No one in this world is interested in invading Russia and change its sovereign identity. He needs to take his military back within Russian borders and this would all be over.
Ukraine is and always has been interested in being an independent state, just as all the other Post-Soviet states. Ukraine has an obligation to the world in that it’s magnificent farmland can feed a very large percentage of those that are hungry. It is that which Putin needs to concentrate.
The days of the Soviet Union are over. The country was too large to protect no matter what military were to do it. There is no conventional weaponry capable of securing the former Soviet Union. It is why the nuclear capacity of the country was considered important.
The Post Soviet States have good quality of life for their people. Their citizens want to be free and not captive to regressive regimes. Continuing to rant about threats to democracy and nuclear strikes is a losing strategy, especially when it was never necessary in the first place.
Communists always WANT to believe there is some sort of evil plot against them by Free Nations of people. NO ONE IS INTERESTED.
The paradigm of strong militaries exists because everyone has their politics wrong. The never ending story of mutual hatred is the wrong political message. Aggression for land by free countries does not exist. We are no longer kingdoms. There is no head of state looking for economic exploitation of any country.
Vladimir Putin is causing self-destruction and that of Russia. He is dragging other countries into a war they had nothing to do with.
Russia lost this war within the first week. The only reason this is continuing is because of wayward ideology with no basis in reality.
The Free World cannot stand by and watch this anymore. It isn’t even called a war, is it? What it is, is an ideological incursion into what was an unarmed country. Ukraine would gladly go back to being within its borders seeking trade with all it’s neighbors, but, somehow that is a threat to Russia, huh?
Vladimir Putin has ruined Russia. It not only has thousands upon thousands of dead citizens and any other sympathetic soldiers, it now has to accept soldiers from other countries to pretend it is important enough to the sovereign state of Russia.
Putin is in the position of protecting himself as a man guilty of human rights abuses and genocide of Ukraine’s children. That is the real problem and he doesn’t care what type of war engagement it takes to protect himself from prison or worse.
If Putin begins to release nuclear weapons there are no winners. Putin is standing at the door of mutual annihilation. Of all the profoundly evil men in this world he is the first to have access to nuclear weapons to protect his own life. It is astounding he is so intractable in a resolve to return the Soviet Union to existence. Certainly he knows how hideous this is.
NO ONE IS COMING FOR RUSSIA and no one is allowing Russia to come for us!
Vladimir Putin needs to stop this ridiculous aggression with no basis in reality and he needs to stop it now.