This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Before there were industries that exploited natural resources while emitting CO2...

The G8 wants a Global Recovery Package. Then make it based in Anti-Warming Technologies

The G8 is simply being irresponsible as are the USA's Governors in many cases. The Earth is on track to the destruction of its biotic content. That is fact. There is dearly little time to surmount the 'tasks' of changing the path human population and consumerism has inflicted on Earth. Earth is the only planet we have. That won't change in any reasonable time frame. This is a must do, not a please do.
In the USA, the Stimulus Package and its 'theme' has been somewhat abused. The Stimulus definately had a theme. It was intended to change the infrastructure of the USA to accommodate changes in energy and transportation. There are some Governors that are sadly ignoring that theme, the most profound is the State of Alaska, which defines its 'Stimulus Energy Package' in the same 'ole methodologies that caused these emergencies in the first place. There is virtually nothing in the Alaska stimulus package that 'changes' the path of energy sources for that State, while some of the best wind patterns for Wind Turbines exist in abundance in Alaska.
In the case of South Carolina and Louisiana, the Governors there have decided to decline the safety of the futures of their children, to play rhetorical games and dangerous political agendas.
Below, Andrea Merkel walks through the wreckage of the earthquake in Italy. There were monies pledged to restore the tragic ruins. Those monies from every country of the G8 need to be accompanied by two conditions. The monies need to classicly return the aesthetics of the structures, along with the construction integrity that should include 'quake resistent or quake proof' construction along with energy efficient construction that liberates this small hovel from any energy dependency other than that of solar or wind.
Please see below.

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel tours the ruined city of Onna near L'Aquila (click title to entry - thank you) in central Italy with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi , July 8, 2009. Onna was almost totally destroyed in the April 6, 2009 earthquake in which some 300 people died. Merkel will attend the G8 summit near L'Aquilla from July 8-10. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
The FEARS of 'giving up' old economic methodologies based in exploitation of natural resources has to be abandoned. Never while AIG attempted to justify its "Financial Instruments Division" did I hear anything except attempts to manipulate economies based in 'Old World' values.
Never once did the so called geniuses explore the expansion of economies based in CHANGING to benevolent measures that would save Earth from Human's Bad Habits. A $700 tillion US Bush/Paulson Bailout simply turned loose the biggest bailout to American History without any pre-determined agendas for securing the future of the planet. Never once when Bernanke stated, "...to be sure they have all the instruments they need..." did it come with conditions that investments beyond the recovery of the housing market needs to be focused on 'the future' and the well being of an endangered planet along with its generations of young and yet to be born.
The Financial and Banking Industry has 'yet' to catch up with the reality of the rest of us that actually live the reality of their idiot decisions. The boys of Goldman Sachs and their golden parachuetts and platinum guilded board rooms are completely out of touch with the 'best' decisions that safe guard Earth and the lives of the people that occupy it.
The G8 Leaders have a clear and undisputed role in envisioning the future that will provide a 'safety margin' for Earth. They need to act, without recidivism, on EVERY venue of economy to change the emissions of DEADLY Greenhouse Gases. Economic growth in a world destined for peace is based in exploitation of 'knowledge' and 'learning' including innovative formulas from composers that provide new platforms for the arts. The 'intangibles' are more important than any aspect of economy.
One of the most offensive industries in the USA is the coal industry. For decades they have touted 'Clean Coal Technology' without being able to achieve it. If this industry is to be included in the future the importance of 'delivering' on rhetoric is mandatory and not optional or they are no longer the future's focus. Those industries that pretend to be 'the future' or a part of it without APPLIED tangible results have to be abandoned to better invest in those technologies and innovations that actually CONTRIBUTE to our future as it is unfolding. The Financial and Banking Industries have to reflect preference for investment and lending that is 'prudent' of such priorities, otherwise, we don't need any of them. To have financial institutions that are on a separate track from the nations that preserve the sovereignty of their populous and force same nations to accept THEIR PRIORITIES is not just Anti-Trust, it is attack on a nation's sovereignty.
The challenge of surmounting the realities presented by "Human Induced Global Warming" demands the 'Best of the Best' be in service to nations. Nations that have to bring to bear the pressure on all venues of economy of CHANGE.
It is time for the incompetent New York State Republicans to stop their antics.

First the New York State Republicans danced around issues of 'loyalty' by recruiting two Democrats (both of which have legal issues) to vote in their favor to take control of the State Legislature through 'Abracadabra measure, rather, than doing the business of the people.
Governor Patterson is not required by New York State Constitution to assign a Lieutenant Governor, but, tried to do so to act as a breaking vote to put the New York Senate back to work. Now that the N Y Republicans can't stall the processes of 'governance,' they have chosen to impeach the new Lieutenant by petitioning the New York State Courts in an attempt to prove Governor Patterson is outside his jurisdictional authority in assigning a Lieutenant.
The New York State Republicans in the Senate have abandoned their responsibilites to the people whom elected them and have chosen to 'game the power' of the State Governorship. Each 'gamer' should be impeached, not a highly qualified Lieutenant Governor.
The Republicans have turned it into a circus.
Let's hope those that are impressed with their own importance can see the forest for the trees and heed the call.

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images North America)
On Wednesday, the leaders, meeting in Italy, agreed to cut emissions by 80% by 2050, but Mr Ban said big cuts were needed sooner rather than later.
The leaders are set to meet their counterparts from emerging economies to discuss a new deal on global warming.
US President Barack Obama will chair the session, in the city of L'Aquila....