Tuesday, July 28, 2020

There are far better treatments for COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine has far too many serious side effects including death to continue using it as a treatment regime for COVID-19. 

There is absolutely no reason to revisit this. It is an inefficient drug while incurring unnecessary costs and poor outcomes of patients. Trials of immensely beneficial medications are complete with widely held value for good patient outcomes.

There aren’t that many pediatric intensive care units and staff

I am traveling and it is looking good out here. Trucks everywhere and far fewer cars.

There will be nightmares if students return to their in person classrooms.

Look, when Trump starts his mess about opening the economy and schools he is driving anger and fear. I believe that is why the cut in support by Republicans for continued unemployment. But, that said Trump has no real numbers on what to expect in the way of COVID-19 cases among anyone let alone children.

I don’t see a return to in person classes before winter semester 2021. Congress is supposed to be appropriating funds for schools. It has to pass into law and the monies distributed. It won’t be until winter semester 2021 at the earliest schools will be readied.

Did anyone notice the fence wall Trump is building around the White House? He is scared to deaths of American citizens. He completely disregarded Congressman John Lewis as well. That was a racist political statement, not a partisan statement. If one can honor another in death there is no recognition of humanity in that stand. The Trump political ads are full of fear and racism. No policy. Those ads should matter but don’t.

Don’t send the children back to school. It is too soon and the USA does not have enough pediatric beds, PICU or otherwise to even approach a risky strategy like that.
