This is an Letter to the Editor from Grand Forks, North Dakota. I was completely surprised to read such a thoughtful opinion supporting women seeking abortions from a very red state.
The abortion law in Texas is extremely radical and does not track with any other abortion provision in The West or other states of the USA. All this, no different than the judges out of The Federalist Society, is for money for politics. It is ALL quid pro quo. The Federalist Society and/or wealthy conservatives get what they paid for when promoting the election of a conservative Republican.
I sincerely believe this extremism that hurts women and removes their right to their own bodies is all about political monies from donors and the donors ambition to achieve a theocracy out of a democracy.
October 26, 2021
Women (click here) who are denied abortions are often in situations of domestic violence and having to keep the baby may force them to stay in contact with violent partners who put them and their baby at risk.
The Oct. 9 Grand Forks Herald letter to the editor, “Abortion is not a woman’s right,” discussed how women should not have the right to make decisions about carrying a fetus to term because life begins in the womb. The letter, however, made no mention of the limits already in place on abortions, such as prohibiting them after viability, or after 20-weeks, which is before the viability age.
This means that the vast majority of abortions, unless they are taking place due to circumstances that threaten the carrier’s life, happen before there is any chance that the fetus could survive birth. The argument that pregnant women are killing babies is unfounded and harmful.
The fact is, if legislatures strip women of the right to have safe abortions, then the rate of unsafe and potentially life-threatening abortions will rise (limiting abortions). Laws restricting access to safe and legal abortions disproportionately impact low-income women, women of color, and women in rural areas in incredibly harmful ways. It is a discriminatory restriction that has the worst effects on already marginalized women....
Women are receiving expanded rights for abortion everywhere else in the world, except, Texas.
October 26, 2021
By Isaac NowrooziThe proposed amendments would allow women to access a pregnancy termination between 14 and 24 weeks, with the support of one doctor instead of two.
They would also introduce an option for pregnant women to access termination after 24 weeks for medical reasons, with the support of two doctors.
Currently abortions after 23 weeks are prohibited in the NT, unless deemed necessary to save the pregnant person's life.
It is a move Family Planning NT has been calling for for years.
"This is similar legislation to other states and territories," Family Planning NT chief executive Robyn Wardle said.