One thing to remember about this bill is the fact nearly all the mayors of large cities wants this violence to stop. They want the federal government to get involved and stop the interstate trafficking of these weapons.
This is not a minor issue for most of the states of this country. 30,000 violent deaths per year within out own borders is a major event. This is serious and the Senate Republicans can't back this knowing the mayors of this country are expecting help with their problems. Problems they can't solve themselves.
If Mayor Bloomberg could stop the trafficking, violence and deaths himself, he would do it. He is upset about the "Big Gulp," okay? He would end this if he could it himself. I don't buy that this is not possible as Senators such as McConnell, Flake and Cornyn believe. I don't believe those lies for a minute and Bloomberg is a Republican. You want to talk about corruption. All one has to do is look to the Senate Republicans and their bended knee to the NRA. They don't care about anything except their cronies and the monies for their elections. That is the kind of country we want? I don't think so.
S.Amdt. 711 (click here)
These are still definitions in the Assault Weapon Ban bill.
Section 921(a) of Title 18 is where definitions are found to empower the law. Language is important in law. Words on paper matter when the law is well written without loopholes. Senator Feinstein is an excellent legislator.
This is where I left off.
(a) In General.--Section 921(a) of title 18 (click here), United States Code, is amended--
``(V) Poly Technologies AK47 and AKS (click here for example - I think the initials of AKS and SKS are the same dynamic.)
This is the paraphernalia being sold to create military style weapons of guns never designed to be so. One might ask why this technology exists, why not by another gun? Guns are expensive, these options make the guns as deadly as the ones purchased but at a lower cost. It is another form of unconstitutional exploitation of the American citizen for profits. These technologies are also dangerous. Why? Because they have to be installed by the gun owner themselves. There is a high chance of error that can cause the gun to operate outside it's designed safety range. These technologies need to be outlawed. They are dangerous by the very nature of their designs.
``(ii) All AR types, including the following:
This article in "The National Review" lists all the guns banned in this bill. They are all deadly weapons that gives criminals advantage over citizens. The National Review called the S.Amdt 711, AWB 2.0. That is very cute. Unnecessary, but, very cute. We are so lucky in the USA to be treated to news reporting intended to entertain as an ad for anger. So, very lucky. Malpractice. Yes it is.
The new proposal addresses (click here) this by banning more. 157, to be precise. They are: Rifles...Pistols...Shotguns (the automatic variety or the ones enhanced to be used in murder of people only),...Belt-fed semiautomatic firearms:
Belt Fed Semiautomatic firearms. Unreal. Let me find a picture of one. This weapon is LEGAL within the borders of the USA. Hello? No one in the USA can prepare for war within a civilized nation. This is outrageous and the Senate Republicans are saying "We support it."
Banning these weapons are CONSTITUTIONAL. This is the nightmare the ATF has to deal with and can't do a darn thing about. Why? Because the Republicans allowed The Assault Weapons Ban to expire.

``(I) AR-10. (below - click to enlarge.)
``(II) AR-15. (below) Hello Kitty. Would a child reach for this if they saw it. They would think it was a toy. What the heck is this mess? The weapon would be outlawed under this amendment.
``(III) Armalite M15 22LR Carbine. (below) - Clarification on the term carbine. It refers to barrel length. It is a category of gun shorter than a rifle or musket. I covered this before. The shorter the barrel the more the design is for killing at close range.
Below is the Armalite Website. (click here) Look at that gun. It telescopes everywhere. A work of art. It is a piece of work alright. The size of the scope. Those scopes are used by trained military assassins. It is probably night vision. There are Swat Teams that don't have that gun. The weapon is a AR-30A1. It is not an M15. My god. These guns lack conscience. They might be the best thing going on a battlefield, but, that is the limit for this technology. This is tragic. Seriously tragic in the USA.
``(IV) Armalite M15-T. (below)
``(V) BarrettREC7 (below) How special. Ammo with the name of the gun on it.
``(VI) Beretta AR-70. Below is a real treat. A Beretta AR-70 machine gun for sale on the internet $18,995.00. (click here) I always wanted one for an ashtray, didn't you?
``(VII) Bushmaster ACR. (below) It is a military weapon.
The Bushmaster ACR (Adaptive Combat Rifle) (click here) will initially be offered in 5.56 NATO, available for law enforcement and civilian purchase second quarter 2008. This release will be followed by military ACR versions in the 3rd quarter of 2008.
Everyone knows because the USA allows the sale of these weapons to the public they are among the nasty weapons to Mexico and other countries where there are rebels, including Africa and countries like Mali. This is simply just wrong.
This is the BUSHMASTER site. It states "JUSTICE FOR ALL" - That is a lie. These weapons create dangers that remove the entire understanding of Justice for All. These weapons are better named "Vengeance for some" (click here)
``(VIII) Bushmaster Carbon 15. (below is the Bushmaster Carbon 15 SBR) SBR is Short Barrel Rifle. I already wrote about the use of short barreled rifles. Here is it manufactured without paraphernalia to make it more deadly. It comes from the manufacturer to the store intact and ready to kill.
``(IX) Bushmaster MOE series. In the ACR reference above I noted a merger of sorts that would begin "MAGPUL" in the picture with Bushmaster ACR. This is the accessories that are not factory issue with order. They are installed not as 'after factory' issue, but, incorporated into the manufacturing of these weapons.
MAGPUL website (click here)
``Bushmaster XM15 (below)
``(XI) Colt Match Target Rifles. (2 photos below) Short barreled rifles. It is just their name, that's all. Colt knows the strategy of the NRA. In the Heller decision was the statement that if there is a USE for a rifle in sport it could not enter under gun control. Well, back in the day of Heller, there were these monstrosities on the market in the number and voracity they exist today. But, what the NRA did was to pose a dynamic to the gun manufacturers that support the NRA about how to market these horrible machines. The NRA basically stated, that if every gun manufactured had a 'sporting' ideology attached to it, it would fall under constitutional law. That is the tail waging the dog. That is not what Justice Scalia said or meant.
So, what "Colt" has done here is enamor the name of the rifle to reflect "Match Target." It is manipulation of the law of the USA. This is a prime example of the tail wagging the dog allowed to exist because of very misguided and corrupt political pressure.
``(XII) DoubleStar AR rifles. (below)
(below is an AR15) This is the ad that accompanies it. The AR-15 has come a long way, as evidenced by the Doublestar Star-15 7.62x39. This little rifle is an excellent choice for anything from inexpensive plinking to hunting deer-sized game at reasonable range.
This is more of the propaganda surrounding these weapons, but, the ad clearly states ' reasonable range.' In other words this is not an optimal hunting rifle. It can only address hunting at 'reasonable range.' These guns go for about $700.00 used. Any hunter is not going to purchase a rifle like this. It does not address hunting in reality. Why would I, as a hunter, seek to purchase a gun that was not optimally designed for the best outcome? Why would I, as a hunter spend minimally $700.00 on a rifle that would not achieve my goal. This is nonsense. This propaganda is about selling weapons that are not constitutional.
The next section of the Amendement begins here and I'll cover it in the next entry. It is still definitions.
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``(XIII) DPMS Tactical Rifles.
``(XIV) Heckler & Koch MR556.
``(XV) Olympic Arms.