Japan is in trouble and the USA is obligated to respond. Unbelievably at least 155 Japanese are dead from severe weather and some people are stranded without food and water in sweltering heat. It is not known if any Americans are involved.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Brian Benczkowski, openly admitted to the US Judiciary Committee he represented Alpha Bank with close ties to Vladimir Putin for the job of leading the criminal division of the US Justice Department. This was Trump’s nominee. The US Senate Judiciary Committee was warned by Democrats Benczkowski was affiliated with a bank with close ties to Putin and the Republicans still cleared his way. And Trump meets with Putin on Monday.
Benczkowski worked for Sessions and will be overseeing cases such as the Michael Cohen case. Good ole Brian has no prosecutorial experience and he won’t recuse himself over Russian related matters.
The US Senate Judiciary Committee did this behind the backs of the American people while the Supreme Court nominee had the country’s attention.
The Republicans don’t expect to win elections with this depth of corruption, do they?
The American people need to see the tally of the vote.
Very cute, Brian has been flip-flopping between Trump Organization, the law firm of Kirkland and Ellis and Alfa Bank. In his position of prosecutorial lead he will be able to breech the wall between recused Jeff Sessions and the Mueller Investigation and report all the findings thus far to Trump. If Republicans are lucky enough the Mueller Investgation will close out as a witch hunt before the elections of 2018 and the US will never have conclusions about Russian invasion to the elections. This certainly explains the re-emergence of Rudy Giuliani who knows about this and may have engineered it as well.
Benczkowski is also a member of the Anti-American Federalist Society.
Benczkowski worked for Sessions and will be overseeing cases such as the Michael Cohen case. Good ole Brian has no prosecutorial experience and he won’t recuse himself over Russian related matters.
The US Senate Judiciary Committee did this behind the backs of the American people while the Supreme Court nominee had the country’s attention.
The Republicans don’t expect to win elections with this depth of corruption, do they?
The American people need to see the tally of the vote.
Very cute, Brian has been flip-flopping between Trump Organization, the law firm of Kirkland and Ellis and Alfa Bank. In his position of prosecutorial lead he will be able to breech the wall between recused Jeff Sessions and the Mueller Investigation and report all the findings thus far to Trump. If Republicans are lucky enough the Mueller Investgation will close out as a witch hunt before the elections of 2018 and the US will never have conclusions about Russian invasion to the elections. This certainly explains the re-emergence of Rudy Giuliani who knows about this and may have engineered it as well.
Benczkowski is also a member of the Anti-American Federalist Society.
The judge, it would be nice to address him by name, has to realize Mr. Trump who caused the problem of broken migrant families seeking asylum has also cut the budget making it nearly impossible to find relatives and run background checks. The judge may have to subpoena President Trump to court in order to gain cooperation. Today, Trump’s answer to the press about the problems he creates is for parents to enter legally. He refuses to see asylum seekers as a legal status.
The real problem is Congress won’t act to end the current seige of the Oval Office. Trump is not President, he is a dictator and Congress refuses to see the truth for the sake of elections in November. I don’t know when Congress will act before or after we are bombed by Russian missles armed with USA uranium.
The real problem is Congress won’t act to end the current seige of the Oval Office. Trump is not President, he is a dictator and Congress refuses to see the truth for the sake of elections in November. I don’t know when Congress will act before or after we are bombed by Russian missles armed with USA uranium.
By the way, Pence is in lock step with his master.
Trump’s ideology to bring Europe into line with Russia is a dreamscape brought on by Russian vodka in Modcow’s Trump Tower. Europe in recent history has stared down Daesh without sacrificing their values culture of humanitarian values. Europe will never fall into line with any other government. The are waiting for Trump to finally read the memo.
The assault Trump is planning in Syria is in support of removing Shi’ites from their land and handing it to Israel. Syria is largely Shi’a and Iran is Shi’a. That spells genocide. I suggest Russia be careful who they back in such a war.
The assault Trump is planning in Syria is in support of removing Shi’ites from their land and handing it to Israel. Syria is largely Shi’a and Iran is Shi’a. That spells genocide. I suggest Russia be careful who they back in such a war.
I will tell you exactly how abortion will be criminalized. It will start out as fines for women that obtained an abortion for valid reasons after 20 weeks. Then the zealots on the right will argue there are still abortions being performed after 20 weeks so stronger measures are needed and jail time will be introduced. Then the intolerance of abortion will grow until abortion is then the death of an American comprised of four cells that multiplied at least once. The idea Roe v. Wade is settled law is rhetoric by the right. They foam at the mouth for heads on a pike to begin. No, I don’t place these zealots much above Daesh.
Good job, Wolf.
One rapist, one murderer, one drug smuggler and three that were not parents of the child. And 48 children reunited with their children over the current time the court has allowed to reunit families with thousands more waiting; according to Secretary of US HHS. And the HHS are providing a caring environment.
Why was one child returned to a parent covered in dirt and hadn’t received a bath probably from the time the US kidnapped him.
Backround checks take how long for guns?
This is interesting. A March 21, 2018 article in “The Trace,” the background checks have many errors and the staff is at risk for burnout is high because the DOJ is grossly understaffed because of background checks. I believe the longest waiting period is four days. So gun / criminal background checks are unpredictable and more and more guns are being bought without background checks.
The article is written by Ann Givens. @ANNTHETRACE
Guns are being sold without background checks because the time limit is running out. People who are not suppose to get a gun are getting guns. Suicides and other wise.
The budget cuts and staffing shortages are one of the reasons the migrant children are not being reunited with their parents. Trump doesn’t care about court deadlines or gun background checks. Basically, Trump only cares about money and cutting government costs to the bone and then some. Donald Trump needs to fully fund the staffing at the DOJ to carry out background on gun purchases and expedite the background checks to reunite families.
Thank you, Ann Givens for your vigilance to the status of gun background checks. At least someone is paying attention.
Why was one child returned to a parent covered in dirt and hadn’t received a bath probably from the time the US kidnapped him.
Backround checks take how long for guns?
This is interesting. A March 21, 2018 article in “The Trace,” the background checks have many errors and the staff is at risk for burnout is high because the DOJ is grossly understaffed because of background checks. I believe the longest waiting period is four days. So gun / criminal background checks are unpredictable and more and more guns are being bought without background checks.
The article is written by Ann Givens. @ANNTHETRACE
Guns are being sold without background checks because the time limit is running out. People who are not suppose to get a gun are getting guns. Suicides and other wise.
The budget cuts and staffing shortages are one of the reasons the migrant children are not being reunited with their parents. Trump doesn’t care about court deadlines or gun background checks. Basically, Trump only cares about money and cutting government costs to the bone and then some. Donald Trump needs to fully fund the staffing at the DOJ to carry out background on gun purchases and expedite the background checks to reunite families.
Thank you, Ann Givens for your vigilance to the status of gun background checks. At least someone is paying attention.
There is a lot to read written by what’s his name.
Let’s start with the fact the Federalist Society is Anti-American. The organization wants to change the USA Constitution. Anyone affiliated with the Federalist Society can’t be taken seriously for a judgeship at any level, but, especially the Supreme Court. The is no honor in an organization that doesn’t embrace the US Constitution. No major university would seek to change the US Constitution.
So, since what’s his name has been so prolific in his writings it will take some time to formulate an opinion. But, I can say this; he isn’t very worldly is he. He should travel a little bit, to places like Appalachia, a few American ghettos, droughted areas of the world where American grain is direly needed and a few countries such as Bangladesh and allies such as India. I think this guy is a little shorr sighted about America and the vast role it plays in the world.
So, since what’s his name has been so prolific in his writings it will take some time to formulate an opinion. But, I can say this; he isn’t very worldly is he. He should travel a little bit, to places like Appalachia, a few American ghettos, droughted areas of the world where American grain is direly needed and a few countries such as Bangladesh and allies such as India. I think this guy is a little shorr sighted about America and the vast role it plays in the world.
The problem with Bears Ears and the Grand Stairway Escalante is that Russia has purchased a uranium company by the name of “Uranium One” through the Russian national nuclear company, “Rosatom.” Uranium One was originality owned by a Canadian interest. Trump opens up Utah to mining and now he is going to visit Vladimir Putin. Uranium One owns mining rights to ore in the USA.
It doesn’t get more corrupt than this; to have a USA president meeting with a sanctioned leader after opening uranium mining that Russia could have access to. What is going on, because, it sure isn’t national security.
Trump pretends his presidential order is an attack against environmentalists and past Democratic presidents to satisfy his base when in actuality he is stroking Putin’s good side for personal reasons. Donald Trump has no interest in USA national security.
NATO needs to catch up on paying their two percent into the budget and they will be FINE. The US Congress needs to listen to USA generals and increase spending for NATO of which Trump opposes. NATO has grown in membership in the past decade, it is time to increase spending and secure Europe which has experienced an uptick in terrorism in the past couple years.
Every interaction Trump has with Putin or any other Russian entity needs to be scrutinized and should be transparent.
To illustrate further the Trump corruption existing with Asia; his daughter Ivanka, has an $80 Billion (that is billion with a B) jewelry line made in China. It is imported to the USA without tariffs. When Trump complains about the USA trade deficit with China his daughter is among that deficit.
I find it interesting Ivanka uses cheap Chinese labor and her jewelry line is not stamped with a “Made in the USA” logo. She works as an advisor to the President. It is a violation of the Emoluments Clause and Congress does nothing to uphold the dignity of the US Constitution or national security.
A Congress is suppose to be a strong arm of the Constitution to protect the country. Instead, McConnell and Ryan speak rhetoric to the electorate and hope Trump isn’t compromising the USA in any serious way. I think opening up uranium mining to a Russian company is compromising the USA. Seriously compromising the USA. Republican politics when they hold the majority in Congress opens the USA and it’s allies to a great deal of danger, yet alone corruption.
It doesn’t get more corrupt than this; to have a USA president meeting with a sanctioned leader after opening uranium mining that Russia could have access to. What is going on, because, it sure isn’t national security.
Trump pretends his presidential order is an attack against environmentalists and past Democratic presidents to satisfy his base when in actuality he is stroking Putin’s good side for personal reasons. Donald Trump has no interest in USA national security.
NATO needs to catch up on paying their two percent into the budget and they will be FINE. The US Congress needs to listen to USA generals and increase spending for NATO of which Trump opposes. NATO has grown in membership in the past decade, it is time to increase spending and secure Europe which has experienced an uptick in terrorism in the past couple years.
Every interaction Trump has with Putin or any other Russian entity needs to be scrutinized and should be transparent.
To illustrate further the Trump corruption existing with Asia; his daughter Ivanka, has an $80 Billion (that is billion with a B) jewelry line made in China. It is imported to the USA without tariffs. When Trump complains about the USA trade deficit with China his daughter is among that deficit.
I find it interesting Ivanka uses cheap Chinese labor and her jewelry line is not stamped with a “Made in the USA” logo. She works as an advisor to the President. It is a violation of the Emoluments Clause and Congress does nothing to uphold the dignity of the US Constitution or national security.
A Congress is suppose to be a strong arm of the Constitution to protect the country. Instead, McConnell and Ryan speak rhetoric to the electorate and hope Trump isn’t compromising the USA in any serious way. I think opening up uranium mining to a Russian company is compromising the USA. Seriously compromising the USA. Republican politics when they hold the majority in Congress opens the USA and it’s allies to a great deal of danger, yet alone corruption.
How many Americans and Canadians for that matter know what the Grand Staicase - Escalante is?
It is a national monument dedicated in 1996 by President Bill Clinton. It is the largest monument with the Bueau of Land Management. It is currently 1,003,863 acres. Before Trimp carved out land for mining uranium it was comprised of 1,880,461 acres.
The Grand Staircase Escalante is the most remote national monument. With clean rivers currently it still hosted 878,000 visitors in 2014. Those rivers will once again return to a polluted status and the fish will no longer be safe to eat. The tourist trade is one of the largest part of the economy of the area. This does not include the damage that will be done to the Bears Ears National Monument where uranium mining is also slated to begin. The uranium mining will reduce the National Momumentsbin the area by 85%. This move by Trump is again racist as the land is populated by primarily the Navajo.
Mr. Trump stated the land was being returned to the people which all federal representatives for Utah cheered. For decades those that represent Utah complained about large swaths of land marked as federal territory. Their current enthusiasm is all the more suspicious and requires investigation. I could understand their enthusiasm if returning the land to “the people” were going to be a windfall of income to Utah or the local economy, but, it isn’t and most probably will cost Utah and the federal government considerable amount of money in pollution clean-up and healthcare costs of the Navajo. But, that isn’t the most curious part, the company mining the area is out of Vancouver, Canada; “Glacial Lake Resources, Inc.” Glacial Lake is expecting to be mining cobalt as well.
Without notice or public meetings the Fat Man in the White wrote an order that changed the course of 50 years of environmental clean up and rebuilding a viable tourist industry. Additionally, these are sacred lands to the Navajo. They are not sacred Christian lands so anything goes. Although I have to admit if there was gold under Arlington National Cemetery, Trump would be writing an order to cremate remains and start digging.
Even more interesting is the replacement currently for Scott Pruitt is Andrew Wheeler, Deputy administers to Pruitt. He worked for FargraBD Condulting and Faegra Baker Daniels before going to the EPA. This law firm represents lobbyists and the their companies which are some of the biggest mining firms of URANIUM and coal such as Murray Energy.
There is something wrong here. Lobbyists are literally walking into the White House and receiving passes on public hearings and standard regulations for safety and public well being by Presidental orders. Trump is removing government and the public from any procedures and dictating outcomes favorable to Wall Street and companies held by private concerns such as the Kochs.
The Fat Man in the White House is abusing the power of the presidency. When he removed the National Monument status of these lands in Utah it made these lands open to government processes which means there are auctions for permits for known commodities. Glacial Lake was handed rights to mines as if they discovered them, they didn’t and the people of Utah won’t receive a dime nor will the federal government from these mining ventures. This is extreme corruption and no one is holding Trump responsible for handing out USA land like Christmas gifts.
It needs to be investigated as does all the rapidly disappearing government processes to protect clean air and water and human health as well as vital conservation of public lands.
The Grand Staircase Escalante is the most remote national monument. With clean rivers currently it still hosted 878,000 visitors in 2014. Those rivers will once again return to a polluted status and the fish will no longer be safe to eat. The tourist trade is one of the largest part of the economy of the area. This does not include the damage that will be done to the Bears Ears National Monument where uranium mining is also slated to begin. The uranium mining will reduce the National Momumentsbin the area by 85%. This move by Trump is again racist as the land is populated by primarily the Navajo.
Mr. Trump stated the land was being returned to the people which all federal representatives for Utah cheered. For decades those that represent Utah complained about large swaths of land marked as federal territory. Their current enthusiasm is all the more suspicious and requires investigation. I could understand their enthusiasm if returning the land to “the people” were going to be a windfall of income to Utah or the local economy, but, it isn’t and most probably will cost Utah and the federal government considerable amount of money in pollution clean-up and healthcare costs of the Navajo. But, that isn’t the most curious part, the company mining the area is out of Vancouver, Canada; “Glacial Lake Resources, Inc.” Glacial Lake is expecting to be mining cobalt as well.
Without notice or public meetings the Fat Man in the White wrote an order that changed the course of 50 years of environmental clean up and rebuilding a viable tourist industry. Additionally, these are sacred lands to the Navajo. They are not sacred Christian lands so anything goes. Although I have to admit if there was gold under Arlington National Cemetery, Trump would be writing an order to cremate remains and start digging.
Even more interesting is the replacement currently for Scott Pruitt is Andrew Wheeler, Deputy administers to Pruitt. He worked for FargraBD Condulting and Faegra Baker Daniels before going to the EPA. This law firm represents lobbyists and the their companies which are some of the biggest mining firms of URANIUM and coal such as Murray Energy.
There is something wrong here. Lobbyists are literally walking into the White House and receiving passes on public hearings and standard regulations for safety and public well being by Presidental orders. Trump is removing government and the public from any procedures and dictating outcomes favorable to Wall Street and companies held by private concerns such as the Kochs.
The Fat Man in the White House is abusing the power of the presidency. When he removed the National Monument status of these lands in Utah it made these lands open to government processes which means there are auctions for permits for known commodities. Glacial Lake was handed rights to mines as if they discovered them, they didn’t and the people of Utah won’t receive a dime nor will the federal government from these mining ventures. This is extreme corruption and no one is holding Trump responsible for handing out USA land like Christmas gifts.
It needs to be investigated as does all the rapidly disappearing government processes to protect clean air and water and human health as well as vital conservation of public lands.
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