Thursday, February 06, 2014

In regard to the is a lie.

...advocates want the SAFEST method of send this tar to the Gulf Coast.

400 parts per million of carbon dioxide.

There is nothing safe about that. Do the advocates actually understand and care. They certainly don't respect the work of American scientists.

On May 9, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air exceeded 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in the observational record since 1958, and very likely for the first time in at least 800,000 years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced on Friday. This marks the first time the daily average CO2 concentration has risen past 400 ppm in the iconic record kept by the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, where daily observations go back to 1958.

What else is there to understand?

The Newest Impoverished in the USA. Will the homeless be able to vote in 2014?

After 16 years of working for a cold storage facility, I lost my job as an office manager. Due to company budget cuts, office manager positions were cut across the country, and for the first time in my life, I was unemployed.

I'm the sole provider for our family. My husband had a kidney transplant a few years ago and now suffers from heart disease, and we now care for our 10-year-old granddaughter who is disabled. Having a steady income is really important to our family. With the loss of my job, we had no income. I knew there was financial assistance available, and on July 15th, I began collecting emergency unemployment insurance.

For months, I applied for jobs. Looking online and in newspapers, I applied for more than 400 jobs altogether—which led to only two interviews. I would take any job right now, I'm not being picky. But I was either too qualified or not qualified enough.

In early January, Congress failed to renew unemployment insurance for me and other Americans who are in a similar situation—and now my family has zero income.

Here we go again with more housing than the market will bear.

Next month we're going to put our house on the market and try and sell it. Hopefully, we can sell our house and avoid having it foreclosed on. I know a lot of other people are faced with these circumstances too, and this isn't a game. Getting your house foreclosed on isn't a game.

I know something will open up, it has to, but right now, things are really tough. I've worked since I was 14 years old, I pay taxes, but I hit a rough spot, and now this one crucial lifeline is gone. 

The Ukraine needs to be invited to the G8 in June by the EU.

Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car) 
47 mpg Kiev (click here)

It has a auto industry, but, none are top line production vehicles. They have long term companies, but, they sell primarily to places like Iraq.

The moves come amid Russian attempts to stop Ukraine moving towards the EU.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said they had not discussed Ukraine joining a Moscow-led customs union.

Russia is trying to create their own version of the EU and it is making investments to facilitate that. The monies to the Ukraine weren't provided as a gift. I would anticipate Russia sees itself as an ally. 

I don't know who is worse Russia or Europe. Europe is holding the Ukraine hostage to trade. That is going to escalate tensions with Russia.

Published 19 July 2013
updated 23 July 2013
The Ukrainian ambassador to the EU, (click here) Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, said the signature of an EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which could take place in November, would be similar in magnitude for his country to the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany.

Yelisieiev, who was recently promoted to advisor on external political processes to the Ukrainian president, made a passionate plea for the EU to adopt a “strategic vision” on Ukraine's future geopolitical position in Europe.
“We consider in Ukraine the signing of this agreement as the second event after the declaration of the independence of Ukraine [16 July 1990]. And I would like to enforce my argument: this signing for Ukraine will be, like years ago, the fall of the Berlin wall for Germany,” the ambassador said.

The association agreement with Ukraine was initialled more than a year ago but the EU made its signature conditional on progress made in areas such as democratic and judicial reforms, including the release from prison of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The draft agreement offers closer political and economic cooperation, but stops short of offering a path towards EU accession....

The demands of Russia for the Former Prime Minister isn't going to work. The EU might try asking Pussy Riot to intervene for all the good this is going to do them and the Former Prime Minister.

The G-8 is the best option to bring the Former Prime Minister home. It should be part of the agenda by Europe. Russia holds the Presidency this year. There should be envoys to Russia from Europe on behalf of the Former Prime Minister before the G8 convenes. It is going to be in Sochi in June. It should be done in the spirit of allowing The Ukraine a fresh start after the turbulence in that country. I would think Russia would want to dispel any ill will with The Ukraine and the release of the Former Prime Minister will resolve political tensions as well.

Her release isn't going to change anything. We have witnessed many people released from Russia's prisons and there have good consequences, not bad. 

The Ukraine has no influence with Russia regarding this issue and it should not be held hostage by the EU.

January 21, 12:04
MOSCOW, January 21. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (click here) outlined on Tuesday priorities of Russia’s G8 presidency, listing among them fight against extremism and drug threat, as well as health protection and management of risks connected with natural calamities.

“Tasks of raising the efficiency on such directions as fight against drug threat, terrorism and extremism, health protection, formation of a global system of managing risks connected with man-caused and natural calamities, and of course contribution to the settlement of regional conflicts are among our G8 priorities,” the foreign minister said at a major news conference reviewing the results of 2013.

In pursuing its foreign policy last year, Russia was oriented towards “ensuring favorable social-political conditions for the development of the country, for the transition of its economy to the innovation track and for higher living standards of our citizens and the quality of their life,” he said.
“With that in view, Russia was consistently promoting a positive uniting international agenda to bring closer the settlement of fundamental problems of the modern world,” he said.

“It was these approaches that we were guided by in G20 presidency, and we are guided by the same approaches as the president of G8,” the foreign minister added.

And she isn't even helping herself.  She will remain a focus of concern, she doesn't have to do this, she is a former head of state. The longer the EU continues to play these games the longer it will continue. The EU has to take the Former Prime Minister off their agenda and out of any economic pact, because they are only hurting the people of the Ukraine. This isn't a matter of trade relations, it is an issue that high level diplomacy has to solve.

Graham Stack in Kyiv
February 6, 2014

Jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko (click here) is opposed to any deal between the opposition and embattled President Viktor Yanukovych to end a mass protest movement that has occasionally erupted in violence, according to a letter sent from her jail cell to her parliamentary group, and subsequently leaked to the public.

The firebrand former prime minister Tymoshenko, two and half years into a seven-year jail sentence, made a powerful intervention on February 4 in talks between opposition and government on an exit to the current crisis, which arose when Yanukovych failed to sign a deal in November that would bring Ukraine closer to the EU. Tymoshenko dispatched a six-page letter to the parliamentary group of her Batkvyshina party, in which she poured scorn on the united opposition's joint platform for talks with Yanukovych.... 

It sounds like Pakistan. I don't think the world needs another Pakistan.

...But this flexibility on the part of Yanukovych has aroused the suspicions of Tymoshenko, who has every reason to be leery of him: after losing narrowly to him in presidential elections in February 2010, she was subsequently jailed on what are widely regarded as trumped-up charges of having exceeded her powers during her time as prime minister. She has repeatedly warned of the threat he poses to Ukraine's fragile democracy.... 

That is exactly what Pakistan does. They put former leaders that have lost an election in prison before they can run again. It is the exact same thing.

Mushy is up on charges of treason. They want to execute his sorry butt. He should ask Kahn to stand up for him as a character witness. At least Kahn is a national hero, it will give him some credibility.

By Azam Khan / Hasnaat Malik
Published: February 6, 2014
ISLAMABAD: Former president Pervez Musharraf (click here) has pledged to appear in court if the hearing of his treason trial were to be referred to any court other than the special court, according to a surety bond, available with The Express Tribune.
If Musharraf fails to honor this commitment, he is liable to pay a penalty of Rs 2.5 million, according to the bond. Musharraf is due to appear before the special court on Friday but there are murmurs from his top aides about the likelihood of his appearance at the hearing....

Former Prime Minister Tymoshenko should not be yelling at the current Ukraine President from a Russia prison. She should be proposing how to approach a better economic outlook for the country. Russia has got reins on the Ukraine. The people of that nation have to realize no other nation is giving them a break and at the same time putting pre-conditions on trade. Trade with the EU is perceived as a threat by Russia. Why? There is absolutely no reason why The Ukraine can't trade with both Russia and Europe. Right now, the EU is being lazy and putting conditions on trade that is unrealistic and oppressive all by itself.

The Ukraine will never break out of it's doldrums so long as the EU is using it as a puppet to power.

I am trying to find what is so egregious of the 2004 constitution.

Article 3 

The human being, his or her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. 

Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the essence and orientation of the activity of the State. The State is answerable to the individual for its activity. To affirm and ensure human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the State.

Article 9

International treaties that are in force, agreed to be binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, are part of the national legislation of Ukraine.

The conclusion of international treaties that contravene the Constitution of Ukraine is possible only after introducing relevant amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.

Under Article 9 there is no reason why current trade relations with Russia can continue while incorporating new nations into trade laws. No other nation showed up at the doorstep of the Ukraine with billions of dollars.

There should be no political entanglements to cast the Ukraine into servitude to any other nation in order to gain economic consent.  That is crazy. Just because the EU demands it, doesn't mean it is possible or best. There is no way the Ukraine should include an amendment in their constitution stating it will bargain for political prisoners in exchange for trade relations.

The Ukraine has to recruit other nations leaders to help free the Former Prime Minister. There is way of putting that kind of pressure on Russia. War is out of the question. 

The 2004 Constitution even has an environmental provision. 

Article 16
To ensure ecological safety and to maintain the ecological balance on the territory of Ukraine, to overcome the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe — a catastrophe of global scale, and to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people is the duty of the State.

Neither the West or Russia can set up a military base in the country. I like that part.

Article 17
...The creation and operation of any armed formations not envisaged by law are prohibited on the territory of Ukraine.
The location of foreign military bases shall not be permitted on the territory of Ukraine.

The Ukraine Constitution has an entire section dedicated to human rights. It is obvious they want to be a neutral country. So the idea they are going to fight Russia at some level to free a Former Prime Minister is not in their purview.

Chapter II: Human and Citizens' Rights, Freedoms and Duties

They have an article guaranteeing women equal standing. The USA never passed "The Equal Rights Amendment" and it is written into the Ukraine Constitution of 2004.

Article 24
Equality of the rights of women and men is ensured: by providing women with opportunities equal to those of men, in public and political, and cultural activity, in obtaining education and in professional training, in work and its remuneration; by special measures for the protection of work and health of women; by establishing pension privileges, by creating conditions that allow women to combine work and motherhood; by legal protection, material and moral support of motherhood and childhood, including the provision of paid leaves and other privileges to pregnant women and mothers.

According to Article 25, Tymoshenko should not have been removed from the sovereign state of the Ukraine. Russia has the same type of protections for it's citizens, so this should be understood by Russia. Russia does not extradite. It should not have happened.

Article 25 

...A citizen of Ukraine shall not be expelled from Ukraine or surrendered to another state....

This is interesting. 

Article 31 

Everyone is guaranteed privacy of mail, telephone conversations, telegraph, and other correspondence. Exceptions shall be established only by a court in cases envisaged by law, with the purpose of preventing crime or ascertaining the truth in the course of the investigation of a criminal case, if it is not possible to obtain information by other means. 

Article 33

...A citizen of Ukraine may not be deprived of the right to return to Ukraine at any time.

The people of the Ukraine have the right to freely organize political parties and express the parties aspirations. There is no reason for any oppression based in the 2004 constitution. 

Article 37 provides for domestic tranquility, however, that article dissolves IF any public or political party seeks to liquidate the independence of the Ukraine. I don't see that Article 37 gives the state to oppress the people if they believe their rights throughout the rest of the constitution is being denied.

Article 37

The establishment and activity of political parties and public associations are prohibited if their program goals or actions are aimed at the liquidation of the independence of Ukraine, the change of the constitutional order by violent means, the violation of the sovereignty and territorial indivisibility of the State, the undermining of its security, the unlawful seizure of state power, the propaganda of war and of violence, the incitement of inter-ethnic, racial, or religious enmity, and the encroachment on human rights and freedoms and the health of the population.

Political parties and public associations shall not have paramilitary formations.

The creation and activity of organizational structures of political parties shall not be permitted within bodies of executive and judicial power and executive bodies of local self-government, in military formations, and also in state enterprises, educational establishments and other state institutions and organizations.

The prohibition of the activity of associations of citizens is exercised only through judicial procedure. 

Citizens are guaranteed the right of protest, albeit, peaceful. The restriction placed on the people that spawned the protests are unconstitutional according to 2004. The restrictions are specific and it is about protecting the people, their. National security and public order is about safety of the citizens.

Article 39

Citizens have the right to assemble peacefully without arms and to hold meetings, rallies, processions, and demonstrations, upon notifying in advance the bodies of executive power or bodies of local self-government.

Restrictions on the exercise of this right may be established by a court in accordance with the law and only in the interests of national security and public order, with the purpose of preventing disturbances or crimes, protecting the health of the population, or protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons.

They have consumer protections in their constitution. We should be so lucky.

Article 42

Everyone has the right to entrepreneurial activity that is not prohibited by law.
The entrepreneurial activity of deputies, officials, and officers of bodies of state power and of bodies of local self-government is restricted by law.

The State ensures the protection of competition in entrepreneurial activity. The abuse of a monopolistic position in the market, the unlawful restriction of competition, and unfair competition, shall not be permitted. The types and limits of monopolies are determined by law.

The State protects the rights of consumers, exercises control over the quality and safety of products and of all types of services and work, and promotes the activity of public consumer associations.

They have labor protections, the right to work, the right to organize, protections from unlawful dismissal and a right to timely pay. It demands days off during every week for rest. It demands paid vacations. Disability laws. They have a right to own property.

Article 48
Everyone has the right to a standard of living sufficient for himself or herself and his or her family that includes adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.

Homelessness is illegal which explains the labor laws. The constitution does not encourage dependency, it encourages a work ethic as a demand on employers. Very interesting.

Article 49

Everyone has the right to health protection, medical care, and medical insurance.
Health protection is ensured through state funding of the relevant socio-economic, medical and sanitary, health improvement, and prophylactic programs.
The State creates conditions for effective medical service accessible to all citizens. State and communal health protection institutions provide medical care free of charge; the existing network of such institutions shall not be reduced. The State promotes the development of medical institutions of all forms of ownership.
The State provides for the development of physical culture and sports, and ensures sanitary-epidemic welfare.

Children have constitutional rights. 

Article 52

Children are equal in their rights regardless of their origin and whether they are born in or out of wedlock.... 

Article 53

Everyone has the right to education.

Complete general secondary education is compulsory....

...Citizens have the right to obtain free higher education in state and communal educational establishments on a competitive basis....

The 2004 constitution does not require mandatory military service. The rest of the 2004 constitution is extensive and outlines the legislature, etc. House keeping primarily.

It seems to me the 2004 constitution protects citizens, provides for their upward movement with every opportunity open to them, it protects their lives through health measures from the time they are children. 

It allows for the protection of freedom by the people through demonstrations of peaceful measure, but, when the rights of citizens are threatened they have a right to dissolve the peaceful protests and protect themselves from an egregious government. 

Under this constitution the Prime Minister could not be extradited to Russia and it is that reality that brings the right of allies of the Ukraine to put pressure on Russia to honor the constitution of the Ukraine. I see no obstruction to the Ukraine having many trading partners.

If the people want this back, they should have it and the Former Prime Minister should rely on it to send her back home.

The current President and legislature is in the mood to roll back 'bad law' and decisions, I suggest the Ukraine allies take advantage of that and bring the Former Prime Minister home.

China could immediately begin to improve it's economy by developing it's own domestic "AmeriCorps."

No country in the world has to accept the agendas of non-profits that do not have the best interests of their people in mind. We witnessed the spread of HIV in Africa with the presence of Christian organizations.

The earliest domestic effort to assist communities in the USA was a program by the great JFK.

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy (click here) envisioned a national service corps “to help provide urgently needed services in urban and rural poverty areas.” Less than two years later, President Lyndon B. Johnson realized Kennedy's dream by launching the “War on Poverty.” Johnson welcomed the first group of 20 VISTA volunteers saying, “Your pay will be low; the conditions of your labor often will be difficult. But you will have the satisfaction of leading a great national effort and you will have the ultimate reward which comes to those who serve their fellow man.”

While foreign non-profits bring new monies into an emerging economy, it may hinder the very social and economic development needed. China especially, has needs to bring education and work force skills to it's people. It needs to move to one currency ultimately. But, there is profound poverty in China that can be stemmed by a domestic volunteer corp that would cost China minimal budget expenses. The domestic volunteers are paid a stipends, supplied with resources to build schools and provide even the simplest of learning for concepts such as SANITATION.

China has a sincere problem with 'product quality' because the facilities where products are produced lack sanitation. These facilities use ingredients that are dangerous to the people of China and the global economy it seeks to participate in. China would benefit immensely by developing a domestic volunteer corp that taught the Chinese people sanitary concepts while learning reading, composition of writing and math. There is no reason for any Chinese person to be impoverished in knowledge that can improve their well being and their future to participate in the Chinese economy.

There is no reason why China should fear a learned citizen. China has a proud history. Teaching every Chinese citizen it's history will instill a sense of understanding of the past and the promise of it's future.

What the US Auto Industry did for the USA it can do for emerging economies.


Companies like Ford Motor that was smart enough to fill it's treasury with cheap money, has the latitude NOT TO EXPORT AMERICAN JOBS, but, create new jobs in these countries.

The emerging nations have to provide a better quality of life to the people, otherwise, unrest will continue as their suffering becomes long term because these nations produce so little.

I strongly suggest emerging nations such as the Ukraine be tapped to produce HYBRID vehicles, build new plants (Which will never be as large as the production plants in the USA, but, they don't have to be.) and employ the work force of that country to produce their own automobiles.

In creating new jobs in the Ukraine, the economy will stabilize and Ford Motor (only as an example) will have additional profits and a foothold to European markets. It is a venture who's time has come. HYBRIDS extend the 'economic dollar' of the Ukraine work force by reducing their need for oil and stabilize their energy needs with alternative RENEWABLE sources.

The emerging economies NEED a vision of the future. They can have what they want, but, it has to be done well and with an understanding that markets in every country are required to build a strong global economy. These markets are ONLY stable and flourish and grow when there is upward movement of the people, which means a strong Middle Class is completely necessary. These countries need to build their capacity to produce their own products and in a smart and efficient way. There is no reason for any Ukraine citizen not to have the promise of a future of hope and economic potential.

Global impoverishment, including First World nations, is the problem of our time. It is not necessary. Every country can have a Middle Class. Growth occurs when the Middle Class flourishes. 

Straight from the horse's mouth.

Emerging markets account for all growth in oil use forecast in 2014 (click here)
Conglin Xu Senior Editor-Economics
Laura Bell Statistics Editor
While economies of the US and most other industrialized countries will strengthen this year, all of the world's oil consumption growth of 1.1 million b/d will occur in emerging markets. This sustains a well-established trend. Economic growth is fastest in the industrializing world, and factors such as energy-efficiency gains and underlying macroeconomic concerns moderate projections for oil demand in developed economies....

And exactly how long will carbon dioxide emissions dominate the Earth's troposphere? Non-stop.

Dec 12, 2013 8:56 AM ET
...Crude extracted (click here) from beneath the oceans will expand 150 percent by 2040, with production from oil-sands deposits quadrupling in that period, said Exxon, which used a base year of 2010 in its calculations. Shale, deep-water and oil-sands output together will be more than enough to replace declining supplies from older, onshore fields that were drilled decades ago, the report said. 

U.S. crude production climbed a record 18 percent in the past year to a 25-year high of 8.075 million barrels a day in the week ended Dec. 6, the Energy Information Administration said yesterday. The boom has reduced domestic demand for foreign oil and spurred an increase in overseas sales of oil-based fuels such as diesel, which aren’t subject to the same export restrictions as crude... 

There is no oil shortage. There is oil production GLUT. 

China really needs to up it's game in alternative energy sources to these emerging economies. Seriously. 

Emerging economies are being saddled with expensive fossil fuel imports. Sustainable energy that they can purchase and build will reduce their national debt and long term deficit.

China, itself, has proven that emerging economies do very well with alternative energy sources. 

Overview (click here)
In 2011, China led the global wind power market again, by adding 17.63 GW of new wind capacity, equivalent to 43% of the global annual market. While the US showed slow recovery from the downturn in 2010 by adding 6.8 GW, China cemented its place as the world’s leading wind market with a total installed capacity of 62,364.2 MW.

At the end of 2011, four Chinese manufacturers were among the global top ten; Goldwind leading the league with a total installed capacity of 3.79GW, ranking number two right after Vestas, followed by Sinovel (No. 7 with 2.95GW), United Power (No.8 with 2.86GW) and Mingyang (No. 10 with 1.18GW). The global top 10 manufacturers accounted for 78.5% of the global annual market, out of which the four Chinese companies accounted for 26.7%.

Thirteen Chinese provinces have passed the 1GW milestone, including the top ten (see table) followed by Shan Xi (1881.1MW), Guangdong (1302.4MW) and FuJian (1025.7MW). Inner Mongolia has the highest wind capacity with a total of 17.6 GW at the end of 2011.

Speaking of Mongolia. That was Mongolia, not Inner Mongolia.

Jun 5, 2013 9:37 PM ET

Mongolia is scheduled to startoperations (click here) at its first wind farm this month, a $122 million project that’s the biggest power plant in 30 years and part of a government effort to cap pollution cloaking the capital city.
The 50-megawatt facility developed by Clean Energy LLC using 31 turbines from General Electric Co. (GE) is located on a wind-raked ridge about 45 miles (72 kilometers) southwest of Ulaanbaatar. Sengee Enkh-Amgalan, the company’s chief executive officer, plans to officially start the plant on June 20.
Mongolia is seeking alternatives to fossil fuels such as coal that power its industry and mines. The government has set a target to get 20 percent to 25 percent of its energy from renewables by 2020, up from less than 2 percent currently. Coal supplies about 80 percent of the nation’s energy...

U.S. Assistance to Mongolia (click here)

Mongolia’s economic growth rate is among the highest in the world. Increased income for both the Mongolian government and the private sector, primarily from mining, brings increased opportunities for economic diversification, improvements in education, infrastructure, and social programs. U.S. Government assistance seeks to promote private-sector-led growth and long-term capital investment, as well as other activities to aid the Mongolian government in strengthening the implementation of its laws, creating greater transparency and accountability, and addressing corruption. Training and equipment provided by the U.S. Government support the professionalization of Mongolia’s defense forces and their continued support for United Nations peacekeeping operations. Because of Mongolia’s long and highly porous borders, U.S. assistance also aims to support non-proliferation activities.
The U.S. Agency for International Development program and the Peace Corps both have programs in Mongolia. The United States and Mongolia implemented a Millennium Challenge Compact between September 2008 and September 2013.

Now, I ask you, does the world need another stupid, leaky pipeline? Of course not. This pipeline is pure unadulterated exploitation of the American people with very high risk to an very important aquifer while intensifying global atmospheric carbon pollution. It is counter productive to the best interests of the USA. It is a losing proposition from every angle there is.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is pure greed. Republicans want it as a wedge issue.

Jan. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The top Republican (click here) on the Senate Energy Committee urged President Barack Obama to end a 39-year ban on exports of U.S. crude oil, joining what is shaping up as an major election-year debate over energy policy....

It is counter to every scientific finding and disregards human life on Earth. Those calling for it's completion are Anti-American while disregarding the findings of American scientists. It doesn't get more Anti-American than that. If American scientists can't deliver profits to the petroleum industry then they are not needed.

There is a great deal at stake and it has nothing to do with about American's needs either in energy or jobs. It even assaults the sovereign state of the country.

It is about exporting the dirtiest fuel on the planet in desperation of the
petroleum industry, a long standing crony to Republicans.

Americans believe oil subsides are only domestic, but, the truth is the petroleum industry receives subsides from nearly every Western nation. 

Wall Street insists on the subsidies to develop other nations that use oil as their primary energy source. This pipeline and every other for that matter, has absolutely nothing to do with Americans. 

February 2, 2014 4:25 pm
 Governments in emerging markets face fuel subsidy dilemma(click here)

The result is a dilemma for emerging market governments. Either they allow fuel costs to rise, stoking inflation and discouraging consumption, or they absorb higher prices through subsidies, heaping further pressure on already-strained budgets.

“Falling currencies and higher oil import costs are testing energy-intensive patterns of growth across emerging markets,” said Amrita Sen, head of the Energy Aspects consultancy. 

Many developing economies have become major importers of crude oil over the past decade as their economies have industrialised. That has helped keep oil prices above $100 a barrel even as greater fuel efficiency has helped erode demand in the US and Europe.

But as their currencies weaken, emerging market governments may struggle to maintain high levels of imports. 

Rather than developing alternative sources and subsidizing those needs, the petroleum industry demands cheaper oil prices for Wall Street. 

Americans' national debt increase for petroleum subsidies to feed the Wall Street wealth chain. 

Democrats are not as aggressive as they should be on oil subsidies in the upcoming elections.

...But the American people might be on to something. In a poll conducted for NBC and the Wall Street Journal, three-quarters of respondents favored "eliminating tax credits for the oil and gas industries." Specifically, 47 percent said they found such cuts "totally acceptable" and 27 percent said they found it "mostly acceptable."...

Subsidies are currently $41 billion in the USA national budget. The subsidies have nothing to do with the use of energy in the USA and encourage dirty fuel projects like the Keystone project.

When are the American people going to end the purchase of their government?

Election Cycle 2014

Petroleum Money

Total - $12,489,910

Donations to Democrats

$1,598,.653 - 13%

Donations to Republicans

$10,520.317 - 87%

Senator Lisa Murkowski's second largest donor behind Electric Utilities was the Oil and Gas Industry. She received $666,998 for her re-election campaign. You bet she is going to be on the Senate floor demanding DEREGULATION. She is bought and paid for. 

Currently, the USA is already exporting oil. It is on a case by case basis, which it should be. The deregulation and pipeline issues are nothing more than political wedge issues without sound principles or morality. 

Tuesday, Feb 04, 2014

...The US Department of Commerce (click here) has granted two licences to export US crude to the UK since last year and another two to Italy, according to data Reuters obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

One application for German exports was filed in January and is awaiting a decision by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), which is responsible for reviewing requests to export crude under a 1975 law that bans most shipments with a few exceptions, including sales to Canada and re-export of foreign oil....

The Mideast wants to throw their high risk to the USA rather than sell to emerging markets. Basically, Mideast Oil will use the USA to provide oil to all the riskiest customers. The USA will be getting dumped on.

...The US is set to overtake Russia this year to become the world’s second largest producer of oil, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). To date, the US’s reduced appetite for imported oil has been countered by growing demand from emerging markets.

With the emerging economies slowing, however, demand from these markets too is likely to slacken in the short term. With a greater share of exports now being sent to these economies, Middle Eastern oil producers are also exposed to the risk of emerging market slowdown....

Lifting the export ban is not necessary, the USA exports to countries that apply and to remove the ban only increases the risk to the USA and turns oil exports into Trade Deficits. I never thought I'd see the day when the USA trade balance would allow charity rather than commerce.

Eliminating the ban will increase risk rather than opportunity to the USA.

...The IMF sees potential fiscal deficits in all oil exporting countries, including some of the Gulf countries from the region except Kuwait and the UAE by 2015 in the absence of a fiscal policy adjustment. Even a smaller decline in oil prices under plausible scenarios of slower growth in emerging markets would have a material effect on oil prices and fiscal balances of GCC oil exporters, the IMF said in its latest regional economic outlook....                
Why go there? It is not fiscally responsible and is a global environmental disaster. American oil exports without the ban would cause greater problems for other nations, not less. 

The VERY BEST that can happen for emerging markets is to start them on alternative sources of energy. If China has too many solar panels I suggest they export them to emerging economies to assist their trade deficit, increase their incomes and assist nations similar to theirs to start the economies with responsible energy. 

China's assistance with alternative sources of energy to these markets would also mitigate the political corruption in the USA.