Go ahead. Don't take her seriously. This is what happens when politics is put before citizen security. We had it for eight years. We don't want it anymore. If Janet says 'jump' simply ask how high! For Republicans? Bigots have more rights than decent citizens.
Holocaust Museum to close in slain guard's honor (click title to entry - thank you)
The Associated Press Wednesday, June 10, 2009; 6:50 PM
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum will be closed Thursday in tribute to the museum guard who was shot and killed by a gunman.
Holocaust Museum director Sara Bloomfield says that flags at the museum have been lowered to half-staff in honor of slain guard Stephen T. Johns.
Johns was shot when a man carrying a .22-caliber rifle entered the museum and opened fire.
The gunman, identified by authorities as 88-year-old James von Brunn (vahn BRUHN'), was critically wounded by another guard. Authorities say von Brunn is a white supremacist and anti-Semite.
Officials at the Holocaust Museum say they will review their security procedures but believe their guards are well-trained and acted heroically to the shooting.
There are too many guns on the street. Bush believed and enforced anarchy. Feed the fear.
Gun and ammunition sales across the country have risen sharply since Sept. 11 as more Americans take what many consider to be the most personal step toward feeling safer: arming themselves.
According to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, surveys by firearms associations and anecdotal evidence from storefront gun shops and distributors from Arizona to Florida to Lower Manhattan, the jump in weapons sales followed quickly on the first jarring images of the terrorist attacks.
The rise was anywhere from 9 percent to nearly 22 percent during September, October and November, according to F.B.I. statistics on background checks for purchases. The total peaked in October, at 1,029,691.
Those in the gun industry say a range of firearms have been purchased, from high-priced handguns small enough to fit inside a purse to shotguns and assault rifles that can be leaned against a wall inside a clothes closet. And, they say, there has been a steady stream of serious- minded first-time buyers....