Mining the ocean isn't necessary. It is expensive and danger. We have already done considerable damage to our oceans by using them as a dumping ground.
The Pacific has too much pollution and it needs to be cleaned up. More unnecessary mining of the ocean will not result in good outcomes.
October 4, 2016
By RP Siegel
Some rather disturbing news (click here) came out this weekend about the impact of the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima. While the incident took place five years ago and is no longer in the news, that does not mean it has been resolved. A recent report claims radioactive contamination from the accident has now spread across the entire Pacific Ocean, the massive body of water that covers nearly a third of Earth’s surface. Scientists now say the Pacific is at least five to 10 times more radioactive than it was when the U.S. began testing nuclear weapons there. Western Canada experienced levels of radioactive iodine-131 that were 300 times higher than normal background levels since the accident. Pacific herring have been found bleeding from their mouths, gills and eyes.
As the contamination made its way across the water, Oregon tuna were found in 2013 with radiation levels triple their previous levels. Starfish began dying off. The following year, California beaches recorded radiation levels that had increased by 500 percent.
As bad as that sounds, it gets worse. Remember the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? The broken pipe from the well gushed out roughly 2.4 million gallons of toxic crude into the Gulf of Mexico each day, posing a potentially lethal threat to the Gulf itself. There was a profound sense of relief around the world when the well was finally capped after 87 days.
But five years after the meltdown, radioactive waste is still pouring forth from the ruins of the Fukushima plant. Not just a little, but rather an estimated 300 tons of radioactive waste continues to spew into the ocean every day....
There are other alternatives. We don't need to be in the Pacific more than our allies expect. We don't have to destablize China and/or Russia's economy. Russia is isolating itself. There is reason to believe China is as well. My question is why are they isolating themselves. I assume their ambassadors are still in place.
November 18, 2016
Pioneering new insights (click here) into why high concentrations of some of the most rare and desirable natural elements - vital for the production of vital environmental, digital and security technologies - have been revealed.
Pivotal new collaborative research, led by the world-famous Camborne School of Mines, based at the University of Exeter's Penryn Campus in Cornwall (click here), provides a ground-breaking explanation of why remarkably high levels of these crucial earth elements are found at the Songwe Hill Rare Earth Project in Malawi, Southeast Africa.
The research team insisted that the new findings could pave the way for mining companies to significantly increase the likelihood of enhancing the global security of the supply of critical, yet rare, earth elements.
The innovative findings are published in the respected journal Ore Geology Reviews.
At present, many of the 15 naturally occurring rare earth elements are essential components in the vast majority of green and digital technology production and advances.
These include neodymium, a 'light rare earth' element vital for the production of permanent magnets in electric cars, wind turbines and smartphones; and 'heavy rare earth' elements such as dysprosium, europium and terbium which are used in lighting, anti-fraud and safety technologies....
It is time to do the right thing. We have to encourage the real and necessary use of Earth's resources.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Comey has a problem. He disrupted the 2016 elections on multiple times. He is not good for the country.
I don't know what his problem is and I don't care. He has entered into the public rhelm on multiple times during the 2016 election cycle with cross words regarding Secretary Clinton. She didn't have a chance. If the final blow wasn't obvious, don't ask me what is. This is not the time of Al Capone where criminals own politicans. His behavior was completely bizarre. No where in modern history have I witnessed such blantant interference and lack of respect for a woman that loves this country and has served it all her life.
On multple occassions Comey defamed and passed judgement on Secretary Clinton. He had no right to decide elections. His final blow caused down ballot shifts as well.
As far as I am concerned it is an illegitimate government. Enough.
By Safia Samee Ali
In many ways FBI Director James Comey (click here) came out the loser after Tuesday's presidential election — someone political experts say stands on shaky ground with both political parties after his handling of the probe into former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.
"I think there could be a lot of focus being directed towards Comey. That's where the national narrative will now go," said Douglas Charles, who has written three books on the FBI and is a professor of history at Pennsylvania State University.
And, in that national narrative, Comey is being cast by some as the person who helped upend an election.
"He'll be a hero to some and a villain to others," said Sanford J. Ungar, a professor and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Georgetown University.
Corey Lewandowski, President-elect Donald Trump's former campaign manager, told a British audience on Wednesday that Comey's revelation about a review of a fresh batch of emails possibly related to the Clinton case was "amazing." The move, Lewandowski said, according to The Daily Telegraph, gave his former boss' campaign "a little spring in their step" just 11 days before the election.
Trump is mulling whether to keep Comey on....
No TPP. It is probably the best peace initiative the Pacific has ever realized.
November 20, 2016
By Rosalba O'Brien and Kiyoshi Takenaka
Lima (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping (click here) pledged to open the economy further on Saturday as leaders of Asia-Pacific countries sought new free-trade options following Donald Trump's election to U.S. president on promises to scrap or renegotiate trade deals.
All eyes were on China at this year's APEC summit in Lima, Peru just over a week after Trump's surprise victory in the United States dashed hopes of the largest-ever U.S.-proposed trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), coming to fruition.
U.S. President Barack Obama has championed the TPP as a way to counter China's rise, but he has now stopped trying to win congressional approval for the deal signed by 12 economies in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, excluding China. Without U.S. approval the current agreement cannot be implemented....
We don't need more American interests in the Pacific. We already have all the interests we need in Hawaii and our long standing allies.
There is no real reason to impose the USA into the Pacific. It causes too much tension between the Communist countries and the West. We are doing fine with China as a peace partner with North Korea. Why be China's economic enemy?
By Rosalba O'Brien and Kiyoshi Takenaka
Lima (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping (click here) pledged to open the economy further on Saturday as leaders of Asia-Pacific countries sought new free-trade options following Donald Trump's election to U.S. president on promises to scrap or renegotiate trade deals.
All eyes were on China at this year's APEC summit in Lima, Peru just over a week after Trump's surprise victory in the United States dashed hopes of the largest-ever U.S.-proposed trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), coming to fruition.
U.S. President Barack Obama has championed the TPP as a way to counter China's rise, but he has now stopped trying to win congressional approval for the deal signed by 12 economies in the Americas and Asia-Pacific, excluding China. Without U.S. approval the current agreement cannot be implemented....
We don't need more American interests in the Pacific. We already have all the interests we need in Hawaii and our long standing allies.
There is no real reason to impose the USA into the Pacific. It causes too much tension between the Communist countries and the West. We are doing fine with China as a peace partner with North Korea. Why be China's economic enemy?
Let me help everyone out with any myth there is billions of new exploration in China.
This is a Chinese company. It has a history dating back to the 1970s. They are listed on the "Heng Seng Index" (click here) and have for a long time.
In the late 1970s (click here) legendary businessman and statesman Mr Rong Yiren established the China International Trust and Investment Corporation on instructions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. It had a registered capital of RMB600 million. In the 1980s and 1990s CITIC was a key window on China for both foreign and domestic investment, and a pioneer in Chinese overseas investment. It was the Chinese partner of choice for many foreign companies, and a leader in finance industry issuing China’s first foreign currency bond, in Yen in 1982, listing CITIC Pacific in 1991 and issuing the first Chinese Yankee bond in 1993....
If anyone is interested in developing wealth from the sea with minerals; invest in the company. Their performance is already known.
This e-page is where their activities and investments are stated.
Our resources business covers (click here) exploration, mining, processing, trading and electricity generation. We have been actively engaged in overseas acquisitions and exploration of mineral and oil resources, with various interests in development projects in countries and regions which have rich resource reserves, including Australia, Brazil, Gabon, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. We operate our resources and energy business through CITIC Resources, CITIC Mining International, CITIC Metal, CITIC United Asia, and Sunburst Energy....
It seems to me the Chinese beat most others to development of their resources. Just sayin'.
I simply hate people that don't give a damn. A sales pitch. Amazing. They know nothing, but, will sell the opportunity to mine for those rare earth minerals.
NN: Do you think sea floor mining (click here) is a method that you expect to grow in the rare earth element sector?
RR: Yes, it’s something that is unlike terrestrial rare earth elements. It’s coming from a whole different suite of minerals associated with it in the sea floor sediments as opposed to land based. There does not appear to be near the environmental issues associated with that. The things that you’ll have to contend with environmentally in the ocean, of course, would be sediment plume when you’re putting tailings back down at the ocean bottom and things of that nature. It could be disruption to some of the fish and mammals, whale species and some of the things of that sort, by noise and lights and things like that. So those are the sort of issues that you need to watch out for.
Now, you know, there will be no discharges into the upper levels of the water, everything would go back down to the ocean bottom. We’re talking five kilometers down so it’s very, very deep. It’s so deep that shells cannot even exist, calcium carbonate shells, anything with a shell, it dissolves at that depth....
Rare Earth elements/minerals are not rare. There is absolutely no reason to drill into the deep ocean. There is life at depth. Children absolutely love the natural world. They are part of the natural world. Everything is new and untainted by adult issues.
Diversity of species on Earth is vital to the planet's health and that transcends to the very life people live everyday. Earth is our home. Our common home that we share with all others.
Reverence for our common home is often absent when it comes to the value of Earth and not just it's surface chemistry. There is no reason to drill the deep ocean. It is vastly expensive and very dangerous.
Passive observation conducted by NOAA and others do not challenge the dangers, they respect the dangers while investiging Earth to understand it better. This expedition to the deepest ocean trench in the world is rare, but, when conducted brings a far deeper understanding of Earth. It is an amazing planet. It's life giving properties are amazing and rare in our solar system.
20 October 2016
By Matt McGrath
Rare Earth elements/minerals are not rare. There is absolutely no reason to drill into the deep ocean. There is life at depth. Children absolutely love the natural world. They are part of the natural world. Everything is new and untainted by adult issues.
Diversity of species on Earth is vital to the planet's health and that transcends to the very life people live everyday. Earth is our home. Our common home that we share with all others.
Reverence for our common home is often absent when it comes to the value of Earth and not just it's surface chemistry. There is no reason to drill the deep ocean. It is vastly expensive and very dangerous.
Passive observation conducted by NOAA and others do not challenge the dangers, they respect the dangers while investiging Earth to understand it better. This expedition to the deepest ocean trench in the world is rare, but, when conducted brings a far deeper understanding of Earth. It is an amazing planet. It's life giving properties are amazing and rare in our solar system.
20 October 2016
By Matt McGrath
...One of this year's key expeditions (click here) mounted by the US National Oceanogrphic and Atmosphereic Administration (NOAA), was a 59 day exploration of the Marianas Trench, the world's deepest underwater canyons.
As well as discovering three new "black smoker" hydrothermal vents stretching up to 30 metres in height, the voyage also revealed some rarely seen, mysterious creatures....
Information on mineral deposits containing rare earth elements and yttrium from around the world with grade and tonnage, and mineralogy.
To the left is the USGS map (click here) of the world where Rare Earth Elements can be found. The rarity is an economic assessment and not actual minerals/elements.
Rare earth elements (click here) are a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties. While named rare earths, they are in fact not that rare and are relatively abundant in the Earth's crust. What is unusual is to find them in quantities significant enough to support economic mineral development....
To the left is the USGS map (click here) of the world where Rare Earth Elements can be found. The rarity is an economic assessment and not actual minerals/elements.
Rare earth elements (click here) are a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties. While named rare earths, they are in fact not that rare and are relatively abundant in the Earth's crust. What is unusual is to find them in quantities significant enough to support economic mineral development....
It is a drilling rig.
The Debmar Atlantic is one of five deep-water mining vessels operating off the Namibian coast.
By Ettagale Blauer
Diamonds (click here) have a habit of burying themselves in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. Some are in the frozen north of Canada and Russia, others in the hot sands of Australia. But there are few places more difficult to “mine” than the cold Atlantic Ocean, off the southwest coast of Africa. The task falls to the intrepid workers who live and work on diamond dredgers, led by the mv Mafuta, the newly christened ship registered in Lüderitz, Namibia, a coastal town in the southwest area of the country. Previously known as Peace in Africa, the ship moved to its new port in April 2013 and assumed its position as the world’s largest mining vessel. It is one of a fleet of five challenging the high winds and cold, rough seas of the region to recover diamonds from the ocean’s depths....
By Ettagale Blauer
Diamonds (click here) have a habit of burying themselves in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. Some are in the frozen north of Canada and Russia, others in the hot sands of Australia. But there are few places more difficult to “mine” than the cold Atlantic Ocean, off the southwest coast of Africa. The task falls to the intrepid workers who live and work on diamond dredgers, led by the mv Mafuta, the newly christened ship registered in Lüderitz, Namibia, a coastal town in the southwest area of the country. Previously known as Peace in Africa, the ship moved to its new port in April 2013 and assumed its position as the world’s largest mining vessel. It is one of a fleet of five challenging the high winds and cold, rough seas of the region to recover diamonds from the ocean’s depths....
I am sure most people know about the diamone mines of South Africa.
The diamond mines of South Africa are very deep. I believe a miner can remain in the mine only 15 minutes because of the heat and they must return to the surface.
At any rate, if one comes to understand how diamonds were found that deep in the land there can be an understanding garnered from that reality.
To the left above is what is called an alluvial flow, also known as the delta. Basically, alluvial flow is the sediment carried by a river to the delta.
Now imagine a world far more hot than it is today and it's forge bringing elements to the surface and then over flowing and running into the ocean. That is what occurs in the ocean bottom of South Africa. An ancient alluvial flow deposited the chemical formula that formed into diamonds. Is it not known that diamonds form under pressure? Well. Here it is. In the coldest waters lies diamonds from the volcanic mantel of Earth.
I have respect for Earth because it's process are immense. It did not form diamonds for the purpose of wealth of people. It HAPPENED to form diamonds out of it's natural processes. Simple chemistry, really.
At any rate, if one comes to understand how diamonds were found that deep in the land there can be an understanding garnered from that reality.
To the left above is what is called an alluvial flow, also known as the delta. Basically, alluvial flow is the sediment carried by a river to the delta.
Now imagine a world far more hot than it is today and it's forge bringing elements to the surface and then over flowing and running into the ocean. That is what occurs in the ocean bottom of South Africa. An ancient alluvial flow deposited the chemical formula that formed into diamonds. Is it not known that diamonds form under pressure? Well. Here it is. In the coldest waters lies diamonds from the volcanic mantel of Earth.
I have respect for Earth because it's process are immense. It did not form diamonds for the purpose of wealth of people. It HAPPENED to form diamonds out of it's natural processes. Simple chemistry, really.
The ocean floor. Basalt is a rock in the deep ocean. The ocean floor closer to the continents (continental shelf) is mafic to felsic.

hotter than in more shallow water. The ocean waters eventually cool the lava to form these rocks.
Earth is literally a oven that creates its' own distribution of these elements.
In Earth's deep ovens these elements don't exist. Rocks are manifestations of surface conditions. If you want to know more study geology. It is a fascinating planet.
It is stated the innor core of Earth is nickel and iron. Why isn't there any Felspar? As lava moves upward to the surface of Earth, rocks will form according to the mixture of elements that arise.
I only touched on ocean mining before.
...However, (click here) seafloor mining also has the potential to take a toll on the life in the sea. Anytime the seafloor is disturbed, so too are its fragile ecosystems—though the mining industry maintains that it is using and developing environmentally sensitive techniques, and many ocean habitats often appear to recover from damage. At the same time, the interest in mining is helping scientists study both the oceans’ chemistry and clues about how the planet formed.
Biologists are particularly concerned about the potential for mining to disrupt or destroy unique communities of exotic life forms, such as those at hydrothermal vents and seamounts. The result could be the subsea equivalent of replacing an old-growth forest with a field of dandelions. On the other hand, animals similar to those that originally inhabited the vent site could eventually return. Too little research has been conducted to know for sure.
The argument for protecting species is the same as that on land—diversity is at the heart of functioning ecosystems; it helps life adapt to changing conditions.
No two vents discharge exactly the same mixes of fluids, so no two vents are colonized by exactly the same life forms. Researchers continue to find new vent species just about every time they look for more. What each deep-sea vent ecosystem has in common are conditions that would be incredibly hostile to most other life: extremes of temperature, intense ocean pressure, hot acidic fluids. Yet they foster rich communities, including extraordinary microbes that harness energy from chemicals rather than from sunlight as plants do. These strange life forms may hold clues to how life started on Earth. So little is known about them that if vents are mined, we may never know what species have been lost....
It's Sunday Night
Anyone hear that FBI Director Comey caught and extradicted those Russian hackers that turned Democratic emails of hubris and ambition into a scandal? No? That figures. Russia doesn't extradite citizens, assuming the hackers were Russia citizens. But, then there are many other ethnicities in Russia anymore, huh?
I think he is a disgrace. He not only played politics with absolute nonsense emails, he disregarded the well being of the country.
Anyone hear that FBI Director Comey caught and extradicted those Russian hackers that turned Democratic emails of hubris and ambition into a scandal? No? That figures. Russia doesn't extradite citizens, assuming the hackers were Russia citizens. But, then there are many other ethnicities in Russia anymore, huh?
I think he is a disgrace. He not only played politics with absolute nonsense emails, he disregarded the well being of the country.
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I , we’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
You and I, you and I , we’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
I knew that we’d become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright tonight,
You and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
You and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Palms rise to the universe, as we moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
So shine bright
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Being elected isn't that difficult.
US Senator Minority Leader Reid found another historic figure and promoted solid Democratic values. The people need to know you care about them enough to protect them. It is still fashionable to care and want a better world for every American.
By Bill Theobald
The former two-term attorney general replaces retiring Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid. Losing the seat would have been a devastating blow for Democrats, though even with this win they did not take control of the Senate.
Cortez Masto, 52, ran an aggressive campaign based on foundational Democratic policy proposals — raising the minimum wage, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and passing comprehensive immigration reform.
She was the candidate whom Reid hand-picked to replace him after serving in the Senate for nearly 30 years. Reid helped to remake the face of Nevada by using his power to direct federal funding to the state....
Donald Trump lit the fuse and knows it.
When asked about the rise in violence ane protests he stated, "But. I won." That is the problem. He openly admits his ranting and raving that drove his victory was the exact strategy he needed to win. So, lighting ever fuse in the USA is now burning. That is not an election strategy that should be tolerated. He was hate speech. It was yelling "Fire!" in a theater. Where is the decorum of the politics that prevents violence.
It would seem with Donald Trump, "The end justifies the means." That is what our politics is accepting as 'normal.' I am not impressed.
November 19, 2016
Washington -- Police had to get involved Saturday afternoon, (click here) after a protest turned violent on Pennsylvania Avenue, CBS affiliate WUSA reports.
Approximately 300 protesters were gathered outside of the Reagan building, to voice their concern with the National Policy Institute, a group that has been called Anti-Semitic, racist, and xenophobic. When two people, claiming to be NPI staff, entered the crowd with a camera, they were attacked by some members of the crowd.
NPI was in town for an annual convention, which often invites protest. The protest this year was intensified due to the recent election, as many of the signs were anti-Trump as well.
“White nationalism is ugly,” said Eric Hamlin, who was protesting. “It’s gross.”
It would seem with Donald Trump, "The end justifies the means." That is what our politics is accepting as 'normal.' I am not impressed.
November 19, 2016
Washington -- Police had to get involved Saturday afternoon, (click here) after a protest turned violent on Pennsylvania Avenue, CBS affiliate WUSA reports.
Approximately 300 protesters were gathered outside of the Reagan building, to voice their concern with the National Policy Institute, a group that has been called Anti-Semitic, racist, and xenophobic. When two people, claiming to be NPI staff, entered the crowd with a camera, they were attacked by some members of the crowd.
NPI was in town for an annual convention, which often invites protest. The protest this year was intensified due to the recent election, as many of the signs were anti-Trump as well.
“White nationalism is ugly,” said Eric Hamlin, who was protesting. “It’s gross.”
“I’m a person of Jewish faith,” said another protester, who went by Zay. “I don’t want any Nazis in my city. I don’t want them in my country.”...
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
This is what I find facinating about the Louisiana Senate race.
Some one realize the people of the of southern Red States have not moved into the middle class with little hope of changing that. I could get into the stagnant economy of the south as a function of their politics, but, that isn't the point right now.
The Democrats mostly represent those struggling to achieve for whatever reason and those with wealth but have a conscience and practice a morality when measuring their comfort with others. In all these races, especially since Citizens' United, the Democratic Party is behind the eight ball by 20 percent in these states. In Louisiana nearly 20 percent of the people are in poverty. Can they actually donate any monies to an election? AND. Realizing these are the Working Poor as well, do they have time to donate to the election of a candidate? The answer to both those questions is, No.
November 17, 2016
By Richard Rainey
...Donations (click here) from around the country, some as small as $5, have flowed this week to the campaign coffers of Foster Campbell, a public service commissioner, Democrat and long shot to succeed retiring GOP Sen. David Vitter in the Dec. 10 runoff against Republican state Treasurer John Kennedy....
Someone took a hard look at this Senate race this year and decided the only way the impoverished people were going to be represented in supporting their candidate was to donate from out of state. It makes perfect sense to me. I also believe Mr. Foster Campbell is better prepared for the US Senate.
The DNC has to always have a 50 state strategy for this reason alone. The DNC needs to provide monies to all the Red States because they are not able to support alternate candidates other than the Republicans. Additionally, the DNC has to be able to speak to these people. The Democratic candidates have to, at the very least, be given a chance to win. If there is potential in the Red States for Democratic candidates to win the rest will take care of itself.
I think the people that have and are donating to Mr. Campbell's run for the US Senate are great people themselves. Donating to Democratic races around the country that are underfunded because the poverty rate is so high is pure genius and among the most compassionate acts ever witnessed in American politics.
The Democrats mostly represent those struggling to achieve for whatever reason and those with wealth but have a conscience and practice a morality when measuring their comfort with others. In all these races, especially since Citizens' United, the Democratic Party is behind the eight ball by 20 percent in these states. In Louisiana nearly 20 percent of the people are in poverty. Can they actually donate any monies to an election? AND. Realizing these are the Working Poor as well, do they have time to donate to the election of a candidate? The answer to both those questions is, No.
November 17, 2016
By Richard Rainey
...Donations (click here) from around the country, some as small as $5, have flowed this week to the campaign coffers of Foster Campbell, a public service commissioner, Democrat and long shot to succeed retiring GOP Sen. David Vitter in the Dec. 10 runoff against Republican state Treasurer John Kennedy....
Someone took a hard look at this Senate race this year and decided the only way the impoverished people were going to be represented in supporting their candidate was to donate from out of state. It makes perfect sense to me. I also believe Mr. Foster Campbell is better prepared for the US Senate.
The DNC has to always have a 50 state strategy for this reason alone. The DNC needs to provide monies to all the Red States because they are not able to support alternate candidates other than the Republicans. Additionally, the DNC has to be able to speak to these people. The Democratic candidates have to, at the very least, be given a chance to win. If there is potential in the Red States for Democratic candidates to win the rest will take care of itself.
I think the people that have and are donating to Mr. Campbell's run for the US Senate are great people themselves. Donating to Democratic races around the country that are underfunded because the poverty rate is so high is pure genius and among the most compassionate acts ever witnessed in American politics.
Pat McCrory needs to grow up and all the ballots to be counted. His crying foul isn't going to change the number of votes cast.
There is absolutely no proof there are any wrongful ballots AND that they are numbers large enough to change the election. This is nonsense and histrionics and desperation to attempt to contaminate the ballots by some country clerk that is sympathetic.
Pat McCrory is promoting voter fraud at the county level.
November 18, 2016
By Colleen Jenkins
November 18, 2016
By Colleen Jenkins
Winston-Salem (Reuters) - North Carolina's gubernatorial race (click here) was undecided 10 days after the Nov. 8 vote and new allegations by the Republican incumbent's campaign about felons and dead people casting ballots could leave the outcome in limbo for weeks.
Republican Governor Pat McCrory, trailing Democratic challenger Roy Cooper by about 6,300 votes according to the state elections website Friday afternoon, has not conceded. Under state law, Friday was the deadline for counties to certify their results.
But challenges over the validity of hundreds of votes and reviews of provisional ballots were expected to delay the reports from many, if not all, of the state's 100 counties, elections officials said.
The uncertainty has been punctuated this week by a war of words, with McCrory's campaign accusing Cooper of being lax on voter fraud and Cooper's campaign calling the incumbent dishonest and desperate....
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