The latest in Po' White Trash.
Followed by another fall from grace in Iowa.
August 27, 2014
By Steven Dennis
According to a Department of Justice release, Sorenson admitted he had supported one campaign for the 2012 presidential election, but from October to December 2011, “he met and secretly negotiated with a second political campaign to switch his support to that second campaign in exchange for concealed payments that amounted to $73,000.”...
The Republican Motto has always been, "If you can't bet 'em, join 'em." I mean that sincerely. Republicans never fear prison enough to end corruption. Serious. Think about it.
How many times was Rove before the Special Prosecutor in the Valerie Plame outing? That is just one more example.
McConnell states in the House and Senate we own the budget.
"W"rong. The people of the USA own the budget and when Republicans are in power THAT right is removed from the people and placed with Wall Street, literally, in the pockets of all the people that put them in office. So, when Mitch McConnell states the Republicans own the budget that is exactly what he means.
...“So in the House and Senate, we own the budget. (click here) So what does that mean? That means that we can pass the spending bill. And I assure you that in the spending bill, we will be pushing back against this bureaucracy by doing what’s called placing riders in the bill. No money can be spent to do this or to do that. We’re going to go after them on healthcare, on financial services, on the Environmental Protection Agency, across the board [inaudible]. All across the federal government, we’re going to go after it.”...
And how exactly will Mitch McConnell be sure to put all that budget into the pockets of campaign contributors of Big Money? By doing exactly what Ron Paul's campaign did.
...On Wednesday, Sorenson admitted in federal court what he had long adamantly denied: that he took thousands of dollars in payments from the campaigns of Bachmann and Paul in exchange for his endorsement....
...Jesse Benton, a Republican strategist who is married to Paul’s granddaughter, served as chairman of Paul’s 2012 campaign. He is now running Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign and is expected to play a significant role in a 2016 presidential bid by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)....
While I like Senator Rand Paul, I should not have to point to the fact the illegal bribery took place in Iowa, but, the candidates were Republicans from Kentucky. One big happy family.
...Neither Benton nor the McConnell campaign returned requests for comment.
Dimitri Kesari not only wrote the check, but, detoured the money into a private business account of a jewelry store. The jewelry store was owned by his wife.
November 26, 2014
By Russ Choma
...The campaign of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (click here) hired a former Ron Paul campaign aide accused of trying to buy the endorsement of an Iowa state senator in 2012, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The aide, Dimitri Kesari, was also implicated in allegations made last week by a former National Right to Work Committee employee who says the politically active nonprofit broke Iowa state campaign finance rules and misled the Internal Revenue Service about its political activity....

Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager then went on to tell Fusaro, “Between you and me, I’m sorta just holding my nose for two years, cause what we’re doing here is gonna be a big benefit to Rand in ’16.”
The Republicans are so ensconced in lies they literally have to practice several times in order to find a way out of the maze to stay out of prison when the truth is discovered outside 'the family.'
Followed by another fall from grace in Iowa.
August 27, 2014
By Steven Dennis
A former Iowa (click here) state senator pleaded guilty to concealing payments he received from former Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign to switch his support from Rep. Michele Bachmann.
Kent Sorenson, 42, of Milo, Iowa, entered the guilty plea for one count of causing a federal campaign committee to falsely report its expenditures and one count of obstruction of justice.

The Republican Motto has always been, "If you can't bet 'em, join 'em." I mean that sincerely. Republicans never fear prison enough to end corruption. Serious. Think about it.
How many times was Rove before the Special Prosecutor in the Valerie Plame outing? That is just one more example.
McConnell states in the House and Senate we own the budget.
"W"rong. The people of the USA own the budget and when Republicans are in power THAT right is removed from the people and placed with Wall Street, literally, in the pockets of all the people that put them in office. So, when Mitch McConnell states the Republicans own the budget that is exactly what he means.
...“So in the House and Senate, we own the budget. (click here) So what does that mean? That means that we can pass the spending bill. And I assure you that in the spending bill, we will be pushing back against this bureaucracy by doing what’s called placing riders in the bill. No money can be spent to do this or to do that. We’re going to go after them on healthcare, on financial services, on the Environmental Protection Agency, across the board [inaudible]. All across the federal government, we’re going to go after it.”...
And how exactly will Mitch McConnell be sure to put all that budget into the pockets of campaign contributors of Big Money? By doing exactly what Ron Paul's campaign did.
...On Wednesday, Sorenson admitted in federal court what he had long adamantly denied: that he took thousands of dollars in payments from the campaigns of Bachmann and Paul in exchange for his endorsement....
...Jesse Benton, a Republican strategist who is married to Paul’s granddaughter, served as chairman of Paul’s 2012 campaign. He is now running Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign and is expected to play a significant role in a 2016 presidential bid by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)....
While I like Senator Rand Paul, I should not have to point to the fact the illegal bribery took place in Iowa, but, the candidates were Republicans from Kentucky. One big happy family.
...Neither Benton nor the McConnell campaign returned requests for comment.
A key point person from the Paul campaign who urged Sorenson to defect was Dimitri Kesari, then Paul’s deputy national campaign manager....
We all know when it comes to Republican politics, the momentum achieved in Iowa carries through to subsequent elections because it is a SUPPOSEDLY a direct straw poll of the people.
...Part of that massive payment (click here) came in the form of a $25,000 check written to Sorenson’s wife by a top Ron Paul staffer named Dimitri Kesari. The Iowa ethics investigation reported included a photo of the check, which Sorenson had not cashed. Dimitri Kesari had written the check from the account of a jewelry business owned by Kesari’s wife. In this secretly recorded audio, Sorenson claims that Dimitri Kesari had written the check at a restaurant dinner and given it to Sorenson’s wife while Sorenson was using the restroom....
We all know when it comes to Republican politics, the momentum achieved in Iowa carries through to subsequent elections because it is a SUPPOSEDLY a direct straw poll of the people.
...Part of that massive payment (click here) came in the form of a $25,000 check written to Sorenson’s wife by a top Ron Paul staffer named Dimitri Kesari. The Iowa ethics investigation reported included a photo of the check, which Sorenson had not cashed. Dimitri Kesari had written the check from the account of a jewelry business owned by Kesari’s wife. In this secretly recorded audio, Sorenson claims that Dimitri Kesari had written the check at a restaurant dinner and given it to Sorenson’s wife while Sorenson was using the restroom....
Dimitri Kesari not only wrote the check, but, detoured the money into a private business account of a jewelry store. The jewelry store was owned by his wife.
November 26, 2014
By Russ Choma
...The campaign of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) (click here) hired a former Ron Paul campaign aide accused of trying to buy the endorsement of an Iowa state senator in 2012, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. The aide, Dimitri Kesari, was also implicated in allegations made last week by a former National Right to Work Committee employee who says the politically active nonprofit broke Iowa state campaign finance rules and misled the Internal Revenue Service about its political activity....

Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager then went on to tell Fusaro, “Between you and me, I’m sorta just holding my nose for two years, cause what we’re doing here is gonna be a big benefit to Rand in ’16.”
The Republicans are so ensconced in lies they literally have to practice several times in order to find a way out of the maze to stay out of prison when the truth is discovered outside 'the family.'