Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 24, 2017
UNISYS Infrared north and west hemisphere satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

Harvey is still trying to be something. Currently, a tropical storm with 30 knots per hour winds and a central pressure of 1002 millibars. That is the lowest central pressure Harvey has had since it loosely formed last week. It is more into the Gulf of Mexico and will build there. 
If one takes an honest look at the United States of America's Civil War today, of those participating in that war, they never had any moral authority. They were criminals. They enslaved people and fought to continue to enslave them. They had no moral authority. They declared war on their country. Quite frankly, those that fought in the USA Civil War on the Confederate side were treasonists. And those that seek to elevate those facts today are nothing short of revisionists. The Confederate Statues have no place in this county. None. 

Description: (click here) A bronze Confederate soldier clad in jacket and hat steps forward with his left foot while resting his left arm on the barrel of his rifle. He stands atop a tall granite inscribed pedestal. A refurbishment of the memorial in late 2010 added a seal to the pedestal.

There are those that want to blur the line between the commanders of the Confederacy and the soldiers of the Confederacy. That is still very incorrect. If one wants to say, the Confederate foot soldiers were simply doing what they were asked for the reason of protecting their economy, THEN WHAT WERE THEIR BROTHERS DOING?

See, the US Civil War, in some instances, pitted brother against brother. If one is to elevate the Confederate soldier as slightly innocent for his loyalty to the Confederacy then would his brother fighting with the Union be slightly guilty? It is nonsense.

The Confederacy, regardless of the blood spilled, is guilty of treason. Every one of them, be they general or foot soldier; they made a decision. 

Abraham Lincoln had no desire to punish fellow Americans any further after the Confederacy surrendered, so there were no sentences of treason or otherwise. And don't hide in stating it was 'succession.' That is like saying "I am okay and you are okay, but, we differ on economics and politics." It is ridiculous.

The United States of America had a growing consensus that all human beings were to be treated equal. As a country we were developing more than economics for survival of a sovereign country, we were developing a conscience as a nation of people. The burgeoning consensus of conscience was the overriding moral authority to all of the country.

Why could a slave earn his status as a "Free Man?" Why is that? Because as a people we recognized every Negro as a human being with rights to their bodies, "habeas corpus." That is a moral conscience. All the Civil War did was remove the financial burden of the Negro to the slave owner. Negros were already recognized as human beings when The South got greedy.

And, yes, the founding of the Confederacy was an act of white supremacy.

Statues are a moral issue, not a political issue.

August 23, 2017
By Andrew Taylor

The future of another monument in Hyde Park (click here) is in doubt as Tony Abbott took to the airwaves to claim statues of Captain James Cook will be torn down if Bill Shorten becomes prime minister.

Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore told Fairfax Media she had referred concerns about a statue of Governor Lachlan Macquarie to the council's Indigenous advisory panel "for their consideration and in particular their advice on how the City can most effectively play a role in progressing equality and redress past injustices"....

..."I believe he should not be honoured in this way," Ms Allas said. "He ordered and sanctioned the murder of innocent people including children. How is it possible to honour such a fellow and still believe our society is a just society?"... 

...The curator of With Secrecy and Despatch, a 2016 exhibition that explored Macquarie's role in the killings of Indigenous people in western Sydney, Ms Allas said: "He was the one who ordered the first massacre and from that massacre instructed the offending troops to hang the victims from trees so as to "strike the greater terror" into any survivors.... 

It is easy to be a great governor if one slaughters and terrorizes those that oppose him. He received his moral authority to massacre because New South Wales was considered a penal colony. He could do what he wanted. He didn't like the thought of being another Governor Bligh. He was scared and he was able to put real fear into the people so he could make his perfect world. He also had high regard for himself. No doubt being Governor of a penal colony was beneath him.

He built a civilization out of his assignment, but, the real question is at what cost? It would seem history likes it's polished version. Saintlike.

August 23, 2017
UNISYS Infrared GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

The system is big and appears to have two separate areas of water vapor consolidation. It is easier to discern in infrared. There is the Gulf of Mexico consolidation nearer Mexico and then there is a second consolidation near the Bahamas. It is my opinion at this point either or both of the water vapor consolidations can develop into significant storms. The Gulf storm has the most potential the longer it remains over water.