When Beck stated he believes government gets in the way of citizens' learning, he was speaking about the new focus of the Congress and White House to limit the amount of sugar content of beverages and foods in schools.
I don't know what planet Glenn Beck is from, but, the one I live on states children are innocent and need protection.
3 simple steps can cut child obesity (click here)
Lifestyle changes as important as diet, study finds
A new study finds three household routines lower the risk of obesity in children: having family dinners, getting enough sleep and limiting weekday TV time.
Four-year-olds in homes that followed these practices had a nearly 40 percent lower prevalence of obesity than children who did none of these things.
Of course childhood obesity — a soaring phenomenon in America — ultimately is fueled by poor diet and lack of exercise. But increasingly scientists have been able to tie other lifestyle factors to weight gain....
Children's health is NOT a political volley. I think that is a real rule in the real world.They should be left out of the fray at all cost and maybe that is the real issue. Maybe the reason someone as horrible as Glenn Beck actually believes children are suppose to be targets for media.
I believe most adults in the USA have experienced the excitement of a child when they get a toy or something special they use in play. I am sure there are times when those same adults wish there were only a few choice programs on the television that were morally vigilant by removing advertisements of all kinds to that programming.
One of my favorite 'cartoons' for children is on Nickelodeon called, "Go, Diego, Go." The program promotes bilingual interaction. It also promotes ecology and encourages children to interact with their natural world. It encourages hiking and all that kind of stuff. Sometimes Diego's Mother appears on the cartoons and he has a friend named Alicia. They operate a Rescue Center for animals and it is very exciting stuff.
I do believe there are minimal, if any advertisements. And there is absolutely no advertisement for brand name anything within the cartoon itself. It might be that I thought so highly of this program that I simply dismissed the ads, but, I don't recall thinking I rejected any of them.
The point is that Glenn Beck wants children to learn to be fat if indeed they are. He promotes candy bars in vending machines in schools. He objected to not having the choice to eat a candy bar and having only the choice of an apple or an orange.
These are children. They watch cartoons embellished with color and themes and all sorts of interesting and intriguing venues for their imaginations. NOT having a candy bar in a vending machine is NOT a bad thing when it comes to protecting THE INNOCENT from the MALICIOUS.
In my opinion, Glenn Beck is dangerous. He advocates his listeners to oppose healthy choices for children as enforced by administrators that have the deepest concerns for the children they educate.
Why is this mess with Beck even allowed?
It doesn't make sense to have an adult advocate the ill health of children as a LESSON to learn in school.
Beck rather have hazing take over where parenting leaves off.
He is repulsive, insulting and needs to be reviewed by the FCC for highly inappropriate content in his programs.
Inappropriate only begins to describe a man this evil. It needs to stop.