US Drought Monitor
The oddly interesting aspect of looking at a decade of drought is that the Climate Crisis impact is so very clear. In 2005 the profound drought was absent. That was the year of Katrina. I believe that is THE YEAR when the ground level water vapor began its vertical movement in altitude. The hurricane 'cycle' following 2005 would not be repeated and when closely examined the near shore storm came to roost.
The intensity of the hurricanes diminished over the years and has been replaced with low "Cat Levels" with huge water content. The most recent is 2011. Hurricanes are a definite relief fact to drought. This information of just one decade with the Climate Crisis taking its most profound reality in 2005 along with changes in temperatures and weather patterns not only validates the Climate Crisis, but, ends any arguments to the contrary. I really need to write. I need to compile all the information I have accumulated and end this hideous bantering by the USA Right Wing political idiots.
In 2005 the D4 drought area otherwise known as Exceptional was ZERO.
In 2011 is D4 is extensive at nearly 9% of the drought surface area.
The term is Human Induced GLOBAL warming. Taking a snapshot of dynamics is not a sincere diagnosis, but, when the entire of Earth's data is realized there is absolutely no doubt about the etiology of the warming or its existence as never before existed on this planet.
November 20, 2011
UNISYS Water Vapor Image of North and West Hemisphere of Earth
The water vapor in these images from UNISYS has become dense over the past decade. There was not that much water vapor in the upper troposphere as there is today. There is far less water vapor at the surface of Earth than there was in 2005. I am confident the blog contains images to that effect.
As the water vapor rises in altitude rather than existing in density on the surface of Earth, there is less water vapor available for hurricanes. The heat normally transferred into the oceans no longer is transferred and the air mass becomes hotter. When there is less water vapor on the surface of Earth, that does not mean the tragedy stops. In examining the tornado records in correlation with surface water vapor density, it increases as the water vapor density increases in altitude. See, the energy is still there. Energy is fixed. As the heat calories increase with the troposphere of Earth, the energy has to do somewhere and if there is no water vapor to accumulate the heat and becomes storms, the energy manifests in tornadoes.
In 2006 there was a tornado that killed eight people in North Carolina. Five years ago it happened. The same year tornadoes increased in number and 'seasonal manifestation' and intensity. The same year the water vapor at Earth's surface diminished.
Last night's fatal twister in Davidson County was a tragic reminder of this fact.
And exactly five years ago yesterday, on November 16, 2006, you may recall the devastating Riegelwood tornado, a monstrous 300-yard wide EF3 twister that claimed eight lives in the tiny Columbus County community.

November 19, 2011
I think this is self explanatory. If not, then I need to explain it anyway as it would be a waste of my time. I really abhor morons, especially when they don't know they are. I'll throw in one more map for good measure to 'seal the deal' this evening.
The USA Seasonal Drought Outlook for the time period upto February 29, 2012. Leap year. The change in the Climate Crisis is not really manifesting, now is it? The Climate Crisis is sustaining, isn't it? The CO2 levels and human abuses are the reason. Does anyone with half a brain actually believe this can or will go on forever without dire consequences to life? If there are, that is simply amazing.