The police arrive to a man with a gun who is also mentally ill and possibly abusing substances although that was never clear. Jacob Craig pointed the gun at the police officer and now he is dead.
I thought gun laws kept guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. Jacob Craig is soundly stated as mentally ill. What was he doing with a gun?
Jacob Craig could have been in downtown Tulsa when he decided to carry his gun into a crowd when a police officer was apparent. What was stopping this man from killing numerous people with a gun he clearly should not have had in his possession.
I am not saying the police officer had no right to defend himself. The PROBLEM here is the fact Jacob Craig had a gun at all. Our laws and the gun lobby proclaim the requirements to prevent mentally ill people are enough to protect the public. CLEARLY, that is not the case. Where are the lawsuits that demand the mentally ill never obtain weapons? The regulations are clearly not working and not a thing is being done.
This is not simply a fluke case. There have been many others whereby a mentally ill person died by a police bullet because the officer was defending himself or herself. Then there are the issues like Virginia Tech. The laws that require background checks for mental illness or criminal history are obviously unable to protect Americans, and I might add nor those among us that are mentally ill.
When is this going to change? Where did Jacob Craig receive a gun at all? Now that he is dead the case of his death is closed. Why? There is no reason to close the case when in fact he was mentally ill and possessed a gun.
December 26, 2017
By Kyle Hinchley
A man fatally shot by police (click here) after reportedly pointing a gun at an officer while naked on Christmas had a history of mental illness and may have been high on mushrooms, according to his mother.
A Tulsa police officer shot and killed 31-year-old Jacob Craig about 4:45 p.m. Monday in the 1100 block of South Wheeling Avenue.
The officer, whose name has not been released, was responding to a report of a disturbance with a weapon when authorities say Craig approached him while carrying a handgun and wearing no clothes. Police say the officer gave several commands for the man to put the gun down, but opened fire when Craig pointed the gun at him.
Craig was taken to an area hospital and died from his injuries....
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
The litigation should continue in the face of obvious political corruption.
Scott Pruitt is not competent. He is simply putting a pen on paper without due cause to change the regulations of the EPA. This case clearly shows the corruption he brings to the EPA.
The idea there are jobs that may be effected by environmental law is a reality that plagues the agency. There is nothing one can do about lost jobs and profits because regulations require Americans to be safe from environmental pollution. Excess greenhouse gases are pollution.
No one likes to cause adverse economic conditions because of NECESSARY REGULATIONS. The beautiful effect of the EPA in leveraging regulation to improve the lives of Americans is to realize the number of jobs created by alternative energies over the past decade. When people lost their jobs, their homes and hope in 2008, the Democratic Recovery Act brought new jobs in areas of energy sourly ignored for decades.
Today, there are very viable economic realities that cannot be ignored. Scott Pruitt in his antiquated ideas and incompetent METHODS of determining regulation or the lack of it, is at least as offensive as he claims current regulation is; to the brave new energy world instilled under the Obama administration. There are very viable arguments for a court to consider about the incompetency of Pruitt, his methods and strong partisan discrimination that will cause damage to Americans and their economy.
Just because Pruitt puts his name on a piece of paper doesn't mean the lawsuit ends there, if anything it goes forward with more viability to prove how wayward this administration is without a care about the danger Americans are being placed in.
December 26, 2017
The idea there are jobs that may be effected by environmental law is a reality that plagues the agency. There is nothing one can do about lost jobs and profits because regulations require Americans to be safe from environmental pollution. Excess greenhouse gases are pollution.
No one likes to cause adverse economic conditions because of NECESSARY REGULATIONS. The beautiful effect of the EPA in leveraging regulation to improve the lives of Americans is to realize the number of jobs created by alternative energies over the past decade. When people lost their jobs, their homes and hope in 2008, the Democratic Recovery Act brought new jobs in areas of energy sourly ignored for decades.
Today, there are very viable economic realities that cannot be ignored. Scott Pruitt in his antiquated ideas and incompetent METHODS of determining regulation or the lack of it, is at least as offensive as he claims current regulation is; to the brave new energy world instilled under the Obama administration. There are very viable arguments for a court to consider about the incompetency of Pruitt, his methods and strong partisan discrimination that will cause damage to Americans and their economy.
Just because Pruitt puts his name on a piece of paper doesn't mean the lawsuit ends there, if anything it goes forward with more viability to prove how wayward this administration is without a care about the danger Americans are being placed in.
December 26, 2017
By Brady Dennis and Juliet Eilperin
Since 2010, (click here) the Environmental Protection Agency has been embroiled in an enforcement battle with a Michigan-based company accused of modifying the state’s largest coal-fired power plant without getting federal permits for a projected rise in pollution.
On Dec. 7, as the Supreme Court was considering whether to hear the case, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a memo that single-handedly reversed the agency’s position. No longer would the EPA be “second-guessing” DTE Energy’s emission projections. Rather, it would accept the firm’s “intent” to manage its pollution without requiring an enforceable agreement — part of President Trump’s broader push to reduce the “burden” on companies, he wrote.
The little-noticed episode offers a glimpse into how Pruitt has spent his first year running the EPA. In legal maneuvers and executive actions, in public speeches and closed-door meetings with industry groups, he has moved to shrink the agency’s reach, alter its focus and pause or reverse numerous environmental rules. The effect has been to steer the EPA in the direction sought by those being regulated.
The United Nation's is working with the USA, not obstructing it. A hissy fit over Jerusalem is juvenile.
If the USA is 22 percent of the UN budget is $1.2 billion over 2 years that means the UN operates on about $5.4 billion every two years or $2.52 billion per year. That is incredible. For the scope of the United Nation's ability, including supporting peacekeepers, the cost is incredibly low.
Nicky Haley is a horrible US Mission Ambassador. Trump can't simply cut the UN membership on a whim. The USA has a place at the UN and it's financial contribution of it's membership is determined by the United Nation through it's rules.
The General Assembly, (click here)
Recalling its previous resolutions and decisions on the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations, including its resolutions 55/5 B and C of 23 December 2000, 57/4 B of 20 December 2002, 58/1 B of 23 December 2003, 61/237 of 22 December 2006, 64/248 of 24 December 2009 and 67/238 of 24 December 2012 and its decision 68/548 of 27 December 2013,
Reaffirming Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations and rule 160 of its rules of procedure,
Recalling paragraphs 5 and 6 of its resolution 58/1 B, Having considered the report of the Committee on Contributions on its seventy-fifth session1 and the report of the Secretary-General on multi-year payment plans,
1. Takes note of the report of the Committee on Contributions on its seventy-fifth session;
2. Reaffirms that the determination of the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations shall remain the prerogative of the General Assembly;
3. Also reaffirms the fundamental principle that the expenses of the Organization shall be apportioned broadly according to capacity to pay;
4. Further reaffirms the obligation of all Member States to bear the expenses of the United Nations, as apportioned by the General Assembly, in conformity with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations;
5. Reaffirms that the Committee on Contributions as a technical body is required to prepare the scale of as...
Every member of the United Nations fall under the same rules. I said Trump is scum and he is. The United Nations came together to bring tighter sanctions against North Korea and what do they get in return? The other countries receive disloyalty and demeaning of the United Nation's mission. Either Trump wants these measures achieved through the UN Security Council or he doesn't. But, to demean and ridicule those who stood with him and turn around and insult the United Nations by removing THE MEMBERSHIP DUES; he is empowering North Korea to continue it's path.
December 25, 2017
The U.S. government (click here) says it has negotiated a significant cut in the United Nations budget.
The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the U.N.'s 2018-2019 budget would be slashed by over $285 million. The mission said reductions would also be made to the U.N.'s management and support functions.
The announcement didn't make clear the entire amount of the budget or specify what effect the cut would have on the U.S. contribution.
U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said that the "inefficiency and overspending" of the organization is well-known, and she would not let "the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of."
This is another reason to impeach Donald Trump. The Republicans are putting the country at risk to continue to allow Trump his rampage from the White House. He should have been impeached as soon as he was inaugurated because of the violation of the emoluments clause. Republicans are selling the country to the highest bidder and not governing. Trump should have been gone a long time ago and it didn't take Mueller to achieve it.
The Republicans are allowing Trump to stay in the Oval Office to sign their corrupt legislation. That is the truth. The Republicans do not have loyalty to the USA.
Nicky Haley is a horrible US Mission Ambassador. Trump can't simply cut the UN membership on a whim. The USA has a place at the UN and it's financial contribution of it's membership is determined by the United Nation through it's rules.
The General Assembly, (click here)
Recalling its previous resolutions and decisions on the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations, including its resolutions 55/5 B and C of 23 December 2000, 57/4 B of 20 December 2002, 58/1 B of 23 December 2003, 61/237 of 22 December 2006, 64/248 of 24 December 2009 and 67/238 of 24 December 2012 and its decision 68/548 of 27 December 2013,
Reaffirming Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations and rule 160 of its rules of procedure,
Recalling paragraphs 5 and 6 of its resolution 58/1 B, Having considered the report of the Committee on Contributions on its seventy-fifth session1 and the report of the Secretary-General on multi-year payment plans,
1. Takes note of the report of the Committee on Contributions on its seventy-fifth session;
2. Reaffirms that the determination of the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations shall remain the prerogative of the General Assembly;
3. Also reaffirms the fundamental principle that the expenses of the Organization shall be apportioned broadly according to capacity to pay;
4. Further reaffirms the obligation of all Member States to bear the expenses of the United Nations, as apportioned by the General Assembly, in conformity with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations;
5. Reaffirms that the Committee on Contributions as a technical body is required to prepare the scale of as...
Every member of the United Nations fall under the same rules. I said Trump is scum and he is. The United Nations came together to bring tighter sanctions against North Korea and what do they get in return? The other countries receive disloyalty and demeaning of the United Nation's mission. Either Trump wants these measures achieved through the UN Security Council or he doesn't. But, to demean and ridicule those who stood with him and turn around and insult the United Nations by removing THE MEMBERSHIP DUES; he is empowering North Korea to continue it's path.
December 25, 2017
The U.S. government (click here) says it has negotiated a significant cut in the United Nations budget.
The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said on Sunday that the U.N.'s 2018-2019 budget would be slashed by over $285 million. The mission said reductions would also be made to the U.N.'s management and support functions.
The announcement didn't make clear the entire amount of the budget or specify what effect the cut would have on the U.S. contribution.
U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said that the "inefficiency and overspending" of the organization is well-known, and she would not let "the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of."
This is another reason to impeach Donald Trump. The Republicans are putting the country at risk to continue to allow Trump his rampage from the White House. He should have been impeached as soon as he was inaugurated because of the violation of the emoluments clause. Republicans are selling the country to the highest bidder and not governing. Trump should have been gone a long time ago and it didn't take Mueller to achieve it.
The Republicans are allowing Trump to stay in the Oval Office to sign their corrupt legislation. That is the truth. The Republicans do not have loyalty to the USA.
By Jeffery M. Jones
Washington, D.C. -- Americans (click here) once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%....
In Gallup Poll, Donald Trump wasn't even on the radar before 2015.
President Obama exceeds all other admired men and Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman. The media reports Trump gossip and bombast. His statements have no basis in truth. I think the Democrats need to stop believing Hillary Clinton is poison to their message. Hillary should have won the 2016 election. That is not poison.
Former Secretary Clinton has always been admired. She is always popular. What occurred in 2016 was a crime. There was a thumb on the electorate scale through dishonest and illegal means. Director Mueller would never simply waste the country's money for the sake of a job. His investigates are providing indictments that hold up to judges. Every voter needs to realize the USA had an election altered by nefarious people. That is serious. It is the country. The Democrats need to stand in the breach and hold on tight.
Hillary Clinton has been dedicated to the country. She is a great woman and always will be. She is not evil nor criminal. Any complaint about Hillary Clinton for political hubris has never held up and never will.
Another tribute to American women is Oprah Winfrey.
...Oprah Winfrey Finishes in Top 10 for 30th Time
Hillary Clinton has finished in the top 10 26 times, the fifth most among women. She trails two of this year's other top 10 finishers -- Queen Elizabeth II (who holds the record for women, with 49 appearances) and Oprah Winfrey (named for the 30th time, third behind former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's 34 appearances and ahead of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' 28 during their lifetimes)....
The Democrats are seeing excitement among women within their ranks. I read a local free newspaper stating the candidates for office on the Democratic side are all women. Women are excited about taking the initiative to become a familiar face with the people of their districts. There is a great deal of pride to be found in the young, minorities and women candidates emerging with the ambition to win. It is a great party. The only success by Republicans to degrade any Democratic candidate is through media. Democrats need to overcome the media assault. It can be done. Alabama speaks eons to the awakening of the electorate.
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