One of the definitions of sanctioned is: "Give official permission or approval for (an action)."
The oath of office is all any publicly elected authority should need to act on behalf of the people who elected him or her. The oath of office is written 'doctrine' and will stand up in court as the means to insure proper actions are taken by the representative of the people be it Senator, Representative, President or otherwise.
When any President resigned or otherwise a Vice President was given a solemn oath for the office that person was about to take. The same is true with every elected representative from city council man or woman all the way to President of the USA.
In the case of the President, the oath of office is written into the Constitution of the USA. It says, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Simple. Clear. Unwavering to its context. The foundation of our Executive Branch of the USA.
The circumstances the USA faces right now in relation to the Debt Ceiling are very serious. So, serious that the headlines right now are this:
California borrowing $5B ahead of US debt deadline (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: Thursday, Jul. 21, 2011 - 2:31 pm
Last Modified: Thursday, Jul. 21, 2011 - 2:56 pm
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California plans to borrow about $5 billion from private investors next week to protect itself in case the federal government defaults on its debt, the state treasurer's office announced Thursday. State Treasurer Bill Lockyer said he has asked a select group of banks, credit unions and investment funds for bids Tuesday on private loans to help the state avoid a cash shortage.
Lockyer, a Democrat, said the state needs to act in case talks between Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C., remain at an impasse. That could force the federal government to default on loan obligations and shortchange states on health care and educational funding....
The last thing California needed was to have to borrow more money. It was the last thing any state needed.
I'll tell you how serious this is, beyond the 'talking points' of the Republican Party. I believe there is evidence to state, this is Pre-meditated to destroy the USA and divide the states into warring entities and I am not joking. I have never been more serious in my life.
The Bush Tax Cuts set this country on a path of self destruction and the Republicans knew it when they passed those reductions in the US Treasury income. They destroyed all the prudent use of the Democratic surpluses in the year 2001 and in the future. It wasn't as though the USA had NO debt; it was that the tax structure and the budget of the country were, at the time, showing a surplus in income to the Treasury. The National Debt still had to be paid, so to cut taxes when the USA was still in trillions of dollars of debt should have been more than curious.
As I work through this premise, no has to keep in mind we had a Texas President. One that was at least as interested in the autonomy of Texas as the use of war to run up the nation's debt and instill into the USA Treasury crony interests and payoffs. We not only had a Texas President, but, also a 'in trouble' former CEO of Halliburton. The stage to destroy the sovereignty of the USA could never be better staffed than that.
It never made sense to keep the Bush Tax Cuts. We had attacks into the USA on September 11, 2001 and we had to gear up for war. We needed capital investment into weapons, troops and technology and the nation was changing its spending structure as the planes hit the World Trade Towers. It never made any sense to continue down a road of tax destruction, stimulus spending, jobs bills one after the other and believe the country in the long run would be okay. At the very least, when the USA was facing two wars, one in Afghanistan with NATO allies and one in Iraq by choice there should have been an increase back to the Pre-Bush years to safeguard the USA from any fiscal nightmares. We had plenty emergencies, there was a change in the Presdient's Cabinet to prove how the 'status' of well being of the country changed after 9-11. There was a lot going on including the reduction of personal privacy, etc. All that takes money and plenty of it. There was a new high tech headquarters for the CIA and FBI built to empower the intelligence communities to defend and protect the USA. Every citizen in the country would have understood a tax increase and yes, while there was a severe implosion of the USA economy after 9-11, it did not last for very long.
To say ideologues are a conspiracy might not be correct, but, if it is not then it is pure idiocy. The ideological beliefs of 'THE SIGNATORS' of Gover Norquist's Pledge are some of the most foolish people on Earth. They were elected into office to serve the best interests of the people of the USA and instead they serve the demands of an organization created to do nothing but remove the monies from the Treasury of the USA on a path that never allows those monies to return no matter the emergency in the country. It is treason. Absolutely is treason. I took a pledge before every 4-H meeting. I took a pledge when we formed a secret club in the tree house. I took a pledge when I became a professional. But, I never took a pledge that would put my country on a path to self destruction.
The Bush Tax Cuts were intended to be irreversible. They are proven to NOT increase job growth. They are draconian in nature without reprieve from existence. ACCORDING TO THE PLEDGE.
When I take a look across the country post "Elections of 2010" and realize the immediate change in the States with Governors crying they have to destroy the basis of having public employees, it causes me a great deal of pause. Now, we can attribute the SAMENESS of the actions of Republican Governors to ALEC. We can explain away all the hideous mechanisms that are being put in place to control the outcomes for the private sector through the political corruption of the Republican Party, but, we cannot continue to explain away that reality in the face of the EMERGENCY the country and the states now face.
The ONLY Republicans breaking ranks with these premises are three in "The Gang of Six." I find that odd. Very odd. Either Republicans are so dependent on these 'PROPS' to their winning elections or there is some kind of 'brotherhood' and 'sisterhood' yet to be revealed that they are devoted to in order to destroy the sovereignty of the USA and elevate each State to its own sovereign authority. I believe it probably is a combination of both and the 'idea' there is a 'grand plan' for the destruction of the sovereignty of the USA is a myth simply because the Republicans began to 'walk back' all their campaign promises almost as soon as the oath of office was given to them in January of 2011. That is right, it was only a few months ago all these morons actually touched down in the nation's captial.
The Republicans in the Senate and the House have changed enormously since December of 2010. There are a large group of Freshman House members dedicated to their ideals. The problem is that we have an excellent President that inherited an emergency the day he took office. The path to solving that emergency was not to drop bombs on Wall Street, although some would argue it would be the best thing we could do to solve the problem, but, to drop a MONEY BOMB on the nation to stop its decline and increase its chances of preventing a complete collapse of its fiscal viability which is the same thing as protecting its sovereignty in the year 2009.
It has been my opinion since the underhanded election of George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney that the RNC is a party in decline. The elections of 2010 only proved that beyond any imagination. The Norquist Pledge and learning about ALEC only confirms that even more. But, to simply explain away the Republicans 'position' at a time of emergency as 'a political thing' is just as irresponsible as rolling back the surpluses that could have paid off the debt and secured SSI and Medicare for a very long time. IF the Bush Tax Cuts never occurred we would have paid for the wars and not borrowed more and more money to engage in them.
One has to remember when Bush started throwing around the word 'billions' as in $84 billion or whatever the amount that was flown into Iraq on an air transport that was an astonishing amount of money. The word trillion didn't become a common word in the American vocabulary until the banking emergency of October 2008. So this entire scenario with the Republicans, their assault on the USA Treasury at every turn, their pledges to organizations while not upholding their oath of office and reliance on ALEC instead of their own minds and experience is a huge dynamic that very powerful people are relying on to secure what exactly? What exactly do Republicans believe they are doing? Because when everything gets put into one picture what manifests is a party of people committed to their own priorities without the brevity of their oath of office and the well being of an entire nation. This isn't a minor topic. This is huge. It goes to the very competency of our government and the intact state of our nation and states.
The 'methods' of the RNC and its relationship to the sovereignty of the USA have to be examined and they have to be examined soon. I do believe the 'pledged' Republicans are impeachable. I do believe they are doing the worst for the nation and not the best. The USA has corrupted members all the way to the Supreme Court that are dedicated to destroying the sovereignty of the USA through their casual relationship with their paychecks.
A person thrust into power for the first time sometimes is swept into believing they are more important than life itself. They begin to believe they grant life as well as destroy it with a simple signature. They find themselves in dynamics that control them rather than the other way around and sometimes the pledges they felt exhibited their character in an election have to be the right way of thinking and 'BEING.' That is not just immaturity, but, a huge mistake. They are a danger to the USA and not a minor one either.
The RNC is in decline and while we value a two party system in this country, we need to realize where our allegiance lies as citizens and how we have to think for ourselves in realizing there are those qualified to be in office and those that are struggling even as they are in office.
The USA is in danger by the very people elected in 2010 and while the jubilation of their new office might still exist the brevity of their responsibility of their oath carries more weight than a pledge or ideal they may believe is vital to their election. The people of the USA need to recommit their allegiance to their country in realizing it does take a certain expertise to be in office and not simply a barage of telephone calls to empty headed representatives.
The Republicans are in serious danger of being treasonous to the USA Constitution as well as their Chief Justice. They are allowing outside influences to rule their decisions and not what is best for the country. There is far, far too much proof not to come to these conclusions and abide by what I know to be true.