Monday, February 10, 2025

USAID must go forward.

Instead, Trump and Musk wants to put the money back in their pockets.

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Constant Comments

Trump has no right to call for the end of the Gaza ceasefire especially in the aftermath of the Trump Palestinian Protocol calling for ethnic cleansing.

Taylor Swift should sue for defamation. Yes, personal lawsuits are allowed of USA presidents.

She did nothing wrong except support a boyfriend. Nothing wrong at all. Yet she suffered embarrassment because Trump is a bad loser.  She deserves an apology.

Career Criminal

Trump is in contempt of court along with his budget office staff under Russ Voight. Bought is too busy shutting down the Consumer Protection Bureau (click here) to even notice. I can’t help but believe this opens up Trump’s 34 count criminal convictions.

Once a criminal, always a criminal. They are in open violation of their oath of office, too.

Voight seems like a really weird guy. He says things like, “I want federal employees to be terrified (at the shuttering of the government).” And, I will be carrying my duties while being in touch with
Trump’s thought. Those are strange things to say. Voight is supposed to be administrating the budget according to the law, not Trump’s whims. Trump sends a budget to Congress and then Congress acts on it. Strange guy.

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USA House Representative Al Green filed articles of impeachment against President Trump initiated due to the Trump Palestinian Protocol that clearly violates international law for ethnic cleansing. I think it is important Rep. Green filed the impeachment articles. It proves to the world the USA is alive and breathing fire. The criminality of the White House is very unfortunate. Trump continues to rack up criminal violations. The Republicans cannot look away as if it didn’t happen. That level of negligence is culpable activity by anyone involved in a cover-up in pretending none of it is important.

Law breaking is what is proposed by the Commander and Chief of the USA military. It matters.

This is complete stupidity.

It also affects our brain trust. This is the time of year when young people are looking for summer jobs that will start in May. This is the time of year when college students are applying for internships to begin to build competencies of their chosen profession. That summer work is vital and when it comes to college internships the federal government is a huge contributor.

When the federal government hires college interns they are getting some of the best minds in the country at dirt cheap prices. Every summer hiring season will see work getting done at all levels of competency because building an understanding of a lifetime position means doing what may not be defined as professional, no matter however practical.

This hiring freeze will impact our young people disproportionately and Congress needs to legislate to end it. Participation in placing an application on a job that was there yesterday, but gone today might be litigable. The trouble with asserting rights of young adults may mean they don’t have an allotment in their college budget for such necessary actions.

Congress is dropping the ball on this and Americans will be hurt by it. Being short staffed will effect tourism and safety within the park.

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Advance notice needed…

…to Congress for approval of mass terminations of any federal employee, including Lady Liberty.

That is the problem here. Everything is a surprise which results in extreme uncontrollable uncertainty by everyone in the USA and internationally.

Federal employees are accepting the exit deal because Trump breeds uncertainty in their next paycheck. 

So much of what is transpiring is hate based as well. Our enemies have enough hate of the USA and it’s citizens traveling aboard that the American people really don’t need nor want a president that hates this country, conducts himself as Vladimir Putin would, and compromises every aspect of Americans’ privacy that hackers haven’t yet invaded.

There is reporting this morning that Musk is ONLY allowed a “read only” status at the USA treasury.

I DON’T THINK SO. Musk’s unilateral invasion into a little known USA Treasury Office IS ILLEGAL!


End of discussion!

Musk should have had a Capitol Hill Police escort out of the building or worse the day he arrived!

Ellis Island and France’s beautiful gift of the Statue of Liberty speaks so very loudly of how this country paved its way to success and international acclaim. It is completely unforgivable there is an assault on the Undocumented which is used as a political toy to breed hate by order of King Trump.

Illegal immigration needs to be addressed by Congressional legislation which Former President Biden did so admirably. But, no, King Trump had plans for his campaign to build hate and drive unwitting Americans to the polls. It is so very, very obvious what transpired during the Biden administration that is nothing short of unethical, inhumane, and a complete offense to the oath Congresspersons took. Obvious beyond doubt the American federal government was Republicans tool to elections so the immigration reform bill was trashed unilaterally by Republicans. They should be ashamed to their abdication of our democracy.

There will be no more hate in this country going forward and the BEST outcomes to our citizens and allies is most important.

At the hand of Trump the country withers into disrepair with compromised national security while our government reeks of corruption.

Musk should be banned from any capacity in government for participating in that corruption and breeding criminality in the youngest of his followers.

Say good-bye to the USA brain trust

There is a reason Musk wants his special work visas, but, aren’t most foreign workers educated in USA universities?

The do nothing Congress needs to get a clue or the American people need to remove the political right wing with recall elections now. Trump’s egotistical (click here) mess is about more than charter schools.

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