As per Minister Huckabee tonight, "If we don't get what we want, we will take to the streets."
He was maligning Reverend Al Sharpton, MSNBC, NBC and CNN.
He was accusing them of inciting riots. Funny I haven't noticed any riots in the streets.
He was chuckling with Bill O'Reilly about the current black movement in the USA spawned by the murder of Trayvon Martin.
O'Reilly went on to say, "In all my 37 years I have never seen anything like this."
Murdoch's bigots didn't stop there.
They went on to say the good Reverends Sharpton and Jessie Jackson were inspiring riots.
The idea that Black Men cannot control themselves in the USA is a long standing hatred and completely racism.
When O'Reilly was criticized by a viewer for participating in a discussion regarding Trayvon Martin by bringing on a family attorney, O'Reilly responded by saying, 'What I did was responsible reporting and what MSNBC and the others are doing is irresponsible commentary."
Excuse me? FOX News is exempt from irresponsible commentary? Since when?
I also don't believe the other stations are responsible for irresponsible commentary. I believe everyone is attempting to contextualize what happened without an official decision from the authorities.
I know what happened.
An innocent young man going about life without bothering a soul was nearly home when a man stalking him with a gun interrupted his day. When faced with the danger he feared he attempted to defend himself. He lost the struggle and was shot dead.
The most responsible party besides Mr. Zimmerman is the State of Florida and other states that have passed "The Castle Doctrine" and "Stand Your Ground" that has empowered gun owners to take the law in their own hands.
Mr. Huckabee being a former Governor believed he was qualified to comment as an authority on the irresponsible nature of the commentary in the media. Mr. Huckabee was the Governor of the most impoverished state in the nation. He has much to reflect on.
It would be beneficial to all if everyone was on the same page with this topic. I can only imagine the added burden and pain the family has when people are this blatantly bigoted over the memory of their son. I am more than pleased they have control of their son's name and image.
Honestly, Mr. O'Reilly.
He was maligning Reverend Al Sharpton, MSNBC, NBC and CNN.
He was accusing them of inciting riots. Funny I haven't noticed any riots in the streets.
He was chuckling with Bill O'Reilly about the current black movement in the USA spawned by the murder of Trayvon Martin.
O'Reilly went on to say, "In all my 37 years I have never seen anything like this."

They went on to say the good Reverends Sharpton and Jessie Jackson were inspiring riots.
The idea that Black Men cannot control themselves in the USA is a long standing hatred and completely racism.
When O'Reilly was criticized by a viewer for participating in a discussion regarding Trayvon Martin by bringing on a family attorney, O'Reilly responded by saying, 'What I did was responsible reporting and what MSNBC and the others are doing is irresponsible commentary."
Excuse me? FOX News is exempt from irresponsible commentary? Since when?
I also don't believe the other stations are responsible for irresponsible commentary. I believe everyone is attempting to contextualize what happened without an official decision from the authorities.
I know what happened.
An innocent young man going about life without bothering a soul was nearly home when a man stalking him with a gun interrupted his day. When faced with the danger he feared he attempted to defend himself. He lost the struggle and was shot dead.
The most responsible party besides Mr. Zimmerman is the State of Florida and other states that have passed "The Castle Doctrine" and "Stand Your Ground" that has empowered gun owners to take the law in their own hands.
Mr. Huckabee being a former Governor believed he was qualified to comment as an authority on the irresponsible nature of the commentary in the media. Mr. Huckabee was the Governor of the most impoverished state in the nation. He has much to reflect on.
It would be beneficial to all if everyone was on the same page with this topic. I can only imagine the added burden and pain the family has when people are this blatantly bigoted over the memory of their son. I am more than pleased they have control of their son's name and image.
Honestly, Mr. O'Reilly.