Monday, August 25, 2008

Fay's Rain Inundating Florida

August 24, 2008
Parker, Colorado
Photographer states :: This hit near the Hess Reservoir here in Parker, I'm hearing on the TV now. Some structure damage is being reported. (click here)

This tornado is way outside the parameters of Tornado Alley and is prevalent from April through July, with a concentration of the season in May and June. In the past, the USA had occassional tornadoes 'out of season,' but, not this many and certainly not in this many northern areas.

August 25, 2008
10:25 AM EDT

UNISYS Visual Satellite of Southeast USA.

If one is limiting their focus to 'the storm' rather than dynamics that contribute to 'the support' of 'the storm;' than the 'reality' that this is a Climate Change storm will never be broached as the language barrier of Republican influence exists in denial to an entire society. Even the weather reports regarding 'the truth' of such storms have been propagandized. The ability of USA government agencies to provide 'state of the art' information to the world regarding Human Induced Global Warming has been removed through estranged priorities to that end.

In the image below one can note the extensive 'nature of the system' at work if one notices the connecting air mass over the Baja Peninsula, the air mass now circulating over the Mexican coast south of McAllen, Texas and the continued connection to the storms as they appear as vortices in the Atlantic ocean.

This 'system' of storms and 'tropospheric dynamics' and 'the row of storms' noted is similar in nature to 'a street' of vortices only once found in frigid regions when warmer air masses mixed with stable frigid air. The heat dynamics of the planet has exceeded 'normality' and 'the vortex street' phenomena is now noted in equatorial and sub-tropical climates across North America.

August 25, 2008
UNISYS Visual Satellite of North America as truncated to include only the USA mainland borders.

Why folks can't seem to 'make sense' out Climate Change is because they 'legally/legislatively' don't recognize it at all. A society has to have the language in order to facilitate its education and understanding and it just doesn't exist in the USA. The American public has been 'dummied down' in regard to Climate Change and are way behind their peers in Europe and Asia.

Al Gore is right, by the way (click here). This subject is so important for the USA to address that he and his influence nearly have to remain outside the political rhelm if his initiative is going to have a resolve. There is 'no time' to attempt to assail a USA policy if there is going to be influence within the USA to solve its energy problems and stop its CO2 pollution. Al's contribution far exceeds any ability to date for legislation to be effective. If he wasn't 'there for all of us' we wouldn't even have the language we vitally need to proceed.

August 25, 2008

UNISYS Water Vapor Hemispheric Satellite of the north and west hemisphere.

As to the satellite above, what does one notice? Is Fay an autonomous storm?


It is a series of storms all connected and nearly identical in dynamics across the face of this hemisphere. One won't find these dynamics any place else because the USA has the highest carbon load of any country on Earth and it is contributing to that load unmercifully. Therefore, all the 'grossly' atypical climate change dynamics are first noted in the USA, followed by Europe.

I fully intend to discuss "Abortion Rights of Women" ad nauseum and with open and honest opinion. No one is going to hide from this TROJAN HORSE!!!

Women who have an abortion are not at greater risk of mental health problems, scientists have concluded. (click title to entry, thank you)
...But the American Psychological Association found 'no credible evidence' that an abortion of an unwanted pregnancy causes mental health problems....

NO, I have never had an abortion. Jerks ! But, I have girlfriends that have and they have gone on to live happy and fulfilling lives and had more babies. One with the same man that her inital abortion took place.

IT SIMPLY, was the wrong time for them to start their families.

Stop demonizing women and I mean NOW !!!


It is real. It exists. It will always be a part of the American Landscape. Get over it. Its demise is a Trojan Horse that threatens our democracy.

John McCain is threatening the lives of women and I am not going to put up with it ! He has NO RIGHT to take the issue of 'life' in his hands as a candidate for President of the United States of America.

"At the moment of conception," McCain replied, to loud applause from the audience. (click here)

The issue of abortion is one that belongs in the halls of theology and not government. John McCain and his political pandering is opening the door to victimize women and introduce a 'culture of contempt' that will remove our USA Constitution from existence and replace it with a Christian dominated political structure with goals that are adverse to our best outcomes including women's ability to compete on the political stage and obtain top ranking jobs due to inability to attend educational opportunities.

We know for a fact that past generations of women in the USA were DELAYED by ten years in their political careers. THE REASON. "Family Responsibilities."

That 'was' the reason to move to a liberated state for women, but, the 'risk to democracy' marshalled in with the McCain statement that will only serve to 'engage' a different political philosophy for the USA will lead to a greater danger to the freedoms of the USA.

There are many religions in the USA and many are NOT opposed to a Woman's Right To Choose, yet one wouldn't know it to listen to McCain. McCain is NOT for the people, so much as for the Christian Conservative. He is religiously biased and the "W"rong place for any American President to be.

McCain's political posturing is poison to the 'ideals' of freedom of the USA and his pandering to Pro-Lifers is proof the man has no backbone so much as a goal to end the choices that women of all walks of life currently enjoy in order to facilitate the priorities of a 'religious preference.' That perspective opens the door to a government that biases legislation and causes other religions into the 'background' of the USA with the eventual outcome that eliminates them completely. THAT is the goal of the Religious Right and no one can deny it regardless of their willingness to say otherwise in a 'spirit of generosity and neighborliness.'

I don't need their generosity or the neighborliness of anyone. I simply need the freedoms afforded me under MY Constitution.

Why should any religion dominate the laws of the USA unless it was to turn its leaders into powerhouses with trends that would continue to destroy the USA Constitution and eliminate the separations of church and state? There is no separation of church and state in the McCain words and he is about as contemptable a person as they come when the topic is women and their protections.

The religious bigotry caused by The Republican Party this election should have been 'called' by the media a long time ago. Where in the wildest imaginations of ANYONE do they find 'the right' to character assassinate a Presidential Candidate based on his religion as a child being raised by a dedicated mother struggling for her own economic stability in providing for her son !!!???

Where do these people 'get the right' to turn the word Muslim into a 'dirty word?' And the nation of electorate of the USA actually allow them to get away with it? If that form of character assassination can 'go on' without social ridicule in overwhelming terms, what does that say about bigotry and bias in general as a nation of people? Like, WOW, I don't even want to 'go there' in realizing 'the sad state of affairs' we are in if such fears manifest into the 'voting reality' of the day.

The national focus of what is ACCEPTABLY 'good vs bad' is completely out of balance. Child rearing should mean something. Attending church and seeking the advise of a pastor, rabbi, priest or any clergy should mean something. Instead, the 'blur' of God overseeing the laws of the USA has become a part of bigotry in a way that will remove protections from 'the individual' and force a 'homogenicity' to the USA populous that is dangerous to our freedoms and individuality. It's "W"rong and John McCain is "W"rong. Dangerously "W"rong !!!

Are the people of the USA so scared of the reality of their Constitutional freedoms that they have to reliquish them to religious leaders that can't see the forest for the trees?

The real initiative with abortion is NOT eliminating it by 'rule of law' but 'uplifting society' to the point where its existence is simply a cliche to the value of women, children, family and the depth of that to our society. When a religious organization FAILS at its ministry to the point where it demands changes to Constitutional Rights, that is where EVERYONE should draw the line.

My purpose in life is NOT to uphold the values of Evangelicals out of 'fear developed' by their own religious bias, but, to be open to the realities of all Americans and the adversity they face.

Abortion will become unheard of, when women are honored, given equal access to every aspect of life, children are revered in their potential and that link exists in 'the idea of opportunity' to parent. When parenting 'in poverty' becomes such an abhorrence to the American Conscience then and ONLY THEN will abortion become simply a definition in a dictionary.

What's the matter? The Religous Right NOT up to it !!! After all we have legal recognition of Faith Based initiatives. So. Ah. Like. What's the problem?

Fear mongers all !

The McCain idea of Habitat for Humanity

Coronado Shores

The place where Cindy McCain and family decided to take advantage of the demised California housing market.

That's NOT the best part, though.

Southland home prices tumble fast (click here)
March 14, 2008
Southern California home prices are now 19% below their peak last year, and the surprisingly rapid decline is leading experts to predict that the housing slump will be worse than initially thought – surpassing the severe downturn of the 1990s....

These priorites by a prominent Arizona family is clear demonstration of their 'moral content' and where their loyalities reside. They'll pass judgement on women that seek abortions, but, couldn't care less if they have a home to bring their children to, so much as 'taking advantage' of the planned assault against personal American security in home ownership to 'provide a faux Bush economy' that buoyed his 2004 election.

Now, John McCain wants to 'take advantage' of the adversity his 95% backing of Bush/Cheney policy brought, for him to say HE is a DC outsider.




SO !!!

The fact John McCain could not even speak to the issue without leaning on his political advisors to regurgitate 'his appropriate' statements is more than troublesome.

"I think -- I'll have my staff get to you," McCain replied. "It's condominiums where -- I'll have them get to you."

If McCain is unable to make statements about personal home ownership and the activities of his family, then what else does he require coaching on that ONLY his advisors 'get to dictate' comes through his vibarto.

We are all far too familiar with the 'image making' of Bush and how 'the control' of that image made him completely inaccessible to the people he was SUPPOSED to serve. We are seeing the 'same exact phenomena' with McCain and 'here we go again' and WHO indeed is really the candidate? McCain or his 'advisory team?'

The USA needs a leader, NOT, a puppet.

It is easy to see why Barak Obama chose a great American as his Vice President. It's also easy to 'talk about Joe. "...Our Joe..."

Joe Biden is NOT a DC insider. He has lead an atypical career from its inception and has provided some of the most vigorous laws to our country's content.

His presence on the Democratic Presidential Ticket alone has scared the wits out of the Republicans to the point of lying about McCain and stating John McCain is an Independant. Huh? Wow, Joe, you displaced McCain right out of the party in order to compete. How great is that? There is now an entire Republican Party full of voters that are without a nominee. McCain, according to Spector, is now an independant. Amazing. The lies Republcan will tell.

Joe Biden took over the leadership of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after the resignation of Jesse Helms.

Helms had a strangle hold on that committee far, far too long and as a result the cronies of North Carolina enjoyed the presence of a major military base from every branch of the service as well as one of the largest munition depots in the country. The fact of the matter is, North Carolina's 'military content' is a threat to national security. If the rebels of North Carolina took a good notion to be a separatist county they could do it without effort.

But, Joe's 'ease' of conducting himself on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee speaks to his confidence in 'what he knows' when he follows 'his nose' about 'talking straight' about the USA and its 'position' in the world. He will lead the conversations this election cycle on foreign policy and the issues of American image and its roll in the world and how its stability has to be achieved in order to provide a 'counter' balance to that of The East; to facilitate disarmament from 'the nuclear edge of the cliff' Bush/Cheney likes to call diplomacy when all it is, is called brinkmanship.

To that end I need not address his competency.

I know where Barak's loyalty was when chosing Joe. It was right at the heart of what a Vice Presidential candidate is all about. How do I know that? Easy one. When Barak met Joe in Springfield, he made a foible, if you will, in his annoucement speech. Barak stated, "I want to introduce the next President...I want to introduce to you the next Vice President..."




"I want to introduce the next President..." Come on Barak, now I know you don't mean that, so what was that stumble you are so famous for?

You see, Barak is his own lie detector. I never have to wonder whether he is 'playing politics' or being honest, because I always know he is NOT predisposed to lies or deceit. I sincerely believe, except for trying to 'recapture' his image from the lies of the media, Barak is not capable of lying.

He just isn't.

His thoughts have no 'pre-planning' when confronting questions and that 'plays out' in what might be preceived as a 'stuttering' of sorts. What some Americans might even preceive as a disability of sorts.

It isn't. It is the mind of a brilliant man engaged in thoughts about issues that are his to ponder, only to react to questions he has already engaged and mastered. Barak is not WELL REHERSED when he answers questions, he is simply vanished with answers to the tough questions that a nation presents.

When Barak begins to answer questions placed to him, there is this 'engagement' issue of the subject. See, he 'isn't there' for the most part to the question asked, but, he has already 'been there' and it is as if he has to 'reengage' issues already settled in his mind. In other words, 'regrouping' to the reality of the audience.

So, when he stated, "I want to introduce the next President,..." he was. He was introducing the man that would be the next President of the USA should for some reason he not be able to complete his terms in office. I know today, that Barak sincerely chose Joe for that reason and that reason alone. It wasn't a 'ticket enhancement.' It was pure purpose and for that reason, Joe should feel even greater honor. No 'user' fees need to be rendered.

So, to the subject of Joe Biden's career to date. He is a mover and a shaker, a proud expression of the term "American."

Joe has spent eight years as CHAIRMAN of the Senate Judiciary Committee. During those years on the committee and as Chairman he passed some of the best laws of this country. No one talks about that. They only focus on the 'nominees' of the committee. THAT is not all the Senate Committee does. The Senate Judicary Committee seeks answers to the needs of the USA where laws aren't clear or citizens' rights are blurred. To that end, Joe Biden has lead this country immeasurably to enhance the rights and protections of citizens.

Joe has crafted laws such as
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (click here), The Violence Against Women Act (click here) (and I want to return to the VAWA in a minute), but, also legislation such as The Anti-Drug Abuse Act which created the USA Drug Czar (click here) and the RAVE Act (Reducing Americans Vulnerability to Ectasy Act - click here) which also focuses on prosecution of drugs that enhance the vulnerability of a woman to rape as induced by drugs.

Women have a friend in Joe Biden.

But, to take this opportunity to visit The Violence Against Women Act or VAWA, is too good to be true. See, the Supreme Court didn't find the law worthy of the American Constitution and declared its protections of 'gender based' crimes unconstitutional. That isn't the most astounding part. The Right Wing, of which McCain belongs, appauded demise of the law. (click here)

VAWA was then reauthorized in 2000 (click here) and a more extensive reconstruction of the bill was signed in January 2006 (click here) with the reality of the Demcratic return to the majority of the House and Senate.

See there is a profound difference between The Rightish Republicans and Americans. The Republicans don't believe in The Federal Government. They LIKE to reduce its 'need to exist' to nothing at every turn, hence 'the all too famous' TAX CUT, which reduces the 'fisability' of government.

So, where Americans 'need' government, where most women find solice from life's adversities, there is little to no protections for women. Instead, the Republicans like to 'victimize' women that CAUSE their circumstances to be diminished in capacity by the virtual fact they are 'in majority' the weaker gender.

Victimize, one might say? Where? How?

Through 'the lack' of federal laws, the funding to enforce those laws, women are exposed to vulnerabilities they don't know exist. Women's rights extend far beyond the 'womb' and it is amazing to realize 'that organ' is the ONLY place Republican women are focused. It must be about 'control' and 'the control of female power' in that party. Marriage facilitates female wealth when women relinquish their personal powers to 'the role' of 'the better half' to their husbands.

"Been there." "Done that." Won't ever go back, it exposed MY CHILDREN to potentials for poverty that I was never prepared for and to realize women are entering 'that state of affairs' again in large numbers while being excluded from educational opportunities is completely UN-AMERICAN !

Don't like what I say or the way I say it?

Too Bad.

The truth can hurt !

I am taking back my country and WITHOUT the assistance of Republcians with "W"rong directions and priorities. That wasn't always 'the case' either.

Everyone get the 3AM phone call? I did. What kinda good news was that, huh?

Beyond the wonderful choice of a great American for Democratic Vice President, the 'other' story never got reported.

What story is that you say?

The fact that the 'chronically right leaning' media covering the elections of 2008. didn't 'get it.' For nearly 24 hours, the media services ridiculed the Obama Campaign for sending out a text message at such an inopportune time of day.

Nobody reported 'that' story. So, I am going to talk about it here.

Bloggers 'got it,' Twitters 'got it,' those in support of the Obama nomination 'got it,' but somehow all that evaded the Right/West Wing media for nearly 24 hours into the news cycle. My, my, what an opportunity to be AGAIN ridiculing one of the best organized, best 'involved' campaigns in the history of the USA. Right? Why 'pass up' still ANOTHER opportunity to defame the greatest man to lead this country just ONE MORE TIME.

Then they have this 'thing' about reporting high numbers of 'undecideds' and putting a faux face on the election in order to promote the ideas of 'Obama should be leading by 10 points over McCain by now.'

Well, guess what? He more than likely does, but, the reporting services in this country, JUST DON'T GET IT !!!

Out of touch?

Just a little. If our media outlets are 'this' out of touch with reality, then what else are they out of touch with?

Some of their so called, 'style' is a result of eight years of Bush/Cheney, illegal wars, a corrupt Congress, a deeply corrupted FCC and their having to report the legitimacy of it all.

Darn shame. Can't even trust 'fair reporting' anymore.