Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Right to Assemble is guaranteed under the First Amendment of the USA Constituion.

Collective Bargaining is a legal form of assembly.  Collective Bargaining is the most effective way to protect public workers' rights and well being.  That is a fact.  They provide valuable service to the public.  They have a right to their pay and benefits. 

The State of Wisconsin in acting in contempt of court, when will the Federal Justice Department step in to investigate and make arrests?

...But outside the courtroom, Assistant Attorney General Steven Means said the legislation "absolutely" is still in effect. The statement by Means - the executive assistant to Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen - shocked Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha).
"It's just startling that the attorney general believes you should not follow court orders anymore," he said.
In a later statement, Department of Justice spokesman Bill Cosh said: "We don't believe that the court can enjoin non-parties. Whether the Department of Administration or other state officers choose to comply with any direction issued by Judge Sumi is up to them."...

It doesn't matter what the Walker Administration 'believes.'  It matters what they can set before a judge to prove their case.  Until they can prove their case they need to ABIDE  BY  THE  LAW.

This is treasonous.  Contempt of court and the Wisconsin governor blows it off as an inconvenience.  What?

I really believe there has to be federal intervention with this situation.  Evidently nothing the State of Wisconsin orders matters to them.  It reminds me of Governor Wallace when he attempted to obstruct students from entering a university.  The federal marshalls had to intervene.  I sincerely believe something of that nature has to take place here.  Walker and his administration are out of control and pandering as 'power brokers' to their cronies, namely The Koch Brothers whom are also attempting to create a monopoly of utility plants in Wisconsin.  

Sounds like a plan. I am wondering of the tarp will have any lead impregnated into it.

A bunch of good looking people. 

TEPCO Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata (r.) speaks during a news conference at the company's head office in Tokyo, March 30. TEPCO owns Japan's earthquake- and tsunami-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex, where experts Wednesday logged the highest radiation yet in nearby seawater.
Itsuo Inouye / AP

Sounds like a novel form of containment.  The Japanese like robots. 

...The US is readying a shipment (click title to entry - thank you) of radiation-hardened robots to help the Japanese fight this problem, said Peter Lyons, acting assistant secretary of the US Department of Energy.
“We’re moving expeditiously to ship not only the robots but also operators who [would] train Japanese operators,” Dr. Lyons told a Senate committee on Tuesday....

...The NRC believes that Fukushima Daiichi reactor units 1, 2, and 3 have experienced partial fuel damage due to overheating. Ominously, units 2 and 3 appear to have “some primary containment damage,” said Mr. Borchardt.

In other words, they have been breached in some way and are leaking radioactivity.

Meanwhile, TEPCO chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata apologized for the trouble and anxiety cause by the Fukushima radiation leaks. He spoke to reporters on Wednesday in place of TEPCO’s president, Masataka Shimizu, who has been hospitalized for stress-related health problems.

I hope Mr. Shimizu will not be still yet another victim of this tragedy.  Sorry to hear he isn't well and wish him a quick recovery.  I realize all this is a serious set of circumstances, but, everyone is pulling with both oars in the water in the same direction.  There has been excellant monitoring and warning.  No one counted on this.  Hind sight is always better foresight. 

It is time to seal up those reactors and get it over with. If the prevailing winds were sending the radiation over populated areas, would they wait then?

Smoke rising from reactor no 3 at Fukushima. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

So there is air, water and soil all contaiminated with unknown sources of contamination while the reactors continue TO DETERIORATE. 

It is time to 'terminate' their ability to continue to effect the environment and LIMIT, if possible, this unending spewing of radiative material.

...In another new finding, (click title to entry - thank you) Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power station, said late Monday that it had detected higher levels of plutonium in soil samples taken from within the compound a week ago, raising fears of yet another dangerous element that may be escaping the crippled reactors....

CURRENTLY, there is no medical reason to restrict shipping channels, but, if this continues that could change and Japan will find its energy needs will be direly effected.

...Record-high readings of contaminated sea water (click here) were found yesterday near the plant, which was damaged by a magnitude-9 earthquake and 23-foot tsunami on March 11, Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said today. The International Maritime Organization, a United Nations agency, said on March 21 there was no medical basis for restricting shipping and the U.S. Navy said March 28 any radiation on vessels can be scrubbed off with soap and water and isn’t harmful to people’s health....

The truth is the truth. The Republicans are so extreme there is no further extreme they can take.

...Speaking (click title to entry - thank you)  to several Democratic colleagues Tuesday, Sen. Charles Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, said they should all use the word "extreme" when describing the budget cuts that Tea Party Republicans were seeking in the ongoing budget negotiations....

The reason Senator Schumer said to his collegues to use the word 'extreme' is because up to now they were being polite and attempting bi-partisanship.  So, instead of being polite and trying to have civility rule the day, the Democrats decided to be HONEST.

...Boehner's [Boner] office dismissed the accusations, saying the House of Representatives has done its part by passing a long-term spending plan that would cut $61 billion. "The Senate has not — and Sen. Schumer's inaccurate rants won't change that," Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said....

Michael Steel is Speaker Boner's spokesman?  Is this the Michael Steel that was kicked out of the Chairmanship of the RNC? 

At any rate, the House Budget is completely partisan, it is grossly disgusting in its attack on vital programs to the country, it has no sense of priorities except to pander to cronies.

Why should the Senate pass something that is as hideous and ridiculous at that?  It is insulting to the Senate to even have it come to their chamber.  If the Speaker Boner is stating they will pass 'A Senate Proposed Budget' because they are ill equiped to put together a 'good budget' then Senator Shumer should lead the effort in writing a Budget from the Senate to send to the House. 

If Republican Senators can't vote for a 'good budget' then it will be ON RECORD.

End of Discussion.