The close of the DOW on June 29, 2007. Not bad for selling out a nation to achieve it. I would expect it to be higher though. I suppose it's related to 'confidence' in the future.
The American people are trying to give 'benefit of the doubt' to every aspect of this adminisration for the sake of a belief that September 11th won't happen again. They have stood by and watched their country abandon the 'real war' in Afghanistan while an oil war continues to be a priority for this administration.
The USA has reached insoluable debt.
It's domestic bliss has turned into corporate mergers and take overs, even threatening the freedom of speech with war monger Murdock at the heels of The Wall Street Journal.
The Supreme Court is looking more and more like a political arm of the RNC.
And now, we are at the brink of disaster domestically from drought due to Human Induced Global Warming and the resurgence of terrorists in allied countries, potenitally the USA again. It is more than poetic that the mess the USA finds itself is no different at the end of Bush's presidency than at it's beginning, except to say every aspect is worse while continuing to grow in dimension.
There is a lot "W"rong with this country. It's time "To Take America Back." We can't continue to trust the untrustworthy.
Good night.