Let's look at the facts, because Murdoch's Boy has got any.
#Occupy Wall Street is not funded by the Institute of Policy Studies. If anything I would expect the Institute of Policy Studies to be seeking funding from #Occupy. If one recalls there funding was given to them as donations within the first month of their organizing. A total of $500,00.00 as a matter of fact. I doubt seriously the #Occupy Movement is going to be impressed with the grant from the Tides Foundation to the Institute of Policy Studies in the amount of $162,000.00. In case one cannot read the numbers accurately the Tides Foundation gave the Institute for Policy Studies a total of One hundred-sixty-two thousand dollars in 2011 (click here). Page 20 on that PDF.
Jay Carney is probably not the best person to ask about #Occupy, but, Vice President Joe
Biden would probably say they are not affiliated with any movement in the USA, they are affiliated with the DNC. But, Vice President Biden would more than likely go on to say that after the global economic collapse Wall Street bailed on the citizens of most major countries.
See, Bill, it goes like this, when the bailout for $800 Billion came down most everyone believed the 'status quo' of the USA and the Free World would remain STATIC (the same). We thought all the banks needed was their cash flow back again. Boy, were we "W"ronged!
So, when Wall Street left with the USA Treasury we were left in the breech. Now, someone like Bill O'Reilly, whom sells books to a right wing conservative audience would not understand that. He would not have felt the pinch of the Wall Street abandonment, but, for those that did; they quickly realized an entire generation of Americans were now abandoned and could not find work. Wall Street banks left without an apology, but, only the money. The job market hasn't been the same since and only lately the housing market is actually picking up steam. Bill, MIGHT remember; poor man at his age still cranking it out for Murdoch, no rest for the weary I am sure; the housing market in October 2008 had a glut of housing and business property and the VALUE of land and homes fell drastically causing huge problems for many, many people. I think about 1 in every 5 affected homeowners is still underwater. So the recovery is very slow. I mean we are not printing money fast enough to hand it out to everyone. But, then there is such as a thing as the VALUE of the USA Dollar.
Now, I don't know about Bill O'Reilly, but when I was younger and faced with seeking employment I was ready. Dressed for success and everything. So, was this generation of Americans and the hopes and dreams of that readiness was destroyed when Wall Street decided to gamble with their bailout monies instead of providing stability to an economy that was fairly good to them all these decades.
The #Occupy Wall Street movement makes strong statements about their insight to their lives. Lives I might add that no one outside that generation can even begin to understand. So, for anyone like Bill O'Reilly to presume to speak for them is outrageous and for him to scandalize a single incident of a movement anchored in peaceful protest is even more exploitative than outrageous.
Bill O'Reilly was frustrated with not being noticed after last night's program at the You Tube video posted above; so I thought I'd accommodate him so he wouldn't feel as abandoned in his point of view and passion as the #Occupy movement often feels. This is the United States of America, Bill and everyone is supposed to count, so since you "...have a powerful program..." that wasn't being very powerful I didn't want you to be frustrated. One American to another.
Police have dangerous work and no doubt Chicago Police have some of the most dangerous work in the country along with a number of other large cities. Having NATO in Chicago was going to INVITE controversy on the street. It just was. I am confident there were also globalists among the #Occupy people as well. So, the globalists tend to be more overt about their anger and I think it went very well, all considering.
I apologize to the Chicago Police Officer that was injured. It is not condoned by #Occupy and if it were one of their members, perhaps, they were afraid of the police. It was not long ago when a very talented and wonderful young USA Veteran was smoke bombed and nearly died. He recovered, thank goodness, but that certainly sent a chill down the spine of the people in #Occupy.

The Tides Foundation has existed for 35 years. I doubt they would allow any of their grantees to promote violence. I find Bill O'Reilly's critique wrong and offensive of people not able to change their circumstances.
I hope Bill O'Reilly has a better week rather than a propagandized one.