This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Time is of the essence. Don't blame the docs. They rose to the occassion
Dr. Ellis whom was to oversee the short duration treatment of the second tumor with a single blast of Gamma Knife has called Patricia at least seven times seeking her cooperation. She isn't going to give it to him. She doesn't apply credibility to any of this mess.
I was able to facilitate a 'second opinion' from a past surgeon, Dr. Janet Bay of Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Bay was the woman that saved Patricia from 'traditional' thoughts regarding astrocytomas. Dr. Bay provided Patricia with a quality of life that now the legal society of North Carolina has failed to uphold in the face of a challenge that would require them to find compassion through law.
For those interested.
Patricia does not want her teeth pulled out of her head. She wants dental work. She has the monies to pay for any dental work she wants. She is not a 'charity' case in the face of Medicare only possiblities. I also find the 'attitude' surrounding her care completely repulsive. If this is the type of attitude the elderly and disabled face in this country than it's very poor care indeed.
Patricia needs to be saved from herself. Her name is Patricia Zambo and there sits somewhere in the office of the North Carolina Attorney Generals Office an envelope containing information from me regarding the vulnerabilities of her decisions and the failings of parents now estranged from their daughter. I opened the hand written letter with the words, "Please save my sister's life." Her father is so out of touch with her needs that he is no longer 'fit' to be her limited guardian.
There is no sense of having guardians that simply wait for the end to come to 'cash in' on monies held in trust for the care of those needing vigilance.
Patricia will cooperate with care when she is made to cooperate. She does not believe she is going to die. She thinks in complete dysfunction of her personality disorder that everyone is being paid off by those now in control of her money. She is a mess.
I have come forth to all parties including our parents, the youngest sibling of this group, Judith whom is a traffic court hearing officer in North Carolina and considered the 'golden haired girl' by parents that deserved at least one daughter truly in PERFECT condition for their 'putting up' with their other two autonomous and liberated daughters.
I have called Ms. Brinkey and while I expected her to be interested in all I had to say now as she did last year, her statement to me was, "I am Tom Zambo's attorney." She dismissed me and all I had to say as easy as the bad weather report on the AM news.
I appealed to local magistrate offices only to have them tell me that Mr. Zambo was to come forward for assistance.
I have talked to police officers whom were called when I insisted on being understood by Mr. Zambo. Their advise was to get copies of the proceedings from Clerk of the Courts and seek legal advocacy.
That is what I did.
I gave up on my family to love their difficult daughters enough. I went to the public records department, got copies of the legal record where the decision was rendered and sent every thing I could come up with including an extensive letter to the State Attorney General.
I don't care what happens to others of my family that see 'an end' as a fiscal reward to negligence and lack of compassion. I want Patricia to have longevity.
My last statement to the State Attorney General of North Carolina in my letter was, " at UNC-Chapel Hill they are infusing 'biologicals' (a genetic medicine product) on Step Down Units to prevent lung transplant rejection. That was not a reality a few short months ago. I don't know what the future for Patricia is. The Gamma Knife treatment will provide years if not a decade or more of time to her life and in that time there may be a complete cure for her current malady. But, unless we act to protect her now, that reality will never be hers.
I would never have gone to this exteme if it were not needed. Pat needs to be reevaluated by Drs. Wilson and Ellis at Baptist/Wake Forest Medical Center which was recommended by Dr. Janet Bay. She needs treatment for her tumor, she needs dental work and she needs the dignity of her life returned to her.
Patricia is Roman Catholic and attends as regularly as she can, St. Paul's in Greensboro. If Patricia's remaining coarse in life is death, then she needs to go to Rome at least once in her life and 'kick ass' with the Pope for the remaining days of her life if it can be arranged. But, to allow her to innocently deteriorate in an efficiency at a Suburban Extended Stay until she dies is a complete travesty of law, society and 'so called' compassion that no one ever thought would result to a woman that lived upto every expectation of American standards of success.
Stereotypes in any society are dangerous mired with pitfalls. Patricia and her misguided 'social angles' are proof of same.
Hired hero to the rescue.
North Carolina has many stereotypes. At any point in time all one has to do is reach into a magician's hat of identities and come up with one that will work for the occassion.
Enter the scene, a North Carolina attorney called Kathleen Brinkey. Last year, with Patricia now completely estranged from the family, her doctors and basically society living in a one room efficiency at The Suburban Extended Stay; Ms. Brinkey found herself seeking permission to venture into Patricia's privacy by taking control of what might be left of her financial affairs.
Do to complete cooperation of all family members, a Limited Guardianship was afforded Patricia's father. He would be the one that would see to her well being and the 'trust fund' that remained of her monies. At the time of the proceedings there was found approximately $77,000 given a couple thousand. It was in firms that continued to manage those funds according to the instructions of a woman determined to live a life she was accustomed to, but, at the same time those instructions did not reflect vigilance so much as negligence. Pat had done well. The funds were on the verge of being handed over to the state in lack of contact by it's owner.
As Dad had now the clout to take her back to her doctors, a second tumor was found behind her right ear. She had issues with eyesight that was cleared up with corrective lens. She had dental issues.
Something happened to the 'care' of Patricia. It became less than she ever demanded for herself and she turned away from her 'caregivers.' She felt abused by the decisions of a man that took advise from people less loving of Patricia than I to protect himself from being the one to blame if anything 'went wrong.' Due to that 'attitude' he fell into guardianship of ONLY her monies without even contact with Patty. The relationship with her caregivers diminished in short order and the Schizoid Personality Disorder became a huge wedge to the credibility of her new diagnosis and her consent to care.
Because of Patricia's estrangement from care as she did not 'want to know if it was a cancer' her survival came into question. As the chances of her overcoming even another tumor became less and less due to neglect associated with time her parents turned to the monies left as comfort to an end of her life.
Pitiful is not a word to describe the circumstances of this travesty of the North Carolina legal system. Left out of the provisions to ? protect ? Patricia was a small clause that only someone really dedicated to the real purpose of the litigation would have come up with: 'Clause Infinitem: Should Patricia's wellness ever come into question as to the appropriate outcome due to issues of the tumor as it impacts on her cognitive ability another proceedings will automatically ensue to insure her well being above all other interests.'
The words of the tumor came in an unexpected way.
"Your daughter has been evicted from her apartment and we wanted the family to have a chance to pack her apartment before we allow the sherriff to take control of the premises. Patricia is at The Good Shepard Homeless Shelter."
Oops. What happened to Pat?
Over the years, and due to a hyperviligance of her parents; Patricia had developed a bit of a "Schizoid" personality disorder. The only way she never heard the words of her tumor was to estrange herself from the people more obsessed with it's presence. To Pat the tumor was conqured and only a remnant of a struggle to maintain her autonomy. Her worst nightmare was waking from any surgery and realizing she would forever live with attendants at a living facility somewhere watching soap operas from morning to night.
When I went to Patty at the Good Shepard my first words to her were, "You having a good time?"
She told me to get lost and if I wanted to help to find out who stole all her money.
No one had stolen her money. She was a brillant accountant and survivor. While still 'with it' she set up accounts with brokerage firms and banks to take care of her bills automatically. Due to that many of her accounts had succumbed to dwindling funds due to lack of vigilance by her keen mind. Over the years the tumor which never spoke louder found comfort in diminished capacity but never daughted the habits of 'the fashion bug.' Her monies had succumbed to good planning of a brilliant survival strategist to the extent she thought someone had stolen everything she had.
Pat was still intact but living in an alternative universe. What happens from here is anyone's guess.
Oops. What happened to Pat?
Over the years, and due to a hyperviligance of her parents; Patricia had developed a bit of a "Schizoid" personality disorder. The only way she never heard the words of her tumor was to estrange herself from the people more obsessed with it's presence. To Pat the tumor was conqured and only a remnant of a struggle to maintain her autonomy. Her worst nightmare was waking from any surgery and realizing she would forever live with attendants at a living facility somewhere watching soap operas from morning to night.
When I went to Patty at the Good Shepard my first words to her were, "You having a good time?"
She told me to get lost and if I wanted to help to find out who stole all her money.
No one had stolen her money. She was a brillant accountant and survivor. While still 'with it' she set up accounts with brokerage firms and banks to take care of her bills automatically. Due to that many of her accounts had succumbed to dwindling funds due to lack of vigilance by her keen mind. Over the years the tumor which never spoke louder found comfort in diminished capacity but never daughted the habits of 'the fashion bug.' Her monies had succumbed to good planning of a brilliant survival strategist to the extent she thought someone had stolen everything she had.
Pat was still intact but living in an alternative universe. What happens from here is anyone's guess.
Can she walk? Can she talk? Can she see?
Not only did she walk, talk and see but she defied the tumor to stay viable enough to cause problems. She lived a life of her choosing in the face of incredible odds and for nineteens years she lived on her own terms, compromising nothing including her accumulated wealth, although today it is diminished to a meer $55,000.
Today Pat is more a success than ever before.
She stands to prove exactly what neglect by legal professionals in North Carolina can do to kill the most powerful women on Earth today. The woman that made American Medicine perform to a standard they never knew they had. Today, the legal professionals of North Carolina all the way to the Attorney General's office have failed 'THE BEST' of the medical professional allowing the degradation of Patty's integrity and the corruption of her parents, now acting as her guardians.
My sister's name is Patricia
She is a great woman. At the height of her professional career as a graduate from Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey she had a life other envied. In every way. Today, no one would give a plug nickel for her life. She did nothing in her life to neglected by anyone especially a country that promises so much to it's citizens and now falls short of delivering on those promises.
At the vital age of 27 she was diagnosed with an astracytoma in the region of her brain called the pineal gland.
Pat has been misdiagnosed, hauled from professional to professional and now she is literally being abandoned. The worth of 'the mistake.' The permission of the 'unusual.' The reward of 'understanding.' We have it all, she and I. She survived and the game of 'chance' was diminished to 'shame on you.' So much did she find a home at Baptist/Wake Forest Medical Center so the 'guessing' would never happen again, Dr. Wilson, a reknowned neurosurgeon did a global webcast highlighting the success of more than twenty years of success of modern medicine. There is absolutely no doubt that Patty is a success story. The promise of medicine in the USA only required she stay alive long enough until 'the next step' came along.
The journey started in 1985 with the words, "The blurred vision you are experiencing is caused from inflammed nerves. I want you to see a neurologist."
The 'words' of rememberance in her life that made life worth living were spoken by her former spouse. The marriage didn't survive the tumor. He loved her and lived to the height of promise that young professionals are expect.
He is a great man, still today at the other end of a phone knowing how she is doing. He is again married and enjoys the life a professional is promised. But, it is without the girl of his dreams and the life they were promised from the early years of their success together.
The words of remembrance of 'the tumor' came in such reverberating tones as "I am going to have this craniotomy. I am scared to death my life will not be worth living afterward, but, if I have cancer, please don't tell me."
At the vital age of 27 she was diagnosed with an astracytoma in the region of her brain called the pineal gland.
Pat has been misdiagnosed, hauled from professional to professional and now she is literally being abandoned. The worth of 'the mistake.' The permission of the 'unusual.' The reward of 'understanding.' We have it all, she and I. She survived and the game of 'chance' was diminished to 'shame on you.' So much did she find a home at Baptist/Wake Forest Medical Center so the 'guessing' would never happen again, Dr. Wilson, a reknowned neurosurgeon did a global webcast highlighting the success of more than twenty years of success of modern medicine. There is absolutely no doubt that Patty is a success story. The promise of medicine in the USA only required she stay alive long enough until 'the next step' came along.
The journey started in 1985 with the words, "The blurred vision you are experiencing is caused from inflammed nerves. I want you to see a neurologist."
The 'words' of rememberance in her life that made life worth living were spoken by her former spouse. The marriage didn't survive the tumor. He loved her and lived to the height of promise that young professionals are expect.
He is a great man, still today at the other end of a phone knowing how she is doing. He is again married and enjoys the life a professional is promised. But, it is without the girl of his dreams and the life they were promised from the early years of their success together.
The words of remembrance of 'the tumor' came in such reverberating tones as "I am going to have this craniotomy. I am scared to death my life will not be worth living afterward, but, if I have cancer, please don't tell me."
Earth Girls Are Easy by Julie Brown
Is it true what they say about Julie?
There she is, let's ask her.
Julie, did you really go out with an alien?
Uh huh
What was it like?
Real different
By the way, where'd you meet him?
I was nude sunbathing on my patio, and he was checking me out from his UFO
Guess he couldn't take it 'cause he lost his cool, crash landed in my
swimming pool
ooh neat
So he beams over too he starts licking his lips, stroking his antenna and
wiggling his hips
I'm no Albert Einstein but I'm not that dumb, I know lust no matter what
planet it's from
He said earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
Was he cute?
No way, definitely uncute
Total grossarama, slick as a slug, with a shake-and-bake complexion and
eyes like a bug
Wavy on weird I wanted outta there quick, he was a cross between Flipper
and Alan Thick
I ran in the house, I locked every lock, I was not gonna party with some
horny little Spock
All of a sudden I screamed in horror, he was groping my leg through the
doggy door
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
I can't go on.
What happened next is just too personal to put in a pop song.
If it's that bad, you have to.
Promise you won't tell?
Uh huh
His touch was a love drug, I had to have more, the next thing I knew I had
opened the door
Come in space monkey kiss me here, kiss me there, he's still disgusting but
I didn't care
Give us more details
Oh how do I describe it.
Well you know how a blender has 12 speeds?
Well when he got up to puree I thought I would die.
But when he put it on liquefy, I wanted his baby.
Ohhhhh. Oh yes, yes.
Is that your tongue.
One of them
That sure is a big piece of machinery you've got
I made it myself
Oh you space stud, you
There's no ride like this at Disneyland, baby.
Oh synchronize, synchronize, I'm docking Ohhhhhhh.
And to think we did all that without even touching.
Now I'm back to my senses and he's light years away, if he's listening in
space I have something to say
I took the lock off the doggie door, so come back moon doggie when you're
ready for more
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please me
Earth girls, earth girls are (sleazey)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (very easy)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
There she is, let's ask her.
Julie, did you really go out with an alien?
Uh huh
What was it like?
Real different
By the way, where'd you meet him?
I was nude sunbathing on my patio, and he was checking me out from his UFO
Guess he couldn't take it 'cause he lost his cool, crash landed in my
swimming pool
ooh neat
So he beams over too he starts licking his lips, stroking his antenna and
wiggling his hips
I'm no Albert Einstein but I'm not that dumb, I know lust no matter what
planet it's from
He said earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
Was he cute?
No way, definitely uncute
Total grossarama, slick as a slug, with a shake-and-bake complexion and
eyes like a bug
Wavy on weird I wanted outta there quick, he was a cross between Flipper
and Alan Thick
I ran in the house, I locked every lock, I was not gonna party with some
horny little Spock
All of a sudden I screamed in horror, he was groping my leg through the
doggy door
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
I can't go on.
What happened next is just too personal to put in a pop song.
If it's that bad, you have to.
Promise you won't tell?
Uh huh
His touch was a love drug, I had to have more, the next thing I knew I had
opened the door
Come in space monkey kiss me here, kiss me there, he's still disgusting but
I didn't care
Give us more details
Oh how do I describe it.
Well you know how a blender has 12 speeds?
Well when he got up to puree I thought I would die.
But when he put it on liquefy, I wanted his baby.
Ohhhhh. Oh yes, yes.
Is that your tongue.
One of them
That sure is a big piece of machinery you've got
I made it myself
Oh you space stud, you
There's no ride like this at Disneyland, baby.
Oh synchronize, synchronize, I'm docking Ohhhhhhh.
And to think we did all that without even touching.
Now I'm back to my senses and he's light years away, if he's listening in
space I have something to say
I took the lock off the doggie door, so come back moon doggie when you're
ready for more
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please me
Earth girls, earth girls are (sleazey)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, love how they tease me
Earth girls, earth girls are (very easy)
Earth girls, earth girls are easy, earth girls, know how to please me
Earth girls, earth girls are (easy)
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