The USA's Climate Crisis is real and must have clear and measureable goals to end and reverse the climate crisis.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, November 03, 2021
President Biden won in 2020 it was to get rid of Trump. The voters got rid of Trump. They don't know or understand anything other than the fact they need to vote and choose the candidate they believe loves their country and matches there lifestyle with improvements in the way of taxes ended.
Trump's shadow across the USA is fading. He claims victory with Youngkin, but, he never was present in word or appearance during the campaign. Trump is gone.
Now, the Republicans are returning to old rhetoric and it worked for them. Machin is running his next campaign against Biden. There is no cooperation and why? Because he is screaming deficit. Yet, Youngkin wants to cut taxes. Does the American voter actually have time to think about their vote or are they running on pure emotion? Thinking belongs to Democrats, emotion belongs to Republicans and they are using ever trick in the book.
Lower taxes regardless of deficits due to the pandemic.
Better eduction regardless of the USA being first in the world.
Where is health care? Women's rights? Children and the child credit? All these really great issues are part of the Democratic platform and they were nowhere in the campaigns. If Republicans continue to win, the average American will lose everything from health care to child care to their child tax credit. The Democrats are not touting their own accomplishments.
The service industry that Clinton built out of thin air no longer is the focus of most Lower Middle Class or Poor. The unemployment served to elevate their education and/or training. They are not service economy people anymore and that is what the Democrats wanted for them. The Democrats have accomplished incredible feats for the Poor and Middle Class. The country is wealthier and stronger. The Clinton service economy is diminished. Americans are where they should be again and it is the Democrats that accomplished that. Why aren't they running on it, TO PROTECT IT?
By the way, the wealth of the USA Economy is the reason the USA is still number one in greenhouse gas pollution, both, currently and historicially. The USA MUST carry the climate crisis forward to end it and reverse it. Manchin is talking old climate rhertic, the USA has decreased it's pollution of greenhouse gases. The greatest economy in the world is the reason there is a climate crisis. President Biden is leading to change that, make it happen at the ballot box. Machin's rhetoric is the problem not the solution. He is on defense over nearly everything and that is where he and Sinema (some kindof athlete) is staying because the Republican rhetoric that wins helps them.
Trump is dead, get on with it.
"My campaign started with a walk..."
"...and now millions of Virginians are walking together." (unity) Physical fitness while looking physically fit is an "attractive," some would call it sexy, characteristic of the Virginia voter. Physical fitness is a quality and not a luxury of a candidate.
To here Youngkin talk this morning, the Democrats never showed up. They allowed the Republicans to run on age old rhetoric, education as if there is something to fear from Democrats, money give away to the average voters in tax reduction and not a word about women's rights or climate. The Democrats did not show up to run in their own campaigns.
Youngkin ran without a Trump endorsement and/or appearance.
While he and Trump spoke during the campaign, Youngkin declined to identify with Trump. Trump has a shadow that is cast across the country when it comes to those that don't know the truth. That shadow is shade for those that are willing to bask in it. The voters that have alternative beliefs satisfied by alternative media, will never know the truth about anything. It is why door to door is important. The voters on the right are sequestered from truth-telling media. The right wing candidates are actors on a stage. The Democrats have to be the party of truth tellers. They need to say, education in the USA is not an issue. The USA competes globally.
See that basketball. The one he is CARRYING. That is the white man vote.
November 1, 2021
By Michael Scherer and Josh Dawsey
Democrats (click here) went all-in on Donald Trump in Virginia this year — but the far more nuanced game played by the former president and his Republican allies appeared to be on track to carry the day late Tuesday in the commonwealth’s race for governor.
Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin and Trump repeatedly spoke by phone over the course of the campaign, according to people familiar with the conversations who were not authorized to speak publicly, allowing the two men to go the length of the contest without saying negative things about each other or clashing on strategy.
Trump, who is known for his public demands of fealty, allowed Youngkin to cast himself as his own man, declining to invite Trump to campaign with him and deflecting questions about his support for Trump’s more polarizing views in an effort to make inroads in the well-heeled Northern Virginia suburbs....
See that coach? That is the white man vote. Tuberville is no more a qualified US Senator than the "Man in the Moon."
Popularity matters to attaining the white man vote. Sports are the MOST popular aspect of white men. Tuberville won as a populus candidate. In the 2016 election, before Trump was a failed president, it was the WWF. The white man's vote is shallow without a lot of depth. Why? Because they are working two jobs along with a wife working at least one. Recreation for the populous voter, is the fire pit in the backyard or at the park, local or camping. And sports. Sports is what they know because "the game" is picked up while working, either on television or the radio. Sports is the language of friendship.
Get with it.
Our democracy is in the balance and the right wing is sequestered in it's belief system because of exclusive media coverage by SPECIALTY NETWORKS.
Door to door and while Democrats are handing out masks as they canvas, talk intelligent conversations to those that think about politics and what it means to their lives and their children's lives. But, work in populous concerns for those that are misinformed and admire populous image makers resulting in unqualified candidates like Tuberville. Don't keep conversations high minded if the people can't follow.
The Democrats are not elevating the voters to take on the issues of the day, they expect they know the issues. They don't. Talk to them and don't expect rallies to win elections. HEAR and LISTEN to the concerns and criticism. Make in roads by accepting the concerns and criticism and promise to act on them in the way the voters expect to have them handled. Don't wave to Wall Street while attempting to solve problems. Wall Street is just fine.
Tommy Tuberville (click here) led Auburn to an undefeated season in 2004. Now that he’s running for a Senate seat, will Alabama fans forgive him?
Education is not an issue and the Democrats need to enforce the real issues of climate, abortion and equity.
There is absolutely no mention of climate or abortion during any of the major campaigns. That is a mistake. The Democrats let the Republicans run on standard issues of their party and not the issues of the country or the Democrats. Education is irrelivant. The USA still has problems, but, is now ranked 1st globally according to many reports.
Politics is local. Trump is no more. And every person in the country if not already concerned about the climate crisis and abortion, should be.
Run on the issues that are most urgent like climate and abortion. Education is not an issue, unless, one wants to discuss the huge dispartiy in diversity between public and private schools. Diversity that is not only ethnic, but, also those that are disabled. Private schools do not admit disabled students and/or students of ethnic diversity, except on a rate occassion. The public schools have the most burden and the private schools are skating along without a care in the world. If private schools continue in this manner, segregation and racism will sustain for at least another generation.
Candidates have to get out from behind desks and in offices and make contact. Rallies have far less effect on voters and their issues than door to door. Wear masks and bring extra for those that want to talk and feel compromised to do so in the age of COVID.
The Supreme Court is dismantling precedent in plain sight.
November 2, 2021By Josh Blackman
An Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court (click here) heard oral arguments in two challenges to S.B. 8, Texas' new abortion law. The "fetal heartbeat" statute allows private citizens to sue those who perform, aid or abet abortions. The government itself is expressly barred from enforcing the law. Texas cleverly made it difficult, if not impossible, for abortion providers to block the enforcement of S.B. 8.
Yet, two members of the Court seem prepared to creatively jettison long-standing precedent to stop the law nonetheless. Regrettably, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett have succumbed to judicial supremacy. A defeat here for Texas will be short-lived. But the long-term impact of this judicial descent will endure for a generation.
In our republic, the Constitution and other federal law are the "supreme law of the land." And Supreme Court justices take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and federal laws. But the decisions of the Supreme Court are not the "supreme law of the land." And Supreme Court justices do not take an oath to defend the decisions of the Supreme Court. For much of American history, these principles were self-evident. But in Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the Supreme Court purported to elevate its own decisions to the status of "supreme law of the land." In doing so, the justices arrogated to themselves the power to resolve any constitutional dispute, notwithstanding the traditional rules of adjudication....