Friday, September 26, 2008

Storm expected to downgrade to post-tropical before making landfall on Sunday

The Maritimes are being warned to brace for a wet and windy weekend as tropical storm Kyle gains strength and slowly moves north.
Environment Canada issued special weather warnings on Friday for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island as the storm tracked northward at about 19 kilometres an hour.
Kyle's maximum sustained winds increased to about 95 km/h by early Friday in the Atlantic Ocean. It's about 715 kilometres southwest of Bermuda, where a tropical storm watch has been issued. The British territory is expected to receive about 75 millimetres of rain by the end of Saturday....

They are doing just fine !

The DOW Today at 2:20 PM or 1420 military time (click here) show strength in the Telecommunication Sector.

Market Summary
At 2:18 PM ET: Although the broad indexes are mixed, most stocks are lower in trading today on the NYSE as declining issues outpace advancing issues by 3.2 to 1. The S.&P. 500 is down 0.47%. Among individual stocks, the top percentage losers in the S.&P. 500 are Washington Mutual Inc. and Wachovia Corporation

...J.P. Morgan said it is acquiring "Washington Mutual's banks (click here), not the holding company." Being left on behind are the assets and liabilities of Washington Mutual Inc., the holding company which includes unsecured senior debt, subordinated debt and preferred of Washington Mutual's banks. The unsecured debt amounts to roughly $20 billion....

How many people today are proud they stood against change in SSI after the elections of 2004 ?

This is the end of the Republican domination of the USA. They need to be 'bailed out' because their programs DON'T work. Cutting taxes while pandering to and indulging Corporate Ideations DOES NOT WORK ! Its painful to watch them go through it, isn't it?

Yep. The Republicans can't even agree on an approach to the dilemma Paulson presented. They think he's a genius because they get a chance to write legislation that will further destroy the tax infrastructure to the USA while they continue to propagate their "W"rong headed ideation.

Let it go. We need to start over and it probably had to come to this. The strong will survive.

...The Bush Administration has been making alarming claims that the current Social Security program is "in crisis" and is unsustainable. These exaggerations simply are not true. Estimates by the Social Security trustees (using rather pessimistic assumptions) and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) indicate that the trust fund is solvent for another 38 to 48 years if we do nothing. In other words, Social Security is not going broke anytime soon. Despite the fact that the Social Security trust fund is as robust today as it has been in recent years, the administration proposes to radically change the Social Security program by cutting benefits while at the same time allowing workers to create individual private accounts. While the exact provisions are not clear, any privatization proposal will not, in and of itself, do anything to ameliorate the shortfall projected in 2042 or 2052....

When the next President of the USA finishes spending $700 billion we will have a new infrastructure, a far better domestic product and will be able to bolster SSI as well as increase benefits that were lost during this crisis.

Spending $700 billion on a financial sector bailout won't lower the price of gas or the price of food. Charting a path into the future is easy, it is letting go of the past that is difficult.

No More Illegal Wars.

Stand your ground, when its established on a moral and truthful basis, it doesn't give way !

One of the lousiest things I heard on a 'talking head show' when a Senior Citizen asked '? an expert ?' about how people on fixed incomes get by with increasing prices of gas and food; he stated; "We live in the greatest country on Earth. You can still get a job at any age and I encourage all those that need so, to do so." They are lousy bastards and we don't need them at the top of any government, yet along the USA !




SO !!!!!!!!!!!

We need to get to the other side of these elections !

We need to be Democrat from bottom to top !

We need it now !

Wall Street made a fatal mistake.

They followed the corrupt into hell !