I know that Murdoch's 'cockeyed,' biased and bigoted media circus hates Media Matters. Wonder why. Could be because Media Matters actually RECORDS and REVEALS 'the truth.' Nah. Couldn't be that?
On May 4, FOX News (click here) Channel host Bill O'Reilly told viewers that former Vice President Al Gore had announced that he is starting a "liberal" cable channel; however, in Gore's May 4 press conference, announcing his acquisition of Newsworld International from Vivendi Universal SA, Gore said quite the opposite: "This is not going to be a liberal network or a Democratic network or a political network in any way shape or form."
Afraid of losing viewers perhaps? Shame, shame. Unfair play.
And then Beck turns hatred and bigotry and anti-semitism into a peoblem with loyalty to country and all that mess. I mean the man simply can't help himself from being a hateful and narrow minded fool. But, somehow, it 'goes on' and 'on' and 'on.' Well, Beck is mentored by O'Reilly after all.
On his June 1 radio (clickhere) and TV programs, host Bill O'Reilly continued his smear campaign against progressive financier, philanthropist, and political activist George Soros, doctoring a 1995 quotation by Soros to make it seem as if Soros wished his own father dead. During his nationally syndicated radio program, The Radio Factor, O'Reilly also said that Senator John Kerry's acceptance of presidential campaign support from Soros "would be like having some militia group funding the Bush campaign." On FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly was joined by former Republican Speaker of the House (and FOX News contributor) Newt Gingrich; both denounced Soros and suggested that Kerry's presidential candidacy was tainted because groups supporting Kerry and the Democratic Party have accepted donations from Soros....
And while this seems all very 'lame' to some folks, there is a terrible mess in the American Political Landscape that Murdoch's Media Circus instigated.
...While O'Reilly (click here) appears to be defending his April 27 claim that "[T]hey've lost billions of dollars in France according to 'The Paris Business Review,'" he is actually replacing it with a much weaker claim. Media Matters for America and Mathews questioned the existence of 'The Paris Business Review'; O'Reilly did not answer that charge. Instead, he cited unnamed "U.S. government figures" in support of a much more modest dollar amount of $138 million -- a far cry from the original "billions."
That figure is also incorrect....
The Murdoch Media Circus has been vital and intricately involved with the formation of a means to support The Republican Party through the anger of a nation completely in disbelief that the GOP actually is as cut throat as it now seems.
REPORT: "Fair and balanced" Fox News aggressively promotes "tea party" protests (click here)
April 08, 2009 3:58 pm ET
SUMMARY: Despite its repeated insistence that its coverage is "fair and balanced" and its invitation to viewers to "say 'no' to biased media," Fox News has frequently aired segments encouraging viewers to get involved with "tea party" protests across the country, which the channel has described as primarily a response to President Obama's fiscal policies. Media Matters has compiled an analysis of Fox News' promotion of these events...
The Tea Party was 'sponsored' by the Radio Channels and Personalities of the Murdoch Radio Madness Circus. It stated a long time before there was a 'coalition' of these folks.
What strated out as protests ended up with candidates elected due to lies and fictious reasons to oppose the new Obama Administration.
The first protest was on January 24, 2009 according to Wikipedia. The movement was skyrocketing within weeks. That didn't happen without a devoted media service to facilitate all that. And for it to be a party within two years. You have got to be joking. The Libertarians and the Green Party have been around for decades and they could never pull this off.
A party founded on lies and falsehoods with the profound intent of derailing a legitimately elected President that was taking over after the Republicans devastated the American Dream and excoriated the treasury of the USA and the global communtiy.
That isn't a concern?
But, Wikileaks is.
Wikileaks is NOT attempting to over throw the USA government, but, is acting in 'contract' with people that seek to be 'heard' for the reasons they do.
But, Murdoch. Oh, my.
Political protests that started four days after inauguration and manifested into a party without any party platform that was identifable and advocated by a losing candidate for Vice President, whom was 'iconed' in the Murdoch media? Really? That isn't a threat to the USA? Really?
The Tea Party was 'sponsored' by the Radio Channels and Personalities of the Murdoch Radio Madness Circus. It stated a long time before there was a 'coalition' of these folks.
What strated out as protests ended up with candidates elected due to lies and fictious reasons to oppose the new Obama Administration.
The first protest was on January 24, 2009 according to Wikipedia. The movement was skyrocketing within weeks. That didn't happen without a devoted media service to facilitate all that. And for it to be a party within two years. You have got to be joking. The Libertarians and the Green Party have been around for decades and they could never pull this off.
A party founded on lies and falsehoods with the profound intent of derailing a legitimately elected President that was taking over after the Republicans devastated the American Dream and excoriated the treasury of the USA and the global communtiy.
That isn't a concern?
But, Wikileaks is.
Wikileaks is NOT attempting to over throw the USA government, but, is acting in 'contract' with people that seek to be 'heard' for the reasons they do.
But, Murdoch. Oh, my.
Political protests that started four days after inauguration and manifested into a party without any party platform that was identifable and advocated by a losing candidate for Vice President, whom was 'iconed' in the Murdoch media? Really? That isn't a threat to the USA? Really?