Monday, January 15, 2007

Click on for 12 hour loop

January 16, 2007

1330 z

Enhanced Infrared Satellite from UNISYS.

The pattern has little to no change and will exponentially maintain this status for awhile as there is an inertia component to the vortices. Note in both satellite pictures that the equatorial 'heat transfer system' cross North America, a warmer, higher energy 'system area' under a thick blanket of carbon dioxide. What drives Human Induced Global Warming? Carbon dioxide. Where it is the thickest will be the areas most warm with higher energy for air movement. The nearest ice mass is Greenland and that is exactly where the hottest air will find resolve, hence a low pressure system and a vortex.

Where the severe weather is manifesting is along the area of cold air front. It's solidly arctic air. The inertia of the system off the equator will delay any change in the arctic front behind it.
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January 16, 2007


Enhanced Infrared Satellite from UNISYS. A very hot and destructive tropospheric system is moving hot air from the equator to the Arctic Circle. These are huge distributions. The hot air is forcing the arctic air down to the lower latitudes because it is heavier and sinks while the ligher, hotter air rises to displace it. The hotter air has more mass but less density than the arctic air and that is why the displacement is possible.

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Janury 15, 2007

Fordland, MO

Photographer states :: Ice storm damage

Photographer doesn't have much to say. Sounds like shock.

Huge amount of biotic damage. Not only that but the longer the ice remains on that house the more difficult it will be to heat for the occupants. The ice will literally suck the heat out of the house while it sustains it's form from the cold weather. The cold air will maintain the ice at the cost of the heat in the house.

This is very dangerous stuff.

I really like wool. A lot. Wool coats, mittens and especially wool blankets. I have this awesome Icelandic Wool blanket about a quarter inch thick and that is literally all I have to put over me even when the heat is off. It holds my body heat just like I was the sheep itself. It has a pretty design of brown and beige horses running wild on it. Love that blanket. It's not a bit bulky that kids wouldn't want it on them or create a danger to a small person/child hiding under it.

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January 15, 2007

East Bloomfield, New York

Photographer states :: Pretty scene, trees await the warm air to finally come in.

So long as the branches and trunks are not cracked or split from the weight of the ice; the evergreens will probably be okay.

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January 15, 2007

East Bloomfield, New York

Photographer states :: The obligatory bird feeder shot.

Very strange to have EXACTLY the same weather at opposite ends of the country.

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January 15, 2007

Tolar, Texas

Photographer states :: Grass!!!!!!!!!!!

Some fill light was added to see the grass within the ice. It depends on the species but any grass native to Texas I know of won't weather this storm. I hope there aren't animals waiting to graze anytime soon.

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January 15, 2007

Tolar, Texas

Photographer states :: The ice was very thick on the tree limbs!

There is some significant damage regardless of how pretty and breathtaking it might be.

Elevation above sea level - 778 feet

Current conditons ::

Temperature - 27 °F / -3 °C

Conditions - Clear
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January 15, 2007

Tolar, Texas

Photographer states :: Ice storm...My camera couidn't capture the sparkling ice crystals shimmering in the sun!!! -it was breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!!
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January 16, 2007

0328 gmt

Africa - Europe Satellite

The air over Africa cannot support the humidity needed currently to for storms. Even the jungles of the Congo are dry.

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