May 12, 2005. Actually this is moving south from Anchorage which is an interesting perspective. This is north of the Kenai Fjords National Park which is roughly about the same latitude as the Alexander Archipelago. There is new growth in the leaves of trees as reported by the photographer. He also sees new growth of leaves in Anchorage. It might be, and it's a heck of a gamble, that the drought is BEGINNING in the southern area of Alaska while the cooler northern area is still wet enough with good percipitation. I haven't looked into the annual rainfall in these areas to know how much it has changed, but, it is perfectly obvious that it has. These envionrments are completely dependant on Ice Formatoins, Glaciation and the Arctic Ocean. This is better but hardly encouraging. We all need to 'get in the face of government' and reduce those carbon dioxide levels. If the federal government is not interested in protecting live in this country then we need to petition the states to protect our lives and end this insane Global Warming.