Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Thank you to the People of North Korea for expressing compassion during a difficult time.

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (click title to entry - thank you) issued a "special pardon" freeing two jailed American journalists after talks with former U.S. President Bill Clinton, North Korea's official news agency announced Wednesday.
Clinton, who arrived in North Korea Tuesday on an unannounced visit, met with the reclusive and ailing Kim for talks described as "exhaustive." It was Kim's first meeting with a prominent Western figure since his reported stroke nearly a year ago....

Thank you Former President Clinton for bringing understanding to the circumstances during a private visit. We appreciate your compassion as well.

North Korean Press nonspecific as to Former President Clinton Trip (click here)

August 4. 2009 Juche 98
Bill Clinton Arrives Here
Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- Bill Clinton, former president of the United States, and his party arrived here Tuesday by air.
They were greeted by Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, and Kim Kye Gwan, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs.
A little girl presented a bouquet to Bill Clinton.

There are no press releases regarding Former President Clinton's trip on the State Department Website (click here). Bill Clinton has his own organization of which there is no mention of the North Korean visit either.

It might be an unofficial and personal trip to assist diplomatic relationships regarding the American journaists. There is an article on Current TV that states same. It would seem as though Current TV was surprised by the visit as well. It appears as though this is a personal initiative of which few people were appraised.

I congratulate him on the initiative and wish him success. The journalists worked for Current TV when they found themselves in custody of the North Korean authorities after losing their parameters and finding themselves over the border from South Korea.

Bill Clinton to negotiate release of Current reporters in North Korea (click here)
Bill Clinton, former president of the United States, made a seemingly surprise visit today to North Korea to negotiate the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two reporters for Current TV and Current.com. His visit to North Korea is expected to be for two days, and if he does meet with Kim Jong-Il face to face, it may provide us with more insight of exactly how much power North Korea's leader truely has.