MOSCOW (AFP) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Russia's President Vladimir Putin agreed Tuesday to ease their diplomatic rhetoric, but made no progress on resolving security disputes poisoning relations between the two powers. Rice said the United States could not allow Russia to "veto" the defence missile shield that it wants to build in eastern Europe.Russia remains opposed to a UN plan for the Serbian province of Kosovo to attain virtual independence."The president backed the American side on the need to rein in rhetoric in public discussions and to concentrate on concrete business, which there is a lot of," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Russian news agencies after the Rice-Putin talks just outside Moscow."I do not think that Moscow's position towards Washington can be qualified as hostile but rather as an invitation to a more frank dialogue on questions on which we have differences," Lavrov said after a dinner with Rice later Tuesday.Rice -- who made a blistering attack just before her visit on what she described as Putin's rolling back of democracy -- also urged calming of increasingly stormy East-West ties."I've said while I'm here that the rhetoric is not helpful. It is disturbing to Americans who are trying to do our best to maintain an even relationship," she told journalists."The real outcome of today's discussions was that we agreed that we need to intensify our consultations, our dialogue, to minimise misunderstandings," Rice said after meeting with Lavrov.However, Washington and Moscow remained far apart on the key disputes that Rice had been hoping to help resolve during her three-day visit....
Is this Russia's Neville Chamberlin moment? Not likely. But, it might be Bush's.
The New York Times can't help but shoot itself in the foot rather than stand for real democracy. "...That’s good to hear after Mr. Putin’s latest rude outburst, an implied comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany...." It sounds as though the editors don't even long for the days when freedom of speech wasn't actually oppressed in the USA. The 'tone' of this adminsitration has been nothing but aggression and hatred and control.
Where in the name of decency does anyone in the USA think they have the right to tone down 'rhetoric' that delivers a message that needs to be clearly heard. This isn't name calling Putin has engaged in. It's muscle flexing and it comes across loud and clear to me. Does anyone at The New York Times actually believe the Bush Executive Branch has come away from their evil ways? One of the most corrupt administrations in American history isn't taking the course of oppression and aggression? A clear indication of that would be a president that signed a bill regarding war spending reduction, a president that does not engage in nuclear weapon research and a president at the forefront of engaging all the demands and LAWS of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. At least Putin offers Iran an alternative in providing nuclear fuel rods to facilitate a nuclear facility begun by the USA, while Bush offers nothing but invasion and killing of still more innocent Muslims.
These 'words' aren't empty. Bush is ready to invade yet another Muslim country for it's oil and gas while calling it necessary in 'handling' a nuclear threat. That isn't the advancement of 'evil' as noted by the Nazis? Could have fooled me. Let's not put a kind face on an administration that prides itself on war without end. Perhaps what The New York Times is attempting in their feable reality locked inside the USA is to say that this is not the Pre-Cursor to WWIII, but, simply head bumping to satisfy political viability. Not hardly.
The Russians have done the people of the USA a favor. They have overtly let them know it will not stand for more violence in the Middle East through war. It will not tolerate an American presence with satellite technology that gives a false sense of reality to Europe allowing for greater dissension among countries that share it's borders. I find Russia more than appropriate and a relief to the imprecise aggression and hated of the Bush Executive Branch. Iraq wasn't enough of a mistake and now this country is supposed to continue down a road of international conflict and self distruction? I don't think so.
What Condi Rice is attempting to eliminate are the clues to the people of the world that Russia is really pissed off. She is attempting to place political overlays to an agenda in Europe that is a direct threat to Russia. It simply is. There are somethings in an international venue one does not do and placing MDS at Russia's door is one to them. If Europe finds itself threatened by 'incoming' then it needs to insist Condi put away American nuclear toys and adhere to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Is that what the NY Times is advocating? Heck no ! They are nearly apologizing for Russian frankness, when all I want to know is same.
It's time Russia and the USA engage in 'reality' talks but the kind that leads to a resolve of nuclear proliferation, otherwise, there will be expansive war in The Middle East and neither Putin or Bush care it happens. Holding Condi's hand through rhetoical tough times isn't the way to global stability and peace, but, finding real solutions in the face of corruption and lies is. Get over it already. Russia has never been more correct and the USA so "W"rong !
If Condi Rice is sincere in stepping down the rhetoric than she needs to follow it up with action and a way to peace with Russia including a joint effort in eliminating the growing nuclear threat that is Iran. That type of effort is being an example to the world of a 'Peace Maker' and not a deployment mechanism of Peacemaker Missiles. Iran reacted to the Iraq invasion in the only way it could and that is to escalate it's military capacity. To supply Iran with viable options while bilateral disarmament agreements are struck with other nuclear countries to ACHIEVE the ultimate goal of the Non-Proliferation Treaty is the only road viable in a world beset with an issue of human viability on a warming planet.
When is honesty and dignity going to return to the USA? The Bush Executive Branch has made an enemy of every other nation on Earth and even Tony Blair now questions his Iraq offensive with the USA although stating he won't regret it. Prime Minister Blair stated openly to the British people he thought he did the right thing with the USA, but, it was up to them judge.
The USA has become a pariah. It's high time the people of this country that comprise the electorate realize it. I won't be surprised when WWIII manifests and Europe actually is an ally to Russia while the USA stands alone in it's aggressive march through the Middle East. Cheney's Caspian Sea ambition ain't all that !