This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Something's Rotten in Dubai: The Ports Deal, The President's Bro, Homeland Non-Security & ICE

By Michael Rappaport, Staff Writer
Subprime loans blamed
Lending institutions filed 46,760 “Notices of Default” (NoDs) during the January-to-March period. That was up by 23.1 percent from a revised 37,994 for the previous quarter, and up 148 percent from 18,856 for first-quarter 2006, according to DataQuick.
It was my hope to deliver a more comprehensive view of gun control which encompasses many dimensions. It can lead to enjoyable gun ownership and responsible gun owernership so long as the corruption can be cleaned up and enforcement of existing and potentially new laws are unheld. Good luck to all. My deepest sympathies for the tragedies at Virginia Tech. I wish I could roll back time and stop it all. We must win this debate and not by arming society but by uniting in efforts to stop this insanity.
Either we are going to solve tough issues or we are going to give into profiteers. Which is it? "Violent crimes rise after years of falling"

WASHINGTON — The nation's murder rate rose 1.8% last year after hitting a two-decade low in 2004, the FBI said Monday in a report that raised questions about whether violent crime rates will continue to head up after years of decline.
The overall rate for violent crimes — murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault — rose 1.3% in 2005 but remained far below the high set in 1991, when homicide rates in many cities soared amid a sluggish economy and gang wars. Last year, in fact, the rate for rapes alone fell 2.2% and was the lowest it had been in more than 20 years.
The jump in the overall rate for violent crimes, however, gave ammunition to several police officials who have complained that the U.S. government has allowed anti-crime initiatives to languish as it has focused on anti-terrorism efforts here and abroad.
"This report should serve as a strong wake-up call," said Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske in Seattle, which recorded a 25% increase in gun-related crime last year. "We better realign our focus to the war going on in some of our cities."
Edward Flynn, police commissioner in Springfield, Mass., said local police agencies have yet to recover from the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which led the federal government to redirect tens of millions of dollars in grants away from policing projects and toward homeland security programs.
"Police can't be good homeland security partners if they cannot do their core missions," said Flynn, whose city of 155,000 had 18 homicides last year, double the number from 2000. "People need to see this as a sign for concern."
Where the Guns Come from: The Gun Industry and Gun

Tom W. Smith
The Future of Children, Vol. 12, No. 2,
Children, Youth, and Gun Violence.
(Summer - Autumn, 2002),
pp. 154-163.
Children, Youth, and Gun Violence: Analysis and Recommendations
Kathleen Reich; Patti L. Culross; Richard E. Behrman
The Future of Children, Vol. 12, No. 2,
Children, Youth, and Gun Violence.
(Summer - Autumn, 2002),
pp. 4-23.
A legitimate argument regarding gun control and it's fluid existance in the American culture is the availability of guns to minority populations that have turned gun violence into their primary culture. The enforcement of such laws increases the impact on these communities 'creating' a feedback loop that is anti-social and dangerous. When controlling weapons in a society the enforcement has to be equitable across cultural venues, however, considerations in sentencing has to include the fact the gun violence and crime was committed in a community 'entrenched' in the a culture of drugs and drug cultural economy. Where there is poverty in the USA, there is drugs. Where there is drugs, there are guns. We cannot sequester minorities in the USA into 'blocks' of poverty, poor education and violence to enforce laws that will create more of the same culturally. There must accompany all venues, educational directives that are intended to stop the cultural violence and turn children away from crime through understanding of the law, IF, you can get them to attend school.
The Law and Juvenile Justice for People of Color in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Frank Brown; Charles J. Russo; Richard C. HunterSource:
The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 71, No. 3, Juvenile
Children of Color in the United States.
(Summer, 2002), pp. 128-142.
...An alternative solution would be to teach children about the justice system through education on the Constitution. Young people, including children of color, will be inclined to obey thelaw if they understand the laws and their individual relationship to the Constitution, the courts, and the political process.
The Integration Game
Abraham Bell; Gideon Parchomovsky
Columbia Law Review, Vol. 100, No. 8.
(Dec., 2000),
pp. 1965-2029.
Despite studies indicating an increasing preference for integrated housing and legal measures against housing discrimination, housing segregation persists in American society. This Article addresses this seeming paradox by challenging Thomas Schelling's classic tipping model as overly simplistic, and advancing in its stead a three-game model of homeowner preferences. After characterizing the interplay of incentives that distorts homeowner choices in resegregating neighborhoods, the Article draws on techniques that have been developed to neutralize distortionary incentives in the stock market to propose four measures for combatting market incentives leading to resegregation: home-equity insurance, realty sales taxes, institutional subsidies, and growth controls. While these techniques will not completely arrest resegregation, they will enable nonbiased homeowners to achieve their goal of racially integrated housing. In addition to increasing integration, these techniques should create a separating equilibrium in which only racially biased individuals would choose to leave racially changing neighborhoods, thereby revealing their true colors.
Canada, the USA Neighbor to the North is also seeking to restrict guns and the violence they cause.
Sean Connolly
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Police investigators in Houston say a NASA contract employee was settling a work-related grudge when he killed a co-worker on Friday and took a hostage before shooting himself.
On March 16, 60-year-old William Phillips, a NASA contract worker, received a negative performance review from his superiors.
Police say Phillips purchased a Smith and Wesson special revolver the next day and brought the gun with him on Friday.
Phillips shot his superior twice, then left the room, returned and shot the man two more times -- killing him.
A NASA spokesperson says security procedures are under review.
Naples firefighters packed heat while at work
On-duty personnel also bought, sold and appraised weapons at fire stations
For hundreds of firefighters in Collier County, the fire station is their “office.”
...But according to the testimony of a former lieutenant from the City of Naples fire department, he, and a number of other firefighters, including several other lieutenants and at least one chief, were buying, selling and appraising guns at work for years while on city time. The former lieutenant also testified that at one point he brought a 12-gauge shotgun to work and sold it to another firefighter....
Workplace firearms is NOT a right. An employer has a right to restrict weapons, BUT, they have to enforce it, including dismissal without warning of people carrying weapons with them 'on property.'
I want to look at some academic references.
Editorial: Fear behind America's love of guns
It was not confirmed that the young gunman who died with 32 others at Virginia Tech had acquired his weapon as easily as the two teenagers at Columbine High School, but there is not much doubt that he did. Nothing has been done since the Columbine massacre to make it harder for disturbed young people to find a gun and write a chapter for themselves in America's inglorious record of campus slaughter.
The dead killers of Columbine and Virginia Tech join the student who climbed an observation tower at the University of Texas in 1966 and killed 15 people, the Chinese student denied an academic honour who opened fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus 16 years ago, killing five employees, the University of Arizona nursing student and Gulf War veteran who shot three instructors in 2002, the graduate student at Virginia's Appalachian School of Law who killed the dean, a professor and a student, and several more.
When guns are used at places of learning it is particularly tragic. Education should be the antithesis of violence. Schools and universities exist to encourage civilised expression and impart the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in reasoned argument. They are the last places families should have reason to fear for their children's safety.
Yet so many of those families in the United States seem to have firearms at home, and not for sport. The guns that feature in campus shootings are not generally hunting rifles and the like, they are handguns and even semi-automatic assault rifles. They are for killing people, nothing else, or as their owners would say, for self-defence.
The movie Bowling for Columbine was an insight into the fears of Americans, or white Americans anyway. Its conclusion was that white Americans are instilled with a fear of black crime that is out of all proportion to its incidence. They keep their doors locked at all times when they are at home and fear to enter a predominantly black area of town. They receive a constant diet of crime, mostly black, on television news programmes and live in terror of it.
If they notice that whites are rarely the victims of black crime, they probably put it down to having a gun in their homes. It is a tragedy of American life that the weapons they believe they need for protection so often become instruments of death for their loved ones. Their children's classmates may come from well-to-do homes where handguns and ammunition, easily purchased over the counter in the US, may be kept unlocked and readily available.
The latest youthful massacre has taken the largest toll. It would be a consolation to believe that this time, at long last, Americans may rethink their constitutional right to bear arms, but it seems unlikely. The National Rifle Association will argue as always that people, not guns, are the problem, and that a disarmed population cannot be "free". But the gun lobby is only as powerful as most Americans want it to be. They cannot be convinced that fear is their worst enemy. Fear is the only reason they continue to harbour the weapons of their own destruction.
Cell Phone Stun Gun - Don't get burned in more than one way. It can result in lawsuits.
The best friend for anyone wanting self empowerment is a cell phone, pepper spray and/or if instructed correctly a stun gun.

Gun Control is a Woman's Issue
A gunman shot and killed 32 people at the Virginia Tech university (US) on 16 April. He then committed suicide by shooting himself. A further 29 people are reported to have been injured in the attack.
At least 263 children and 235 adults have been killed since 1996 in school shootings around the world. In the US, at least 110 people have died in school shootings since 1996, and 164 have been injured.
Click here to read the statement from New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, a US member of IANSA.
There is no information yet on how the shooter obtained his weapon, or what type of gun it was. But according to the Brady Campaign, assault weapons can be legally purchased within Virginia state, and there is no waiting period for buying a gun, so that depressed or suicidal people can obtain a gun immediately. There is no requirement for guns to be registered, and while details of sales from gun shops are kept by the police, this is not required when a firearm is sold at a gun show.
In many ways, gun violence and resultant regulation is a woman's issue in ways that are evident to all cultures. This is a reporting of agency to promote the regulation of guns and dedicated to the reduction of gun violence and crime.
The Bible according to the National Rifle Association
The National Rifle Association along with George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney and the Neocons would like to RE-ESTABLISH the presence of the 'spirit' of the 2nd Amendment all over again.
When the 2nd Amendment was written the militia of the USA government WAS THE PEOPLE.
That is why they had a right to occupy homes and land to shelter troops, because there were no military bases. Hence, Eminent Domain (click on) , ah, hello?
The sacred cow of the National Rifle Association, affectionately known by Neocons as the NRA is actually based in 'practicality' of 'the day' when an organized military didn't exist except for the militias that citizens formed to defend their homeland.
Brazilians get tough new gun law

Under the new rules, anyone carrying a gun without a licence will face a prison sentence.
Permits will be issued only to police, security guards and others in high-risk professions - but they must be at least 25 years old.
Anyone else caught carrying a firearm will face up to four years in prison.
"Those who currently have permits can carry their weapons until midnight, then they turn into pumpkins. After that, they'll be breaking the law if they take their guns out of their houses," a Brazilian justice ministry spokeswoman said on Tuesday, before the law took effect.
The BBC's Steve Kingstone in Sao Paulo says the law is part of a concerted effort by the Brazilian government to reduce the number of people killed in gun-related incidents - nearly 40,000 of them during 2003.
An estimated 122 million citizens took part in the referendum -- the first of its kind in the world -- and preliminary counts showed 64 percent went against the ban while 36 percent backed it. The referendum -- which asked the simple question "Should the commercial sale of guns and ammunition to civilians be prohibited?" -- divided the country, a world leader in gun deaths, into "não" and "sim" camps.
Two months ago, polls showed 60 to 80 percent of Brazilians favored the ban as a way to control the estimated 17 million small arms that are circulating in the country. But as the vote neared, and as both sides of the issue were given free television time, a slick media blitz by the gun lobby appears to have shifted enough voter opinion.
This is the real tragedy of Brazil's gun laws. Unenforceable the innocent are still being the victims.

With around 80 homicides a year for every 100,000 people – twice as many as the worst cities in the United States – Recife, in northeastern Brazil, is the bloodiest city in a country that is going through a particularly bloody period.
"Policemen do bank robberies and kidnappings, either they take a cut or do it themselves," said a former police officer, who asked to remain anonymous. "When someone doesn't pay, they take him out."
Police and crime are so entwined that authorities often couldn't tackle crime if they wanted to.
"Before sending the troops on a mission, I have to check who is on my side," said Romero Lucena de Menezes, security secretary of Pernambuco, the state that includes Recife.
Blackmarket, in the cyborg world
The link above is to add some humor to the circumstances of which is far to serious an issue to dismiss to a video game. But, like the understanding in this video game, "The price of the various items is controlled by market conditions."
The 'real' world of 'underworld' weapons trade is established on supply and demand. It doesn't matter the 'item' so much as the government regulation of it and the discovery by consumers they really don't have to do without so much as just 'pay the price' for illegitimate trade. The Gun Lobby never takes a stand against this undermining aspect of Gun Regulation NOR does it bother to 'lobby' any government to stop the illegal trade. Why? Because those guns are manufactered by someone and it ain't in Uncle George's backyard, okay?
The geography alone of Brazil is most noteworthy to understand why gun regulation doesn't work as well as it should.

McClatchy Newspapers
BOGOTA, Colombia - Chiquita Brands International's recent admission that it paid off a Colombian group on the U.S. terrorist list has spotlighted a practice once hush-hush in Colombia, Washington's closest ally in Latin America.
Several other U.S.-based corporations, including Atlanta-based Coca-Cola and the Alabama-based coal company Drummond Co., face civil lawsuits alleging their Colombian operations worked with the same group to kill several trade unionists.
But the guilty plea by Chiquita, a company with a long and infamous history in Latin America, has focused attention on the payoffs that Colombian and foreign companies make to the illegal armed groups fighting the country's 40-year-old civil war, especially in remote areas where those groups hold sway.
LONDON — When I arrived in London, I expected to find a very depressing situation for gun rights, as the formerly robust British right-to-arms is nearing extinction. Yet there are signs that the public is waking up to the failure of gun prohibition.
Kindly note the words, 'people are learning the hard way.' When people learn the 'hard way' it serves the community of gun manufacturers whom do absolutely nothing to police themselves except what is required by law.
Hollywood actor Charlton Heston has attacked the UK's anti-gun laws in a speech to students at Oxford University.
The Oscar-winning actor, and president of the influential National Rifle Association (NRA) in the US, said British anti-gun laws had led to an increase in gun-related crime.
In an address to the Oxford Union, he said the right to carry arms, enshrined in the US Constitution, maintained freedom and actually saved lives.