These are listed in definitions S. 649
``(ix) Fabrique Nationale/FN (below)

Herstal FAL, (below) Herstal makes guns for the cinema.
LAR, 22 FNC, 308
Match (Match is a GRADE of ammunition) There is no place for these on the streets of the USA. They are designed for high velocity / to reduce air resistance. The higher the velocity the further it will travel from a short barrel gun. Get the picture. Since killing involves these weapons, the ammunition has to be tweaked to give the killer an advantage over other weapons that might be more accurate. But, these weapons are used at closer range and overcome accuracy with rapid fire rounds.
, L1A1 Sporter,(below) This one can be had for $675 plus shipping and handling on the internet. One of those private sales I suppose (click here) Do I know this seller? They don't know me either. No background check though.
PS90,(below - manufacturer noted)FN P90 / PS90 Factory New 30 Round Magazine - cost $24.95 (online purchase click here)
SCAR (BELOW) SCAR means Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle. They are made to the specification of SOCOM (United States Special Operations Command )
, and FS2000. (below) This is a charming little weapon. It is a carbine. What is a carbine? Come on, this was covered before. Yep, short barrel weapon. I suppose this is something the Middle East Fun Club gets excited over.
This is the kind of online conversation that exists within this culture. It is about 'figuring out' what their guns are all about. This is amateurs playing with danger. This is not 'How do I get the cross stitch right in the sweater I am knitting." Okay? These are semi-automatic weapons and they are playing with them. Taking them apart, not knowing what they are looking at and then putting them back together to take apart again later with modifications they think they installed 'according to the directions.' The people owning these weapons cannot sincerely afford them. But, they purchase them and own them anyway.
I have one of those CAI L1A1 Sporters, with goofy looking thumbhole stock built on an Imbel Receiver. I still can't figure out is it an INCH pattern gun or Metric Pattern gun? (click here)
``(x) Feather Industries (Ah, light as a feather. It is a brand of weapon (click here) AT-9.(below) Can't wait to hang one on the Christmas Tree. Santa will love it after he comes down the chimney.
``(xi) Galil Model AR (below) Israeli weapons dot com (click here) They sell everything, even apparel. How special.
and Model ARM.(below)
The Galil rifle was invented by Israel Galili, chief weapons designer for IMI (Israeli Military Industries), and Yaacov Lior, the Galil is a somewhat successful attempt at the "best of all possible worlds." (click here)
``(xii) Hi-Point Carbine. (below)
``(xiii) HK-91, HK-93, HK-94, HK-PSG-1, and HK USC. HKs are parts. Specifically they are trigger parts (click here)
The HK 91 below asking price is $1194.95 (click here) Trying to get this legislation passed has very strong headwinds. There is a lot of cash and carry capacity here.
``(xiv) Kel-Tec Sub-2000, SU-16, and RFB. Amazing. The schematics on how to make them deadlier. This has a drum. The guy calls it his wish list (click here) This is considered a pistol.
Kel-Tec has a website where those in possession of the guns can find all kinds of instructions and schematics. (click here)
This is an example of the disaster waiting to happen within this industry - New Front Sight Adjustment Instructions (click here) Before making any adjustment, always loosen the metal screw first. Reverse the Phillips head bit in the included tool and use the hex to loosen one plast screw and then tighten the other in 1/8 to 1/4 turn increments. Always end by tightening the right side screw in order to avoid sight blade rotation. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE CLEAR PLASTIC SCREWS; they can be stripped easily if too much torque is applied. ¼ of a turn of the plastic screw changes the point of impact 1.3” at 100 yards or 1.3 m.o.a. with the rear sight placed at the far the strearward slot on the picatinny rail (1.6 m.o.a. at the farthest forward sl t)....
The interesting aspect of the Middle Class of any country that has one is they have a 'plasticity' in their income. If a manufacturer can tweak their ability enough to make a product a 'Saturday Afternoon Project' for the "Man Cave" then they can sell products regardless of the hardship it causes the consumer. These weapons are made for war. Hunting shotguns and rifles are not at all that complicated. Hunting shotguns and rifles is where the Middle Class of the USA belongs. If one can't afford to be taking these weapons to a qualified craftsman to get them serviced and modified, then they should not be purchasing them. I am quite confident all these online sources of 'gun anything' will take credit cards and/or debit cards and possibly even PayPal. Follow? Wish List. Hunting can be a social sport. In all honesty, it should be a social sport for the safety of the hunters. This mess called Second Amendment Rights is a form of self-destruction.
``(xv) SIG AMT, SIG PE-57, Sig Sauer SG 550, and Sig Sauer SG 551.(below) with bayonet.
I am going to end it here for today. Thank you.