Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stop this, now.

May 3, 2013

The last time (click here) there was this much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere, modern humans didn't exist. Megatoothed sharks prowled the oceans, the world's seas were up to 100 feet higher than they are today, and the global average surface temperature was up to 11°F warmer than it is now.
As we near the record for the highest CO2 concentration in human history — 400 parts per million — climate scientists worry about where we were then, and where we're rapidly headed now.
According to data gathered at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, the 400 ppm mark may briefly be exceeded this month, when CO2 typically hits a seasonal peak in the Northern Hemisphere, although it is more likely to take a couple more years until it stays above that threshold, according to Ralph Keeling, a researcher at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Keeling is the son of Charles David Keeling, who began the CO2 observations at Mauna Loa in 1958 and for whom the iconic “Keeling Curve” is named.
Carbon dioxide is the most important long-lived global warming gas, and once it is emitted by burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil, a single CO2 molecule can remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. Global CO2 emissions reached a record high of 35.6 billion tonnes in 2012, up 2.6 percent from 2011. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases warm the planet by absorbing the sun’s energy and preventing heat from escaping back into space....

The world cannot afford war. The Climate Crisis is too important to allow Russian war ambitions any real brevity.

Too many cooks spoil the soup. Eliminate all the unofficial delegates. The delegates that do attend need to be recognized by their government with a comprehensive plan for their country. The entire focus needs to be prioritized to 

...At Paris, (click here) there was a provisional list of around 15,000 participants present on behalf of a particular country, or “party” – plus another 8,000 unofficial delegates – while at last year’s COP in Bonn, there were around 11,300 participants....

A majority of delegates need to be scientists from each country involved with climate. There has to be progress in the areas of eliminating greenhouse gases and scientists can assist with that. There should be NO delegates that represent the petroleum industry.

Earth cannot wait one more day. As of January 1, 2019, there are eleven more years to avoid a catastrophe by 2030. This is not a new assessment by the IPCC. They have been stating 2030 as the year when all measures to end the climate crisis should be in place. There is no disagreement about this from the entire world of science. It is time to move forward and solidify all plans.

The USA Democrats need to assemble their delegation including the scientists that wrote the report for the country. One of those delegates needs to be Governor Jerry Brown who knows first hand the bureaucracy that can hinder such accomplishments.

16 December 2018

Nearly 23,000 delegates (click heredescended on the coal-tinged city with a deadline for hashing out the Paris Agreement “rulebook”, which is the operating manual needed for when the global deal enters into force in 2020.

This was mostly agreed, starting a new international climate regime under which all countries will have to report their emissions – and progress in cutting them – every two years from 2024.

But as countries wrestled with the “four-dimensional spaghetti” of competing priorities – as one delegate put it to Carbon Brief – they clashed over how to recognise the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on 1.5C and whether to clearly signal the need for greater ambition to stay below this temperature limit.

The final outcome included hints at the need for more ambitious climate pledges before 2020, leaving many NGOs disappointed at the lack of more forceful language. Meanwhile, new research released at the COP showed global emissions were going up, not down.

With tension mounting across the fortnight of the talks, UN secretary-general António Guterres had to visit the COP several times to force progress. Despite settling on large parts of the Paris rulebook, countries failed to agree the rules for voluntary market mechanisms, pushing part of the process onto next year’s COP25 in Chile.

Here, Carbon Brief provides in-depth analysis of all the key outcomes in Katowice – both inside and outside the COP…

Ukraine is hesitant in many ways to allow outside interests to bring about change in Ukrainian ownership. I think any interested party can understand that. It is called "Adverse Russian Influence."

Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea coastline and forested mountains. Its capital, Kiev, features the gold-domed St. Sophia's Cathedral, with 11th-century mosaics and frescoes. Overlooking the Dnieper River is the Kiev Pechersk Lavra monastery complex, a Christian pilgrimage site housing Scythian tomb relics and catacombs containing mummified Orthodox monks.

Ukraine is part of Eastern Europe. It shares borders with the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, and with Belarus towards the northwest border. HungarySlovakia and Poland are to its west; Romania and Moldova share its southwest border; and the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea are to its south and southeast borders.

The entire country constitutes a total land area of 603,628 Km2. This makes Ukraine by far the biggest country in the whole of Europe. The population density is currently at approximately 73 people per square kilometer.

Ukraine is a unitary state comprised of 24 provinces. It also has the Crimean Peninsula and 2 cities with very special status. These cities are Kiev and the capital of the country, Sevastopol.

Sevastopol is located on the Black Sea coast of the Crimean Peninsula. It is the largest port in Ukraine. (The first was Port of Odesa.) The city houses the vast population of 342,451 people, which was calculated in the 2001 consensus. The city lies on an area of 864 Km2 which is about 0.14% of the whole country.

The people in Ukraine are known to be from several religious affiliations. These include the most common ones - the Kiev Patriarchy Orthodox Church, the Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Protestant churches, the Roman Catholic Church, Islam, and Jewish - and some other minority religions as well.

The total population in Ukraine is estimated to be 44.01 million in 2018, down from 45.55 million in 2013. This figure makes it the 31st most-populated country in the world. The population growth rate, as of 2012, is estimated to be -3.1%. The negative growth rate indicates a decline in the population.

October 4, 2018

January 2, 2018 (click here)
Snow covers agricultural land near Ternopil, Ukraine.
Mriya Agro Holding Plc, the company hauling away the last of the sugar beet crop, owns none of the wide-open field. Under the snow, it’s a patchwork of 270 individual plots that the company leases for three to five years each. The peasants, who were bequeathed the land after the fall of communism, aren’t allowed to sell, and the company isn’t allowed to buy, so it has little incentive to spend any money to increase the harvest.

...According to the World Bank’s Special Focus Note (click hereon international trade, Ukraine has tremendous potential to boost exports of higher-value added products, but this potential has not yet been realized.

Ukraine’s exports remain concentrated in metals and cereals, while the share of exports integrated with Global Value Chains (GVC) remains low at 5.7 percent in Ukraine, compared to 27 percent for Poland, 38 percent for Romania, 38 percent for Turkey, and 59 percent for Vietnam.

Boosting higher-value added and GVC exports is a major opportunity for Ukraine to leverage its special access to the EU market. Ukraine has demonstrated potential on this front through the exports of automotive ignition wiring sets which grew from $21 million in 2000 to $1.217 billion in 2017, one of the fastest growing export product categories in recent years.

Reforms to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are an important driver of exports and integration into GVCs. Specifically, this will require reforms to strengthen anticorruption measures and the rule of law, make progress on privatization, safeguard macroeconomic stability, and clean up the high share of non-performing loans.

Ukraine also needs to create an efficient and competitive logistics system to boost exports and accelerate its integration into the global economy. Specifically, this will require improving regulatory clarity and the management of public assets, increasing utilization of river transport, reforming the railway system, and addressing inefficiencies in the storage system.
January 11, 2019
By Sam Shead

Research engineer Jack Kelly (click here) announced this week that he has leftGoogle DeepMind to set up a non-profit product development lab that will aim to come up with climate change combating technologies.

DeepMind is widely regarded as being at the forefront of AI research, along with Facebook's FAIR group, and a couple of other players. The London-headquartered firm, which employs an army of more than 700 people in offices around the world, boasts a very low staff turnover rate. Back in early 2016, DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis told The Guardian that no one had ever left DeepMind. However, Kelly is one of two Google DeepMinders that announced new ventures this week. Elsewhere, DeepMind research scientist Edward Grefenstette said that he has joined the Facebook AI Research (FAIR) group after four years at DeepMind.

"I'm terrified by climate change, and I'm increasingly convinced that climate change mitigation is a 'go big or go home' thing," Kelly wrote in a blog post published on Monday.

Kelly added: "The non-profit will combine ideas from open-science and startup culture, and will focus on interventions which are practical and scalable."...
Current Climate Action Assessment of Ukraine (click here)

Ukraine (click here) is among the highest greenhouse gas emitters, in the world. Ukraine’s high CO2 emissions are related to its exorbitant energy intensity, which is more than three times higher than the European Union average. USAID works with Ukraine to strengthen the legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks that support clean energy alternatives. At the local level USAID helps reduce wasteful energy consumption in municipalities by addressing low end-use energy efficiency and insufficient utilization of renewable and alternative energy sources. In addition, USAID helps develop access to financing for sustainable clean energy solutions through public-private partnerships and private investment support programs....

July 1, 2018

USAID leads efforts to decrease energy dependence and CO2 emissions (click here) in Ukraine by reducing waste and inefficiency in central heating systems. 

USAID energy programs improve Ukraine’s energy efficiency and reduce the country’s critical dependence on energy imports. USAID works with Ukrainian leaders to reform Ukraine’s extremely energy-intensive municipal heating sector by strengthening the legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks necessary to improve heating services. USAID also assists Ukraine’s efforts to create a social safety net to keep heat affordable to vulnerable populations....

July 11, 2014

USAID/OFDA provides lifesaving humanitarian assistance (click here) to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict affected vulnerable populations throughout eastern Ukraine and Kyiv Oblast.

USAID/OTI's goal is to enable vulnerable Eastern communities to actively participate in, benefit from and advocate for Ukraine’s transition to a prosperous, unified and democratic state. It does this by working in the East to:

Increase support for and participation in the development of an inclusive Ukrainian identity; and

Increase citizen confidence and engagement in the reform process at the local level....

Cities and countries are disappearing off the map.

January 10, 2019
By Alissa Walker

California’s deadliest, (click here) most destructive fire in history leveled a city of 26,000 residents within a matter of hours. “Completely destroyed,” read the headlines. “Obliterated.” “Paradise lost.”

After a year punctuated by increasingly alarming climate reports, as well as some of the most devastating disasters for many U.S. cities, it’s been difficult to grasp the severity of what seems to be happening—and the fact that it seems to be happening faster and more frequently than we expected.

In November 2018, the Camp Fire burned 95 percent of the structures in the city of Paradise, killing 86 people.

But it was only a few weeks before the Camp Fire that a similar set of phrases were used to describe Mexico Beach, Florida, after one of the strongest hurricanes in U.S. history made landfall, killing 45 people: “It’s all gone,” “nothing left.”

No human lives were at risk, but seeing an 11-acre Hawaiian island vanish after a rare, powerful storm swept over the state elicited the same type of responses: “No one expected East Island to disappear this quickly.

It’s clear now what the accelerated timeline of climate change really means is a swift, steady decline in the number of places where we will be able to make our homes, visit for pleasure, and, eventually, survive....

...On November 8, 2018, (click here) a wildland fire identified as the Camp Fire was reported at Pulga Road at Camp Creek Road near Jarbo Gap in Butte County, according to the website of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (“CAL FIRE”). CAL FIRE is the lead investigative agency and has identified the start time of the fire as 6:33 a.m. On CAL FIRE’s website, CAL FIRE has identified coordinates for the Camp Fire near Tower :27/222 on PG&E’s Caribou-Palermo 115 kV Transmission Line. CAL FIRE’s website also reports that approximately 153,336 acres have been burned, 18,793 structures have been destroyed, and that there were 85 civilian fatalities and 3 firefighter injuries. The Camp Fire has been fully contained.

Approximately? These are computerized systems. Why approximately?

On November 8, 2018, at approximately 6:15 a.m., the PG&E Caribou-Palermo 115kV Transmission Line relayed and deenergized. One customer was impacted by the transmission outage. At approximately 6:30 a.m. a PG&E employee observed fire in the vicinity of Tower :27/222, and this observation was reported to 911 by PG&E employees. In the afternoon of November 8, PG&E observed damage on the line at Tower :27/222, located near Camp Creek and Pulga Roads, near the Town of Pulga. Specifically, an aerial patrol identified that on

Tower :27/222, a suspension insulator supporting a transposition jumper had separated from an arm on the tower. The suspension insulator and the transposition jumper remained suspended above the ground...

A piece of the United States has been dramatically wiped off the map after an island in Hawaii was washed away by a powerful hurricane.
East Island, a remote spit of gravel and sand that sat atop a coral reef, has vanished after having this misfortune to come into contact with Hurricane Walaka, an intense storm that surged past Hawaii earlier this month.
Footage captured by Chip Fletcher shows what the island looked like before it was annihilated while satellite imagery from the US Fish and Wildlife Services shows how little was left after the hurricane

Ukraine drought.

18 June 2018

About one-quarter (click here) of Ukraine's territory suffers from drought, with mostly eastern and southern regions under threat of losing a considerable part of the gross grain harvest. Tetyana Adamenko, the head of Ukraine's Hydrometeorological Centre said this as quoted by Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

'The drought engulfed the southeastern part of Ukraine - mostly Zaporizhya, Kherson and Kharkiv region (the latter is northeastern Ukraine, - 112 International). The rains in these areas were quite irregular; one can say that a strong drought is observed on 25 percent of the country's territory', she said.

According to Adamenko, the forecast on the changes in the gross grain harvest will appear by late June.

Previously, the All-Ukraine Agrarian Council stated that the long-lasting lack of precipitations may result in the loss of up to half of the gross grain harvest in southern, central and eastern regions.

The extreme level of fire danger is currently observed in eastern and southern regions. However, according to the weather forecasters, thunderstorms will take place in various regions across the country; the average temperatures will keep at the rate of 28-34 degrees above Celsius....

Society must address a "zero greenhouse gas emission policy" now.

I find this approach to the warming of Earth interesting, but, the IPCC still is my "go to" persons to establish the warming trend of Earth. Their study is not just based on ocean temperatures, but, use "on the ground" information from scientists all over the world to determine it's outcomes.

January 11, 2019
By Eric Levitz

One year ago, (click here) the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) declared it “extremely unlikely” that humanity would overcome its dependence on fossil fuels in time to keep global temperatures from exceeding the threshold set by the Paris Agreement.

Since then, scientists have discovered that Antarctica is melting faster than they’d realized; that global carbon emissions are rising faster than expected; and, now, that the world’s oceans are heating up more rapidly than the IPCC had assumed.

Specifically, the ocean is warming 40 percent faster than the United Nations panel had previously estimated, according to a study published in Science Thursday.

In 2014, the IPCC compiled five separate measurements of oceanic temperatures — all of which came in lower than the levels projected by computer-generated climate models. The newly published analysis suggests that this disparity was partially attributable to flaws in the historical record of ocean temperatures: Three recent studies that accounted for the biases inherent to the instruments used to measure ocean temperatures in previous eras all produced estimates of warming that were higher than the IPCC’s, and thus, more in line with what computer models had predicted.

The implications of this finding are not swell. Current levels of ocean warming have been sufficient to devastate coral reefs, fuel exceptionally rainy storms and hurricanes, and burden coastal cities with more frequent flooding; while the discourse about sea-level rise focuses on the threat posed by melting ice caps, warming waters have been the primary driver of the sea-level increases that we’ve seen thus far (when water heats up, it expands).

Nevertheless, the researchers believe that their findings do not suggest that all is lost — only that it will be (a bit sooner than we realized) if policy changes aren’t enacted.

“I think there’s some reason for confidence that we’ll avoid the worst-case outcomes,” Zeke Hausfather, a co-author of the study, told the New YorkTimes, “even if we’re not on track for the outcomes we want.”

People don't live in the oceans, but, their lives are effected by them, ie: Puerto Rico. There IPCC's findings are conclusive and there is no real option except to eliminate GHG and now.

There is no time to waste and the path forward is eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from human activity and not just CO2, but, all of them. We know the dangers, this is not new, the CFCs are enough to cause Earth to become a very hostile place to live if life is possible at all without an ozone layer. To begin to estimate there is no reason for alarm is self-serving and hardly appropriate on a global scale.


Climate assessment for Ukraine.

April 2017

...In this situation, (click here) the forecast for Ukraine could be the following

In the case of business as usual, according to the World Bank, with no major changes in the economy or modes of production and consumption, the average temperature in Ukraine may rise by 3,2-4,5 degrees Celsius by 2100.

In this case, Ukraine awaits significant negative consequences primarily in the agriculture sector with increasing droughts, reduction of rainfall in the summer and peak temperatures (colder winters and hotter summers). It will have a negative impact on a number of crops and will require significant investments in the adaptation to climate change (e.g. irrigation technologies, projects for creating temperature changes resistant species, etc.). Overall, significant changes could be observed in seasonal events, such as early periods of flowering plants, and sudden cooling. These processes will have a negative impact on agriculture as well as on ecosystems as a whole.

Droughts and floods and other extreme weather events such as hurricanes are happening not only more frequent, but their devastating effects increase. Such nature disasters will become permanent, causing significant losses in the economy and threatening food security. Droughts and heatwaves, rainfall reduction in summer will also help to increase the frequency of forest fires and desertification of southern and south-eastern regions of Ukraine. In the context of floods the Carpathian mountain regions as well as the populated areas in the basins of the Dniester, Dnieper and smaller rivers are the most vulnerable. We have already experienced the floods on the Danube in 2005, on the Dniester in Transcarpathia in August 2008, the drought across Ukraine in 2007 and the record snowfall in western and central part of the country in March 2013.

At the same time the regions in the south of Ukraine may also suffer very likely due to the rising of the Black and Azov seas, which are part of the World ocean. For the last 100 years, world sea level has risen by an average of 178 mm, and continues to rise at a speed of 3.4 mm per year. Scientists warn that Crimea could become an island due to the isthmus flooding. Similarly, a  significant part of Odessa could go under water. Vylkove village may disappear altogether. Part of Kherson and Mykolayiv regions could as well find themselves underwater. This situation may also lead to the issue of access to the water resources, including drinking water....

US B-1 Bomber Shot Down Over Ukraine and Venezuela is preparing for a near border war with the USA.

How are things in Havana?

December 11, 2018
By Tom Demerly

A Russian Tupolev Tu-160 supersonic heavy bomber arrives in Venezuela on Monday.

Two Russian Tupolev/ United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Tu-160M1 (click title to entry for article - thank you) supersonic bombers, NATO codename “Blackjack”, arrived in Venezuela on Monday, Dec. 10, 2018 amid speculation about rising tensions between Russia and the U.S. along with continued questions about the status of Venezuela’s government. It’s the third deployment after those in 2003 and 2008.

The two massive Tu-160 “White Swan” bombers arrived at Simón Bolívar International Airport outside Caracas on Monday following a 10,000-kilometer (6,200-mile) flight across the Atlantic from Engels 2 Air Base, 14 kilometers (8.7 mi) east of Saratov, Russia. The aircraft belong to Russia’s elite 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, the only unit to operate the approximately 11 operational Tu-160 aircraft of 17 reported total airframes from 6950th Air Force Base.

Interestingly, each of the Tu-160 fleet is named after a prominent Russian hero. The two aircraft that deployed to Venezuela are the “Nikolay Kuznetsov” and the “Vasily Reshetnikov”. Sources have suggested that the Tu-160s may participate in joint Venezuelan/Russian training operations in the region....

Ukraine flooding.

July 28, 2008

Ukraine flooding 2008.

Kiev Rescuers (click here) pressed on with their search efforts Monday in flood-hit western Ukraine, where at least 22 people were killed when rivers burst their banks after severe storms, officials said.

The government declared the region a national disaster area.

Hundreds of towns and villages in southwestern Ukraine were flooded after days of heavy rain. More than 40,000 houses were affected and some 20,000 people were evacuated, the Emergency Situations Ministry said on its Web site.

Heavy rains that began last week in the southwestern Carpathian Mountains caused the Prut and Dniestr rivers to overflow, officials said.

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko estimated the damage at around $800 million. Deputy Prime Minister Olexandr Turchynov said the country only has a fraction — some $57 million — in a special disaster fund.

Tymoshenko later called for an emergency session of parliament, which is currently on summer recess, to allocate the money.

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor said in a statement that the United States was considering aid.

October 14, 2016
By Elena Ugrin

Severe weather affected the Odessa region in Ukraine (click here) on October 12, 2016. Heavy rainfalls and strong winds affected 10 districts, and three people were reported dead, according to the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine.

The intense storm system brought flooding across at least 10 locations in Odessa. At least 55 homes and numerous roads were left flooded, SES reported. Downed trees and power lines were observed across the affected areas. 80 downed trees and 1 500 damaged ones were reported....

July 26, 2018
By Denys Krasnikov

Heavy downpours hit Kyiv, (click here) causing floods and destruction across Ukraine’s capital on July 25.

Frequent showers started over the weekend of July 21-22, but these weren’t as destructive as several rains that hit Kyiv on July 25, which flooded many underground passages and road networks, rendering them impassable. Strong winds downed dozens of trees and even bent metal billboards.

Local authorities said that they have repaired the damage, working around the clock and most of Kyiv is indeed dry. However, some roads, including ones near Shulyavska, Dorohozhytchy, Livoberezhna metro stations, remain blocked and need city services to drain the water. In particular, the intersection of Oleny Telihy Street and Kyrylivska Street and an underpass near the Dorohozhychi metro station are still flooded and require detours....

I thought it was important to illustrate the hippocritical approach of the USA right wing in regard to Christianity. (click here for further articles - thank you)

The political right wing that is the constituency of Donald Trump is hypocritical in their allegiance to Christianity. In the USA the Evangelical movement is rather wealthy and a primary contributor to the Republican Party through monetary means and that of their preachers on the Sunday soapbox.

Ukraine Christians evidently don't make it to the USA right wing's list as it struggles for it's independence and recognition. Donald Trump has allowed a Russian oligarch his freedom from sanctions only to have the Donbas militants begin their shelling of Ukraine in the face of a ceasefire.

Oddly, I don't really call that protection of Ukraine Christians that will lose their independence to worship if Russia is successful in the continuing war on it's Ukraine border.

The Future of Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine (click here for NPR article on Orthodox Christian Church of Ukraine - thank you)

It's Sunday Night

It is difficult to find solid biographical information about young women politicians when their naked photos have been leaked. Not even Wikipedia has her information online. Amazing. A woman appears naked online and all sensibility about her disappears. I am with Olga Lyulchak, she is lovely and there are many celebrities that have fallen victim to ogling hackers.

Ukrainian politician Olga Lyulchak, (click here) 30 who is standing with former heavyweight boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko in the Ukrainian parliament election was criticized after her nude pictures were leaked in an iCloud hack. The collection of the pictures was leaked from her Apple iCloud account. The collection of raunchy pictures was condemned in Ukraine.

But rather than being taken aback Olga Lyulchak is proud of her nude pictures! She has hit back at those who criticized her pictures by saying that the nude pictures are nothing but art, and that the right wing press should not demonize them.

Olga Lyulchak said, “The world honours the great works of great masters such as Van Gogh, Titian and others. They created naked beauty which was admired . In our day and age woman who appear naked are considered vulgar and shameful. I can’t understand it. I think they are pure art.”

This is not the first case, there have been photos of over hundred celebrities after hackers leaked them online. The other known people who were part of this are Jennifer Lawrence, Rihanna and Kim Kardashian whose images were circulated on social media.

The tech giant Apple, has came out and said that the hacking of iCloud accounts happened since the users had put up easy-to-guess passwords or they might have given out their personal details to crooks who were disguised as Apple.

This video is from 2014.

National Anthem of Ukraine translated into English (this is a more modern version of the Ukraine national anthem performed by the people - click here for 2015 article - thank you)

A more modern version of the Ukraine National Anthem by the people.

Ще не вмерла України ні слава, ні воля.
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду

Станем, браття, в бій кривавий від Сяну до Дону,
В ріднім краю панувати не дамо нікому;
Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє,
Ще у нашій Україні доленька наспіє.

Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.

А завзяття, праця щира свого ще докаже,
Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже,
За Карпати відоб'ється, згомонить степами,
України слава стане поміж народами.

Душу, тіло ми положим за нашу свободу,
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.

Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever.
Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together.
Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade,

We will further rule and prosper in our promised land
We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people

For the liberty the folk strives ardently from San to Don,
And will let no alien power in our common home.
Aged Dnieper and Black Sea arm in arm rejoice,
And Ukraine will see daylight and live by Fortune’s choice.

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.

Passion and hard-working hands prove bright future true.
Song of freedom, loud and clear, guides us all way through.
Over mountains and steppes it flows, over ages told.
Valorous Ukraine stands strong in a thriving world.

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.
Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.

Ukraine National Anthem (click here for news report of 2014 - thank you)

It is difficult at times to know what the most accurate national anthem of Ukraine. This is from 2014, the year when the people woke to the reality of a plutocratic president that lavished himself in wealth and an economy tied to Russia; while the Ukraine people struggled with their new reality and floundered in attempts to Westernize their economy.

Šče ne vmerla Ukrajina

State Anthem of Ukraine

Ще не вмерла України,
і слава, і воля!
Ще нам браття-Українці,
Усміхнеться доля!
Згинуть наші вороженьки,
Як роса на сонці;
Запануємъ, браття й ми
У своїй сторонці.

Ukrainian glory and the freedom,
has not yet died!
Still upon us brave brother Ukrainians,
Fate shall smile!
Our enemies will vanish
Like dew in the sun;
We too shall rule
In our country.

Душу й тіло ми положим

За нашу свободу
І покажем, що ми браття
Козацького роду.
Гей-гей, браття миле,
Нумо братися за діло!
Гей-гей пора встати,
Пора волю добувати!

Soul and body we will lay down

For our freedom
And show that we brothers
Are of the Cossack nation,
Hey, hey dearest brothers
Onward, take to battle
Hey, hey, time to rise,
Time to gain freedom!

Наливайко, Залізнякъ

И Тарас Трясило
Кличуть насъ изъ-за могилъ
На святеє діло.
Изгадаймо славну смерть
Щобъ не втратить марне намъ
Своєго юнацтва

Nalyvaiko, Zalizniak

And Taras Triasylo
Call us from beyond the grave
To the holy battle.
Recall the famous death of
Chivalrous Cossacks
Not to lose vainly
Our youth.

Душу, тіло ...

Ой Богдане, Богдане

Славний нашъ гетьмане!
На-що віддавъ Україну
Москалям поганимъ?!
Щобъ вернути іі честь,
Ляжемъ головами,
Назовемся України
Вірними синами!

Soul and body ...

Oh Bohdan, Bohdan

Our great hetman
What for did you give Ukraine
To wretched muscovites?!
To return her honor,
We lay our heads
We shall call ourselves Ukraine's
Faithful sons!

Наші браття Славяне

Вже за зброю взялись;
Не діжде ніхто, щобъ ми
По-заду зістались.
Поєднаймось разомъ всі,
Нехай гинуть вороги,
Най воля настане!

Душу, тіло ..

Our Slavic brothers

Already took up arms
No one shall see
That we should stay behind.
Unite together all,
Brothers Slavs:
So that enemies perish,
And freedom comes!

Soul and body ...