This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Isabel Montanez led a conclusive study of the Pliocene
This is a depiction of Earth during the Pliocene Era.
"...After five years, they had compiled the first carefully dated and cross-referenced archive of the period's primeval soils and fossil plant matter, they reported.
Geochemical analysis of iron oxides and isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen revealed telling evidence of temperature variation, rainfall patterns and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels through 40 million years of the Paleozoic, covering the period of major climate warming. They correlated those findings with an analysis of shellfish fossil remains, to compare those findings against marine carbon levels."
It is an extraordinary improvement on past estimates," said Yale paleoclimate expert Mark Pagani, who was not involved in the research.
Instead of a relatively gradual transition from a cold world to a warm one, as many scientists had believed occurred, Montanez and her colleagues found fever spikes of climate change correlated with fluctuating levels of carbon dioxide, like a seismometer graph of the myriad tremors before and after a major earthquake. "
CO2 goes up and temperature goes up. It drops and temperature drops," Montanez said.
"It suggests," she said, "that the normal behavior in major climate transitions is instability, erratic temperature behavior and carbon dioxide changes."
The Pliocene was a time when Earth was younger and hotter with more active volcanoes. The amount of carbon dioxide Dr. Montanez is referrring to "...Over several million years, carbon dioxide in the ancient atmosphere increased from about 280 parts per million to 2,000 ppm,..." is unheard of today. At levels of 380 ppm we are seeing drastic changes in the opportunity for survival of biota including threats by widespread droughts. This is not a minor issue. This is a threat to the very planet we all live on.
There is absolutely no direct link between solar flares and Global Warming.
None !
This is Sol, our sun, in relation to Earth. The amount of solar radiation that comes off the Sun is enormous, but, the amount that passes Earth is miniscule. When there is solar activity there is a large amount of energy released, but, it is not DIRECTED at Earth. Only a small amount on any given day of Sol's energy reaches Earth. Solar flares and sunspots might interrupt cell phone transmissions because of it's wavelength but that is only for the instant it is occuring. That is not cumulative and in no way has sufficient magnitude to affect Earth's warmth.
The amount of 'incoming' radiation is irrelivant to the amount of heat. We already know the amount of heat of Earth is dictated by wavelength that produces heat called infrared. We know that the amount of infrared retained by Earth is directly related to the Greenhouse Gases and their density/moles. No matter how much direct sunlight reaches Earth the ONLY heat that is retained is due to the gaseous mixture of the troposphere.
It is a completely false premise and should never be taken seriously as a reason for Global Warming.
Global Warming occurs over time
The gaseous mixture of Earth is not volitile. If it were it would be uninhabitable. The very small amount of carbon dioxide in the mixture is magnified by the high volume of water vapor in it's hydrological capacity to retain heat. This direct relationship between carbon dioxide and it's radiant reflective properties accumulates in Earth's higher water vapor over time to degrade the icefields, ice ocean and ice continent.
Mass in constant.
Energy is constant.
Global Warming is a direct result from a gaseous mix of Earth's troposphere and the properties of each gas complimenting the other.
No different than when we look at Earth from space. It is blue. Is it blue because the oceans are blue? No. Water is transparent. Earth is blue from the high nitrogen content and the oceans appear blue because of it's reflective property.
The gaseous troposphere of Earth is a balance of mass and energy manifested in uniqueness that is only Earth.
The Vibrating Carbon Dioxide Molecule - or why Greenhouse Gases heat Earth.
Does it vibrate from wavelength? Yep. Does it vibrate due to the sunlight/wavelength? No. It vibrates due to 'acted upon' wavelength by Earth and returned to the troposphere as infrared.
Currently 380 ppm
Hard to believe that 380 parts of one million parts of air causes so much heat on Earth.
As infrared is reflected from Earth it passes the carbon dioxide in the troposphere. We know that infrared has wavelength. We know infrared has the ability to transmit heat. As it is reflected back to space, carbon dioxide is vibrated by it. In that vibration the wavelength not used to 'excite' the carbon dioxide molecule is then again returned to Earth. It then also returns heat as infrared. The infrared reflected from the carbon dioxide is scattered adn depending on the 'mode' of the excited carbon dioxide the infrared scatters randomly back to Earth.
I would expect about now the understanding of why heat builds on Earth as carbon dioxide builds in the troposphere would start to become self evident.
PV = nRTemperature
The Ideal Gas Law
n = the number of moles of gas in a volume under a specific pressure acted on by a known (R) quantity and TEMPERATURE.
This is an equilibrium reaction. As commodities on the right side of the equation change the commodities on the left hand side of the equation change and then in turn there is again changes on the right hand side of the equation.
As the moles (number of molecules) of carbon dioxide goes up, the volume found in the troposphere changes, which in turn acts on the temperature due to the equilibrium dynamics of Earth and it's chronic 'feed back loop' of infrared with ever increasing carbon dioxide.
Within this equation is one that is more complex. It is called Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures (click on). Basically, it says this:
"...that the identity of a gas is unimportant in determining the P-V-T properties of the gas. This behavior means that a gas mixture behaves in exactly the same fashion as a pure gas...."
The troposphere of Earth is a gas mixture containing water vapor. What causes weather on Earth? Carbon dioxide? No. Water. What molecule has an incredible dynamics in the range of heat reaction? Carbon dioxide? No. Water. What does carbon dioxide do? It vibrates and returns 'radiant' heat of infrared to Earth to warm the planet. What mechanism 'holds' the heat in the troposphere? Carbon dioxide? No. Water.
As Dalton's Law predicts, it does not require a particular gas property to understand the 'balance' of the entire gas mixture. In this case, the properties of carbon dioxide are complimented by mixing with water and creating a troposphere that nurtures biota. As the carbon dioxide increases in the troposphere the compliment with water vapor increases revealed in the 'hydrological' reaction relationship between the properties of carbon dioxide and water.
Earth's troposphere has a mixture of gases. It is in an equilibrium distribution. The entire planet is served by this relationship of Greenhouse Gases and water. When water vapor is present in the form it takes on Earth, it is complimented by a mixture of gases that provides the radiant heat to enable a planet which by nature is ice to be a lush forest of life as we have come to know it.
So why is there so much 'difference' of opinion regarding Global Warming?
They have not 'cared' to understand the complexities of a planet that is by nature an ice planet while melting. Why would they blame the sun, when in fact it is not the sun that causes Earth's heating directly? Because it's easy to blame something you cannot control and then due to expert credentials advocate those 'ideas' to be accepted. There enters into this argument 'philosophy' rather than 'fact.' When people who don't have control over certain aspects of life decide to turn a difficult phenomena to control, such as the heating of Earth, into a simply concept such as solar radiation which is out of control, they sometimes think they are soothing to 'the human condition.' They are rewarded for that being seen as easy to get along with by others that see their cooperation as profitable. I sometimes feel sorry for the people that seek less complexity to understand one's world/life than those brave enough to question. Life is not simple. It is not easily lived. Life is a challenge and the more one questions, the more one sees life as accomplishable and not overwhelming.
So, this sunlight/sun wavelength must have something 'done to it' to heat Earth.
One other thing. Why is it then when I put my hand into sunlight or go to the beach that I feel heat? Why does my skin change color as if 'baked' in the sun when I go to the beach?
What happens with chlorophyll? It's utilized, right? Wavelength is utiliized. So when one tans their skin in the sun it is not HEAT that is baking their skin, it is wavelength working on pigment of skin to change it's color. So, long about now I am expecting everyone to come to the conclusion that sunlight/wavelength is 'acted upon' in order to illicit change on Earth and in fact it is the action of plants, animals, people that cause the warming of Earth by 'acting upon' wavelength.
Solar radiation. The entire light spectrum. Lots of wavelength reaching Earth everyday.
The wavelength that comes from the sun is 'complete.' It is basically untouched. It does not cause the heating of Earth. There is a spectific spectrum of wavelength from the sun that causes warming/heating. That specific wavelength is called infrared. It is reflected off the surfaces of Earth. Why? Why is infrared produced by Earth. Well, if Earth receives a full wavelength spectrum from the sun and then utilizes it, will the resultant 'waste wavelength' be the same as the 'utilized wavelength?' No. The utilized wavelength is removed and the 'changed' wavelength is left to reflect back 'toward' space.
The wavelength absorption by chlorophyll - specifically in this graph a & b
Wavelength of Earth is far more than is reflected by this graph. There is radio wavelength and we have all experienced a poorly tuned radio. What is occurring when one tunes in a 'station' on the radio? Magic? No. Digital? No. A natural phenomena harnessed by people to communicate. Wavelength. All kinds, visual, hearing wavelength. Sonar is wavelength. Dolphins have a highly sophisticated society that communications due to wavelength. But. Then so do humans. Would you hear a word someone would say to you without wavelength? Of course not. Wavelength is very important. Like water, it is abundant throughout Earth and vital to life, especially plants. Even people need Vitamin D. It comes from the sun.
Carbon Dioxide - the boring molecule
Well, sorta boring. It is a linear molecule without any charge on it. It is grossly stable. If your a plant, you won't be reading this, but you might find CO2 vital.
In order for plants to utilize carbon dioxide it takes a lot of energy. A lot of sunshine. The form of energy that is used by plants is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is vitally important to metabolism. The energy the plants of Earth use is garnered from sunlight due to WAVE LENGTH.
There are several different chlorophyll. They all utilize sunlight for producing ATP that in turn utilizes carbon dioxide in it's metabolism. When sunlight wavelength is utilized by plants that literally use the vibration to produce energy, it is selective. It doesn't use all the wavelength of sunlight.
The Sun delivers a full spectrum of light to Earth. But, chlorophyll with it's different colors/molecular structure uses it selectively. Everyone who wants to understand why vision is colorful understands the absorption of light and how the colors we see is what is left over when selective wavelength is absorbed by objects. The color black is a complete absorption of all visual wavelength, white color is a complete reflection of visual wavelength.
Water. Earth the Water planet. Tides. Waves.
The Wedge
Newport Beach, California
Earth is primarily a water planet, but, more than that, by nature it is an ice planet. When Earth gets hot it's water becomes a mechanism of attempts to maintain it's biotic balance.
When Earth's temperature goes up what happens? Why does the heat stay? Does the water of Earth become a way to control Earth's temperature? Or is it more a reflection of Earth's gaseous atmosphere? Is weather, dominated by water, telling us about Global Warming? When weather patterns occur to out of control, does that mean Earth's troposphere is out of control?
How much do you know about water? It makes up most of your body.
Water is a fascinating molecule with amazing properties. Water is a polar molecule. The way the atoms come together it has an angle. That angle creates a partically postive and partially negative molecule. Water has many properties. Weather on Earth occurs because of water. Water is susceptible to temperature.
Pressure by Billy Joel
You're just like everybody else
You've only had to run so far
So good
But you will come to a place
Where the only thing you feel
Are loaded guns in your face
And you'll have to deal with
You used to call me paranoid
But even you can not avoid
You turned the tap dance into your crusade
Now here you are with your faith
And your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you cannot handle pressure
All grown up and no place to go
Psych 1, Psych 2
What do you know?
All your life is Channel 13
Sesame Street
What does it mean?
Don't ask for help
You're all alone
You'll have to answer
To your own
I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale
But here you are in the ninth
Two men out and three men on
Nowhere to look but inside
Where we all respond to
All your life is Time Magazine
I read it too
What does it mean?
I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale
But here you are with your faith
And your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you cannot handle pressure
Pressure, pressure
One, two, three, four