Just because it was produced and sold on digital television does not make it a good program.
This program has been on Netflix for 12 seasons. This program is garbage.
"Supernatural" (click here)
It is one of the cheapest programs produced on television. It has no respect for the viewer in producing this disaster of a program. I can't believe it has lasted 12 seasons.
The description of the program is too kind to the content. It actually sounds like a fun experience, but, there is nothing fun about it. It even lacks excitement so much as pure gore.
Siblings Dean and Sam crisscross the country, investigating paranormal activity and picking fights with demons, ghosts and monsters.
This program came before me recently and I was appalled at the violence, the understanding of blood and gore and the inclusion of words such as suicide frequently used within the script of one show. Whoever is writing the script desperately needs a good job.
There is nothing entertaining about this program. It uses demons as if real, introduces fear more than Freddy Krueger ever tried to expose viewers to and the ideas reach into the treatment of the elderly. There is no respect for the mind of the viewer. It is gory insult after gory insult after gory insult. It is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre on steroids and it occurs weekly.
Media has ethics and this show ignores them all. It insults the human mind with ideas that are unnatural and very upsetting. There is no minority inclusion and in some ways that is a blessing. This is probably the one show where minorities are not demonized. Literally.
I wish this program was gone from viewing by anyone. It is horrible. It is horrible with impoverished sets used to shoot the program and it horrible from the lack of inventive scripts and moral content. It completely insults paranormal activity.
When I was 13, there was a soap opera called, "Dark Shadows." It was about the supernatural as well, but, it had a storyline. The characters were victims of a particular vampire. The show was about 30 minutes daily and it was entertaining. It never suggested any sort of violence, except, the fear of being bitten and becoming a vampire. It didn't insult the viewer's intelligence.
"Supernatural" is a horrible program. I find no redeeming quality to it and it needs to be reviewed by peers to provide guidance as to the ethics in media. The viewer is supposed to be entertained without assaulting their own emotional well being. I sincerely believe this program insults the well being of it's viewers.
It is my opinion the program is popular at all because the actors are cute. It is definitely cultish in it's viewing experience.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, March 10, 2018
No matter where one looks the Trump Justice Department is carrying out actions based in demographics and not law.
Demographics is an overlying measure to most, if not all, of this White Supremacist administration. It has to be stopped. It is obvious they have no intention of ending the hatred that exists in the White Supremacist demographic in the USA.
Even in the face of needed employees for USA business, able-bodied people are deported. People who have lived in the USA for more than three decades and have absolutely no understanding of a country other than the USA are being deported.
The Trump administration is damaging the USA and creating a level of "intolerance to diversity" not seen in a long time.
When Donald Trump was running for office, he cited deaths of Americans along the southern Texas border and on the docks of a popular gathering place in California caused by illegal immigrates. It is these problems he claims to solve by deporting those that cause the problem. Yet, when he is deporting non-Caucasian people; he is deporting people who have lived in the USA for 30 years or more that have proven to be productive and honest people. Those folks are a real asset to the USA.
It is one thing to define the crime and seek out criminals; it is quite another to randomly target non-Caucasian people for deportation or isolation from entering the USA. The practice of randomly deporting people and wide nets that prevent travel to the USA is not about the law or law enforcement, it is definitely based in strong cases of hate demographics.
When Non-Caucasian people came into focus during the campaign I was hoping the problems verses the solutions would come to the top and the federal government would finally discern the way to legislate to provide for the well being of the country and it's growth. That is happening.
I am sincerely worried for my country. This level of hatred for demographics other than white American men is real. It involves actions few bargained for and the trend is alarming. If this becomes part of the government rather than the people when they go to the election polls, there is no way of understanding what my country is going to look like in a few years, five years, ten years and 20 years.
It is my opinion diversity is under attack and the outcomes are proving to be victimizing of innocent people. It has to stop.
I don't care if an occassion Caucasian Russian is being deported, the overwhilming blanket of the US Justice Department is focusing on demograhpics and not crime. It is no different than when women talk about sexual assualt and harassment. Supposed the best opposion is that they are not including men in those understandings of life. Men are not living the reality of a majority of women. Men are always included in statistics of crime against women when women talk about these issues. And in my wildest imagination I never guessed the USA is plagued with sexual assault. It could be easily stated, Donald Trump is an inspiration to men who ask "Why not me?"
When realizing "Why not me?" as a reality, it is measured socially by the in born emotional and incompetent minds of women.
I am worried. Very worried about my country. The trends based in demographics is nothing I expect and only realized in a place called, The Hague.
By Heather Timmons and Annalisa Merelli
Since Donald Trump (click here) took the oath of office on January 20, the White House has taken aim at various groups. It took on Muslims, targeting a travel ban at them as Trump taunted world leaders coping with terrorism. It went after women’s rights, seeking to limit abortions and birth control in the US and worldwide, and weakened rules designed to enforce equal pay by employers.
One of the administration’s most concerted campaigns, though, is turning out to be against the US’s 10 million lesbian, gay, and transsexual citizens.
The latest move came this week, when US attorney general Jeff Sessions reversed an Obama-era policy protecting transgender people from workplace discrimination. His Justice Department (DOJ), he said, will no longer treat Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act—which bans discrimination on the basis of sex—as covering transgender people. “Title VII does not prohibit discrimination based on gender identity per se,” Sessions wrote to US attorneys across the country in a memo obtained by BuzzFeed....
The DOJ’s new stance “conflicts with years of interpretation from both the U.S. Supreme Court and federal circuit courts,” Human Rights Watch’s legal director, Sarah Warbelow, said in a statement.
It’s also not clear where the policy is emanating from. Trump himself hasn’t generally expressed the animus towards LGBT people that he’s shown for Mexicans, Muslims, and women, and sometimes quite the opposite—promising, for instance, to protect the community after a gunman killed 49 people in a Florida nightclub during his election campaign. But Sessions and vice president Mike Pence are strongly conservative Christians, and the administration has taken several anti-LGBT measures.
In March, the department of Health and Human Services stopped including a question about sexual orientation on an annual survey about its services to the elderly, and the Census Bureau appeared to shelve a plan to start including sexual orientation in the upcoming 2020 census. In June, the White House failed to acknowledge Gay Pride month, and nominated an anti-gay lawyer to be a federal judge....
The idea police killings occur in communities with large minority populations of illegal immigrants is false. If one looks more closely, the problem with police killings involves drug trafficking and not the Undocumented.
The graph is from "Mapping Police Violence." (click here)
As a matter of fact the federal law enforcement officers are not distributed to where the problem lies.

The US Justice Department is negligent to the drug violence that comes to the USA from other countries. The table to the left is from the US Justice Department with 2012 statistics. Now, don't blame Obama. By the time of the report Republicans have been crafting legislation to manage the federal authorities involved with the southern border, etc. It is their populous and political opinion these statistics have resulted.
The Department of Homeland Security has far more employees or contractors than the US Department of Justice. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for border protection, immigration and customs enforcement. The Department of Justice is responsible for drug enforcement and the ATF.
The Department of Homeland Security is reponsible for 57.7 percent of the arrest statistics of which 52.8 percent is about border protecions and immigration. In contrast, the US Justice Department has 37 percent of the arrest statistics of which the ATF carries 3.6 percent and the DEA carries 6 percent of the statistics. That is a total of 9.6 percent of the arrests of these agencies.
The biggest problem with the USA southern border isn't about illegal immigration which should be solved in partnership with other countries to improve the people's quality of life. The biggest problem with the USA southern border are the drug cartels and their movement of drugs into the country.
The distribution is skewed because the budgeting of monies and the focus on hired agents is based in politics and not application of the law.
The USA needs to rethink it's approach to national security and put more agents on the DEA and ATF while reducing the agents in Homeland Security including ICE. See, "men with calves the size of cantalopes" is a DEA problem and not a Homeland Security problem.
So, when I state the US Justice Department is using demographics in law enforcement it is based in politics and not law. The DEA needs more personnel to stop the cartels and their movement of drugs into the USA, including east and west coasts.
The entire focus of the Undocumented people in the USA is about racism and not the sincere problems of the USA.
If California's statistics are skewed compared to other states, it is because it has an enormously long coastline compared to any state on the east coast of the USA. Law enforcement in the USA should never be based in race or gender or sexual identity; that is pure victimization. Law enforcement should be focused on the law being broken and apprehension of criminals.
Women have the right to own their own bodies.
...Busted drug traffickers in 2013 (click here) were primarily male, approximately 85.8 percent with an average age of 35 years; 73.7 percent were US citizens and almost half, 49.5 percent, had little to no prior criminal history....
The Trump administration is based indemographics and hate.
End of discussion.
Even in the face of needed employees for USA business, able-bodied people are deported. People who have lived in the USA for more than three decades and have absolutely no understanding of a country other than the USA are being deported.
The Trump administration is damaging the USA and creating a level of "intolerance to diversity" not seen in a long time.
When Donald Trump was running for office, he cited deaths of Americans along the southern Texas border and on the docks of a popular gathering place in California caused by illegal immigrates. It is these problems he claims to solve by deporting those that cause the problem. Yet, when he is deporting non-Caucasian people; he is deporting people who have lived in the USA for 30 years or more that have proven to be productive and honest people. Those folks are a real asset to the USA.
It is one thing to define the crime and seek out criminals; it is quite another to randomly target non-Caucasian people for deportation or isolation from entering the USA. The practice of randomly deporting people and wide nets that prevent travel to the USA is not about the law or law enforcement, it is definitely based in strong cases of hate demographics.
When Non-Caucasian people came into focus during the campaign I was hoping the problems verses the solutions would come to the top and the federal government would finally discern the way to legislate to provide for the well being of the country and it's growth. That is happening.
I am sincerely worried for my country. This level of hatred for demographics other than white American men is real. It involves actions few bargained for and the trend is alarming. If this becomes part of the government rather than the people when they go to the election polls, there is no way of understanding what my country is going to look like in a few years, five years, ten years and 20 years.
It is my opinion diversity is under attack and the outcomes are proving to be victimizing of innocent people. It has to stop.
I don't care if an occassion Caucasian Russian is being deported, the overwhilming blanket of the US Justice Department is focusing on demograhpics and not crime. It is no different than when women talk about sexual assualt and harassment. Supposed the best opposion is that they are not including men in those understandings of life. Men are not living the reality of a majority of women. Men are always included in statistics of crime against women when women talk about these issues. And in my wildest imagination I never guessed the USA is plagued with sexual assault. It could be easily stated, Donald Trump is an inspiration to men who ask "Why not me?"
When realizing "Why not me?" as a reality, it is measured socially by the in born emotional and incompetent minds of women.
I am worried. Very worried about my country. The trends based in demographics is nothing I expect and only realized in a place called, The Hague.
By Heather Timmons and Annalisa Merelli
Since Donald Trump (click here) took the oath of office on January 20, the White House has taken aim at various groups. It took on Muslims, targeting a travel ban at them as Trump taunted world leaders coping with terrorism. It went after women’s rights, seeking to limit abortions and birth control in the US and worldwide, and weakened rules designed to enforce equal pay by employers.
One of the administration’s most concerted campaigns, though, is turning out to be against the US’s 10 million lesbian, gay, and transsexual citizens.
The latest move came this week, when US attorney general Jeff Sessions reversed an Obama-era policy protecting transgender people from workplace discrimination. His Justice Department (DOJ), he said, will no longer treat Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act—which bans discrimination on the basis of sex—as covering transgender people. “Title VII does not prohibit discrimination based on gender identity per se,” Sessions wrote to US attorneys across the country in a memo obtained by BuzzFeed....
The DOJ’s new stance “conflicts with years of interpretation from both the U.S. Supreme Court and federal circuit courts,” Human Rights Watch’s legal director, Sarah Warbelow, said in a statement.
It’s also not clear where the policy is emanating from. Trump himself hasn’t generally expressed the animus towards LGBT people that he’s shown for Mexicans, Muslims, and women, and sometimes quite the opposite—promising, for instance, to protect the community after a gunman killed 49 people in a Florida nightclub during his election campaign. But Sessions and vice president Mike Pence are strongly conservative Christians, and the administration has taken several anti-LGBT measures.
In March, the department of Health and Human Services stopped including a question about sexual orientation on an annual survey about its services to the elderly, and the Census Bureau appeared to shelve a plan to start including sexual orientation in the upcoming 2020 census. In June, the White House failed to acknowledge Gay Pride month, and nominated an anti-gay lawyer to be a federal judge....

The graph is from "Mapping Police Violence." (click here)
As a matter of fact the federal law enforcement officers are not distributed to where the problem lies.

The US Justice Department is negligent to the drug violence that comes to the USA from other countries. The table to the left is from the US Justice Department with 2012 statistics. Now, don't blame Obama. By the time of the report Republicans have been crafting legislation to manage the federal authorities involved with the southern border, etc. It is their populous and political opinion these statistics have resulted.
The Department of Homeland Security has far more employees or contractors than the US Department of Justice. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for border protection, immigration and customs enforcement. The Department of Justice is responsible for drug enforcement and the ATF.
The Department of Homeland Security is reponsible for 57.7 percent of the arrest statistics of which 52.8 percent is about border protecions and immigration. In contrast, the US Justice Department has 37 percent of the arrest statistics of which the ATF carries 3.6 percent and the DEA carries 6 percent of the statistics. That is a total of 9.6 percent of the arrests of these agencies.
The biggest problem with the USA southern border isn't about illegal immigration which should be solved in partnership with other countries to improve the people's quality of life. The biggest problem with the USA southern border are the drug cartels and their movement of drugs into the country.
The distribution is skewed because the budgeting of monies and the focus on hired agents is based in politics and not application of the law.
The USA needs to rethink it's approach to national security and put more agents on the DEA and ATF while reducing the agents in Homeland Security including ICE. See, "men with calves the size of cantalopes" is a DEA problem and not a Homeland Security problem.
So, when I state the US Justice Department is using demographics in law enforcement it is based in politics and not law. The DEA needs more personnel to stop the cartels and their movement of drugs into the USA, including east and west coasts.
The entire focus of the Undocumented people in the USA is about racism and not the sincere problems of the USA.
If California's statistics are skewed compared to other states, it is because it has an enormously long coastline compared to any state on the east coast of the USA. Law enforcement in the USA should never be based in race or gender or sexual identity; that is pure victimization. Law enforcement should be focused on the law being broken and apprehension of criminals.
Women have the right to own their own bodies.
...Busted drug traffickers in 2013 (click here) were primarily male, approximately 85.8 percent with an average age of 35 years; 73.7 percent were US citizens and almost half, 49.5 percent, had little to no prior criminal history....
The Trump administration is based indemographics and hate.
End of discussion.
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