Austria is a magnificent country. As of late it's concerns are more about the rise of the right wing political parties than any other issue.
The ranting of any USA President has a profound effect on the global dialogue. Recently, Austria has found the need to state it was also responsible for the Holocaust. The reason for such statements is the fact the political right wing has risen in popularity due to Trumps rantings. It is an issue for them. They, unfortuantely, have not followed the example of Germany and it's moral objection to such people within power. The people of Germany are more than watchful of such authoritarian regimes. The people of Austria are only beginning their awareness that in the year 2018 there are still White Supremacist lingerings in the world that can be just as dangerous.
But, other than that, Austria has maintained a wonderful population balance that provides a high quality of life for it's citizens. This has provided a very stable country that has been a magnificent example of caring for its forests to achieve status as a responsible country during Earth's climate crisis brought on by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.
Austria is proof it is possible to live happy lives in a responsible manner that insures the future generations of their place on Earth. Austria is successful in every measure in providing quality of life, stablity for it's citizens, environmental mastery, responsible conservation and an economy that is more than impressive in this modern era.
Kindly remember that Austria has not been the hub of peace either. It has played violent parts in WWI and WWII. It isn't as though a military machine can't be tamed to honor and respect the land and future generations.
The environmental report of Austria includes anthropogenic greenhouse gases:
...Austria (click here) has achieved its climate change mitigation target under the Kyoto Protocol. The share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption has been rising continuously and amounted to as much as 32.2 % in 2012...
Every aspect of the environment is accounted for, including, air and water quality. Austria is a proud country today. How many can say that? The USA cannot.
One more thing. The 'idea' the Republicans carry as an economic standard, in that, population growth is necessary to provide economic GROWTH. "W"rong! When are the Republicans and Wall Street going to stop coveting a woman's uterus to insure profits in the USA?
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Austria is not among the member states unable to sustain air quality.
Brussels, 19 January 2018
In a final push to find solutions (click here) to address the serious problem of air pollution in the European Union, Commissioner for Environment, Karmenu Vella has invited ministers from 9 Member States to convene in Brussels on Tuesday, 30 January.
The 9 Member States, namely the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom, face infringement procedures for exceeding agreed air pollution limits. The meeting gives an opportunity to Member States to prove that additional adequate steps will be taken to redress the current situation without delay and comply with European law.
Commissioner Karmenu Vella said: "This meeting on air quality has been called for three reasons. To protect citizens. To clarify that if there is no improvement of air quality there are legal consequences. And to remind Member States that this step is at the end of a long, some would say too long, period of offers to help, advice given, and warnings made. Our first responsibility as the Commission is to the millions of Europeans - young and old, sick and healthy – who suffer from poor air quality. Parents of a child suffering from bronchitis or a daughter of someone with pulmonary disease want to see improvements in air quality as soon as possible. For them, action plans with a 10-12 year timescale or ineffective plans are useless."
As President Juncker underlined in his State of the Union address in 2016, the aim is to deliver a Europe thatprotects.Every year, more than 400,000 Europeans die prematurely as a consequence of poor air quality and many more suffer from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases caused by air pollution. In economic terms, bad air quality costs well over €20 billion a year to the European economy, due to increased medical costs and reduced workers' productivity....
The sustainable policy is most recent in 2016. The results of decades of responsible leadership shows when Earth is in the balance.“The stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality, and their potential to fulfill their ecological, economic, and social functions at all levels, such that it does not cause damage to other ecosystems for both current and future generations.”
The Austrian sustainable policy regarding it's forests is this:
..."The stewardship and use of forests (click here) and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfill their ecological, economic and social functions at all levels. such that it does not cause such damage to other ecosystems for both current and future generations."...
The 6 criteria:
1. Forest resources – Conservation and appropriate improvement of forest resources and their contribution to global carbon cycles.
2. Health and vitality – Maintenance of the health and vitality of forest ecosystems
3. Productive functions of forests – Maintenance and strengthening of the productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood products)
4. Biodiversity – Safeguarding, protection and appropriate enhancement of the biodiversity of forest ecosystems
5. Protective functions – Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of the protective functions in forest management (in particular soil and water)
6. Socio-economic functions - Safeguarding other socio-economic functions and their conditions.
These graphs below are a realization of very successful sustainable forestry. The USA can do this, but, not with managers currently undermining the very scientific principles supporting these outcomes. The Secretary of the Interior wants to develop the National Parks for commercial use and yes, logging. It is outrageous the way USA forests are exploited and destroyed. Enough is never enough for USA loggers.
The graphs are from the UN Climate Change Secretariat. (click here) These magnificent forests have been a part of the Kyoto Protocol from the beginning. They are amazing.

..."The stewardship and use of forests (click here) and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfill their ecological, economic and social functions at all levels. such that it does not cause such damage to other ecosystems for both current and future generations."...
The 6 criteria:
1. Forest resources – Conservation and appropriate improvement of forest resources and their contribution to global carbon cycles.
2. Health and vitality – Maintenance of the health and vitality of forest ecosystems
3. Productive functions of forests – Maintenance and strengthening of the productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood products)
4. Biodiversity – Safeguarding, protection and appropriate enhancement of the biodiversity of forest ecosystems
5. Protective functions – Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of the protective functions in forest management (in particular soil and water)
6. Socio-economic functions - Safeguarding other socio-economic functions and their conditions.
These graphs below are a realization of very successful sustainable forestry. The USA can do this, but, not with managers currently undermining the very scientific principles supporting these outcomes. The Secretary of the Interior wants to develop the National Parks for commercial use and yes, logging. It is outrageous the way USA forests are exploited and destroyed. Enough is never enough for USA loggers.
The graphs are from the UN Climate Change Secretariat. (click here) These magnificent forests have been a part of the Kyoto Protocol from the beginning. They are amazing.

There is probably some confustion about these numbers. To understand LULUCF, the United Nations has already defined it and encourages it as a remedy to a country's GHG burden.Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)Background (click here)
The rate of build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere can be reduced by taking advantage of the fact that atmospheric CO2 can accumulate as carbon in vegetation and soils in terrestrial ecosystems. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change any process, activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse gas from the atmosphere is referred to as a "sink". Human activities impact terrestrial sinks, through land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) activities, consequently, the exchange of CO2 (carbon cycle) between the terrestrial biosphere system and the atmosphere is altered.
The role of LULUCF activities in the mitigation of climate change has long been recognized. Mitigation can be achieved through activities in the LULUCF sector that increase the removals of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere or decrease emissions by sources leading to an accumulation of carbon stocks. An important feature of LULUCF activities in this context is their potential reversibility hence, non-permanence of the accumulated carbon stocks.
The role of LULUCF activities in the mitigation of climate change has long been recognized. Mitigation can be achieved through activities in the LULUCF sector that increase the removals of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere or decrease emissions by sources leading to an accumulation of carbon stocks. An important feature of LULUCF activities in this context is their potential reversibility hence, non-permanence of the accumulated carbon stocks.
Forests present a significant global carbon stock accumulated through growth of trees and an increase in soil carbon. Estimates made for Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2015) show that the world’s forests and other wooded lands store more than 485 gigatonnes (1 Gt=1 billion tonnes) of carbon, 260 Gt in the biomass (53 percent), 37 Gt in dead wood and litter (8 percent) and 189 Gt in soil (39 percent). While sustainable management, planting and rehabilitation of forests can conserve or increase forest carbon stocks, deforestation, degradation and poor forest management do reduce carbon stocks. For the world as a whole, carbon stocks in forest biomass decreased by an estimated 0.22 Gt annually during the period 2011–2015. This was mainly because of a reduction in the global forest area.
Now remember, the economy of Austria supports a fairly consistent population. The land use for Austria is fairly consistent. Nearly half of the country is forest and I am fairly confident on a global basis it contributes to being a sink for GHG.
46.7% —or about 3,862,000 hectares—of Austria is forested. (click here)
Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, Austria gained an average of 6,200 hectares of forest per year. The amounts to an average annual reforestation rate of 0.16%. Between 2000 and 2005, the rate of forest change decreased by 23.8% to 0.13% per annum. In total, between 1990 and 2005, Austria gained 2.3% of its forest cover, or around 86,000 hectares. Measuring the total rate of habitat conversion (defined as change in forest area plus change in woodland area minus net plantation expansion) for the 1990-2005 interval, Austria gained 37.0% of its forest and woodland habitat.
Biodiversity and Protected Areas: Austria has some 549 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles according to figures from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Of these, 0.5% are endemic, meaning they exist in no other country, and 2.4% are threatened. Austria is home to at least 3100 species of vascular plants, of which 1.1% are endemic. 28.0% of Austria is protected under IUCN categories I-V.
It is happening. It is finally happening for Ukraine.
28 January 2018
On February 8, 2018, (click here) President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will make a working visit to Austria at the invitation of Federal President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen. During the visit, bilateral talks will be held with Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and newly appointed Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, according to the Ukrainian presidential administration's press service.
During the visit, bilateral talks will be held with Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and newly appointed Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, according to the Ukrainian presidential administration's press service.
The parties will discuss the issues of deepening the political dialogue at the highest level, trade, economic and investment cooperation between the two states, development of the situation in the Donbas and strengthening of the EU sanctions policy aimed to support the international efforts to restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. A joint visit of the Heads of State to the Vienna Opera Ball is also planned....
On February 8, 2018, (click here) President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will make a working visit to Austria at the invitation of Federal President of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen. During the visit, bilateral talks will be held with Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and newly appointed Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, according to the Ukrainian presidential administration's press service.
During the visit, bilateral talks will be held with Austria's Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and newly appointed Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, according to the Ukrainian presidential administration's press service.
The parties will discuss the issues of deepening the political dialogue at the highest level, trade, economic and investment cooperation between the two states, development of the situation in the Donbas and strengthening of the EU sanctions policy aimed to support the international efforts to restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. A joint visit of the Heads of State to the Vienna Opera Ball is also planned....
Austria's GDP
...Austria’s transparent (click here) and efficient regulatory framework facilitates business innovation and productivity growth. The cost of fringe benefits is among the highest in the world. VERBUND, 51 percent owned by the state and Austria’s largest provider of power, lost a third of its market value in 2015 as a result of falling electricity prices and government subsidies for renewables in neighboring European countries....
That is a good economy that takes care of it's people. It's "Verbund" is nationalized and the government provides subsidies to continue it's operation. It is NOT Wall Street Welfare. The government ownership proves excellent service to the people. The graph to the right below is the Austrian GDP per Capita. Nice.
Austria (click here) is the 31st largest export economy in the world and the 6th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2015, Austria exported $141B and imported $146B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $4.74B. In 2015 the GDP of Austria was $376B and its GDP per capita was $49.4k.
According to the CIA World Factbook, Austria is 115th in military spending.
That is a good economy that takes care of it's people. It's "Verbund" is nationalized and the government provides subsidies to continue it's operation. It is NOT Wall Street Welfare. The government ownership proves excellent service to the people. The graph to the right below is the Austrian GDP per Capita. Nice.
Austria (click here) is the 31st largest export economy in the world and the 6th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2015, Austria exported $141B and imported $146B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $4.74B. In 2015 the GDP of Austria was $376B and its GDP per capita was $49.4k.
According to the CIA World Factbook, Austria is 115th in military spending.
0.68% of GDP (2016 est.)
0.67% of GDP (2015)
0.75% of GDP (2014)
0.75% of GDP (2013)
0.78% of GDP (2012)
country comparison to the world: 115
Austria does more than it's part in taking refugees into it's borders considering the size of the country and it's population. Modern day Austria never started a war.
30,958 (Syria); 20,220 (Afghanistan); 13,773 (Russia); 5,555 (Iraq) (2016)
Notable in 2009 and 2010 above in GDP per Capita; there was a sincere fall. But, that was post 2008 and we all know what happened there. I doubt it was a collapse in the Austrian housing market or the destruction of the security of their citizenship's promise to a life worth living.
Austria does more than it's part in taking refugees into it's borders considering the size of the country and it's population. Modern day Austria never started a war.
30,958 (Syria); 20,220 (Afghanistan); 13,773 (Russia); 5,555 (Iraq) (2016)
Notable in 2009 and 2010 above in GDP per Capita; there was a sincere fall. But, that was post 2008 and we all know what happened there. I doubt it was a collapse in the Austrian housing market or the destruction of the security of their citizenship's promise to a life worth living.
"Treating children as a plutocratic commodity."
Sorry if things are moving a little slowly this evening. I have not had as much prep time for these postings today.
There was a birthday in the family. While I appreciate the talents of bakers in the year 2018, I find the price of birthday cakes increasing wll above any global inflamtion rate.
So, I bake the birthday cakes when the need arises. The cake would never match "The Cake Boss" quality demands, but, it is good cake and plenty of it.
I find children's birthdays a little silly these days. It is more than cake and ice cream these days. A niece had a gigantic castle blown up with fans in her backyard as part of the party. I find that ridiculous. But, that's me.
So, the delay in posting today is completley because I carried out a domestic responsibility I do fairly well. I certainly don't charge that much either.
There was a birthday in the family. While I appreciate the talents of bakers in the year 2018, I find the price of birthday cakes increasing wll above any global inflamtion rate.
So, I bake the birthday cakes when the need arises. The cake would never match "The Cake Boss" quality demands, but, it is good cake and plenty of it.
I find children's birthdays a little silly these days. It is more than cake and ice cream these days. A niece had a gigantic castle blown up with fans in her backyard as part of the party. I find that ridiculous. But, that's me.
So, the delay in posting today is completley because I carried out a domestic responsibility I do fairly well. I certainly don't charge that much either.
Austria is a remarkable country.
The population growth of Austria over 56 years is remarkably stable. The overall population growth was 1.699 million people. That averages to about 30,000+ more Austrians per year. That is very different than the USA.
Austria has seen a 0.35 population growth with a falling death rate.
...87,675 children (click here) were born in Austria in 2016, which corresponds to a crude birth rate of 10.0 live births per 1 000 population. The total fertility rate was 1.53 children per woman. This average is therefore well below the “replacement level” of approx. 2 children per woman. Measured by the “net reproduction rate”, the generation currently at reproductive ages will numerically reproduce itself by 74 per cent. The fact that the period fertility is so low in Austria is also due to the ever rising age at childbirth (“postponement” of births). The mean fertility age in 2016 was 30.6 years, i.e. 0.4 years higher than in 2012....
In 2015, death rate for Austria was 9.6 per 1,000 people. Death rate of Austria fell gradually from 12.5 per 1,000 people in 1966 to 9.6 per 1,000 people in 2015.
This degree of population stability creates a country with a very a very stable reality when it comes to the needs of the people.
Crude death rate indicates the number of deaths occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.
Austria has seen a 0.35 population growth with a falling death rate.
...87,675 children (click here) were born in Austria in 2016, which corresponds to a crude birth rate of 10.0 live births per 1 000 population. The total fertility rate was 1.53 children per woman. This average is therefore well below the “replacement level” of approx. 2 children per woman. Measured by the “net reproduction rate”, the generation currently at reproductive ages will numerically reproduce itself by 74 per cent. The fact that the period fertility is so low in Austria is also due to the ever rising age at childbirth (“postponement” of births). The mean fertility age in 2016 was 30.6 years, i.e. 0.4 years higher than in 2012....
In 2015, death rate for Austria was 9.6 per 1,000 people. Death rate of Austria fell gradually from 12.5 per 1,000 people in 1966 to 9.6 per 1,000 people in 2015.
This degree of population stability creates a country with a very a very stable reality when it comes to the needs of the people.
Crude death rate indicates the number of deaths occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.
With all the snow and glaciers of Austria there could never be problems with drought. Wrong!
Drought 2003 (click here)
- Mean annual precipitation was about 80% of long-term average (regionally <70%)
- lack in precipitation was aggravated by high summer temperatures (one of the hotest summers since the beginning of measurements)
- river discharges, groundwater and lake levels were considerably below long-term average (except rivers fed by glaciers)
- regionally lowest ever recorded values for precipication, river discharges and groundwater levels
Lake levels fell and even hydroelectric was effected by 30 percent. That is one of the negative feedback loops of the climate crisis. All the benevolent forms of energy, such as hydropower, can be adversely effected. Such problems are not minimal concerns to Austria.
The government and people share the same concerns and the morality to solve those concerns. The Austrian culture has a right to exist and I don't want to hear anyone demanding the country to be different. They are important moral people that have the right to bring their values forward in generations to come. it is important they do so.
- Mean annual precipitation was about 80% of long-term average (regionally <70%)
- lack in precipitation was aggravated by high summer temperatures (one of the hotest summers since the beginning of measurements)
- river discharges, groundwater and lake levels were considerably below long-term average (except rivers fed by glaciers)
- regionally lowest ever recorded values for precipication, river discharges and groundwater levels
Lake levels fell and even hydroelectric was effected by 30 percent. That is one of the negative feedback loops of the climate crisis. All the benevolent forms of energy, such as hydropower, can be adversely effected. Such problems are not minimal concerns to Austria.
The government and people share the same concerns and the morality to solve those concerns. The Austrian culture has a right to exist and I don't want to hear anyone demanding the country to be different. They are important moral people that have the right to bring their values forward in generations to come. it is important they do so.
Environmental safety becomes more important as populations grow as well.
January 22, 2018
The Danube River is the second longest in Europe. It also sees a lot of commerce. (click here)
Vienna - Austria is planning to sue the European Commission (click here) for allowing Hungary to expand its Paks atomic plant, it said on Monday, not viewing nuclear energy as the way to combat climate change or as being in the common European interest.
The country, which shares a border with Hungary, prides itself on supporting environmentally sound energy. It has for decades opposed nuclear power, which triggers huge disagreements about cleanliness, safety, and renewability.
The anti-nuclear position was reiterated in a coalition agreement struck last month between Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s conservatives and the far-right Freedom Party.
“We in the government have agreed that there are sufficient reasons to sue (the Commission),” a spokesman for Austrian Sustainability Minister Elisabeth Koestinger said....
Let's not dilute the concern of Austria. The Hungarian nuclear reactor in Paks is very old considering the life of nuclear power plants. The plant is observed and reported on by the IAEA.
There are four nuclear plants in Hungary (click here).
Paks, Hungary
Hungary and Russia (click here) will start work on expanding the central European country's sole nuclear power plant.
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (click here) team of experts said Hungary's Paks Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has improved operational safety by following recommendations and suggestions made in a 2014 IAEA review but noted that further work is needed.
The Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) today concluded a five-day follow-up mission to assess work the Paks NPP has conducted in response to the 2014 OSART mission.
OSART missions aim to improve operational safety by objectively assessing safety performance using the IAEA's Safety Standards and proposing recommendations and suggestions for improvement where appropriate. The follow-up missions are standard components of the OSART programme and are typically conducted within two years of the initial mission.
The Paks NPP operates four 500 MW pressurized water reactors in central Hungary....
The Danube River is the second longest in Europe. It also sees a lot of commerce. (click here)
Vienna - Austria is planning to sue the European Commission (click here) for allowing Hungary to expand its Paks atomic plant, it said on Monday, not viewing nuclear energy as the way to combat climate change or as being in the common European interest.
The country, which shares a border with Hungary, prides itself on supporting environmentally sound energy. It has for decades opposed nuclear power, which triggers huge disagreements about cleanliness, safety, and renewability.
The anti-nuclear position was reiterated in a coalition agreement struck last month between Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s conservatives and the far-right Freedom Party.
“We in the government have agreed that there are sufficient reasons to sue (the Commission),” a spokesman for Austrian Sustainability Minister Elisabeth Koestinger said....
Let's not dilute the concern of Austria. The Hungarian nuclear reactor in Paks is very old considering the life of nuclear power plants. The plant is observed and reported on by the IAEA.
There are four nuclear plants in Hungary (click here).
Paks, Hungary
Hungary and Russia (click here) will start work on expanding the central European country's sole nuclear power plant.
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (click here) team of experts said Hungary's Paks Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has improved operational safety by following recommendations and suggestions made in a 2014 IAEA review but noted that further work is needed.
The Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) today concluded a five-day follow-up mission to assess work the Paks NPP has conducted in response to the 2014 OSART mission.
OSART missions aim to improve operational safety by objectively assessing safety performance using the IAEA's Safety Standards and proposing recommendations and suggestions for improvement where appropriate. The follow-up missions are standard components of the OSART programme and are typically conducted within two years of the initial mission.
The Paks NPP operates four 500 MW pressurized water reactors in central Hungary....
Austria's Hintereisferner Glacier has retreated 2.8 km (1.75 miles) since 1880. The new study finds a 0.001 percent probability, or one chance in 100,000, that it could have happened without climate change.
Climate change Austria (click here)
Air temperature changes until now
Climate measurement series of ground-level temperatures in Switzerland date back to the mid-19th century. The mean annual temperature has increased by 1.6°C between 1864 and 2008 with respect to 1961-1990 average conditions. Over the past 100 years (1909-2008), mean annual temperatures increased by 0.12-0.19°C per decade, with no distinctive regional differences. Temperature increase has accelerated substantially in recent decades (1). An increase of more than 1°C in average temperature has been observed in Austria during the last century (25). For Austria, a widespread warming trend in both daily minimum and maximum temperatures was confirmed for homogenized time series of temperature data covering the period 1948–2009 (31).
Recent research suggests that there is a similar air temperature trend in the Alps at low and very high altitudes over the last 100 years. Temperature profiles have been analyzed from boreholes drilled at three different sites between 4240 and 4300 m above sea level in the Mont Blanc area (French Alps). A mean warming rate of 0.14 °C/decade between 1900 and 2004 was found. This is similar to the observed regional low altitude trend in the north-western Alps, suggesting that air temperature trends are not altitude dependent (33)....Austrian, Anna Fenniger
"It's Sunday Night"
Anna Fenninger (click here) non smette mai di stupire. E non solo in pista. La sciatrice austriaca ha infatti posato per il progetto ambientalista "Cheetah Conservation Fund" rivolto a salvaguardare le razze africane a rischio, il cui simbolo sono i leopardi. "Bellissimi, veloci e quasi estinti", recita lo slogan della campagna che vede protagonista la bella Anna in versione body painting
Anna Fenninger never ceases to amaze. And not just on the track. The Austrian skier has in fact posed for the environmental project "Cheetah Conservation Fund" aimed at safeguarding African breeds at risk, whose symbol is the leopards. "Beautiful, fast and almost extinct" recites the campaign slogan featuring the beautiful Anna in body painting version
Anna Fenninger’s 2014 calendar (click here) photo shoot with rescued cheetahs helped raise money and awareness for the Cheetah Conservation Fund.
Anna Fenninger (click here) non smette mai di stupire. E non solo in pista. La sciatrice austriaca ha infatti posato per il progetto ambientalista "Cheetah Conservation Fund" rivolto a salvaguardare le razze africane a rischio, il cui simbolo sono i leopardi. "Bellissimi, veloci e quasi estinti", recita lo slogan della campagna che vede protagonista la bella Anna in versione body painting
Anna Fenninger never ceases to amaze. And not just on the track. The Austrian skier has in fact posed for the environmental project "Cheetah Conservation Fund" aimed at safeguarding African breeds at risk, whose symbol is the leopards. "Beautiful, fast and almost extinct" recites the campaign slogan featuring the beautiful Anna in body painting version
Anna Fenninger’s 2014 calendar (click here) photo shoot with rescued cheetahs helped raise money and awareness for the Cheetah Conservation Fund.
There are very few ways a human being, without the aid of machines, can get itself to move faster than a sprinting cheetah.
Downhill skiing is one of them.
Something about the thrill of that untamed speed, as well as a love for her own house cat, got 2014 Olympic Women’s Super-G gold medalist Anna Fenningerdedicated to helping big cats survive in the wild. Her work began in earnest when she became the European Ambassador for the Cheetah Conservation Fund and wore a cheetah-print helmet in Sochi to help raise awareness of the cats’ plight....
Österreich (Republic of Austria)
Austria has different government and civil flags. The official government flag has an eagle in the center.
To the left are the two flags. They have the same color red. The same two read stripes and one white stripe. The examples here differ for no particular reason, except, they are the ones I could find on the internet.
Below is the national anthem of Austria. The blue letters are the English equivalent.
Austrian National Anthem
Land der Berge
Land of Mountains
Vielgeliebtes Österreich.
'O highly beloved Austria!
To the left are the two flags. They have the same color red. The same two read stripes and one white stripe. The examples here differ for no particular reason, except, they are the ones I could find on the internet.
Austrian National Anthem
Land der Berge
Land of Mountains
Land der Berge, Land am Strome,
Land of the Mountains, and on the river,
Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,
Of fields, and of cathedrals,
Land der Hämmer, zukunftsreich!
Of hammers, and with a promising future!
Heimat großer Töchter und Söhne,
A homeland of great sons and daughters
Volk, begnadet für das Schöne,
A people graced with beauty,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich,
Strongly praised Austria,
Vielgerühmtes Österreich!
Strongly praised Austria!
Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten,
Ardently feuded for, and fiercely fought for,
Liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten
You lie out in the middle of the world
Einem starken Herzen gleich.
Like a stout heart.
Hast seit frühen Ahnentagen
You bear the burden of a high mission
Hoher Sendung Last getragen,
Ever since ancient times,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich,
Much-proved Austria,
Vielgeprüftes Österreich.
Much-proved Austria!
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten,
Courage into a new age,
Frei und gläubig sieh uns schreiten,
See us stride, freely and believing,
Arbeitsfroh und hoffnungsreich.
Happily working and full of hope.
Einig laß in Jubelchören,
United, and in jubilation choirs,
Vaterland, dir Treue schwören.
Let us pledge allegiance to you, 'O Fatherland
Vielgeliebtes Österreich,
'O highly beloved Austria,
'O highly beloved Austria!
Here is an example of classic female oppression.
The content of the article and Limbaugh show is highly racist as well. But, before I note the racism of Limbaugh and this journalist, there is a statement by Limbaugh about numbers. "...Two or three or four people...."
To begin, people talk about sex a lot. (click here) There are articles in women's magazines that talk about how to be sexier, how to keep you husband at home, how to spice up your marriage and what to do when if you are pregnant and want to have sex (as if that is an option for most). But, men are only worried about getting the sex and seduction, if it comes from your wife all the better. How many men's magazines talk about consent and/or fidelity?
There is not one men's magazine I found that discussed fidelity in marriage. Here is what I found:
"Fidelity in Marriage" (click here for Latter Day Saints website)
"Men Who Don't Cheat" (click here for AARP website)
"Fidelity With A Wandering Eye" (click here for The Atlantic)
But, given equal time there is this article about cheating featuring an African American Woman in the headline. It must be part of their anti-racist campaign at "The Atlantic." I can think of a million other topics to carry out an anti-racist campaign, but, I have to admit this was not a topic that first came to my mind.
"Why Happy People Cheat, A good marriage is no guarantee against infidelity" (click here)
To begin, people talk about sex a lot. (click here) There are articles in women's magazines that talk about how to be sexier, how to keep you husband at home, how to spice up your marriage and what to do when if you are pregnant and want to have sex (as if that is an option for most). But, men are only worried about getting the sex and seduction, if it comes from your wife all the better. How many men's magazines talk about consent and/or fidelity?
There is not one men's magazine I found that discussed fidelity in marriage. Here is what I found:
"Fidelity in Marriage" (click here for Latter Day Saints website)
"Men Who Don't Cheat" (click here for AARP website)
"Fidelity With A Wandering Eye" (click here for The Atlantic)
But, given equal time there is this article about cheating featuring an African American Woman in the headline. It must be part of their anti-racist campaign at "The Atlantic." I can think of a million other topics to carry out an anti-racist campaign, but, I have to admit this was not a topic that first came to my mind.
"Why Happy People Cheat, A good marriage is no guarantee against infidelity" (click here)
So, women not only have to worry about slut shaming, they have to worry about whether or not they are SUFFICIENT in marriage or eligible at all for marriage. The amount of pressure on American women is ridiculous.
The disparity of a focus on fidelity in modern media is outrageous. But, back to numbers and the 'idea' there are perverts within consent let's consider the very popular movie series "Fifty Shades of Gray." Here is a man with such horrible psychic reference points in his life that anything goes sexually.
This "thing" about numbers in measuring sex is always there, isn't it? I mean this sex in numbers thing really is a thing. Alas he is only allowed fifty shades.
As a point of reference "Fifty" and AARP is interesting, but, the lastest "Fifty" movie is coming out everywhere besides Russia.
"Fifty Shades Freed" (click here) This movie has to be one of the most hideous roles for women in the world. It pretends to allow a woman complete control over her man by indulging him his bondage to CURE his psychic issues IMPOSED upon him by his "druggy mother."
But, the best way to put women in their place when engaged in an equality or JUSTICE movement is to place all of womankind under the umbrella of minority women that misbehave.
I WANT TO KNOW HOW A FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can misbehave? How does that happen? They might be First Lady, but, she is automatically under the microscope of a media that demands she be "a good woman." There is no way a First Lady, no matter the ethnicity, can misbehave. It doesn't happen.
Michelle Obama is among one of the most decently wonderful women in the USA. She strove to uplift everyone, including the diets of children when the USA was facing an epidemic of diabetes.
Does anyone know what it is like to be 18 years old or less and sit through a support group for people with diabete? It isn't as though young people have enough on their plate to contend with, but, add to that diabetes and the idea there is just that one more thing that can absolutely reek havoc in their lives into the future and the disease that it is. Not only that BUT IT WAS THE AMERICAN DIET that caused it.
Every First Lady from the beginning of time in some way focused on beauty (Lady Bird), reading and/or the arts. The Clinton White House was awash of the arts. The arts are one of the first places international relations is built. Cultural exchanges are important to building relationships with other countries. That should mean a lot to American business as well, because, each new cultural partner to the USA can also become an economic trading partner in time.
The "idea" the Obama White House somehow promoted perversion of the American culture by inviting Rap Artists to perform is disgusting. Rap grew out of the exclusion of the inner city from the American landscape. The inner city has been a No Go Zone.
The inner city are Americans, too. (click here) Men who could carry rhythm really well came up with a culture that would serve them well. They created a new American sound, called Rap. I suppose that came from the idea of the "rap sheet" that littered their lives rather than resumes.
I dare Rush Limbaugh and his legal drug habit to make a life that spans prison, out of prison, the American street and some kind of family affiliation called a gang. Rush didn't have to deal with the cops because he had doctors more than willing to write perscriptions. I suppose he might share a special affection with Elvis, but, alas Rush is still with us.
Rap belonged in the White House, along with all the other art forms and their artists. It is amazing to realize how foreign cultures are welcome with open arms while the Rap Culture of the USA was sequestered no differently than the segregated neighborhoods it found as a beginning.
The sexual content of Rap is it's history, but, as any other art form it matures and expands and encompasses a larger view of the world. The Obama White House provided an international platform for Rap and I am glad for it.
So, when racists like Limbaugh and this journalist brings up their numbers in relation to sex and African American icons, remember, please remember, they are oppressing women. Don't go there with them. Shame Rush, not yourselves.
"Have a better day," okay?
The disparity of a focus on fidelity in modern media is outrageous. But, back to numbers and the 'idea' there are perverts within consent let's consider the very popular movie series "Fifty Shades of Gray." Here is a man with such horrible psychic reference points in his life that anything goes sexually.
This "thing" about numbers in measuring sex is always there, isn't it? I mean this sex in numbers thing really is a thing. Alas he is only allowed fifty shades.
As a point of reference "Fifty" and AARP is interesting, but, the lastest "Fifty" movie is coming out everywhere besides Russia.
"Fifty Shades Freed" (click here) This movie has to be one of the most hideous roles for women in the world. It pretends to allow a woman complete control over her man by indulging him his bondage to CURE his psychic issues IMPOSED upon him by his "druggy mother."
But, the best way to put women in their place when engaged in an equality or JUSTICE movement is to place all of womankind under the umbrella of minority women that misbehave.
I WANT TO KNOW HOW A FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA can misbehave? How does that happen? They might be First Lady, but, she is automatically under the microscope of a media that demands she be "a good woman." There is no way a First Lady, no matter the ethnicity, can misbehave. It doesn't happen.
Michelle Obama is among one of the most decently wonderful women in the USA. She strove to uplift everyone, including the diets of children when the USA was facing an epidemic of diabetes.
Does anyone know what it is like to be 18 years old or less and sit through a support group for people with diabete? It isn't as though young people have enough on their plate to contend with, but, add to that diabetes and the idea there is just that one more thing that can absolutely reek havoc in their lives into the future and the disease that it is. Not only that BUT IT WAS THE AMERICAN DIET that caused it.
Every First Lady from the beginning of time in some way focused on beauty (Lady Bird), reading and/or the arts. The Clinton White House was awash of the arts. The arts are one of the first places international relations is built. Cultural exchanges are important to building relationships with other countries. That should mean a lot to American business as well, because, each new cultural partner to the USA can also become an economic trading partner in time.
The "idea" the Obama White House somehow promoted perversion of the American culture by inviting Rap Artists to perform is disgusting. Rap grew out of the exclusion of the inner city from the American landscape. The inner city has been a No Go Zone.
The inner city are Americans, too. (click here) Men who could carry rhythm really well came up with a culture that would serve them well. They created a new American sound, called Rap. I suppose that came from the idea of the "rap sheet" that littered their lives rather than resumes.
I dare Rush Limbaugh and his legal drug habit to make a life that spans prison, out of prison, the American street and some kind of family affiliation called a gang. Rush didn't have to deal with the cops because he had doctors more than willing to write perscriptions. I suppose he might share a special affection with Elvis, but, alas Rush is still with us.
Rap belonged in the White House, along with all the other art forms and their artists. It is amazing to realize how foreign cultures are welcome with open arms while the Rap Culture of the USA was sequestered no differently than the segregated neighborhoods it found as a beginning.
The sexual content of Rap is it's history, but, as any other art form it matures and expands and encompasses a larger view of the world. The Obama White House provided an international platform for Rap and I am glad for it.
So, when racists like Limbaugh and this journalist brings up their numbers in relation to sex and African American icons, remember, please remember, they are oppressing women. Don't go there with them. Shame Rush, not yourselves.
"Have a better day," okay?
“It’s not locker room talk. I don’t know men who talk that way. Decent men do not talk that way. What Trump was talking about was sexual assault,” Michelle Obama said during a visit to New Hampshire....
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