This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, November 07, 2008
74 Days until Inauguration

Thank you to the New York Times. There might actually be a chance we can void the Bush aggressions with THE TRUTH !
Dear God I don't believe this article. Pinch me.
Russia and its beautiful people are NOT our enemy ! They never have been but are easy scapegoats for Republican Neocon rhetoric and politics. Putin is a genius. I am so grateful for him and to him that he navigated the international waters as well as he did while there was a Bush in power.

Georgian forces fired rockets at South Ossetia in August.
Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question (click title to entry, thank you)
This article points to the FACT that the new government in Georgia was more full of hubris and "W"rongful directives than actual competency. What was Russia supposed to do? Stand by. Stand by and let people die because to 'escalate' a cross border offensive when Bush was demanding to place a missile shield there and ANY movement by Russia would be considered an act of war that Bush, no different than Iraq, would meet with unrelenting and overpowering force?
Russia was CORRECT. Putin had Bush well contained into Iraq and overwhelmed with the inability to move into a global scale world war so that when Georgia tried to instigate same they met with appropriate and undenial opposition from Russia and its peacekeepers.
No 'Western journalist' bothers to look through the eyes of Russians. I remember when Kristof from the NY Times was covering the democratic movement in The Ukraine, Russia was demonized as a 'problem.' There is a REALITY no one bothers to discover because it might actually mean there IS NO REASON FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Gee wouldn't that be a shame?
Every country is allowed to have its sovereignty UNLESS it proves to be so unstable that it complicates the well being of its people, other peoples and their governments. Russia is not only allowed to have its sovereignty, but, to lose Russia as a people and nation would be completely "W"rong and would cause a global shift of 'stability' that would destroy democracy.
Democracy in the USA under Bush/Cheney was nearly destroyed. If it weren't for those willing to be 'the counter culture' to the Neocons, the USA would be a far different country than it is today and Barak Obama would never be President. So, everyone that begins to USE the Old World Russian image of 'communism' as a reason to HATE, needs to put that idea away FOREVER. As a matter of FACT, with the new expansion of Russian influence globally and it's military fluidity, Bush actually did THE BALANCE OF POWER a great big favor.
Russia is more interested in peace than any country on Earth and when it comes to defending its sovereignty, the old Oligarchs need to MEASURE THEIR STEPS in the world. Russia is allowed to defend itself on any terms.
The issue with the breakdown of the Soviet Union isn't as much 'an issue' to Russia as one might consider. Russia has a profound vulnerability. It is HUGE. The land mass of Russia ALONE creates sovereignty issues. If a country cannot defend itself and defend itself well, it won't remain sovereign. Russia has an issue with its 'square mile' content. Every leader of that county, especially KGB, understands that, acknowledges it and acts to thwart that reality.
Into that reality governs the leadership of Russia that has demanded ONLY one thing from its 'nation-states' when it was the Soviet Union and its' 'border Former States' now that it is Russia. THAT ONE THING is the 'idea' of 'stable governing bodies' within a nation. It is a means of control for the protection of Russia. If a country, especially a border country, is 'knocked' off balance it is a direct threat to Russian sovereignty that can escalate exponentially in a short period of time.
The global community should NEVER permit incompetency in governments anywhere and the 'tone' of The West needs to begin to lead to reconciliation of Old World Images of communism and the 'ideology' that the world can actually be entirely a democracy. Its a hideous notion and one that has to end.
There is ONLY ONE approach to 'individual rights' of the peoples of any nation. That approach is to be guaranteed to any people the idea of 'human rights.' The 'rest' takes care of itself. Where people are guaranteed quality of life whereby they are fed and healthy, then and only then, can other hierarchies come into play such as education and individual freedoms. Achieving 'democracy' for the sake of democracy through war is egregious to human rights. Using the 'spread of democracy' as a reason for war is nothing but expansionism.
But, to realize that the nations bordering Russia can be lead by idiots like the kind of Georgia is to realize that Russia is not going to put up with the entire mess and shouldn't.
Russia had done the right and best 'thing' here and I defy anyone to say differently. They stopped the 'childish' ideology that was manipulated by the Bush ? diplomatic ? corp that actually thought they could justify a missile defense shield in Georgia while using Iranian potential to mask its' TRUE rational, which was to find methodologies to invade Russia.
It is my estimation that Bush/Cheney were attempting to instill enough 'false security' to Russian border states that they would actually amass armies to cause instability along the 'entire' of their shared borders.
Yeah, right !
The 'breed' of American Neocon is the worst enemy the world has had since Hitler. At least Hitler was realistic in the potential of Germany's threat. The American Neocon are nothing but 'hubris experts' that use images to create false hopes to those that are 'power hungry' laced with greed and wealth.The FACT of the matter is that The American Military Industrial Complex was never meant to be a 'profiteers' dream come true. Under Eisenhower, it was supposed to establish MILITARY SECURITY for the USA following Hitler's reign. That 'entity' is supposed to be an intricate part of the USA national defense, but has been used by Neocons over the decades to exploit wealth and build false sense of security in places like Georgia whereby 'immature' leadership thinks they can actually roll over top of people rather than find a PEACEFUL solution to unrest within their country.
Georgia leadership attempted a 'genocide' of South Ossetia because they were a 'separatist' ETHNICITY within 'current' Georgia borders. That genocide was facilitated by the American Military Industrial Complex and it should be held JUST as responsible for arms sales that allowed the Georgian President to nearly annhilate its own people in an entire region of the country.
Russia has facilitated 'a security' for the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by moving into the territory, stopping the aggression by the Georgian government and declaring autonomous sovereignty of both these small countries (ethnicities) while taking them on as allies to Russia.
Russia did good and I admire them.
It will be up to the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to promote their small sovereignties to the global community and seek acknowledgement with international recognition by exhibiting stable economies (in a troubled economic climate that ain't easy) and a recognizable social culture. They do not need huge military complexes to protect their sovereign ethnic countries, they simply need to have strong alliances with a country such as Russia that will defend the new nation as it would defend itself while leaving autonomous and benevolent government structures in place.