have go. I favor the Navy Seals, there are extensive problems here and I will finish this entry, but, I have another responsibility at this point.
To finish this entry.
The Navy Seals were not aware of any regulations that would effect their role in this circumstance and perhaps even if they did they would have carried out the mission anyway. So, they are now compromised and undergoing legal proceedings with JAG corp I believe, when their valuable services are needed back in Afghanistan.
This is being held up as an example of why General McCrystal's assessment is incorrect. I disagree. I am not simply reacting to his Rock Star status, I do disagree and I want to continue this discussion.
The ONLY thing is episode in the American/NATO experience proves is that the Bush/Cheney abandonment of Afghanistan resulted in the absolute spread of al Qaeda to the hierarchy of authority that has ambition and overwhelms the citizens of Afghanistan to fight back against them. That is all it proves. It proves NOTHING about a new administration in the White House or the General that is currently addressing this effort. It is this compromised position that resulted from extremely bad leadership in the Executive Branch of the USA that will cause these kind of issues that SHOULD NOT in any way reflect on Stanley McCrystal's military record. He didn't allow the advance of the Taliban and al Qaeda, but, he sure has it now.
These events should also not reflect on the military records of the Navy Seals either and I am going to tell you why. The ICC also needs to pay attention and we should go forward in going the ICC with the knowledge we have a President that spoke to the Nobel organization about exactly these issues. If you believe in a god and one that wants peace on earth, you might be counting your blessings right now for President Obama and his Nobel award right now. I think President Obama is going to have to work with his legal staff at the Pentagon to structure a motion to the ICC to set precedent to war against authorities that oppression their population through terror and murder while compromising the national security of free nations.
To begin with, Bush and Cheney and their administration need to be impeached and this is a matter of setting the record straight and not politics. This country was used for its power in an oil war in Iraq and that is validated by Cheney's conflict of interest with Halliburton which profited royally immediately upon entering Iraq. There is no way the War of September 11th should have been abandoned, it completely compromised the government in Afghanistan that was supported by UN vote, it completely compromised NATO and it compromised every international relationship the USA had and sparked priorities of a new arms race with nations such as North Korea and Iran that has a reactionary effect throughout the Middle East. The Middle East needs to be nuclear free and that includes energy.
But, to return to the circumstances of the Navy Seals, the situation was not within their control. They had a priority to defend this nation against al Qaeda at all costs and they should NOT be scapegoated for their bravery. They are heroes and that is reflected by one saved life and the return of dead peers.
The fact al Qaeda was in leadership normally protected by the ICC and rightfully so, is of no consequence to the Navy Seals issue. The ICC and the JAG corps of the USA need to realize the battlefield in Afghanistan is due to neglect and criminal misdirection by the Executive Branch of the USA and this is a special circumstance to many, many international and military laws. That al Qaeda member should be dead and we all need to be grateful he is dead. Those Navy Seals are not to be held responsible for a dead al Qaeda's status and that begins with the realization it sends the wrong message to the enemy that Stanley McCrystal is desperately trying to beat to turn the circumstances around for the people of Afghanistan. It is also why the former Executive Branch in the White House needs to be held responsible to tell the legal systems globally and within the USA military these were not premeditated actions of out of control soldiers seeking to assassinate elected authority.
The Navy Seals need to be released and returned to their valuable duty and if it takes legislation at this point to do it then the House Intelligence Committee needs to get busy. Those men do not belong in prosecution for defending their country. They weren't cowboys randomly killing citizens, they killed an enemy to this country and they are being wrongly prosecuted.
Either we are going to fight this war the way we need to along side of the members of NATO with the full disclosure to the priorities of the mission of this war to the ICC and the legal authorities of NATO and the USA military or we aren't and that needs to be decided along with the priorities to set the record completely straight regarding the past administation that wrongly diverted the war effort to Iraq.
This is no joke and no political stunt. The Navy Seals are directly compromised by the act of diversion of the war to Iraq and the abandonment of Commander and Chief George W. Bush and his administration. The reason they are scapedgoated and caught up in hideous prosecution is because no one is recognizing that fact, it is compromising the battlefield of General McCrystal and NATO.
To return to the Senator from Utah and the fact he is siding with cronies backed by Right Wing Media popularity. There is a profound abandonment by the Republicans of their oath to office. The small business in the way of an MD, I believe stated he abandoned his membership to the AMA as a result of their commitment to Health Care Reform under the Obama Administration.
These are all minority views. In the bigger picture that is this country, the Republicans are backing minority views and I'll tell you why they are wrong as they are reflected by the 'sole purpose' of the Right Wing Media's influence to destroy the USA Constitution. This all has a valid point and is actually a political. I want my country protected from private enterprise intent on 'fiscal control' of its wealth and people.
In order to complete the picture, I have to return to the beginnings of the House Health Care Bill and the 'death panel thing.' It was all based in lies. Now it is one thing to have a media service lie, that is a matter for the FCC. It is completely something else to have House and Senate members lie in cohersion of that media service and that is exactly what occurred during the processes within the House Bill.
Grassley, the legislator that likes to intimidate CEOs and Bank Presidents into acts of suicide. Grassley, and there is a video tape to this, went out on the campaign trail and because of the focus of his constituency demanding action against death panels he stated he was against the death panels proposed in the legislation for Health Reform. That is clear demonstration of intimidation to cater to Right Wing Extremism as DICTATED by media services that seek to control electorates for their own financial wealth. Those media services are very wealthy and have caused the media industry in the USA hardship as well. It has a strangle hold on the Republican Party that I believe they cannot let go of and find a secondary reward in aligning with lies that have the goal of hurting the best interests and needs of the American people and as demonstrated in the eight years of the Bush administration actively divert wars for oil and cause the destruction of entire cultural icons of financial wealth for ultimate profit.
There are serious issues with the Right Wing Media in this country and its intricate relationship with the Republican Party and the danger to our national security and our Constitution.
What the Senator of Utah exhibited was NOT good judgement in relation to his oath of office. Elected officials don't take an oath of office that commits them to do as they are told according to minority views as expressed in media services of exhibited power. They are elected to do the right thing for their citizens. Sometimes that means recognizing authorities such as AARP and the AMA. The Senator turned from majority opinion to side with misguided constituents and cronies in relation to the rest of the nation. These are federal seats in the most powerful nation on Earth. This is no joke. It is apolitical. And something needs to be done and soon.
I am going to spend the rest of the evening, what is left of it, with my family.
I'll talk about the Republicans and the Health Care Debate, but, first some sincere patriots.
Senator Dorgan spoke this morning. He noted that his amendment is vital and needs a vote. It addressed the access to medications outside the USA borders. He clearly illustrated with the product Zocor the ways to insure anything coming across the border into the United States can be easily tracked for quality. That comment regarding the urgency to this Amendment cannot be overlooked. Also he noted his amendment would SAVE Americans millions of dollars as well as the USA government. These well thought out and well supported Amendments cannot be dismissed as minor issues and need to be given brevity and movement.
Senator Dorgan also talked about his frustration with the dismissal of an amendment in committee that continues to spend $18 million on a military project that transmits radio signals to Cuba. The radio transmissions are completed blocked by the Cuban government. His amendment stopped this program and the stupidity of it. This program is a prime example of what is inflating the USA National Debt. These were programs continued by Bush for the sake of some thing to call an economoy and jobs and spending, while achieving nothing. It illustrates clearly the worst of government spending and there should be high priority to rid the USA Budget and National Debt of this mess.
This brings into focus the current 'operative word' of the Republicans "Trillion." The Republicans are making a mistake in using the 'cost' of the Health Care Reform Bill an issue. This bill is within the dynamics of sustainable and affordable. It will not add to the National Debt while the Republican Pork Barrel Agenda of the years they were in Majority has inflated the National Debt with the intention of craving out some kind of economy, even if artifical, proposed to "Pay Go System," and attempted to 'fill up' the Debt Level to make any subsequent administration of Bush/Cheney unable to move off that mark by allowing on 'spending' room to any future initiatives.
Additionally, their 'hate-filled' agenda to defame President Obama by suggesting the administration is corrupt and lies chronically in regard to Health Care Reform is another mistake.
To begin with and as noted by Senator Dorgan, there was no Quorum today. The proceedings that occurred happened under poor procedural authority.
Additionally, any and all claims made this morning by the Republicans never addressed the one issue that is outstanding as contentious between the parties and that was the movement to amendments. Instead, the Republicans distracted the entire potential for progress to pretend they had a wedge issue in stating the taxes that start in 2010 would not be in force until 2014. That is blantant lie.
I know for a fact the changes that have to occur within the Department of Health and Human Services is extensive. I also know for a fact, because I read the House Bill, that the infrastructure to support the reform has to be in place and at least partically researched before the changes occur to be sure the people of this country are well supported so there won't be adverse circumstances when the laws take effect. Those changes cost money. So while the bill won't IN SOME INSTANCES go 'INTO SERVICE' until 2014, the spending on creating the infrastructure, conducting research, recruiting talent for education, educating the consumers of health care to changes that will be in force and then finally beginning the programs all begin as soon as the bill is passed. Those are real costs that will occur immediately and the legislation is generous in NOT taxing for those costs until 2010, which is fairly soon, HOWEVER, the House legislation was written many, many moons ago and passes significantly long ago compared to the progress at the Senate.
Kay Hutchinson made a buffoon of a statement. Her arguments were that this Health Care Reform Bill would destroy Small Businesses. She stated there were four select taxes that would prohibit small businesses from surviving the taxes they were about to be asked to pay and that the small business 'subsidy' would qualify nearly no small business at all. She went on and on and on, but, the biggest blunder was this.
She stated, "The small business owners I spoke to in Texas said if they were taxed upto $3000 per employee they would have to let them go to the Public Option."
Well, dog gone it, that is one of the reasons the Public Option was to exist in the first place. If expenses were more than a small business owner could afford or wanted to participate in, the employees would have the opportunity to have health care anyway, by choosing the Public Option. What Kay Hutchinson stated will add to the hardship of any margin small business. It isn't the Health Care Reform Bill that will hurt them, it is the elimination of The Public Option.
Senator Casey spoke today as well. He is from Pennsylvania and he is a Democrat. There are farmers in Pennsylvania as well. Senator Casey is emerging as the strongest proponent for children. He cited a case where a young boy died because of an infection in a tooth. The family could not afford the $800.00 to treat the tooth and the child died from the infection. Senator Casey needs to continue his focus and his amendment needs to get to the floor of the Senate soon.
McConnel started his day off by citing a poll whereby a majority of Americans are 'growing' to believe this health care bill is not a good idea. The poll didn't state that those Americans wanted it stopped, but, that it wasn't a good idea. They opposed it. He didn't mention how many oppose it because they want Single Payer though. He simply said the poll reported that a large majority of Americans oppose it.
Well, there is a significant movement within, at least the Democratic Party, to promote 'Single Payer Candidates' for office. So, I am curious as to how many that oppose it, don't really oppose Health Care Reform, but, simply want to oppose it to promote Single Payer. That said, it leads to the odd input from John Barrasso, the practicing MD that probably receives plenty of money from health care industry folks.
See, he and McConnel didn't have anything to say that was constructive about moving the bill forward to amendment debate, they simply kept reporting poll numbers and stating the American people don't want this. Well, this simply reflects more of the same obstructionism and the desire to 'kill the bill' and return to the election of 2008 for a more current update. That is 'Anti-Constitutionalism' and in my opinion is a form of treason.
That is introducing poll numbers that simply don't matter. The only poll numbers that matter are the ones that were cast in November 2008. The current poll numbers simply reflect the 'opportunity' of Right Wing Extremism Media success and I've already commented about that and how the FCC and possibly the Justice Department aren't reflecting on this matter correctly.
Dr. Barrasso had absolutely nothing to say about the 'state' of his patients, potential savings from this legislation and how the health of Americans will improve with everyone having options to affordable care or The State of Health of Children in this country. He simply played with papers of some kind while quoting poll numbers that state, the people of the USA oppose the legislation and the President as a reason to stop any and all movement to completion of this bill. I think the President needs to step out of the picture and the Senate leadership needs to ask other agencies of the government, including Ethics and Justice to look at the actions of Republicans, they are significant. I will complete my comments regarding the completely BASELESS arguments they are making.
Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso are from rural states. So is Casey. So is Dorgan. Durbin is from Illinois, one of the most agriculturally productive states in the country. Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso state this bill will severely hamper care in their states. Well, that might be so considering I haven't read the Senate bill, but, if that is the case it is ONLY because of the Senate bill as the House bill includes protections for every 'special interest' in every state, province and USA tribal areas.
I also strongly debate the view point of Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso. The Obama Administration, mind you President Obama knows something about agricultural communities as he was Senator of Illinois. But, the administration currently in the Executive Branch has gone through great pains to include at the highest levels of Health and Human Services, especially where it relates to anticipated changes in this country, top world class people to organize rural development. This blog has noted, the high esteem of the people recruited by this administration with intense focus on the rural population of the USA. So for Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso to say their communities are 'at risk' is a another blantant lie. That is not possible unless the Senate bill ties the hands of these folks to act in the best interest of agricultural/rural communities and their special needs.
Thune did nothing today but pound away at the propaganda in the media that the taxes to this bill start in 2010 and the bill don't go into effect until 2014. He stated that brings the cost of the bill to $2.5 trillion US. He offers no insight, but, only rhetoric while calling the President a conspirator against the people of the USA and a liar. He cites as evidence to that a recent statement by Speaker Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling. Well, he particiapated in annual debt ceiling raises for and there were raises to the debt ceiling of the USA for every year Bush/Cheney were in office including the years when Paulson was in the Treasury. That another thing, Goldman Sachs made sure they scalped the USA for all it could by taking not just TARP monies, but, their 'insurance allotment' from AIG after the USA gave AIG monies to do so. That is 'double dipping.' I don't care how anyone, including Geithner wants to see it. It is double dipping and it wrong. Morally and completely wrong.
But, Thune doesn't care about the Heath Care Reform Bill, he cares about politics. He mentions nothing about savings as Senator Dorgan does. He adds no amendment that will act to bring affordable and sustainably affordable options to the people of this country by adding amendments such as Senator Dorgan did or by adding amendments that Senator Casey continues to research in regard to children. Thune, Hutchinson and Barrasso are interested in politics, Obama Bashing, cronies and cutting monies that are needed for this reform. They are TOXIC assets to this country, practicing obstructionism that is unconsitutional.
The Senate Amendments have to go forward and the ones that save the people of this nation money need to never be cut in conference and any and all pork provisions have to go, including 'Fat Albert' or whatever the name of the baloon was that was sending broadcasts to Cuba that I guarantee you Cuba never asked for.
Htuchinson was complaining and "W"rongly stating the Health Care Reform Bill is cutting one half TRILLION US out of Medicare. She is wrong. She says in a separate and different context that Medicare Advantage will be effected. She is right about that, but, the way those two subjects are framed in her presentation they sound like to different issues that causes folks to believe there are drastic cuts to Medicare. She is a Drama Queen that plays histrionic propaganda to the public.
I feel bad for these Republicans as they are tied to Right Wing Media so stringently they can't even debate honestly anymore. But, the point in regard to Hutchinson's comments is that Medicare Advantage is being cut. The bill is taking $500 billion US away from Medicare Advantage. I already and repeated illustrated the corruption and dangers to Medicare Advantage and I am not going to revisit that. What I will say that is new is that regardless of the passage of the current legislation, Medicare Advantage needs to be cut completely and return that $500 billion to the USA Treasury. That will be a good start to funding our needed reform.
The Republicans should be completely ashamed of themselves and their lack of backbone to take back their constituencies from Right Wing Media Extremists. I will continue my comments about Senator Bennett that appeared on the Senate floor yesterday. The man is unbelievable dysfunctional in his priorities and not at all dedicated to the USA Constitution which is an oath to his office, but, I will do it in the next and last entry for today.
Senator Dorgan also talked about his frustration with the dismissal of an amendment in committee that continues to spend $18 million on a military project that transmits radio signals to Cuba. The radio transmissions are completed blocked by the Cuban government. His amendment stopped this program and the stupidity of it. This program is a prime example of what is inflating the USA National Debt. These were programs continued by Bush for the sake of some thing to call an economoy and jobs and spending, while achieving nothing. It illustrates clearly the worst of government spending and there should be high priority to rid the USA Budget and National Debt of this mess.
This brings into focus the current 'operative word' of the Republicans "Trillion." The Republicans are making a mistake in using the 'cost' of the Health Care Reform Bill an issue. This bill is within the dynamics of sustainable and affordable. It will not add to the National Debt while the Republican Pork Barrel Agenda of the years they were in Majority has inflated the National Debt with the intention of craving out some kind of economy, even if artifical, proposed to "Pay Go System," and attempted to 'fill up' the Debt Level to make any subsequent administration of Bush/Cheney unable to move off that mark by allowing on 'spending' room to any future initiatives.
Additionally, their 'hate-filled' agenda to defame President Obama by suggesting the administration is corrupt and lies chronically in regard to Health Care Reform is another mistake.
To begin with and as noted by Senator Dorgan, there was no Quorum today. The proceedings that occurred happened under poor procedural authority.
Additionally, any and all claims made this morning by the Republicans never addressed the one issue that is outstanding as contentious between the parties and that was the movement to amendments. Instead, the Republicans distracted the entire potential for progress to pretend they had a wedge issue in stating the taxes that start in 2010 would not be in force until 2014. That is blantant lie.
I know for a fact the changes that have to occur within the Department of Health and Human Services is extensive. I also know for a fact, because I read the House Bill, that the infrastructure to support the reform has to be in place and at least partically researched before the changes occur to be sure the people of this country are well supported so there won't be adverse circumstances when the laws take effect. Those changes cost money. So while the bill won't IN SOME INSTANCES go 'INTO SERVICE' until 2014, the spending on creating the infrastructure, conducting research, recruiting talent for education, educating the consumers of health care to changes that will be in force and then finally beginning the programs all begin as soon as the bill is passed. Those are real costs that will occur immediately and the legislation is generous in NOT taxing for those costs until 2010, which is fairly soon, HOWEVER, the House legislation was written many, many moons ago and passes significantly long ago compared to the progress at the Senate.
Kay Hutchinson made a buffoon of a statement. Her arguments were that this Health Care Reform Bill would destroy Small Businesses. She stated there were four select taxes that would prohibit small businesses from surviving the taxes they were about to be asked to pay and that the small business 'subsidy' would qualify nearly no small business at all. She went on and on and on, but, the biggest blunder was this.
She stated, "The small business owners I spoke to in Texas said if they were taxed upto $3000 per employee they would have to let them go to the Public Option."
Well, dog gone it, that is one of the reasons the Public Option was to exist in the first place. If expenses were more than a small business owner could afford or wanted to participate in, the employees would have the opportunity to have health care anyway, by choosing the Public Option. What Kay Hutchinson stated will add to the hardship of any margin small business. It isn't the Health Care Reform Bill that will hurt them, it is the elimination of The Public Option.
Senator Casey spoke today as well. He is from Pennsylvania and he is a Democrat. There are farmers in Pennsylvania as well. Senator Casey is emerging as the strongest proponent for children. He cited a case where a young boy died because of an infection in a tooth. The family could not afford the $800.00 to treat the tooth and the child died from the infection. Senator Casey needs to continue his focus and his amendment needs to get to the floor of the Senate soon.
McConnel started his day off by citing a poll whereby a majority of Americans are 'growing' to believe this health care bill is not a good idea. The poll didn't state that those Americans wanted it stopped, but, that it wasn't a good idea. They opposed it. He didn't mention how many oppose it because they want Single Payer though. He simply said the poll reported that a large majority of Americans oppose it.
Well, there is a significant movement within, at least the Democratic Party, to promote 'Single Payer Candidates' for office. So, I am curious as to how many that oppose it, don't really oppose Health Care Reform, but, simply want to oppose it to promote Single Payer. That said, it leads to the odd input from John Barrasso, the practicing MD that probably receives plenty of money from health care industry folks.
See, he and McConnel didn't have anything to say that was constructive about moving the bill forward to amendment debate, they simply kept reporting poll numbers and stating the American people don't want this. Well, this simply reflects more of the same obstructionism and the desire to 'kill the bill' and return to the election of 2008 for a more current update. That is 'Anti-Constitutionalism' and in my opinion is a form of treason.
That is introducing poll numbers that simply don't matter. The only poll numbers that matter are the ones that were cast in November 2008. The current poll numbers simply reflect the 'opportunity' of Right Wing Extremism Media success and I've already commented about that and how the FCC and possibly the Justice Department aren't reflecting on this matter correctly.
Dr. Barrasso had absolutely nothing to say about the 'state' of his patients, potential savings from this legislation and how the health of Americans will improve with everyone having options to affordable care or The State of Health of Children in this country. He simply played with papers of some kind while quoting poll numbers that state, the people of the USA oppose the legislation and the President as a reason to stop any and all movement to completion of this bill. I think the President needs to step out of the picture and the Senate leadership needs to ask other agencies of the government, including Ethics and Justice to look at the actions of Republicans, they are significant. I will complete my comments regarding the completely BASELESS arguments they are making.
Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso are from rural states. So is Casey. So is Dorgan. Durbin is from Illinois, one of the most agriculturally productive states in the country. Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso state this bill will severely hamper care in their states. Well, that might be so considering I haven't read the Senate bill, but, if that is the case it is ONLY because of the Senate bill as the House bill includes protections for every 'special interest' in every state, province and USA tribal areas.
I also strongly debate the view point of Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso. The Obama Administration, mind you President Obama knows something about agricultural communities as he was Senator of Illinois. But, the administration currently in the Executive Branch has gone through great pains to include at the highest levels of Health and Human Services, especially where it relates to anticipated changes in this country, top world class people to organize rural development. This blog has noted, the high esteem of the people recruited by this administration with intense focus on the rural population of the USA. So for Hutchinson, Thune and Barrasso to say their communities are 'at risk' is a another blantant lie. That is not possible unless the Senate bill ties the hands of these folks to act in the best interest of agricultural/rural communities and their special needs.
Thune did nothing today but pound away at the propaganda in the media that the taxes to this bill start in 2010 and the bill don't go into effect until 2014. He stated that brings the cost of the bill to $2.5 trillion US. He offers no insight, but, only rhetoric while calling the President a conspirator against the people of the USA and a liar. He cites as evidence to that a recent statement by Speaker Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling. Well, he particiapated in annual debt ceiling raises for and there were raises to the debt ceiling of the USA for every year Bush/Cheney were in office including the years when Paulson was in the Treasury. That another thing, Goldman Sachs made sure they scalped the USA for all it could by taking not just TARP monies, but, their 'insurance allotment' from AIG after the USA gave AIG monies to do so. That is 'double dipping.' I don't care how anyone, including Geithner wants to see it. It is double dipping and it wrong. Morally and completely wrong.
But, Thune doesn't care about the Heath Care Reform Bill, he cares about politics. He mentions nothing about savings as Senator Dorgan does. He adds no amendment that will act to bring affordable and sustainably affordable options to the people of this country by adding amendments such as Senator Dorgan did or by adding amendments that Senator Casey continues to research in regard to children. Thune, Hutchinson and Barrasso are interested in politics, Obama Bashing, cronies and cutting monies that are needed for this reform. They are TOXIC assets to this country, practicing obstructionism that is unconsitutional.
The Senate Amendments have to go forward and the ones that save the people of this nation money need to never be cut in conference and any and all pork provisions have to go, including 'Fat Albert' or whatever the name of the baloon was that was sending broadcasts to Cuba that I guarantee you Cuba never asked for.
Htuchinson was complaining and "W"rongly stating the Health Care Reform Bill is cutting one half TRILLION US out of Medicare. She is wrong. She says in a separate and different context that Medicare Advantage will be effected. She is right about that, but, the way those two subjects are framed in her presentation they sound like to different issues that causes folks to believe there are drastic cuts to Medicare. She is a Drama Queen that plays histrionic propaganda to the public.
I feel bad for these Republicans as they are tied to Right Wing Media so stringently they can't even debate honestly anymore. But, the point in regard to Hutchinson's comments is that Medicare Advantage is being cut. The bill is taking $500 billion US away from Medicare Advantage. I already and repeated illustrated the corruption and dangers to Medicare Advantage and I am not going to revisit that. What I will say that is new is that regardless of the passage of the current legislation, Medicare Advantage needs to be cut completely and return that $500 billion to the USA Treasury. That will be a good start to funding our needed reform.
The Republicans should be completely ashamed of themselves and their lack of backbone to take back their constituencies from Right Wing Media Extremists. I will continue my comments about Senator Bennett that appeared on the Senate floor yesterday. The man is unbelievable dysfunctional in his priorities and not at all dedicated to the USA Constitution which is an oath to his office, but, I will do it in the next and last entry for today.
It would be helpful if there was a market for Russian scrap metal to clean up the Afghan landscape. Seriously.
In all seriousness, the old Soviet tanks and military scrap metal only enforces OLD memories of war that need to be abandoned and there is money to be made here. This needs to be addressed to recapture the dignity within that country and its priority to maintain its ethnic and national pride.
I am going to highlight the issues I feel fell between the cracks in the sidewalk and they involved strong bipartanship President Obama can engage in and General McCrystal may find comfort in. I feel the same way about Stanley McCrystal as before. He is a rock star as far as I am concerned and he is the answer for Afghanistan AND Pakistan. He and the Ambassador also support the shared economic uptick that Iran provides to this region and that is good thing.
But, McCrystal is a good guy and very centered on what will work.
There were two Republicans I really thought had a lot to say and one in particular that needs to speak at length with President Obama simply because he sees a different war front that will also reduce the cost of this conflict. In a minute.
There are also three ladies following in the steps of Dianne Feinstein of California that have a very interesting perspective and direction to their role on this Committee. They are all African Americans and I will speak to their very valuable roll in one comprehensive way. I am not exaggerating when I say I think they are more valuable then many of the other committee members. They did their homework and are committed to a realistic outcome to this war. I am proud of them. They aren't thrilled with the President's initiative here. They have their reasons and they are sound reasons. They must continue their focus even if the President's requests are granted. Absolutely. In a minute or two.
I first want to apologize if I don't get all these names exactly correct, but, I think I have it mostly right. The way C-Span sometimes runs its credits blocks out the names of the panel members as their names are on the table and the credits sometimes do not reflect the name of the member speaking especially when they only have a minute to speak.
I believe some of this is not as bipartisan as I first thought.
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger is a junior House member. It is his first term. And it is he that was only given a minute to speak. I thought he was a Republican, he is actually a Democrat, however, the other member is a Republican by the name of Mr. Miller.
It went like this. General McCrystal made the statement, "...The people of Afghanistan are very afraid of the militias and warlords...."
The discourse between the committee members and the General and Ambassador went on a while and it came time for the one minute of Mr. Ruppersburger. He stated in some anger that he only had one minute to speak and it was a comment more than a question which the General was able to respond.
The statement went like this, "I am annoyed I only have one minute to speak because I have a strong background with Afghanistan. The statement the General made has me very concerned. He stated the people are afraid of the militias and the militias are comprised of the young men/sons of the villages. That means the orientation these militias are receiving are causing them to hate their own families and village leadership. There is a way to trim the costs of this war and that is to pay the young men within these militias to participate in the national military and remove them from the influence of the local economies...." Sorry your minute is up.
That statement was upheld by the Ambassador in one of his earlier statements in that he said, the cost ratio for Afghan troops opposed to USA troops is 40 to l. It costs the Afghan government $1.00 USA to operate their soldiers to every $40.00 it costs the USA to operate theirs.
That statement also was validated as a policy statement by the General, "We will recruit and train many more Afghan forces in the coming months (with great success in a subsequent statement) that will support the withdrawal of President Obama to begin July 2011. The decisions at that time will be dictated by the conditions on the ground. (In a later statement to another question 'If there is a decline in improvement at that time it will enter the pitcure regarding the USA's roll in Afghanistan as well.)
The point that Rep. Ruppersburg was making is that the Taliban and al Qaeda have such a strong hold on the country and culture of Afghanistan that the young men recruited in the militias are disabled in their culture as taught by their families and villages to a violent orientation based on hate and acting on that hate regardless of their 'former' love of their families, friends villages and country. That is a significant statement and the knowledge base of this House member should be better known to the President to understand what he can bring as insight.
Also. The Ambassador can ask for Anthropologist to assist he and General McCrystal to investigate the culture and the undermining of the Afghan people, perhaps especially their young men, as to the influences and the ACTUAL 'orientation' they meet up with to commit these heinous acts.
That insight, by the way, will lead to greater understanding of the global strategies of al Qaeda and the websites of these sociopathic religious leaders.
Finding an Anthropologist that will work with the USA military, that is a USA citizen and will be willing to work in Afghanistan perhaps intimately with villagers in tandum with soldiers and perhaps a second Anthropologist working randomly on the same level but reporting independently will probably prove a great challenge. It will however bring brevity to the General's initiatives.
The issue, of course, with the Afghan forces is a matter of loyalty and willingness to move against these 'home grown Afghan' militias and warlords. But, as the Ambassador stated, the current leadership in all ministries under Karzai are 'world class' leaders. They are trustworthy and ready to build their departments. Those departments will be filled with 'citizens' the Ambassador sees being added with proper recruitment, proven loyalty to defeat the corruption of Afghanistan and within the next year. So, the changes are coming, but, requiring some time and support to achieve them.
As to the Republican that comes into this picture, Mr. Miller. He also backs up the General in that he stated, one of the worst initiatives of the Bush Administration in Afghanistan was to move against the freedoms and influences of some of the local cultures, even though they were viewed as somewhat extremist by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Not completely his words, but, these are.
"The al Sadr ministry should have been left alone and allowed to come to understand freedom." Something like that, but, he specifically pointed to the idea that Cleric al Sadr in the beginning of Iraq was a strong asset that could have added to the peace of his people rather than the radicalization, but, it was handled with oppression and violence and radicalized the Cleric, who was one of the last of his ancestral line (which is strongly coveted by the religious Shia), rather than allied him.
We all remember how completely stupid Bremer was to close down the Cleric's newspaper when he was only beginning to understand what Freedom of the Press and Speech was. And we all remember the hostile actions of Bush and Blair by removing the Ayatollah from Iraq while they moved aggressively against the Cleric at the Imam Ali Mosque. They were defeated in that deception as well when the Ayatollah returned and called a massive movement of his people to the Mosque to end the conflict. Bremer, Bush and Blair were completely stupid in their so called, 'Hearts and Mind Campaign.' It alienated them rather than recruit them to understand freedom and democracy. In the case of the Iraq Shia, they just were coming out of the oppression of Saddam who genocided 50,000 Shai in 2002 and there were the issues with the marshes and their water drainage. So, it was completely wrong to move against a rare and important Cleric that had as a mentor 'The Peace Ayatollah.'
Mr. Miller is also a very valuable and dedicated asset the President needs to speak with directly to learn of his insight and what he can add to the best approach that General McCrystal is advocating.
The ladies were awesome. They don't want this war. They believe the people of Afghanistan are too far gone to ever achieve what the hopes are of the American people. They might be right and it is a perspective that is not entertained by others. They need to proceed with their concerns in a real way. They are somewhat novice in their sincere knowledge to support their position and was seeking information today, but, Anthropologists would assist them greatly. They are deeply concerned this is a culture of violence that CANNOT and WILL NOT change. Their concerns should go forward along with everyone elses. If they are most correct and this is all futile, it needs to become a method of policy in regard to Afghanistan and a reality in relation to the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan. Either we stabilize the region or we simply cannot.
I thought the meeting went extremely well, many fronts were covered, the members mostly well prepared, there was little political fanfare, although there was some, and procedurally was nearly perfect.
I appreciated all the talent in the room today. The General might note, his folks sitting behind him appeared fatigued of the meeting shortly after it started and seemed to have 'neck fatigue' in that they twisted their necks and rubbed them frequently. At least they didn't fall asleep or rub their eyes. I am sorry they found the proceedings boring, I did not.
That was not necessarily the case of 'the suits' sitting behind the Ambassador. They listened intently.
I think the issue is, the folks with the General are used to more 'action' positions than they experienced today.
There are sincere problems with Republican's opposition to the much needed Health Care and their Right Wing Media is showing up big time.
I feel bad for the Republicans and there are five specifically I will address today. I feel bad for them because they have painted themselves into a corner of opposition that is 'assaulting' the President's credibility and that is what is being witnessed in the polls about President Obama.
To note at this point, I am proud of my President. I am more proud of this President than any that come before him. He has entered the country's leadership dedicated to truth and upholding the integrity of the USA Constitution and the Rule of Law. Upholding the Constitution as demonstrated by the Old Republican "Hammer" is proof enough that the document is their enemy.
I was proud of my President and First Lady yesterday in his acceptance and gracious speech at the presentation of his Noble Peace Prize. I disagree with his humility in stating his achievement are slight compared to others. While President Obama has not suffered the pains and oppression of the honorable Nelson Mandella, he has sustained the acceptance of the history of oppression, bigotry and racism in the USA. That is not completely equivalent as the laws of the USA helped him rise above those FACTS that were all active in his growing up years.
Not only that, but, President Obama, unlike his First Lady has suffered significant personal losses in his life all his life to date and to his credit has 'created anew' a family that sustains him. That brings me to the elegance of our First Lady. She was absolutely beautiful when at her husband's side and I thank her for the details she went through to bring glamour and complexity to her fashion for the events she attended. It was completely obvious she went through a great deal of thought to help celebrate the occasion. She is a wonderful wife, made her daughters proud and made a statement of commitment to elegance and intellect that were her choices we can all appreciate.
Her attire was very visually complicated and I'll be happy to address that, but, at another time. The fabrics, the shape of the items she wore and the deportment of her stature was all challenging to the eye and displayed incredible insight to her character, values and priorities. The fashion was not just worn as 'occasion attire' it made statements and was incredible in its presentation along side a fairly boringly dressed spouse.
As to the speech.
One aspect of the reality of this world we all live in is the 'real danger' of enemies and the way they are handled. There is a chronic need for armed vigilance and that is sometimes overlooked by pacifists. However and why the President being presented with the Nobel is so very, very vital at this point in his presidency, the tempering of vigilance while combining it with a goal of peace is long overdue.
It is an important dialogue. A dialogue the global community has longed for and the Nobel Organization as held in high esteem since its inception. It is also a dialogue Nobel has never been able to achieve in a significant way from the United States of America. A country that is one of the five legal nuclear nations, a country with a strategic military and a country with a great deal of wealth. This is happening now, when President Obama has many years left in his term, has a high acceptance globally to all his initatives including other major nations such as Russia and China, so in many ways his acceptance of the Nobel is also the success of these other nations and it is happening when he has a majority of his party in both houses of the USA legislature.
The Nobel committee that chose him did a magnificent job in recognizing a long desired goal, recognizing the need for this 'peace dialogue' both globally and within the borders of the USA and was brave enough in the face of hostile USA media to seize the moment and more their mission forward. They did the right and best thing for their mission for this award. I congratuate them.
I will discuss in detail the speeches today at the USA Senate by Senators Barrasso, who was completely pathetic, McConnell , John Thune who is upset about amendments is just nonsense and ranting about money is an outrageous manipulation with no basis in truth, and Kay Hutchinson who made a statement about small business and the public option which validates why it SHOULD be included in the legislation instead of excluding but framed in a way that is based in lies, yesterday a Republican Senator, and I want to say it was Bennett from Utah, made a speech that wreaked of NOTHING but Republican right wing media nonsense that was full of lies, inuendos and rheotic that did nothing for his position in opposing the legislation before the Senate.
I'll discuss all that in a separate or two entries as I want to speak to the House Ingelligence Meeting this morning with General Stanley McCrystal and his Ambasador. It was impressive and important and there are cracks in the sidewalk that need to be filled in.
But, to speak to Amendments that Republicans are 'pulling obstructionism' over. It is too late. The Republicans AGAIN are assaulting the Consitution and demanding on a return to Committee to AGAIN seek to delay this bill by insisting on Tort Reform. They are not discerning the urgency and brevity of this legislation from other issues. Tort Reform is another issue entirely and I am sure there is bipartisanship they can muster when they put forward any of their committee work for passage into law. The Health Care Reform Bill addresses the country's most pressing needs and the Republicans lost amendments in proper procedure in Committee. Welcome to the real world. Too bad.
At this point I suggest the Democrats seek action through Ethics regarding 'foot stamping' that amounts to serious obstruction of proceedure and even consult with Justice to see if there is something that can be done with this knowing the objections by the Republicans are based in Committee Vote that has already been decided. I do believe Harry Reid needs to research his procedural options and move past the Republicans problems, stop making attempts to mend fences and move past what is being allowed that is more than likely unconstitutional obstructionism.
To conclude this entry, the Republicans are 'Hammering' away with a word that begins with a T. The word is Trillion as if this bill is a multi-Trillion dollar bill. They are using that word to attempt to discredit President Obama and ultimately the Democrats in a manner that is based in 'undiscoverable corruption.' It's nonsense, it is inflammatory and it is based in lies. The Republican discourse is sadly in complete reaction to the Right Wing Media that controls their poltical outcomes and that is unfortunate.
The Senate needs one vote to pass the Senate Bill and they need to obtain that vote and the House Bill that already passed that Speaker Pelosi worked so hard at needs to REMAIN THE SAME. The Public Option is absolutely needed, especially for the Small Businesses of the USA.
To note at this point, I am proud of my President. I am more proud of this President than any that come before him. He has entered the country's leadership dedicated to truth and upholding the integrity of the USA Constitution and the Rule of Law. Upholding the Constitution as demonstrated by the Old Republican "Hammer" is proof enough that the document is their enemy.
I was proud of my President and First Lady yesterday in his acceptance and gracious speech at the presentation of his Noble Peace Prize. I disagree with his humility in stating his achievement are slight compared to others. While President Obama has not suffered the pains and oppression of the honorable Nelson Mandella, he has sustained the acceptance of the history of oppression, bigotry and racism in the USA. That is not completely equivalent as the laws of the USA helped him rise above those FACTS that were all active in his growing up years.
Not only that, but, President Obama, unlike his First Lady has suffered significant personal losses in his life all his life to date and to his credit has 'created anew' a family that sustains him. That brings me to the elegance of our First Lady. She was absolutely beautiful when at her husband's side and I thank her for the details she went through to bring glamour and complexity to her fashion for the events she attended. It was completely obvious she went through a great deal of thought to help celebrate the occasion. She is a wonderful wife, made her daughters proud and made a statement of commitment to elegance and intellect that were her choices we can all appreciate.
Her attire was very visually complicated and I'll be happy to address that, but, at another time. The fabrics, the shape of the items she wore and the deportment of her stature was all challenging to the eye and displayed incredible insight to her character, values and priorities. The fashion was not just worn as 'occasion attire' it made statements and was incredible in its presentation along side a fairly boringly dressed spouse.
As to the speech.
One aspect of the reality of this world we all live in is the 'real danger' of enemies and the way they are handled. There is a chronic need for armed vigilance and that is sometimes overlooked by pacifists. However and why the President being presented with the Nobel is so very, very vital at this point in his presidency, the tempering of vigilance while combining it with a goal of peace is long overdue.
It is an important dialogue. A dialogue the global community has longed for and the Nobel Organization as held in high esteem since its inception. It is also a dialogue Nobel has never been able to achieve in a significant way from the United States of America. A country that is one of the five legal nuclear nations, a country with a strategic military and a country with a great deal of wealth. This is happening now, when President Obama has many years left in his term, has a high acceptance globally to all his initatives including other major nations such as Russia and China, so in many ways his acceptance of the Nobel is also the success of these other nations and it is happening when he has a majority of his party in both houses of the USA legislature.
The Nobel committee that chose him did a magnificent job in recognizing a long desired goal, recognizing the need for this 'peace dialogue' both globally and within the borders of the USA and was brave enough in the face of hostile USA media to seize the moment and more their mission forward. They did the right and best thing for their mission for this award. I congratuate them.
I will discuss in detail the speeches today at the USA Senate by Senators Barrasso, who was completely pathetic, McConnell , John Thune who is upset about amendments is just nonsense and ranting about money is an outrageous manipulation with no basis in truth, and Kay Hutchinson who made a statement about small business and the public option which validates why it SHOULD be included in the legislation instead of excluding but framed in a way that is based in lies, yesterday a Republican Senator, and I want to say it was Bennett from Utah, made a speech that wreaked of NOTHING but Republican right wing media nonsense that was full of lies, inuendos and rheotic that did nothing for his position in opposing the legislation before the Senate.
I'll discuss all that in a separate or two entries as I want to speak to the House Ingelligence Meeting this morning with General Stanley McCrystal and his Ambasador. It was impressive and important and there are cracks in the sidewalk that need to be filled in.
But, to speak to Amendments that Republicans are 'pulling obstructionism' over. It is too late. The Republicans AGAIN are assaulting the Consitution and demanding on a return to Committee to AGAIN seek to delay this bill by insisting on Tort Reform. They are not discerning the urgency and brevity of this legislation from other issues. Tort Reform is another issue entirely and I am sure there is bipartisanship they can muster when they put forward any of their committee work for passage into law. The Health Care Reform Bill addresses the country's most pressing needs and the Republicans lost amendments in proper procedure in Committee. Welcome to the real world. Too bad.
At this point I suggest the Democrats seek action through Ethics regarding 'foot stamping' that amounts to serious obstruction of proceedure and even consult with Justice to see if there is something that can be done with this knowing the objections by the Republicans are based in Committee Vote that has already been decided. I do believe Harry Reid needs to research his procedural options and move past the Republicans problems, stop making attempts to mend fences and move past what is being allowed that is more than likely unconstitutional obstructionism.
To conclude this entry, the Republicans are 'Hammering' away with a word that begins with a T. The word is Trillion as if this bill is a multi-Trillion dollar bill. They are using that word to attempt to discredit President Obama and ultimately the Democrats in a manner that is based in 'undiscoverable corruption.' It's nonsense, it is inflammatory and it is based in lies. The Republican discourse is sadly in complete reaction to the Right Wing Media that controls their poltical outcomes and that is unfortunate.
The Senate needs one vote to pass the Senate Bill and they need to obtain that vote and the House Bill that already passed that Speaker Pelosi worked so hard at needs to REMAIN THE SAME. The Public Option is absolutely needed, especially for the Small Businesses of the USA.
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