The Rooster
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
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Another U.S. kosher slaughterhouse, another closure (click here) | |||||
By Gal Beckerman, The Forward The shuttering of a New York kosher poultry slaughterhouse for serious sanitary violations is once again putting the spotlight on a Hasidic sect, some of whose members have repeatedly defied the law. A federal judge imposed a temporary restraining order and injunction December 29 against further slaughtering and processing at the plant, which serves the ultra-Orthodox enclave of New Square, home to members of the Skver Hasidic sect. The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York had requested these measures after numerous attempts by federal officials since 2002 to get the slaughterhouse to comply with the guidelines of the Poultry Products Inspection Act. The plant had been found by federal authorities to have numerous violations. As reported in a local newspaper,... |
Rulings split on campaign fundraising (click title to entry – thank you)
A three-judge panel rejects a GOP challenge to limits on direct contributions to candidates or political parties. A D.C. appeals court rules that independent groups may spend as much as they wish.
By David G. Savage
March 27, 2010
Reporting from Washington - Federal judges handed down split verdicts on Friday in two separate decisions on campaign fundraising, ruling that the Republican National Committee and other political parties may not seek unlimited contributions from wealthy donors, but independent groups may do so.
The rulings came in a pair of cases testing the legal limits on money in politics.
The RNC and several conservative groups have been filing suits in recent years challenging money limits on free-speech grounds, confident the Supreme Court agrees with their view….
What's the matter Sarah Palin's Governor Perry can't insure this
child's family will be alright.
Joking !
(CBS) For newborn Houston Tracy, the historic health care overhaul came too late.
Houston, born March 15 at a Texas hospital, suffers from a defect in his arteries. When his parents, Doug and Kim, applied to have his corrective surgery covered under their insurance, they were denied, with their carrier claiming Houston had a pre-existing condition, reports CBS station KTVT.
The Tracys are fighting the decision by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas.
"They kept saying it's preexisting, it's preexisting, but I don't know how it can be preexisting on a baby that was just born," Doug Tracy said. "If it's mandated that everyone have health insurance, than how can one be denied?"
Legislation passed this week by Congress and signed by President Obama that would end the practice of denying coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions does not go into effect until September...
This law could have been passed and signed into law last JULY 2009, but, whom was it that obstructed it !
Health Care Insurance Exchanges don't spring up over night. The Secretary of Health and Human Services had no authority to arrange for them in anticipation or spend any taxpayer monies on contracts to independent companies to begin the process. A bill like that would have never passed through the Senate.
I just got finished ready how 'individuals' will have the ability within 90 days to have coverage under the 'exchanges' set up by this bill.
The press needs to have better sources than this.
This was reported by the Associated Press?
They better get information from the Justice Department attorneys and not Congressional staffers.
Who do they think individuals are?
Most needy children are already covered under S-CHIP. But, for those that aren't there is definitely recourse under this bill through the exchanges.
...Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing medical problem, said Karen Lightfoot, spokeswoman for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the main congressional panels that wrote the bill Obama signed into law Tuesday....
...Full protection for children would not come until 2014, said Kate Cyrul, a spokeswoman for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, another panel that authored the legislation. That's the same year when insurance companies could no longer deny coverage to any person on account of health problems....
When the law was a bill, the House bill, there was special treatment of children in that they would be covered immediately by any government insurance, if they were proven to need it, available at birth as they were immediately citizens and had immediate need for health care. I don't know if that is in effect in 90 days, but, children can get coverage under the provisions that address 'individuals' in the exchanges.
Applications to the exchanges are 'blind' to pre-existing conditions. They insurers in the exchanges cannot ask for that information, it is prohibited.
Maybe folks can't get their mind around that yet.
See, the insurance companies haven't been conducting their business properly. They treat citizens as peasants and seek to mitigate their 'bottom line' by eliminating sick peasants.
THAT is pure moronity.
The way insurance of any kind should be performed is through statistical analysis and 'risk' vs. 'cost.'
The CEOs of the current health care insurance companies are bozos. They don't bother seeking to have a 'long term' goal for any company so much as 'upticks' that supply their next bonus. They don't address the 'stockholders' at all as far as I am concerned given the "Crash of 2008."
At all.
The stockholders are the babies thrown out with the bathwater and that was demonstrated royally with the resignation/retirement of GM's former CEO. He did fine; it was the stockholders that took a bath.
The "Captains of Capitalism" are nothing but greedy little trolls that don't look at the long term gains of any company. This bill eliminates that Plutocracy for real health care.
You all need to get it right, because, the 'tail wagging the Obama administration' within its staffers don't know what they are talking about. Do they like scandals? For some reason? Ambition or doing things differently under this President than they are used to? If they have those problems they should not be staffing Congressional offices.
As a matter of fact there was a report on NPR that addressed the companies that were headed by women. They faired just fine through the Crash of 2008. Why? Because they are long term gamers that seek 'security' over 'boom and bust' and 'the quick buck.'