Wednesday, December 16, 2020

More poison for the American people. Poison seems to be a favorite scheme of the Republicans.

Ah, go ahead, just poison them with the virus. It is good for the economy.

There were no brakes. Where were the elected officials in Congress that were putting on the brakes to this disaster? Who drank the Kool-Aide? Everyone responsible for this heinous act will be held responsible.

Anthony Fauci is screaming "be careful" there will be another wave in the autumn with the onset of the flu and NO ONE IN CONGRESS PUT ON THE BRAKES! Who were the Governors that drank the Kool-Aid, too?

This wasn't just a despot in the White House ranting and raving to his base, this was an entire movement within the government to allow Americans to die to prevent economic loss. An entire party in this country is responsible for the illnesses and deaths of Americans. It doesn't end with Alexander. No wonder Florida SBI is raiding Whistleblowers.

The Mayors of this country are frantic about protecting the kids. At least someone was. Local government is far more trustworthy than any other form of government. The Local governments ARE THE PEOPLE and not the infiltration of Wall Street into decision-makers.

There aren't enough empty cells yet in prison for all those involved. There needs to be an inventory of the places still with open prison cells. Better yet open another exclusive private prison for the people that will find their lives interrupted for the heinous nature of their crimes.

Pence. What gives?

December 16, 2020
By Dan Diamond

This is oversight? (cick here) This is government oversight in the USA? Really? 

..."Infants, (click here) kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…" Alexander added....

September 16, 2020

Just like adults, (click here) an underlying health condition can leave young people more vulnerable to a severe case of COVID-19, according to a CDC report looking into 121 fatal coronavirus cases in people below the age of 21. Racial disparities were found as well, with two-thirds of the cases among Black and Hispanic youth.

AP: Coronavirus Deaths In Kids Echoes Toll In Adults, CDC SaysA detailed look at COVID-19 deaths in U.S. kids and young adults released Tuesday shows they mirror patterns seen in older patients. The report examined 121 deaths of those younger than 21, as of the end of July. Like older adults, many of them had one or more medical condition — like lung problems, including asthma, obesity, heart problems or developmental conditions. Deaths were also more common among those in certain racial and ethnic groups, according to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC found 54 were Hispanic, 35 were Black, and 17 were white, even though overall there are far more white Americans than Black and Hispanic. (Stobbe, 9/16)

CNBC: The Coronavirus Has Killed At Least 121 Young People In The U.S., Mostly Minorities, CDC SaysThe study comes days after reports surfaced alleging that Trump administration officials were interfering with the CDC’s process for publishing such studies. The researchers, which include a number of CDC personnel and officials from nearly 30 state health departments, said the study underscores the risk Covid-19 presents to young people, even though young people typically don’t become as sick as older coronavirus patients. They added that the data should be continually monitored as schools and child-care centers reopen. (Feuer, 9/15)...

Before McConnell congratulated the President and Vice President elect, a moral voice came out of the US Senate.

Quite frankly the states, including a strongly purple Texas, that voted for Trump was never challenged. The attempts by the extremist political right to overthrow the election is an assault against the USA Constitution. There is no loyalty to the US Constitution by those Americans while they wave the flag and call themselves "Tea Party..." of one vernacular or another. They are a disgrace to the USA. They confuse people, both domestic and abroad as if the USA elections are simply irrelevant.

These issues need to be confronted and eliminated from the process in placing the federal government. We need free and certain elections. It is time to eliminate these ridiculous pageants from politics and end the Electoral College. The popular vote is secure and accurate, the Electoral College has lost it's capacity to be of value to our democracy. The Electoral College, as demonstrated by Donald John Trump, has become a danger to freedom and liberty. The Electoral College has the capacity to be manipulated. In all honesty, the Electoral College is a national security issue.

The 2020 election results saved the democracy of which the entire world has optimized as a perfect form of governance. That value of the USA in the world was toyed with and defamed by the current president. We can't allow that loophole in the USA Constitution to continue to exist. The current push by the Republican extremists to overthrow the government by completely eliminating the vote of 2020 cannot be ignored as a political opportunity to maintain their base and pundits. They are dangerous and if they can they will overthrow the government as we declare a victory over tyranny that has resided in the White House for four years.

The Electoral College is outdated and dangerous. It is time to end it. Americans need to remember who actually supports the USA Treasury and accepts the national debt as an investment in the future. Our taxes mean something. They mean something to Americans, their children, the future, and the idea there is a steadfast democracy that has lasted beyond 200 years. Those taxes were invested this year to ensure the country's democracy was safe. The idea an entire country's vote can be overturned by a few radical members of congress cannot be put aside as an oddity in the year 2020. The mechanisms of democracy are being harnessed as a means to maintain power. All that has to end and the people provided the power to maintain their democracy. It is time to declare the vote of the population of the USA as the only mechanism that secures the country.

If the amendment process to eliminate the Electoral College begins now, it can become constitutional law by 2024.

December 14, 2020
By Lee Davidson

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney (click here) bashed President Donald Trump again on national TV on Monday evening for continuing to falsely claim the election was stolen from him — and drew on his own experience of losing a presidential election to drive home the point.

“The biggest concern that I have is that people here genuinely believe that somehow this election was stolen, and there’s not evidence of that. The president was saying it was stolen even before Election Day happened. He said if he loses, it would be fraud. Well, no one knows that,” Romney told Shepard Smith in a live CNBC interview.

“I thought I was going to win too when I ran for president in 2012. I didn’t. I didn’t go out and say ‘fraud.’ We have a process. We count the votes. That’s the way it is,” the Utah senator said....