The first nor'easter of the season hit the Shore hard. In Sea Isle City, students including sisters Julia, Jessica, and Josie Manno had to be rescued by EMTs and police when their bus got stuck in water.Storms in Pennsylvania, N.Y., and N.J. (click here)By Edward Colimore and Jacqueline L. Urgo
Inquirer Staff Writers
Back-to-back nor'easters - the first two of the season - brought heavy rains, winds, and flooding to the Shore while soaking Philadelphia and dropping snow across higher elevations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.
The first storm left yesterday as the second bore down this weekend with more precipitation. It is expected to head out to sea late tomorrow night.
Some sun should return by Monday and temperatures will rise into the high 50s, forecasters said....
Mike Dirks/NYT Regional Media Group
People walk along a closed part of the Blue Ridge Parkway on Sunday after the area received its first snow of the season. Most areas above 3,500 feet received at least one inch of snow. Forecasters predict an unusually cold, wet winter for the mountains and Piedmont.I wish the weather services, especially in the South, would get out of the 'old jargon' of using El Nino for EVERY WINTER that passes. This is Climate Change as facilitated by Human Induced Global Warming. There are some television stations and internet sites that use the 'idea' of Climate issues when they state the weather to the public. I saw a station in Chicago using very innovative language and methods to illustrate the dynamics of the weather patterns. I was impressed.But, El Nino 'over the course' of recorded meterology doesn't happen all the time and that is the 'key' to debunking denial of Human Induced Global Warming. Human Induced Global Warming has 'stimulated' every 'climate and weather manifestation' Earth has to redistribute heat. The 'mechanism' that is delivering the upper tropospheric vortices across the North American continent 'originate' as a phenomena known as 'The Arctic Oscillation.' How often does anyone hear that? Never. Yet, it is a fact. Why doesn't the public hear it, because, that would actually confirm 'The Arctic' was involved. It is easy to remain focused on 'Pacific Storms' as a source of 'heat' from the sun rather than 'politically' addressing the manifestation of not only The Arctic Oscillaion, but, the North Atlantic Oscillation AND in frequent reliability within the last two months that I noted, the South Atlantic Oscillation off Brazil.In Earth's history, all these 'upper tropospheric vortices' manifested from time to time. They are a 'geophysical phenomena' that directs heat from the troposphere to the ice formations and 'thus' keeps the Climate within the range where life occurs on Earth. They are fascinating mechanisms. BUT.Those mechanisms have never before in recorded meterological history ever manifested AT THE SAME TIME and FOR PROLONGED periods of time. The reason they are manifesting all the time is because it takes that many 'heat driven' mechanisms to 'handle' the heat humans are throwing into the troposphere. The heat doesn't come from outer space. The heat is 'infrared' heat that 'converts' solar sunlight into infrared rays. It is the 'heat trapping' gases that makes Earth livable and when there is too much it makes Earth volitile and dangerous for human life.Not only that, but, when all the tipping points are reached, Earth won't be habitable for humans and the majority of fauna that exists today. We are engaged in the Sixth Extinction with thousands of species being lost on a regular basis.It is imprudent and negligent to treat the public as if they are a 'management' issue and not people that have a right to know what is going on with their own 'home,' Earth. This is NOT 'simply' El Nino at work on Earth in the year 2009!!!!!
Get over it !
..."It's going to be very stormy," said John Cessarich, chief meteorologist at WYFF 4.
Even though the National Weather Service is predicting highs in the 70s for much of the rest of the week, the long-term forecast from December through March promises to be harsher.
"El Nino in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean is expected to be a dominant climate factor that will influence the December through February winter weather in the United States," according to the Weather Service 2009 winter outlook....

October 19, 2009
UNISYS North and West Hemisphere Water Vapor Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)
In the loop noted above there is a 'dissipating' of the middle vortex as it moves over the continent. That is simply it adjusting to higher temperatures in its traverse. The dynamics don't really change, the direction of 'the air mass' remains the same and the velocity doesn't change and it is still bringing Arctic Air from the North Pole and Arctic Ocean across North America. What changes is the 'heat exchange' between the 'air mass' and the 'land mass.'