Unless, every other candidate running for President releases all the speeches they have made to private industry as well.
Sorry, but, picking on a woman over and above the demands made of other candidates is outrageous. This is nonsense.
If Hillary Clinton releases her speech transcripts I think she opens herself up to lawsuits. She was paid a handsome amount to speak to many diverse organizations and I am sure they never expected to be in the spotlight of a presidential campaign. This is a no brainier. It is sexism.
Some say organizations and companies pay high fees for her because it gives them access. Access to what? She is a very powerful woman. It is just that simple. That is like saying, raising a hand in a public meeting to promote a cause and bringing it to her attention is illegal access.
If the organizations involved wanted access then they had the same access as every other citizen as she crosses the USA. They could easily attend a meeting, a rally, a dinner or political social event and have access. This is all nonsense drummed up by those seeking to defame her yet AGAIN. When does this mess get old?
There is no disclosure law requiring her to provide transcripts of her marriage vows and any other private speech she made, so let's just say everyone is on the same footing.
If Hillary Clinton were to provide transcripts of speeches made as a private citizen, I'll be very disappointed in her. It sets a new precedent for women running for office. We don't need it. I thought she was going to fight for us, not relinquish us to more political heretic speculation.
I believe she also runs the risk of losing her value in achieving such fees for speeches in the future. She should succumb to no more demands than any other candidate for the presidency has on them REGARDLESS of the fees they were paid for a speech. What is to prevent anyone from speaking to cronies for no fee to provide a message of corruption? Nothing. So, where candidates have a history of making speeches need to provide all their transcripts.
Below is a list of LEGISLATIVE CRONY LAWS passed by Republican Congresses. The damage to the USA economy begins and ends with Republicans. The transcripts of the passage of those laws are public record, let's start there and find out exactly where the destruction of the American middle class became an object of wealth.
The American middle class became an object of wealth hunting because it was a residual of wealth and cash. Wall Street wants it all. It never stops to realize it's activity is going to implode the economy, they simply look for more residuals in the world to take apart and absorb. So, all too frequently they need politicians in office willing to bail them out so they have liquidity to carry out more predatory activities.
Examples besides 2008: The London Whale, the petroleum industry implosion. Dimon has plenty cash in his coffers to cover that one and oh, by the way, Dimon passed fiscal trials to prevent economic damage to the markets AGAIN. The petroleum industry is using the USA bankruptcy laws to achieve their survival. Why should they survive? The Bush bankruptcy laws of average citizens should be so generous. The petroleum industry, a significant Wall Street place of greed, should have had to go through trials of fiscal stability. It would have prevented the latest excuse to collapse.
Here's a thought. Could the petroleum industry really want Russian oil? And then expect accolades and gratitude to the political West? Where is the middle class in all that?
Where are other sovereign countries in all that, including those we call allies such as Saudi Arabia? What about the stability of the middle east? Oh, I forgot, the USA has the greatest military in the world.
I need to stop, I was going to start in on the Quantitative Easing I, II and III, but, the blood pressure is not up to it right now.
I will say this, poverty and the lower middle class and middle class ADDS, that is adds not maybe adds, to ill health of real human beings. I think we saw that in white men recently, right?
Believe me, transcripts of speeches is not going to solve these problems of the USA.
Protect local economies. Don't give it up for any reason.