From June 6th throught 9th all one heard in the media and in every conservative talk show on the planet were demands to have US Representative Anthony Weiner to resign. In a completely beniign, consentual, adult conversations between women and a single man who was newly married; the Republcian Party worked overtime to demand the removal of Representative Weiner. A scandal that is dramatically daunted by the scandals of Republicans in CONTEXT, but, not media forcus was a strategic, political tactic not just for the women that 'sold out' a so-called relationship / chat for considerable money, but, also for the political 'attention' and MORALIZING of the RNC and its members.
June 7th
- By Brian Montopoli
...Asked if Weiner should step down after a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon in Louisa, Virginia, Cantor said that "Congressman Weiner and his constituents will make that decision. I certainly don't condone his activity and I think he should resign."...
With Few Democrats Defending Him, Republicans Call on Weiner to Resign
By Chris Good
Jun 7 2011, 4:15 PM ET
...Today we heard the first high-profile call for Weiner's resignation, made by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.). "We've got a lot of serious challenges going on in this country and a lot of work for Congress to do. The last thing we need is to be immersed in discussion about Congressman Weiner and his Twitter activities," Cantor said, according to Roll Call. "I certainly don't condone his activity and I think he should resign."
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the same. "Congressman Weiner's actions and deception are unacceptable and he should resign," Priebus said in a statement released by the RNC. "We do not need an investigation to know he lied and acted inappropriately, we need a resignation."...
June 8, 2011
JUNE 8, 2011
On Tuesday, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called for Mr. Weiner to resign and challenged House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., ...Calif.) and Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to explain whether they "believe members of Congress are held to a different set of standards."...
A different standard than WHAT? They are Congressmen. Of course, they are held to a different standard and this time his constituents didn't want him to leave by a poll indicting 56% wanted him to stay. DID THE HARRASSMENT STOP? NOooooo, the harassment and the pressure for his resignation continued BEYOND the demands of Eric Canter the day before. The media and the Republican Party continued on and on and on beyond any proof of the demands of his constituency, EVEN THOUGH that was the stated standard by all.
Then as if a contageous disease OTHER Democrrat Congressmen were LABELED with sterrotypes and scrutiny of their behavior fell into suspicion ! Amazing. LET'S GO FOR THE JUGULAR, OKAY? "Take 'em down."
Weiner being completely embarrassment and humilitated by the entire episode, now realizing his communication with sexually expressive women asking for rendevous, was a hoax on their part, could defend from the idiocy. He should have stated for everyone to mind their own business as his constituents already spoke in his favor.
possible. 'GET THEM ON THE RECORD.' It didn't matter that his constituents were on the record. Nah. It was what the media wanted that was important and the showmanship of the Republcians went on and on. You betcha. Not that there was anything else bettter to attend to. All the Republicans and media could concentrate on was "Burning down the Democratic House."
Continues To Cling To Weiner Campaign Cash, Stand By Lewd New York Rep
As he continues to posture himself on a wide variety of issues in advance of an uphill U.S. Senate bid, liberal U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) has remained conspicuously silent on the explosive controversy regarding his friend, campaign benefactor, and colleague U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner’s (D-NY) lewd online behavior.
June 9th
Then the moralizing was to encircle as many SILENT Democrats as
Posted by Christopher Maloney on June 09, 2011
Columbus - Ohio Republican Party Communications Director Christopher Maloney released the following statement after calls by national Democrats for New York Congressman Anthony Weiner to resign:
"Talk is cheap. It's time for Sherrod Brown to walk the walk when it comes to draining Washington's 'ethical swamp;' it's time for him to join his fellow candidates for U.S. Senate, and Democratic Party peers, in calling for Anthony Weiner's resignation," Maloney said.
"Sherrod Brown sits on the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics. As long as Senator Brown intends on continuing to incorporate ethics and good government into his 2012 campaign platform, he should join with his Democatic colleagues and provide Ohioans with an answer on whether Anthony Weiner should resign his seat in Congress."…
Then on June 16th on MSNBC with the party that claims to have its
pulse on the nation comes the resounding and continued harassment
of Democrats from Pat Buchanan. "You never stood up for the guy."
As yes. The ever so loyal Republican that could see the injustice by
the Democratic Party while realizing the Weiner scandal was hardly
a scandal at all.
Of course, now that the congressman had resigned, the Democrats
were at fault after all for the resignation because they didn't stand
up for their own congressman. That is what sets the GOP a part,
you know? The GOP stands up for sleeve-bags like Ensign and
Vitter so they don't loose a seats anywhere.
And what does the media do to keep the momentum going? They SPECULATE about the next in line for the New York 9th district and whether or not that Congressman/woman will actually matter in the scheme of thing before the 2012 elections. They didn't term it that way. Not to focus on the people of the NINTH as all, it was "Weiner's Replacement" which already sends up red flags. Could it be another one of the sorry Liberal Demcrats with a big mouth and SOMETHING TO SAY on the floor of the House?
For Weiner’s Successor, Perhaps, Lame-Duck Status (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: June 16, 2011
So, who wants to be a lame-duck freshman?...
Exactly my thought. Who would want to be a lame-duck freshman. Absolutely. Not that the people of the NINTH should feel secure about their home and its representation after their ELECTED Congressman had been pressured to leave without much recognition to their wishes regarding this mess.
No one. I do mean no one, except, Former Congressman Anthony Weiner paid attention to the people of his district and what they wanted. NO ONE. The entire two parties of the USA was concentrated on playing polictics and completely disregarding THE WILL of the people of New York's Ninth. That should not be a surprise because that is what Republcians do, 24-7. They showed their true colors on this one in a very big way. They turned their backs on the voters in the NINTH and ignored the fact they voted Democratic and insisted over and above the will of his constituents that the Congressman resign and then insisted that the media run him into the ground.
Wow. And the Democrats not only let them get away with it, but, played right along.
ISSA: Well, first of all, (click here)I agree with Eric, who’s my leader, and who’s a classmate of mine and a friend. But I think Eric’s missing one point. Anthony Weiner’s not a Republican. He won’t resign. There’s a different standard between Republicans and Democrats. Yes, if he were Chris Lee, well, actually, Chris Lee did less and resigned immediately....
There is a different standard that Speaker Boehner and Leader Cantor hold us to.
...And we should hold ourselves to it, but if we don’t, in the case of Chris Lee, who didn’t, you’re gone. They’re not doing that on the other side....
Is that right? Speaker Boner and Leader Cantor are the moral compass for the party and insist on STRINGENT adherence to the ten commandments. Is that right? Well, in case no one noticed the Congressman in question was NOT Christian. That is not premission for such naive behavior, it is simply a fact.
And, of course, every Republican is perfect right down to his wing-tips and Brylcreme. Good personal habits make the man. Absolutely.
Yep. "Brylcreme." A good thing to keep right next to the P90-X tape in the Congressal Gym.