This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Who would replace them?
There is aerial bombardment of cities. This is ethnic cleansing. He is killing innocent people for no reason .
- US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen promises "swift and severe consequences to the Kremlin"
- Footage of gunfire, missiles, explosions, shelling, as well as people fleeing Kyiv, posted to Twitter
- President Joe Biden issues statement condemning the Russian attacks on Ukraine and saying the world will hold Russia accountable.
- Ukraine parliament approves state of emergency
- Germany puts the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would have transported natural gas from Russia to Europe, on hold
Russian attack helicopters seen flying over the outskirts of Kyiv
I applaud President Biden for being so very correct in all his estimations regarding Russia's intentions for Ukraine.
By Kevin Liptak
Washington - President Joe Biden (click here) on Thursday unveiled harsh new sanctions on Russia meant to punish the country for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, calling out Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggression even as he acknowledged it would take time for the new measures to alter Putin's behavior.
Chernobyl nuclear plant could be used in Putin's propaganda to justify invasion.
“Our defenders are giving their lives so that the tragedy of 1986 will not be repeated,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wrote on Twitter on Thursday. He described the move as “a declaration of war against the whole of Europe.”
When the reactor melted down in April 1986 during a test gone awry, a radioactive cloud covered much of the continent. Ukraine was then part of the Soviet Union....
Is Benczkowski still at DOJ? He is a national security compromise.
In late winter 2017, Brian Benczkowski, who now awaits Trump’s signature to become the newest assistant attorney general at the DOJ, briefly represented Alfa Bank, a Russian bank with close ties to Russian government officials that media outlets previously reported was a subject of the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.
No one at Alfa has been charged with wrongdoing, and it is unclear if the bank is still part of any probe.
Leading Democrats in the chamber wrote a letter to the president last week arguing Benczkowski cannot “credibly oversee” the DOJ Criminal Division’s involvement in Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation and the criminal investigation of Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal lawyer....
The United Nations has never been more important.
The global community can now see what Russia is all about, expansionism and an alternate reality to facilitate the loyalty of it's military. The United Nations needs to resolve to end such tensions, especially among countries with powerful and dangerous and deadly military capacity.
February 24, 2022By Courtney Subramanian,Michael Collins and Rebecca Morin
Here's what to know about Russia's attack on Ukraine:...
The world as witnessed with the spread of COVID-19 and it's variants is a smaller and smaller place with more and more people living on planet Earth. We cannot afford wars such as Putin carries out because of his politics. Make no mistake this war into Ukraine is due to Putin's politics and promises. His made up reality has to be satisfied to allow the people of Russia to contiue to believe they are oppressed by the entire world outside of Russia and a highly valued president that can carry out enormous movements of troops and killing machines. As far as Putin is concerned he is the only one capable of this aggression and returning the Soviet Union to it's former granduer as well as expansionism.
The family probably can't talk about Bob Saget because there are lawyers involved.
Just a word about Bob Saget. I am not a forensic person on the case, but, their assessment sounds reasonable. He fell in the shower and struggled to the bed and died there. It is very unfortunate.
These types of accidents happen. Shower floors and bathrooms can be a dangerous place if people are not careful. The STONE of bathrooms, be it porcelin or otherwise, always seemed to me a contradictory combination. There needs to be a synthetic answer to bathrooms that are more forgiving when people slip and fall.
This could be an accident of a slip in the shower or tub, but, he was 65 years old and while a very vital 65 year old he could have had a heart incident that also dropped him to the floor. He doesn't have to have a heart condition to have such an incident. The older adult sometimes will drop their blood pressure under warm water used to bath. The forensic experts could speak more to that, but, I think their assessment is correct in that it was an accident.
I am sorry to hear violence against Ukraine has begun.
I think the world is with Ukraine, at least the civilized world. (click here) Putin in justifying his violence against Ukraine as ending the Nazis' war. This is typical ethnic hatred to divide people and demonize an enemy scapegoat.
President Biden is correct, this violence by Russia is completely unprovoked. Shelling can be heard in Kyiv. Sirens to awaken the people in the capital went off to bring awareness to the danger that may approach as time goes on. Ukrainians have a right to decide to leave and seek refuge.
It is so hard to realize this is 2022 and Russia is still acting as if it is 1968.
On August 20, 1968, (click here) the Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact troops in an invasion of Czechoslovakia to crack down on reformist trends in Prague. Although the Soviet Union's action successfully halted the pace of reform in Czechoslovakia, it had unintended consequences for the unity of the communist bloc.
When will the Cold War finally end with anti-democracy narratives in communist countries? It is so ridiculous. NO ONE IS COVETING VIOLENCE AGAINST COMMUNIST COUNTRIES, ONLY COMMUNISTS COVETING VIOLENCE AGAINST PEACEFUL PEOPLE THAT EMBRACE DEMOCRACY. More than fifty years has passed and not a thing has changed.
Ukraine is on the minds and in the hearts of people all over the world tonight.