Sunday, November 13, 2022

There are similarities.

Neither Donald John Trump nor Vladimir Putin know when to quit. It is not a joke, it is a fact.

Neither have a conscience. All they know is power. Putin is less absorbed with money, but, he doesn’t need to buy the presidency.

It is troubling to realize Russia hasn’t surrendered the Ukrainian land it occupies.  Ukraine is not a toy that wears out only to be used again and again as if a political volleyball.

It is time Russia recognize it is not a superpower simply based on a poorly understood nuclear capacity.

Trump just needs to stop being stupid and return to his Florida residence as soon as sea level rise has receded enough until the next supercell arrives. The American people are tired of the threat to their democracy. I would think that would be obvious.

Has he apologized to Speaker Pelosi for his hate speech that lead to violence against her and her husband?

What do you do with men that look in the mirror and don’t see the truth?

Good night.