Thursday, August 08, 2013

There is only one way to restart and expand a stangnant economy with STRUCTURAL unemployment.

There has to be an increase in disposable income to those already employed to increase demand of products. When products are more in demand there is a need to increase inventories to keep up with demand. That means more employment in the USA economy and if that 'demand' can be contained to increase manufacturing, like the wind turbines manufactured in Michigan under Former Governor Jennifer Granholm it INSTITUTES a sustainable future for those jobs and growth to the USA economy.

December 7, 2010
More than 100 New Clean Energy Jobs for Michigan
LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm (click here) today announced a significant power purchase agreement between Consumers Energy and Traverse City-based Heritage Sustainable Energy that will result in the first large-scale production of utility-scale wind turbines fully made in Michigan.  The agreement was celebrated today by the parties, together with wind turbine manufacturer Northern Power Systems and key supplier Merrill Technologies Group, at a press conference in Lansing....

Now, if we could get them to the Great Lake Wind Map Fields to actually produce electricity in mass amounts that would be nice.

The Great USA Middle Class, also known as Quality of Life. Wall Street will NEVER do it willingly even though it is best for their free market growth.

The Current Republican Governor's political career was sold lock, stock and barrel to Koch Industries and their SuperPacs. In order to provide 'kick backs' to Koch Industries for financing his political career Snyder wants to Frack Michigan so the Kochs can get all their political investment monies back and substantially more. Koch Industries PROFITS from natural gas Fracking.


Rather than harnessing the wind power of the Great Lakes and building sustainable jobs in Michigan, Snyder is OPTING for Flash in the Pan Political profits. Once the gas is gone the land will be destroyed for generations and quite possibly forever and there still won't be a sustainable energy source for or FROM Michigan.

Canada now has the lead on this because stupid FOR SALE Republican Governors line the Wind Fields of the Great Lakes. Interesting strategy against the American people to benefit Big Oil, isn't it? 

Wisconsin - Scott Walker
Michigan - What's his name Snyder 
Ohio - John Kasich
Pennsylvania - Tom Corbet

The only Great Lake States with Democratic Governors are Minnesota and New York. The 2010 elections was a planned assault not just against public employee unions, but, by the petroleum industry to DISABLE the ability of the USA to produce Wind Power. 

It is up to the American people to recapture and rebuild their economy through local initiatives and unions with Wall Street firms. It has to be done. No one is going to do it for them, not even their government. Their government is being disabled rather than made to facilitate their needs and aspirations for their children. It is a planned assault against the American people by a dying breed of greed merchants.

"Swarm" Economies

This is no mystery. It somewhat comes out of Game Theory. But, primarily it is a "Bubble and Bust" Economy. The Swarm is a Bubble. A Day Trader simply has to know what the size of the Bubble is, purchase the targeted stock and ride the Bubble to it's height (knowing the size and scope of it) and then sell the targeted stock at the height of the Bubble. Once that is completed the entire Swarm Profiteering has gone Bust.

Simple. Easy. Nearly undetectable. The truth.

It is akin to what Jamie Dimon said, "We make a little bit of money out of many investments."


Like the micropennies accumulated per second on the undersea long lines between NYC and London. 

This is exactly the problem with Wall Street these days.

Wall Street "swarms" it's profits. In other words the "Big Thinkers" at Wendy's came up with a Bagel Burger. A novelty.

Consumers content with McDonald's during their Millionaire Monopoly game will tirer of the new menu items there and will swarm over to Wendy's to try the new menu items there. 

This is a completely dysfunctional free market system. This market system imposed on the USA Consumer is a designer market for 'Day Traders.' 

As Wendy is preparing for the Swarm of New Consumers attracted from other fast food Wall Street vendors, Day Traders have already purchased share in Wendy's to raise the assets of their accounts. When the Swarm Market ends the Day Trader will have already ended their interests in Wendy's and will have sold their stocks for more than they purchased them for. Wendy's will ultimately pay the price because they HAVE NOT achieved greater and permanent market penetration. When Hardees comes out with their new novelty item the Swarm Market will begin again.

This is NOT a sustainable economy. It is opportunistic and will continue to dysfunction and wear away at the USA's vitality in the free market system. 

This Swarm Economy and Day Trader dream come true will not return circulating capital to the USA economy to expand purchase power. It will continue to hold monies within the top 1 percent.

A while back, (click here) I took a look at some of the new breakfast pastry items that Wendy's will be rolling out in the great US of A in the coming months.  With some items being sloppier than a whorehouse at low tide (Cinna-Middles), and others being borderline at best (Cinnamon Crumb Muffin), it was time to take a look at one of the more classic breakfast sandwich options...

The Bus Tour could use some media recognition and exposure. These folks are sincere without any reason to doubt their message.

Carlee Soto -- whose sister, Victoria, was among the 26 killed in Newtown, Connecticut elementary school last December -- speaks during a Wednesday rally in Union Park in Des Moines. The event was part of a 25 state Mayors Against Illegal Guns bus tour seeking comprehensive background checks for those trying to purchase guns and other changes to reduce gun violence.

7 August  2013
Statewide News

..."It is time (click here) for our leaders in Washington to take meaningful action to help save lives." Soto said to nearly 100 people that rallied at Union Park. "Gun violence knows no bounds and it poses a serious threat to all Americans everywhere."...
DES MOINES – Speakers with close ties to gun-violence tragedies brought a national campaign for what they called “common-sense gun policies” to Iowa on Wednesday.
Gun-control advocates traveling with the Mayors Against Illegal Guns bus tour included Carlee Soto, whose sister, Victoria, was a teacher killed last December at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., and Pat Maisch, a woman who survived a shooting at a 2011 political gathering in Tucson, Ariz.
“It’s time for our leaders in Washington to take meaningful action and to help save lives,” Soto told nearly 100 people who rallied at Union Park. “Gun violence knows no bounds and it poses a serious threat to all Americans everywhere.”
A broad coalition of gun violence prevention advocates came together to voice their support for comprehensive and enforceable background checks as part of a 25-state tour over 100 days. Advocates said it remains too easy for criminals, domestic abusers, and other dangerous or seriously mentally ill individuals to skirt laws and obtain guns by purchasing them online or at gun shows where background checks are not required under federal law.
- See more at:

Wendy's needs a union! Their CEO is worthless.

This is the stupidity of Wall Street and their 'so called' market forces. According to Wendy's CEO in January they have to get better 'thinker' to thunk up better STRATEGIES to improve profits.

There is only ONE THING that will provide better profits to Wendy's. They need to get rid of all their "Big Thinkers" that have no clue what that one thing is and their profits will BEGIN to increase.

Then the ONLY thing Wendy has to do is sell MORE PRODUCT. Ah, but, how do they do that, they just let all their Big Thinkers go and there are no more Big Thinkers at Wendy's.


I got it, increase the pay and benefits of their workers that puts more DISPOSABLE INCOME into their pockets and watch them sell more burgers. I'll be darn. 

The United States of America has a huge service industry. While rebuilding it's manufacturing sector, there are enormous service industry jobs. The market is stalled. Why? Because there more money coming into it. The money is sequestered at the top 1% and the rest of the PRODUCT MARKET is starving due to lack of CIRCULATING CAPITAL. 

This is NOT magic. Products won't move off shelves UNTIL they are dirt cheap rather than the high expectations of manufacturers and retailers. The CEOs are starving their own markets because they won't pay their employees a living wage, yet alone a DISPOSABLE income.

Where is the consumer money? A CEO has to look to where the money in the USA Economy is and realize they have a problem. The money is sequestered in their stockholder incomes and their own bonuses. CEOs are living on hubris while their economy implodes around them.

THE BEST OPPORTUNITY for any American to upward movement is higher education and/or small business start ups. The CEOs of Wall Street are worthless to the American consumer. They have painted themselves into a corner and they are too scared to find their way out.


Start a beekeeping enterprise and sell the honey to the local organic food market. Look around the community, find an opportunity that is viable and find a way to BUILD YOUR OWN COMMUNITY ECONOMY.

If Wall Street wants to succeed they have to accept unions and their contracts as a means to building a better Middle Class and returning circulating capital to the USA economy. They don't do it? We'll find a way.

Christina Rexrode

NEW YORK — Wendy's new CEO (click here) on Monday called the dour results of the past few years "self-inflicted wounds" and vowed to do better, laying out plans that included hiring top-tier workers and reclaiming market share from higher-end competitors like Five Guys and Smashburger.
Emil Brolick, the CEO since September, told investors on Monday that he was intent on winning back customers, jaded by a stale menu and inconsistent service, as well as investors, who have grown weary of "a little bit of overpromising and under-delivering."
And rather than blaming the struggling economy for the revenue declines and quarterly losses of the past few years, Brolick said that the company's problems were its own fault. Though Wendy's Co. had carved out a niche in the restaurant business as fast food for grownups, it had lost its way in recent years....