Thursday, May 09, 2024

Stormy Daniels was raped.

Rape: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception

Ms.Daniels or Clifford stated she had no desire to have intercourse with Donald John Trump. She went on to describe the encounter and basically she was man handled by Trump, thrown down on the bed and forcibly raped. Why is that not important? 

Except for this discussion of the facts, I have yet to hear real outrage over the fact Stormy Daniels was raped by Donald John Trump. It is a fact he raped other women. It is looking more and more as if he is a serial rapist with the difference being his wealthy and celebrity portrays him as a decent man. There isn't anything decent about him or his obsession with women.

This isn't about politics, it is about the Rule of Law and how it never seems to stick to Trump.

...She left to use the bathroom and was startled to find Trump in his underwear when she returned, she said. She didn’t feel physically or verbally threatened but realized that he was “bigger and blocking the way,” she testified.

“The next thing I know was: I was on the bed,” and they were having sex, Daniels recalled. The encounter was brief but left her “shaking,” she said. “I just wanted to leave,” she testified....

There is no other way to describe that encounter except rape.

The hate with the Palestinians encompasses generations.

(click here) The map below is from the Washington Post.

At this link is a video of a freed hostage is worth watching (click here).

Quite some time ago a news outlet was in a public square in Gaza where people had gathered to listen to the words of hate toward Israel by a Hamas leader. The filming was to understand the governance of Hamas. What transpired was a surprise to those that watched the video.

That hate was not isolated so much as an important part of Iran’s plan for the region. That said, while at the gathering of townspeople, the Hamas leader shower the children in the crowd with candy to reinforce the hateful words. In the video above I have referred to, which is a part of her rehabilitation, she talks about a cruel/evil encounter with a child. 

The fear israel has of Hamas goes beyond October 7th and as well as extends to Iran. While President Biden seeks influence with the Israeli leadership, it is very difficult. Israel understands Gaza through its own experience with the Palestinian people as well as Hamas. In many ways this war is intractable.